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Natures five finger discount

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Natures five finger discount Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 9:35 pm

The beeping alarm awoke the fae from his deep slumber. The dream he had was gone from his mind like a puff of smoke. Like any mundane day, Zeno got ready to set out and enjoy his pseudo-freedom until a mission came up. The moment he picked up both his phones, the one Leon gave him rang. Instead of a phone call, this time it was a text message. It was a lengthy message detailing a plan to have Yuka steal from a store and forcing him to fight. He feels the boy is growing steadily and needs to be pushed more before he can have a breakthrough. Zeno sighed and replied to the text from Leon letting him know he was down to help, but he had better get a reward like normal, but this time more than before. Putting on his white vest with a hood, he set out to meet up with Leon and Yuka for another day of mischief and abuse. This made Zeno laugh, as he was getting used to seeing the boy getting brutally beaten.

WC 182


Natures five finger discount Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 9:43 pm

Zeno would walk up behind Leon and Yuka and announce his arrival with an easy-going, friendly gesture. “Yo, Leon, Yuka” waving his hand halfway up to the two. Yuka was semi-happy to see Zeno and waved hello while Leon turned around to face Zeno, resting his hands in his pockets. “Good timing, Zeno. We shall get to business right away. You and Yuka will work together to get the goods. This is vital to the growth of our family, Yuka, so I need your best efforts.” Yuka nodded his head slightly pumped but still feeling not fully confident. “Don't worry Zeno will have your back like last time, but we can't rely on him forever, got it?” Leon points his finger at Yuka while talking to him. “Once you enter the store you will wander around till you find the first aid section then use this special bag to place items in it. Once you fill-up the bag, leave the store right away. Other families will be on the hunt for these premium goods and will steal them, so we must keep them hidden. So that is why we have Zeno here, to distract any enemies of the mission and keep lookout in the store while I will keep lookout here. Are we all clear? If so, let's get started” he hands Yuka a black tote bag and walks away from the group before Yuka can interject.

WC 240


Natures five finger discount Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 9:47 pm

Zeno pats Yuka on the shoulder, signaling to him let's go before walking into the store. As Yuka and he made their way around the store acting as if they were shopping, Zeno remembered the real plan that Leon texted him, leaving him to only mutter “Poor kid”. Yuka encouraged himself to improve, saying he must not fail because Leon was relying on him. His knees buckled and his hands shook uncontrollably, but with a quick slap to his face, squishing his cheeks with his hands kicked him into gear. Like a madman, he started scooping up item after item off the shelf into the tote bag given to him. He started to get a rush unlike anything he felt before, the thought behind his actions was full of naivety. The feeling of doing a mission on his own without any help for the first time that was not something basic like mowing the lawn or food shopping, made him feel glorified. His very first mission to prove himself to Leon meant everything to him. Ecstatic at this realization, he got caught up and did not notice how he was stashing more than medical supplies in his bag.

WC 198


Natures five finger discount Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 9:56 pm

Zeno, sees Yuka commencing with the next step of the plan from the mirror in the corner. He followed suit and approached the owner inquiring about the bathroom, followed by some idle chatter. They walked to the front of the store where the owner asked the shopkeeper who was cautiously watching both Zeno and Yuka for the bathroom key. Zeno took out his phone to quickly type out a message and show the shopkeeper a message while also taking the bathroom keys from him. After getting the keys, he winked at the shopkeeper then asked the store owner to show him where the bathroom was and praised him for running such a fine establishment. Inflating his ego led him into a full-on discussion about his accomplishments within the stores and his ideas. Zeno also entertained him and asked about a career there. With Zeno and the store owner distracted, the shopkeeper cracked his knuckles and walked over to Yuka.

WC 160


Natures five finger discount Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 10:00 pm

The kid near the first aisle is shoplifting. Use this chance to get a promotion! That was what the text read.  “You picked the wrong day and person, kid. Now give me the tote bag and get out of here” The shopkeeper scolded Yuka and stuck his hand out, gesturing to give him the bag. Yuka looked up at the intimidating man with confusion as to why the guy was pressuring him and demanding the tote bag. Denying the shopkeeper's request and trying to make a break for the exit, the man tripped Yuta, making him fall and spill the contents of the tote bag all over the floor. No running little man, he put the boy in an arm lock to pin him down as he yelled for the boss, but to no avail. With his boss being distracted laughing and chatting it up with Zeno in the backroom, none of the front room scuffles could be heard. Yuta resisted and wiggled free, punching the man in his face, causing his nose to bleed and stumble backward. Using the opportune moment, Yuta quickly bagged up all the stuff into the tote bag to try and make his exit. Unbeknownst to him, the shopkeeper's friend came into the store bumping into the boy, leading him to fall backward on his butt. The friend looked confused as to who bumped him, but when he saw the situation in front of him, he went in for the attack and held down the young boy.

WC 254


Natures five finger discount Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 10:01 pm

The two viciously beat down Yuta while he was curled into a ball defending himself. Stomping on his head, ribs, and legs relentlessly while grunting and cursing at the boy for being a petty thief. Tired of playing defense, he grabbed onto one of the assailant's legs tripped him, and proceeded to punch him constantly in the face before getting tackled down by the other assailant. With bruises all over his face forming and blood dripping from his head and mouth, tree roots entangled around the shopkeeper and his friend, binding them in place. Zeno pointed his fingers toward the freezer section in the back of the store, the tree roots flung the two clearly across the store into the doors of the freezer. Before even saying a word, he picked up Yuka and ran out of the store. Yuka grabbed hold of the half, full tote as he got picked up and both he and Zeno escaped the area, meeting up with Leon in a back alley several blocks away.

WC 171


Natures five finger discount Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 10:10 pm

Gasping for air after the speedy exit, Zeno laid the boy down on the floor in front of Leon, who hovered his hand over the wounded areas, creating a pure white light from his palms that healed the boy's wounds as if never there. Good job, you too, and you, especially Yuka. I saw everything, and you even brought back the tote bag with some of the contents. I am super proud of you, my boy. As for you, Zeno here is today's pay. Leon gave Zeno a thick envelope full of money. I will text you again when I need you like always. Picking up the kid and jumping up the side of the building in nearly the blink of an eye. “Welp, at least the brat is alive, and I got paid”, Zeno exhaustedly said, as he walked out from the opposite end of the alley they came in and put a white hood over his head before disappearing into the mix of the congested street.

WC 168
TWC 1373

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