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In the market? (With Nemo)

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In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 8:18 am

Yijun had been staying mostly in the north when he visited Fiore as it seemed the wisest place to stick to as it had a good amount of forests and rats for the killing to help him train his spear for when he has to fight those that would cross his path to need to be dealt with if he had the power to stand on his own. After a total defeat in seven his heart was heavy and his want to do much fighting with his still sore body was at a low and he knew he needed to take a break from combat to let his body properly heal from the damage he had taken so today he was just going to be shopping and gain some supplies as he knows that he might be shipping back out again to Joya at anytime that the shogun was to call on him and need his aid with an issue.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Mon Aug 12, 2024 6:02 am

Here she was again in the market looking around and being entirely unsure of herself, Nemo was seeming adjusting well to hiding in the background unintentionally. But that was not entirely all of the problem and situation at hand anyway. Nemo was over all just dealing with an identity crisis, An actual one in which she did not know who she was and the name Nemo was merely a cover until something clicked.

But even then as she walked on and looked at the world casually, she stopped for a moment almost like she was trying to process a thought at this time, But she had nothing in her hands, While she was trying to think she moved to the side to make sure no one bumped into her, since it happen twice already

But at least while she looked at the sky in wonder she could be happy that she would not have anyone bump into her.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Tue Aug 13, 2024 1:00 pm

Yijun saw the woman looking at the sky and not to where she was going and he acted swiftly moved and called his spear and threw it to stop a cart that was rolling toward her with a man chasing after it. The spear held strong against the cart. Yijun walked over to her. "Miss are you okay?" Yijun used a concerned voice as she had seemed to be lost in thought of something else instead of staying grounded in this plain of existence. He wasn't going to tell her what had almost happened to her as he was not looking for credit or some reward he just wanted to make sure that the woman was okay.

The man got to his cart and bowed his head saying that he was sorry that he must not have placed the blocks correctly and it nearly caused an accident that could have hurt the woman. Yijun just waved his apologies off and he waited for the woman to speak and let him know if there was something wrong through his body was mad at him for doing what he did as it screamed in pain but he was kind of use to pain as the monks would work him and train him till he dropped.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 1:53 pm

At least Nemo did not need to move, In some manner it was a lot better this way, Even remarking at this time in her mind about how she surely was about to risk some kind of pain yes, But at least it was not some one running her. She had that happen three times already and she was some what annoyed with it.

Then again maybe she was not so deep in thought and thinking in the clouds so much that situation might not happen, But suppose she would learn it eventually."I am fine."Nemo did answer eventually. Seemingly returning to reality.

She had thought she was safe in this area but suppose she could always be wrong and lost much like how things seem to be in her life at this time. But at least she was back in reality."Thank you for stopping this, I would have assumed most people would have let me get hit."


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Fri Aug 16, 2024 7:41 am

Yijun sighed at hearing her say that she would expect people to let her get hit by that. "You must know a lot of shitty people if you think someone would allow you to get hit by that." He got next to her and he looked at her. "Are you going some where and I can escort you?" He figured that he should walk with her so she doesn't get into anymore trouble as hearing her say that she expected to be allowed to be railed by a run away cart didn't instill him with faith that she would not be harmed by someone that might just walk up on her and she not know it. "My name is Yijun and what is your name?" He looked at her as he had just introduced himself though it had been a bit of a late one which he knows if his monk masters found out about he would be doing temple cleaning till he passed out as a lesson to him.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 8:45 am

At least as he said that it gave Nemo a means of cover even if she did not want to lie, but in some manner knowing no one and not really having friends. Nemo for the most part was just entirely on her own and got by over all with out many problems."Well you might not entirely be wrong with that."Yet Nemo trying to think who it was, did not have anyone in mind she knew. Maybe it was a previous memory she no longer had.

But that was a later problem for Nemo."I am unsure where I am going, If i am honest. I am merely just trying to find out where I am going."Nemo was not foolish she kind of realized how stupid that sound and let out a sigh."But...That is entirely a me problem,I can forget about for now."Nemo was going to focus on what is in front of her.

But she got an offer for food, She did not mind at least the offer of it. Maybe it was better to just not linger around and ponder what you where as a person."Sure...Where I do not know since i barely know the north."Over all she realize she knew nothing over all of Fiore and was just dumped here.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 9:06 am

The woman had agreed so he guessed that was good but he was not sure that she was really okay. "Just stay close and lets see if we can find a good place with a decent spread of foods. Also I didn't catch your name miss." He was trying to make sure he had her name in case she were to go missing or something so he could have people look into finding her in case someone does let her just get hit by a random run away cart. He lead her toward a line of places that had food and a place to sit and eat.

"I guess let your nose and stomach lead your way and lets find you something that you would like." He looked at the signs that had menu's of what they sold and what they had to drink as well as he didn't wish to mix and match with his food and drinks from more than one place but he was willing to if it didn't sound good to him in the mix of it all. He wanted to make sure he got her some food and seated before he worried to much about himself.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 5:51 am

Off walking they went it seemed, Nemo did still do a lot of thinking simple things. Like what she wanted to eat. Nothing quite caught her interest yet, She just merely kind of walked while she continued conversation. After ll she was at least able to keep a conversation going even if she was over all at times some what confused.

As for her name, anyone smart enough would pick up it really isn't much of a name it was just there."I am Nemo."She was pretty simple to deal with. But it was not much of a name and over all. Nemo seemed to know she was not really much of a person at this time, she would over all solve that eventually.

Nemo being use to just guiding people did at least know where to go to find places to eat because she had passed it before, so she just walked towards it all and started looking at places, either until she stopped or some one else stopped her.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 7:58 am

He looked at her after hearing her name and he rubbed his chin. "A name meaning no one or nobody. If you hadn't said it with what seems like a real tone I would have thought you were giving me a fake name." His time in the factions research had not lead him wrong as he had learned things but not what he was looking for, for the moment but he might yet still find it at some point. He looked at the woman as she lead him and he wondered where she was going. As he walked with her he saw signs about peaches and other things and he wondered if she was taking him to a restaurant that specialized in peach meals. He didn't know as he often didn't come to these places as most of this city has changed from the time that there use to be a guild here.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 2:28 pm

It seems he picked up on it right away, that she did not really need to dive into it too much right away. at least because she said it seriously it was not taken as a joke. But she figured it might be a good thing to some what get into."Well...I don't entirely have a name."Nemo did not sound nervous about it. It seemed more she was trying to piece together how to explain what she knew.

Because this all felt odd, a grown woman who did have a name."While unbelievable as it is,I have no name, No idea what i like...Really who i am."Nemo knew this all sounded stupid."I am merely a body, trained to be a servant to a demon child."So she figured the entire truth of what her current existence was started, nothing about growing up or a childhood.

At least she looked around and seemed to be trying to piece something together that she would like. She did not seem to realize she was walking into a place entirely about peaches.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 5:50 am

He looked at her as she explained to him that he wasn't that far off base in what he said which seemed odd but he was fine with it. "Oh I see then would you like a name? Also you said demon child that you serve... Where is this demon child?" Yijun looked around as he hadn't seen anyone with her or was that her saying that she was knocked up by a demon and was a servant to them cause a mother growing a child, in some ways would seem in that way and this woman spoke a bit straight on the line so far so he wondered if that was it or not.

"You hungry for peaches?" He mused pointing around to this area being mostly about them and things mixed with them. He wasn't sure if this woman knew where she was going or about where she was. He was fine following her and he was sure not everything on this side was going to only serve dishes made with peaches or at least he hoped so.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 4:46 am

The question of if she wanted a name or not seemed to almost be put off."She disappeared on me a few months a go...i have not been able to find her since."She mainly focused on other things rather then just herself, In some manner in Nemo's mind that failure of not knowing where whom she was suppose to serve was, actually felt like a form of failure. She was a failure at what some one made her to be, But it was a Nemo struggle.

But she suppose she would answer the casual questions."I do not mind peaches i think....but as for my name, I am unsure if should be given one."It was strange yes but maybe Nemo was use to being called Nemo, but whatever actual name she was unsure of yet. But she was not resisting being given a name currently.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 11:03 am

Yijun listened to the woman and he wondered where they could have gone and why she was left behind as it was clear by how she spoke and how admitting that she seemed to take that deeply and it seemed to hurt her. He wondered if there was anyway that he could help her, in some form. Hearing her say she was unsure if she should have a name he rubbed his chin. "I think everyone should have a name. You are a living being and you should have a name that you like and you sound like you have no pride in being called Nemo." He gently patted her on the shoulder. He then went with her to a place to sit down and be given menu's.

"I am sure you are hungry and that you probably lack jewels at the moment I will help and this is on me. Remember you matter and if that other person ditched you for somewhere else that is on them not you, as you clearly are reliable and kind." He knows that it probably doesn't mean anything coming from him a total stranger to her but he was making sure that she knew that even if she feels worthless she is not worthless and he hoped that he hadn't come off the wrong way as he was not trying to come off too strong and he needed to make sure that he helped her to relax a bit and not feed into the fear she feels.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:12 am

Well he was right Nemo seemed still completely use to all of this as if it was normal. But he was right Nemo was hungry, with very little jewel and merely just kind of existing and being around about it. It was a sad life but Nemo really did not know much else she only what most people had seen of her, the aimless woman who had nothing connecting her and nothing to protect anymore. It was sad but Nemo knew she was running form reality.

But moving on to the actual talking it seemed after a while Nemo had finished merely thinking on it for the most part."My only pride is my work."Keep in mind Nemo only knew limited things and while not skirting around it could only merely just leave it as that."I just manage and that was it."Nemo seemed to just not be sure what to say about his offer.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 3:44 pm

He laughed softly. "I am glad to hear that your work is your pride but you also need to take care of yourself, trust me I know I didn't for a long time, some monks beat it into me though I still have a low opinion of myself cause I am a daemon." He looked over the menu a lot of it was peach themed things and drinks but he ordered himself a chicken sandwich and he gets himself a cola for it as he wanted something different than the noodles and ramen he had been eating as he was not a rich man but he knows that this is one of those unexpected things that come up that one carries extra jewels around to help with as the fates often show one the path they had not seen coming and hopes they are ready for it to be the path they walk for a bit longer. He wondered what she would order would she actually take him up on the offer or not?


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 6:33 pm

Nemo was not trying to resist over all the reality that she was needing to do that it was more she knew she did not have the means nor the money to oat this time, Maybe it was just one slow step at the time. But at least she could admit it. No a huge deal in the end if anything it was a talk some one needed to have with Nemo and she was merely just delaying so much she could because she was so use to it.

But it was a pointless means to wonder."Fine, I suppose a few peaches for now will do."If anything there was not sign or consideration beyond what was going on at this time, So at least she seemed to not be avoiding much else. Just making she needed to get back to some kind of work. But it was many thoughts going on all at once.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 10:00 am

He smiled as she agreed to having something to eat and the waitress took their orders and she was happy to help in any way that she could as she smiled and bows to them. Once the waitress was gone to get their food and drinks and Yijun looked to Nemo. "Is there anything I can do to help you to feel better and help you to see yourself as more than some demon's lacky or body guard?" Yijun was willing to help her as he knows what it is like to be lost and aimless but he knows that one can not end up doing good if they are lost as they lack the want to do anything outside of themself and he needed to help her to find a new mission with her life.

He knows that he is nothing more than a simple daemon so he didn't have much to offer besides if she wanted to join the faction in Joya but he didn't think trying to push a guild on her was the smart move here as she needed to find herself before she can afford to risk to get lost in another sea of names of others that are part of the faction.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:07 am

It was a good question to ask, but Nemo did not seem to have much of an answer for him. Even seeming almost unsure how to answer it."I don't entirely know."It was almost like it did bother her but she was over all unsure how to answer it."I only know to serve and protect, anything else are things no in my memory or no longer exist in my thoughts."Nemo did not really realize or mention that the memories did not exist at all yet.

But she was here now and seemed to be trying, even looking at things to eat she almost seemed unsure. Only because food was just sparingly ate because she happen to find it at the time and had enough to share, But the peaches where nice. Since it was something that tasted nice. But what else she did not seemed to be able to choose.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:28 am

Yijun rubbed his chin and he wondered. "Well if you need someone to serve, I guess I could use someone to help with info gathering and sight seeing places. I know it probably sounds stupid but it is an offer to help you get time to figure out what you want to do for your own. If you wish to take this up I will give you the code name that you can work for me under." He knows that she didn't have to accept that, she probably wouldn't accept that as he had not really thought about the name he will give her but he was going to still offer as she was someone that seemed to want a reason which helping him in this way could give her so he wanted to help her and she could get him random intel and tell him of the things she has seen and that would help his research in maybe some minor kinds of ways and that would give her a reason to live and help her need not be so aimless as she could tell him of rumors and the people she crosses.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Fri Sep 06, 2024 6:51 am

It was an interesting suggestion, it fit in line of Nemo's current thinking."It is an interesting suggestion,I suppose it could help."Nemo was listening even if she seemed deep in thought and unsure. But in some manner maybe it was just how Nemo was but she seemed to be trying to resist almost like it was a habit.

But she would merely just attempt to joke about it."You almost sound like your better off seeking out a wife for one of these things."Nemo also felt like she was making a horrible joke. After all sight seeing was just something you did with a wife right? Nemo didn't exactly recall that almost made her ponder if she was married before this life or not.But maybe she was lingering upon thought she needed, But something was better then nothing and people just looking at Nemo looking atn othing.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Fri Sep 06, 2024 9:45 am

"I say sightseeing but I more mean you going to scope the area for me so I know the landscape better, I guess a wife would be nice but I don't think I have a woman in my life that is on that level with me or would want that with me." He knows she was joking just he wanted to make sure that she understood that he was being honest and was not trying to just use or deceive her.

"You bringing up maybe I need a wife like that as a joke, you have a person in your life that you would want to take that step with?" He guessed that he should ask her as she seemed to think it was good to joke about that to him with so he might as well tease her a bit back to see how she reacts though he doubts it will phase her as she said she lacked memories and the ones she knew and her "master" took off on her abandoning her that might make him look like an ass to her.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 1:45 pm

Nemo's joke failed for the most part, But suppose Nemo never recalled being good with jokes, Only good at being a stick in the mud. Akin to a super serious mother of one demon child and that was it. She didn't think herself funny, she didn't think much of it beyond that because she realized how now it did not really feel funny all that much."Well I tried to be funny anyway."Nemo almost seemed like she figured it was a good shot at a joke.

But in the end failed."No, Even if I did. I doubt I am entirely the same person as I was in that previous life. After all this is a new body and look. I most likely don't even have the same voice too."Nemo hinted that she in fact might have had an entire different life at this point, did not know what it was or any details so she could be married or single and she would not know but most likely with a new life she did not need to worry about it all that much.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 2:03 pm

He laughed softly at her bringing it up as an attempt to be funny. "I am fine with you being funny miss Nemo. I just wanted to make sure that you knew I wasn't looking to use you as a sacrificial lamb that I would just abandon." He reached over and he gently tapped her shoulder and then he heard her talking about her past life and he looked her right in the eyes with a smile. "It isn't about your past life it is about the now miss, that I am talking about." He laughed softly, and he takes a sip of his drink and he wondered what more there was to this woman as she seemed very upfront and honest even if it might make her seem bad or not good in some ways he was just happy that she was safe and that she was willing to take to him.

He fixed his hair back and he wondered what this woman's plans would be and if she really thought that she was not worth being noticed or something as she was and should be able to seek her own happiness and not have to worry about some one else pulling her strings and misleading her in some way and he needed to make sure that if she did help him that she would be able to relax and not take it too over the top that she would be willing to get hurt or do something crazy and risk her life. "What do you seek out of this new life that you have maybe I can help?" He figured that he should ask as he will do what he can to help her to get to where she wanted to be.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 5:52 am

This flaw was something new exposed, Nemo was not thinking about life in the now, thinking so much in her past and what has been long gone she did not even have any hints or chance to remember it was taking over her thoughts, Nemo unintentionally was obsessed of trying learn of things she had no way of learning, She was not trying to be come some one new, It seemed to anchor her mind of all of the things loss.

Nemo, didn't know how to be a new person because she hasn't entirely tried to be a new person yet, Everything was set in her life she merely just thought that was it."I suppose even if I do need help, What...does it means to know of new life?"Nemo seemed to actually be trying to ponder it up and piece it together to try, Almost like it was still not something she considered.


In the market? (With Nemo) Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 7:40 am

He looked at her and smiled as she asked of what it means to know of new life. "Well with your new life you can be what ever you want, you are a blank slate and so you have a lot of untapped protentional and nothing holds you back from making a new path. I will help you in anyway that I can of course." He sips a bit more of his drink then eats a bit more of his food as he was hungry as well but he knows that this woman has a lot to think about and find what road that she would like to walk on as she goes forward and he needed to make sure that he helped support her at least until she can get going on her own. He thinks she has a bright future but that also means that she has a chance of getting to close to the sun as well but he needed to make sure that she understood that the past is in the past the future is can be brighter if she looks to it instead of being pulled down by a past she can't remember.

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