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Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline]

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Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:56 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

“Eheheheh… You are too kind.” At the very least seeming to find some manner of distraction when the dashing spearman commented upon her comely image and feeling her cheeks warm again because of that, with the limit on the experience which Miss Sung had when it came to matters of attraction and especially so when it had to do with boys she could only flutter her lashes and squirm a little at such flattery, and feel her gaze needing to escape that face and the ruby red eyes which came with it all too quickly.

“Say, you ever think about joining up with a guild?
Ours could use someone like you…”

Not that it seemed that Connor would be so uncouth as to press the modest maiden on the issue and instead showing a little note of sympathy as he seemed to steer the conversation toward another subject, with a heavy breath and a shrug the lofty figure who had leapt to her defence seemed to tilt the conversation toward another matter which our lady lead had little experience, but perhaps a little more confidence in addressing as well, perhaps?

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:56 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

A guild? Joining them? The brunette left blinking at the suggestion that she should join one of the multitude or establishments which this country seemed to boast of for work and kinship, Connor was far from the first person she had met since stepping into the land of flowers who urged her to link up with those of a similar ilk, and yet Miss Sung had shown the matter some hesitance for a number of reasons.
“W-Well, um, I had considered it, but there's so many…” Perhaps chief among these the sheer breadth of options which she had available to her, for those who judged these things as commonplace it was perhaps easier to pick a favourite but for one who had never seen these things before the question was a little trickier to judge, which was something which she had to confess to the lad. Though, if she was honest, the luxury of such choice was far from the last reason she seemed to show reluctance as well…

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:57 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

“Hahaha, aye, there's a fair few these days, all kinds of ideas and the like… Ours is the best though! In Fiore, and the whole world!”

The man shrugging in response to her comment about the overstuffed market, he could not deny there was plenty of choice about their land, but at the same time couldn't help but brag as well about the group to which he belonged. And in no small way either, one would note.

“The best…? Goodness, that's quite the claim…” Mei's eyes seeming to widen at his boasting as well, she hadn't really even considered some manner of rivalry or ranking between the many entities which seemed to govern guild work, and so frowned for a moment as she considered the idea.
“Which guild are you from…?” Soon after letting her curiosity get the better of herself as well, the doe eyed doll wanted to know just where that feeling of assurance seemed to come from, and asked after the organisation to which he seemed to hint accordingly…

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:57 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

“Fairy Tail, of course!
I bet you've heard of us?”

It seeming that Connor had been practically inviting the inquiry as well for that matter and so when he met it found grinning, only too quickly did he seem to roll up his sleeve and shows off the image of an impish sprite upon his shoulder, emblazoned upon him in a similar shade of scarlet to that which made up both the colour of his weapon and his gaze as well.
“Fairy… Oh, yes…!” Miss Sung gasping at what she saw as well, and perhaps just as much the more martial portion of her mind seeming to make those dark eyes look over the taut line of tone he carried, with the image she saw and the name she shared the girl could recall a mention or two of the rag tag band of which her new friend seemed to speak. Though, even as new as she was to the land of Fiore, that didn’t mean everything which she had heard was positive either…

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:57 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

“Mostly good things, I hope~?”

Apparently her host seeming to understand such a fact as par for the course and addressing the elephant within their room quickly, the scarlet eyed spearman nodded as he noted the recognition which Mei showed, and then tilted his head as he hinted that he was all too aware of the mixed reception that his clan might receive. The voice of experience speaking, no doubt!

“Ahahaha, mostly, yes~” Not that Miss Sung was much the sort to hold matters of mere rumour against people and the very fact that her rescuer represented that raucous crowd standing in their favour as well, the doe eyed doll could not deny that she had heard a few people mention how one should watch out for the guild of fairies since they were far from as gentle as their name might have implied, but found that the presence of only one of their number now quickly outweighed any negative 'press' which they might have carried with them. After all, she could hardly denounce a bunch who boasted a character like this, eh?

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:58 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

“Aye, we can be a rowdy bunch it's true, but the hearts are usually in the right place?
Like you I suppose, Miss Running Into Danger~?”

Connor shaking his head with a smirk which seemed to speak of the understanding of the rumours which Miss Sung might have heard, he did little to deny the fact that their band of sometimes chaotic mages and warriors could have a tendency to get a little bit out of hand at times, though at the same time also seemed to recognise the fact that the apple did not fall so far from the guild in the case of the woman to whom he was speaking either.

“Ah, w-well, it just seemed like the right thing to do…? I didn't really think about it?” Miss Sung not seeming to be ignorant to the resemblance either for that matter, it was difficult for the doe eyed doll to deny that she could certainly see some overlap there when it came to their respective methods and the mechanism which guided them, and professed that she had mostly acted without thinking when it came to the attack on the village. She was gonna fit right in, right~?

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:58 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

“Man, that's pretty much the guild motto!
See? You'd fit us like a glove!”

Such observation seeming to be something that the two of them could both agree on from the looks of the grin she received, Connor clapped his hands together with apparent excitement at such correlation and how it lined up his proposal, and then rapped Miss Sung on the shoulder as a gentle form of encouragement.

“Really? Hmmmmm…” Mei blushing a little more because of that gesture, she can't object to the overlap which the lad read, but also feels a certain obligation elsewhere as well.
“Yes, you may be right, but… I'd still like to consider my options, I suppose?” Scarcely seeming to forget the role in which a certain White Empress had played in helping her adapt to the current culture and the woman even acting as her teacher for her spell craft, much as Mei felt a sense of responsibility toward her new friend she so too wanted to support the strident siren who had offered her so very much, and felt a note of disloyalty in jumping on another offer too hastily…

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:58 am


TOTAL WORDS: 10250 |Emerald Enchantress

“Right, right… But at least stop by our place? See what you think~?
It's in Magnolia, not too far away from here…?
Mama Judith is someone worth meeting, at the very least?”

Not that it seemed the scarlet eyed spearman was too eager to accept defeat in the matter, though he wasn't pushy about the subject he did at least seem to be keen on the idea of giving the girl the chance to fully weigh her options, and as such suggested that she should at least travel to their hall and meet with the woman in charge in order to see whether she would like their group or not.

“It's… Magnolia? Mama Judith?” Once more it seeming however that Mei would need a moment to process all that she was being told however, she had to confess a sense of curiosity both for the enthusiasm which this valiant figure showed and perhaps the choice of how he seemed to address some figure there, and after a few second of contemplation did Miss Sung seem to relax and accept his advice.
“Yes… it does seem best to make the most informed choice, doesn't it…?” Smiling softly because of that, ultimately she saw no harm in following up on his offer if only for the sake of her due diligence and all that, and so decided that she would follow after his design for that reason once she was feeling a little steadier on her feet. After all, what was the worst that could happen, eh~?

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.

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