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Family Ties, Family Treasures, and Family Secrets [Long Storyline]

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#1Brone Heavyaxe 

Family Ties, Family Treasures, and Family Secrets [Long Storyline] Empty Mon Sep 04, 2023 3:06 pm

Brone Heavyaxe

Family Ties, Family Treasures, and Family Secrets [Long Storyline] 2e88330b4e3ef6b39895d9008020debc

Family Ties, Family Treasures, and Family Secrets

Difficulty: Long

Participants: Brone Heavyaxe and Lumikki Omena

Story: Every 50 years, the Hrútr clan hosts a family reunion where all the branching clans return to Iceberg, to the Dwarven City beneath the mountain and celebrate, exchanging stories, catching up with family, introducing new family, and party for several days. With this gathering, both Brone and Lumikki will get a chance to learn of their clans’ history, how they separated, and of the sacred family gems that keep them connected to their heritage.
Unbeknownst to them, an old acquaintance of Brone will cross paths with him again, infiltrating Lumikki’s clan’s vault as he had done to the vaults of the other clans, collecting needed gems that are required to obtain his ultimate goal that is secret, even to his own clan.
Though all the clans have been summoned to reconnect with one another and enjoy a wonderful joyous time with one another, unfortunately will be soiled by the greed and conspiracy of one of their own. Dwarven might, and dwarven heart will be called into action in order to save not just the family gems, but to save the family bond as well. Brone and Lumikki will do what they can to stop Grektor and retrieve the stolen artifacts, for the sake of all the clans.

Objective: The family treasures have been stolen; Now Brone and Lumikki need to retrieve them and stop Grektor’s plan, whatever it may be.

Family Ties, Family Treasures, and Family Secrets [Long Storyline] Eb046507170bceb8a55d53732405d086

- Summoning of the Hrútr Clan

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Brone, Lumikki

Summary: Receiving a summons by raven, Brone and Lumikki both are called to travel to Icerberg for the Family Reunion of the entire Clan. Lumikki’s father’s, Morgrym, being the head of the main clan, is hosting the reunion. Given that this is a joyful gathering as well as an obligation, the two Paradise Dawn members make their way. Though on the way, Lumikki ends up meeting an unexpected friend along the journey.

+250,000 Jewels
+10,000 Experience
+400 Fame
+7 SP

  • Create a Topic within Iceberg
  • Travel to Iceberg
  • Encounter Wyrm who intercepts you.

Family Ties, Family Treasures, and Family Secrets [Long Storyline] A8a070b7f853e04d8d44cb874a253f0a

- Gathering of the Branching Clans

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Brone, Lumikki

Summary: First stop is Lumikki’s home in Fjallgard Highlands. There Brone and Lumikki will reconnect with her mother who is getting ready to head to the old clan’s Halls within the Dwarven city down below. Lumikki’s father, Morgrym had already left earlier to set up for the reunion. After a moment to reminisce, they make their way to the Clan Halls where Morgrym awaited. As they catch up and exchange stories of time away from home, more branching clans will arrive and the party will begin.

+250,000 Jewels
+10,000 Experience
+400 Fame
+7 SP

  • Create a Topic within Fjallgard Highlands.
  • Touch base at Lumikki’s home and escort her mother, Viola Omena, to the Clan Halls.
  • Catch up with Lumikki’s father, Morgrym, and help him greet the other clans.

Family Ties, Family Treasures, and Family Secrets [Long Storyline] 77089fb3955cdbec8da1a7610be23c94

- Attack on the Family Vault

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Brone, Lumikki

Summary: The celebration is at a high, but the atmosphere changes once a young dwarf arrives distraught, informing Morgrym that the great Vault of the Hrútr clan is currently under attack. As a quick response, several clan members are sent to the vault in order to defend it against stone golems attacking it.


Stone Golems: These beings made of stone and rock are creations due to earth base magic, they do not have minds of their own and act according to the orders of their creator or summoner. Because of this, they are simply brutes, strong in offense and defense, but lack intelligence or creativity.

+500,000 Jewels
+15,000 Experience
+500 Fame
+10 SP

  • Create a Topic within Fjallgard Highlands.
  • Join the volunteer dwarves in fighting the stone golems.
  • Clear the Clan Vault of enemies.
  • Question the surviving guards of what happened.

Family Ties, Family Treasures, and Family Secrets [Long Storyline] 6436001162b17f99673a4198f5ee29ca

- The History of the Clans

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Brone, Lumikki

Summary: Discovering that Grektor was the one behind the attack, stealing the Riva Sapphire, returning back to the main Halls, Brone and Lumikki along with the other volunteer dwarves report to the head of their clans about what happened at the Vault. Because of this Brone and Lumikki join the clan heads in the old War Room where they discuss what they know of Grektor, the gems of the clans, and what the traitor dwarf’s plan may be, all the while having scouts out looking for the sorcerer.

+250,000 Jewels
+10,000 Experience
+400 Fame
+7 SP

  • Create a Topic within Fjallgard Highlands.
  • Return to the Clan Halls and speak to the clan leaders in the War Room.
  • Listen to the meeting and wait for word from the scouts.

Family Ties, Family Treasures, and Family Secrets [Long Storyline] 03f3a5f169e7c81d92c971e0cf263f94

- Race to the Dragon Chamber

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Brone, Lumikki

Summary: A scout arrives, providing word of Grektor’s location; he was last seen in the Dragon Chamber performing a ritual while summoning forth Stone Giants to fend off dwarven guards. The Dragon Chamber holds a story of how the Hrútr and it’s branching clans worked together to defeat a mighty dragon. Now it’s up to Brone, Lumikki, and the other volunteer dwarves to rush to the chamber to stop whatever ritual Grektor is up to.


Stone Giants: These giants stand between 10 to 12 meters tall. Unlike the stone golems, they have intelligence along with their great strength and durability. Though they can think and speak like regular humanoid beings, they care not for others, seeing them as insignificant and treat smaller beings like insects. The only one they have any respect for is their summoner, though only because of promise of power.

+500,000 Jewels
+15,000 Experience
+500 Fame
+10 SP

  • Create a Topic within Fjallgard Highlands.
  • Travel through the large city tunnels to reach the Dragon Chamber.
  • Fight through the three mighty Stone Giants.
  • Get to the Dragon Chamber.

Family Ties, Family Treasures, and Family Secrets [Long Storyline] D5bb5476ec98013fd7300e1a6aac2460

- Grektor and the Mallim Shard

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Brone, Lumikki

Summary: Upon reaching the Dragon Chamber, Brone and Lumikki along with the other volunteer dwarves spot a portal erect in the center of the chamber grounds. They notice the portal is slowly closing. Before they can jump through, a dozen of stone golems are conjured around the chamber. The volunteer dwarves offer to hold off the golems while Lumikki, being the heir to the Hrútr clan, goes into the portal and stop Grektor.
Once through the portal, Brone and Lumikki find Grektor before a large black slab, which turns out to be a shard of the Mallim, Dhurain’s forge. He stops his incantation to confront the newcomers. Irritated by the interruption, he decides to deal with the two of them so he can return to his ritual to absorb the Mallim shard and ascend to become a divine dwarf, a Dhain Dwarf.
Time is of the essence. Brone and Lumikki need to stop Grektor from gaining power, retrieve the stolen clan gems and return to the Halls before the portal closes.


Grektor Earthshaper: Formerly Grektor Lerformare, carried the betrayal of the Hrútr clan who had exiled the Lerformare clan because they had taken up dangerous magic and used it for selfish and dangerous reasons. He had sought the power of the Mallim, Dhurain’s forge, in order to become a Dhain dwarf, to which he would use to rule over all of the clans. But in order for him to find a shard of the Mallim, he needed to steal all seven heirloom gems from their respective clans, tap into their power to open up a portal to the closest Mallim shard.
He isn’t a dwarf of close combat like most of the clan, but uses earth base magic to shape the earth around him, from stone to crystals to metals, and even mastered the spell that nearly killed Brone, this time it won’t just turn his hair white.

+500,000 Jewels
+15,000 Experience
+500 Fame
+10 SP

  • Create a Topic within Iceberg
  • Jump through the portal and enter the Magma Chamber deep beneath the mountain.
  • Fight and defeat Grektor
  • Retrieve the seven clan gems.
  • Exit through the portal before it vanishes.

Family Ties, Family Treasures, and Family Secrets [Long Storyline] 49889357dbd7843007bb183c686de63d

- Returning of the Gems

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Brone, Lumikki

Summary: With Grektor defeated, Brone and Lumikki return the seven clan gems back to the Clan Halls where the heads of the clans await. With the joyful return of the heroes and the gems, the clans return to the celebration but with new reason; Lumikki and Brone are both hailed as heroes of the clans and knighted, the former officially deemed the heir of the Hrútr clan and the latter realized as a new dhain dwarf. The two of them join in the celebration, becoming gems of the clan themselves while also seeing the value of their familiar bonds.

+250,000 Jewels
+10,000 Experience
+400 Fame
+7 SP

  • Create a Topic within Fjallgard Highlands.
  • Return to the Clan Halls and return the seven gems.
  • Go through a short knighting ceremony.
  • Return to the celebration


Family Ties, Family Treasures, and Family Secrets [Long Storyline] Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 10:32 am

This storyline is approved to begin!

Family Ties, Family Treasures, and Family Secrets [Long Storyline] Lightning_bolt_simple
#3Brone Heavyaxe 

Family Ties, Family Treasures, and Family Secrets [Long Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 7:44 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Lumikki Omena
Mission Link:

4x A rank Quests
  • 1,600,000 Jewels (20% guild 4 perk+ 20% companion bonus + 20% Storyline bonus)
  • 52,000 Exp (10% guild 2 perk + 20% Storyline bonus)
  • 42sp in Spd (50% Storyline bonus)

3x S rank Quests
  • 2,400,000 Jewels (20% guild 4 perk+ 20% companion bonus + 20% Storyline bonus)
  • 58,500 Exp (10% guild 2 perk + 20% Storyline bonus)
  • 45sp in Spd (50% Storyline bonus)

  • 3,100 Fame

Brone Heavyaxe
Mission Link:

4x A rank Quests
  • 1,600,000 Jewels (20% guild 4 perk+ 20% Empress Tarot bonus + 20% Storyline bonus)
  • 52,000 Exp (10% guild 2 perk + 20% Storyline bonus)
  • 36sp in Str, 6sp in Spd (50% Storyline bonus)

3x S rank Quests
  • 2,400,000 Jewels (20% guild 4 perk+ 20% Empress Tarot bonus + 20% Storyline bonus)
  • 58,500 Exp (10% guild 2 perk + 20% Storyline bonus)
  • 31sp in Spd, 14sp in Con (50% Storyline bonus)

  • 3,100 Fame


Family Ties, Family Treasures, and Family Secrets [Long Storyline] Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 10:36 am

The SL was already approved. It has been reviewed and completion has been noted. @Brone Heavyaxe and @Lumikki have recieved their rewards for SL completion.

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