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Aurilandür Empty Fri Jul 19, 2024 3:04 am


After a bit of a walk throughout the city, the small group finally take the final road toward the house of said Elder Mother, the ancestor of Lumikki and her family. Býleistr Remained mostly silent, while Lumikki and Audnir continued to talk about traditions and stories of the like. Mikhail and Mùchén also enjoyed their conversation of the sights and the oddity of it all. Both coming to terms that they were in a new world.

”ᚺᛖᚱᛖ ᚹᛖ ᚨᚱᛖ ᛚᛁᛏᛏᛚᛖ ᛟᚾᛖ, ᚦᛁᛊ ᛁᛊ ᚦᛖ ᚺᛟᛗᛖ ᛟᚠ ᚷᛚÁᛗᚱ. ᛁ ᚨᛗ ᛊᚢᚱᛖ ᛊᚺᛖ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᛈᛚᛖᛊᛖᛞ ᛏᛟ ᛗᛖᛖᛏ ᛁᛟᚢ, ᛊᚺᛖ ᚹᚨᛊ ᛊᛟ ᚺᛖᚱᛏ ᛒᚱᛟᚲᛖᚾ ᚹᚺᛖᚾ ᛊᚺᛖ ᚺᚨᛞ ᛏᛟ ᛚᛖᚢᛖ ᚺᛖᚱ ᚠᚨᛗᛁᛚᛁ ᛒᛖᚺᛁᚾᛞ.”(“Here we are little one, this is the home of Glámr. I am sure she will pleased to meet you, she was so heart broken when she had to leave her family behind.”) Audnir spoke with such great gusto, she was beyond excited to see the look on Glámr‘s face. Býleistr was somewhat beside herself as well. ”ᛁᛟᚢ ᚲᚾᛟᚹ, ᛁ ᚦᛁᚾᚲ ᛁ’ᛗ ᚲᛁᚾᛞ ᛟᚠ ᚲᚢᚱᛟᚢᛊ ᚨᛊ ᚹᛖᛚᛚ. ᚺᚢᚺ, ᛞᛁᛞᚾ’ᛏ ᚦᛁᚾᚲ ᛁ ᚹᛟᚢᛚᛞ ᛒᛟᚦᛖᚱ ᛏᛟ ᚲᚨᚱᛖ ᛒᚢᛏ ᛁ ᚷᚢᛖᛊᛊ ᛁ ᚹᚨᚾᛏᛖᛞ ᛏᛟ ᛊᛖᛖ ᛟᚾᛖ ᚷᛟᛟᛞ ᚦᛁᛜ ᚲᛟᛗᛖ ᚠᚱᛟᛗ ᚦᚨᛏ ᛒᛚᛟᛟᛞᛁ ᛖᚲᛊᛈᛖᚱᛁᛖᚾᚲᛖ.”(“You know, I think I’m kind of curious as well. Huh, didn’t think I would bother to care but I guess I wanted to see one good thing come from that bloody experience. ”) It would seem that curiosity would take them both.

Audnir would be the one to approach the door first and knock, her free arm around Lumikki as to pull her in. After a minute or so of waiting, there would finally be an answer as a tall woman as pale as ice like Audnir opened the door. It would seem she too was fair blessed by the frost but it would show up quite elegantly in her features. ”ᚹᚺᛟ ᚷᛟᛖᛊ ᚦᛖᚱᛖ?”(“Who goes there?”) Utters Glámr as she faces them, ”ᛟᚺ ᚨᚢᛞᚾᛁᚱ, ᚹᚺᚨᛏ ᛒᚱᛁᛜ ᛁᛟᚢ?”(“Oh Audnir, what bring you?”) Glámr opened her door wide to let them all in, not sure of what to make of the new faces that she didn’t recognize but she was sure that Audnir had brought them all for a reason.


”ᛏᚺᚨᚾᚲᛊ ᚠᛟᚱ ᚺᚨᚢᛁᛜ ᚢᛊ ᚷᛚÁᛗᚱ, ᛁ ᛒᚱᛟᚢᚷᚺᛏ ᛁᛟᚢ ᚨ ᛊᚢᚱᛈᚱᛁᛊᛖ.”(“Thanks for having us Glámr, I brought you a surprise.”) Audnir responded, she pushed Lumikki forward as if Glámr could understand what that meant. ”ᛟᚺ ᚦᚨᛏ ᛁᛟᚢ ᛞᛁᛞ ᚨᚢᛞᚾᛁᚱ. ᛁᚠ ᛁᛟᚢ ᚹᛟᚢᛚᛞ, ᚷᛟ ᚨᚺᛖᛞ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛏᚨᚲᛖ ᚨ ᛊᛖᛏ. ᛁ’ᛚᛚ ᚠᛁᚲᛊ ᛁᛟᚢ ᚨᛚᛚ ᚢᛈ ᛊᛟᛗᛖᚦᛁᛜ ᛏᛟ ᛞᚱᛁᚾᚲ ᛊᛟ ᚷᛁᚢᛖ ᛗᛖ ᚨ ᛗᛟᛗᛖᚾᛏ.”(“Oh that you did Audnir. If you would, go ahead and take a seat. I’ll fix you all up something to drink so give me a moment.”) But before she could saunter off to the next room to do just that, Audnir stopped her with a grasp of Glámr‘s arm. It took the Jötnar by surprise to be handle as such but she gave Audnir a moment to explain herself. To which the woman was grateful as she was beside herself, no longer able to wait for the response thats she was eager for.

”ᚷᛚÁᛗᚱ…ᛁᛟᚢ ᛞᛟᚾ’ᛏ ᛊᛖᛖᛗ ᛏᛟ ᚱᛖᛚᛁᛉᛖ ᛁᛏ ᛒᚢᛏ.”(“Glámr…you don’t seem to realize it but.”) Audnir pointed to Lumikki before pulling her in too. ”ᛏᚺᛁᛊ ᛚᛁᛏᛏᛚᛖ ᛟᚾᛖ ᛁᛊ ᛁᛟᚢᚱᛊ…..ᚹᛖᛚᛚ ᛚᛖᛏ ᛗᛖ ᛒᛖ ᛗᛟᚱᛖ ᚲᛚᛖᚱ. ᚷᛚÁᛗᚱ, ᛊᚺᛖ ᛞᛖᚱᛁᚢᛖᛊ ᚠᚱᛟᛗ ᚦᛖ ᛗᛟᚱᛏᚨᛚ ᚠᚨᛗᛁᛚᛁ ᛁᛟᚢ ᛚᛖᚠᛏ ᛒᛖᚺᛁᚾᛞ ᚨᛚᛚ ᚦᛟᛊᛖ ᛁᛖᚱᛊ ᚨᚷᛟ. ᛏᚺᛟᛊᛖ ᚱᚨᚢᛖᚾ ᚠᛟᛚᚲ ᛁᛟᚢ ᛊᛖᛏᛏᛚᛖᛞ ᛞᛟᚹᚾ ᚹᛁᚦ? ᛊᚺᛖ’ᛊ ᛟᚾᛖ ᛟᚠ ᚦᛖᛗ. ᛊᚨᛁᛊ ᛊᚺᛖ’ᛊ ᛟᚠ ᚦᛖ ᛟᛗᛖᚾᚨ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛁᚠ ᛁ ᚱᛖᛗᛖᛗᛒᛖᚱ ᚲᛟᚱᚱᛖᚲᛏᛚᛁ, ᚦᛖ ᚹᚨᛊ ᚦᛖ ᛊᚢᚱᚾᚨᛗᛖ ᛟᚠ ᚦᛖ ᛗᚨᚾ ᛁᛟᚢ ᚺᚨᛞ ᚹᛖᛞ ᚨᛚᛚ ᚦᛟᛊᛖ ᚲᛖᚾᛏᚢᚱᛁᛖᛊ ᚨᚷᛟ. ᛚᛟᛟᚲ ᚷᛚÁᛗᚱ! ᛏᚺᛖᛁ ᚾᛟᛏ ᛟᚾᛚᛁ ᛚᛁᚢᛖᛞ ᛟᚾ, ᛒᚢᛏ ᚦᛖᛁ ᚦᚱᛁᚢᛖᛞ! ᛁ ᚲᚾᛖᚹ ᚦᛁᛊ ᚹᚨᛊ ᚨ ᛒᛟᚦᛖᚱ ᛏᛟ ᛁᛟᚢ ᚠᛟᚱ ᛊᛟ ᛗᚨᚾᛁ ᛁᛖᚱᛊ, ᛁ ᛃᚢᛊᛏ ᚲᛟᚢᛚᛞᚾ’ᛏ ᚹᚨᛁᛏ ᚨᚾᛁ ᛚᛟᛜᛖᚱ ᛏᛟ ᚷᛖᛏ ᛁᛟᚢᚱ ᚱᛖᚲᛏᛟᚾ.”(“ This little one is yours…..well let me be more clear. Glámr, she derives from the mortal family you left behind all those years ago. Those raven folk you settled down with? She’s one of them. Says she’s of the Omena and if I remember correctly, the was the surname of the man you had wed all those centuries ago. Look Glámr! They not only lived on, but they thrived! I knew this was a bother to you for so many years, I just couldn’t wait any longer to get your reaction.”)

It took a while for Glámr to focus. Her piercing eyes were first on Audnir before finally shifting over to Lumikki. Her cold gaze taking its time to settle and warm again, but the old Jötnar just had to be sure. And when it finally clicked, when the bit of frost magic within the Demoness seemed to resonate just right, Glámr’s calm and elegant demeanor would shatter entirely as she broke into tears and pulled Lumikki into her chilling embrace. Holding the small girl tight as she processed what was going on. The brothers stayed to the side to give ample room for the scene, and Audnir would step close to Býleistr as the Jötnar woman herself was shedding her share of tears. There was a lot lost and taken during the time of the old war. Nothing could really reimburse or change that, but in times like these, the little blessings really made a difference for one’s peace and character.

”ᛏᚺᛖ ᚾᛟᚱᚾᛊ ᚱᛖᛚᛚᛁ ᚺᚨᛞ ᚨ ᛚᚨᚢᚷᚺ ᚹᚺᛖᚾ ᚦᛖᛁ ᚹᛖᚢᛖᛞ ᚦᛁᛊ ᛁᚾᛏᛟ ᚦᛖ ᛏᚨᛈᛖᛊᛏᚱᛁᛖᛊ. ᛁ ᚹᛟᚾᛞᛖᚱ ᛁᚠ ᚦᛖᛁ ᛊᚨᚢᛖᛞ ᚨᛚᛚ ᚦᛖ ᚲᛟᛚᛟᚱᚠᚢᛚ ᚦᚱᛖᛞᛊ ᚠᛟᚱ ᚦᛁᛊ ᛗᛟᛗᛖᚾᛏ ᚺᛖᚱᛖ? ᚹᚺᚨᛏ ᛞᛟ ᛁᛟᚢ ᛊᚨᛁ, ᛞᛖᚱ ᚲᚺᛁᛚᛞ? ᛏᛖᛚᛚ ᛗᛖ ᛟᚠ ᚦᛖ ᛚᛁᚠᛖ ᛁᛟᚢ ᚺᚨᚢᛖ, ᚨᚾᛞ ᚦᛖ ᛊᛏᛟᚱᛁᛖᛊ ᛁᛟᚢ ᚲᚾᛟᚹ. ᛟᚺ! ᛒᚢᛏ ᚹᛖ ᚺᚨᚢᛖ ᛊᛟ ᛗᚨᚾᛁ ᚷᚢᛖᛊᛏᛊ ᚾᛟᚹ ᛞᛟ ᚹᛖ, ᚹᛟᚢᛚᛞ ᛁᛟᚢ ᚨᛚᛚ ᛗᛁᚾᛞ ᚷᛁᚢᛁᛜ ᛗᛖ ᛊᛟᛗᛖ ᛏᛁᛗᛖ ᛏᛟ ᛈᚱᛖᛈᚨᚱᛖ ᚨ ᛈᚱᛟᛈᛖᚱ ᛞᛁᚾᚾᛖᚱ? ᛊᚨᛁ ᚹᛖ ᚲᛖᛚᛖᛒᚱᚨᛏᛖ ᚦᛁᛊ ᛗᛟᛗᛖᚾᛏ? ᛗᚨᚲᛖ ᚨᚾ ᛟᚲᚲᚨᛊᛟᚾ ᛟᚠ ᛁᛏ.”(“The Norns really had a laugh when they weaved this into the tapestries. I wonder if they saved all the colorful threads for this moment here? What do you say, dear child? Tell me of the life you have, and the stories you know. Oh! But we have so many guests now do we, would you all mind giving me some time to prepare a proper dinner? Say we celebrate this moment? Make an occasion of it.”)

Glámr did not only look at the other Jötnar in the room but the brothers as well. Waiting on the response from everyone before moving onto the kitchen and dragging Lumikki with her. ”Do you think she was trying to talk to us to? Pretty sure she was looking at us there and not inna I want maim you kinda way.” Mùchén looked over to Mikhail to try and somewhat figure it out. ”Hmmm, yea I believe she was asking us for dinner. Could be wrong but I’ve been trying to follow along. Some of the words remind me of a few in Bosco but, eh could be wrong.”

”Could be indeed,” Lumikki remarked as she turned over. The Jötnar were chatting among themselves as they planned what would be best for dinner. ”But no, ye hit it on the mark indeed. Seems she is me Elder Mother after all and she’s invitin’ us for a meal in celebration. Honestly, I’m somewhat moved to tears, if…..I had any left that is. But we could really use a meal, and perhaps a breather. This’ll be kinda nice, and way for me to learn more about me fam. Speaking of, I’ve really been meaning to learn more Boscaci, could ye teach me later Mikhail?” He’d look her over with a serious expression before breaking it with a soft laugh. It never occured to him that he would be asked such a favor. ”I think I’d love that, but only if you show me the Dwarven and Nordic tongue as well. I never thought I’d be needing it but, I’m feeling quite a bit remorseful that I could barely follow along…”

”Heh, at least you’re her fav though,” Mùchén leaned in, poking his head between the two in annoyance for being left out. Before her could grumble more, Lumikki would cut in herself. ”Actually, I’ve been picking up some Sinese as well, I just had to put it down as I’m learning quite a few languages at the moment. But really, if ye could spare me some time, it’ll be much easier if I have someone to speak to.”

Mùchén whose expression was annoyed just a second before, had softened instantly. Not without a hint of surprise tinging the shift. ”Hmmm well…for you sis, anything…anytime. I could even teach you a dish or two if you’d like that.” Lumikki nodded, pretty content with the plans made for the future. But it was time to go into the kitchen now and get the dinner settled.

Lumikki and Glámr spoke about a number of things. All the stories her Nan had taught her, things about their family magic, she ever explained what her appearance turned out as it did. As Lumikki was the only Omena to look like she does. ”ᛞᛖᛗᛟᚾ ᛁᛟᚢ ᛊᚨᛁ? ᚹᚺᚨᛏ ᛁᛊ ᚦᚨᛏ ᛈᛖᚱ ᛊᛖ?”(“Demon you say? What is that per se?”) As Lumikki thought, there was no real word for it I’m Iceberg or Nordic language. So there was no means to describe what she was to the Jötnar that were here, who all at this point only saw her as a derivative of them. ”ᛁ ᛗᛖᚾ ᚹᛖ ᚨᚱᛖ ᚨᛚᛚ ᚨ ᛗᛁᚲᛊ ᛟᚠ ᛟᛞᛞ ᚦᛁᛜᛊ ᚺᛖᚱᛖ. ᛏᚺᚨᛏ ᚹᚨᛊ ᛈᚱᛟᛒᚨᛒᛚᛁ ᛃᚢᛊᛏ ᚦᛖ ᚲᛟᛗᛈᛟᚾᛖᚾᛏ ᛏᛟ ᛟᚢᛏ ᚹᛖᛁᚷᚺ ᚦᛖ ᚺᚢᛗᚨᚾ ᛁᚾ ᛁᛟᚢ. ᚠᚱᛟᛗ ᚹᚺᚨᛏ ᛁ’ᚢᛖ ᛟᛒᛊᛖᚱᚢᛖᛞ, ᚨᚾ ᛁᚾᛏᛖᚱᛖᛊᛏᛁᛜ ᚨᛊᛈᛖᚲᛏ ᛟᚠ ᚺᚢᛗᚨᚾᛊ ᛁᛊ ᛁᛟᚢᚱ ᚲᚾᚨᚲᚲ ᚠᛟᚱ ᚲᚺᚨᛜᛖ, ᚠᛟᚱ ᛒᛖᛏᛏᛖᚱ ᛟᚱ ᚹᛟᚱᛊᛖ. ᛁᛊᚾ’ᛏ ᚨᛚᛚ ᚦᚨᛏ ᛗᚢᚲᚺ ᛟᚠ ᚨ ᛊᚢᚱᛈᚱᛁᛊᛖ ᛁᚠ ᛟᚾᛖ ᛟᚠ ᛗᛁ ᛟᚹᚾ ᚠᛁᚾᚨᛚᛚᛁ ᚠᛁᚾᛞᛊ ᚨ ᚹᚨᛁ ᛏᛟ ᛒᚱᛁᛜ ᚦᛖ ᛃᛟᛏᚾᚨᚱ ᛁᚾ ᚦᛖᛗ ᛁᚾᛏᛟ ᚦᛖ ᚠᛟᚱᛖᚠᚱᛟᚾᛏ. ᛊᚢᚱᛖ, ᛁᛟᚢ’ᚱᛖ ᛗᛟᚱᛖ ᛞᚨᚱᚲ ᚦᚨᚾ ᛁ’ᛗ ᚢᛊᛖᛞ ᛏᛟ, ᛒᚢᛏ ᚦᛖ ᛏᚱᚢᛖ ᛁᚲᛖ ᛁᚾ ᛁᛟᚢ ᛁᛊ ᛃᚢᛊᛏ ᚨᛊ ᛊᛏᚱᛟᛜ ᚨᛊ ᛁᛏ ᛁᛊ ᛁᚾ ᚦᛖ ᛒᛖᛊᛏ ᛟᚠ ᚢᛊ….”(“I mean we are all a mix of odd things here. That was probably just the component to out weigh the human in you. From what I’ve observed, an interesting aspect of humans is your knack for change, for better or worse. Isn’t all that much of a surprise if one of my own finally finds a way to bring the Jötnar in them into the forefront. Sure, you’re more dark than I’m used to, but the true ice in you is just as strong as it is in the best of us….”) The two continued chatting for the remainder of the time, both sharing all they knew and could think of. By the time the cooking was done, it was like Lumikki had a second grandmother, and Glámr would agree it was like having a child around again in the home.

The group shared in the celebrations, Dröfn as well as she returned back with the long dormant seeds, and a few other trusted and beloved Jötnar to whom Glámr wanted to share the moment with. The merriment went on through the night with singing and dancing, until the sun had kissed the skies with its light once again.

From there, two days had passed before it was time to set out again. The small party was decently rested by the time the moment came to cross the next set of gates that would take them to Niflheim. The seeds of Yggdrasill were safely tucked into her personal abyss and the two brothers were given enough thick furs to handle the next part of the journey. As Niflheim was by far the coldest of all nine realms.

”ᛁᛏ ᚹᚨᛊ ᚾᛁᚲᛖ ᛊᛖᛖᛁᛜ ᛁᛟᚢ ᛚᛁᛏᛏᛚᛖ ᛟᚾᛖ.”(“It was nice seeing you little one.”) Glámr Pulled over the hood of the while cloak so that it may cover the Demoness’ head and ears. She placed a kiss on each cheek and lingered on the last one placed upon the forehead. ”ᚲᚾᛟᚹ ᚦᚨᛏ ᛁ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᚨᛚᚹᚨᛁᛊ ᚺᚨᚢᛖ ᛚᛟᚢᛖ ᚠᛟᚱ ᛗᛁ ᚲᛁᚾ ᚺᛖᚱᛖ, ᚨᚾᛞ ᚦᚨᛏ ᛁᛟᚢ ᚨᚱᛖ ᚠᚱᛖᛖ ᛏᛟ ᚢᛁᛊᛁᛏ ᚨᚾᛁ ᛏᛁᛗᛖ. ᛁᛟᚢ ᚺᛖᚱ?”(“Know that I will always have love for my kin here, and that you are free to visit any time. You hear?”)

Lumikki nodded profusely, like a child complying to the warnings of their mother, ”ᛟᚠ ᚲᛟᚢᚱᛊᛖ ᛗᚨᛗᚨ, ᛁᛟᚢ’ᛚᛚ ᛊᛖᛖ ᛗᛖ ᚨᚷᚨᛁᚾ.”(“Of course Mama, you’ll see me again.”) And what a thought that is, Lumikki pondered with much appreciation. She always thought that in the realm of Midgarð, she’d go crazy from being all alone. Doomed to bury the world in ice as her demonic nature took over. Yet here she had but more family to visit and lean on should those long years take its toll. It was a blessing that she would never overlook.

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The two brothers stepped through the gate while Lumikki lingered on just a little longer to say her remaining good byes. She took in the Jötnar gathered, and Glámr for one last time before stepping backwards through the gate to pass through herself. Her brothers would be there to meet her, as well as an intense cold that she’s never felt before. The frost’s bite only nibbled at her skin. Nipping at her nose like a mother’s kisses. She relished in the frigid touch of the setting as her brothers recoiled from its painful, bitter sting like no other. Mùchén Was very vocal about his distaste. Cursing profusely in Sinese as her tried harder to wrap himself among the furs gifted. Mikhail who was no stranger to the cold, recoiled as well but managed to keep a straight posture as he took the sub zero temperatures on. Of course, he could only hold out for so long.

”Right, right, right, let’s get going shall we. The sooner we get back to Midgarð from here, the sooner ye lads could feel yer toes again. That’s if ye keep ‘em when all this is done of course.” Lumikki began to walk in the direction they were instructed to follow after passing through the gate. Mikhail would promptly follow behind while Mùchén continued to curse the place’s existence. The man was far too cold to say much else.

In the distance, one could see the many little Yggdrasill roots, turned small trees, frozen over to the core in all its entirety. The frost dripping over like icicles that extended to the grounds before. It was an interesting sight, even the bits of Yggdrasill that encroached Jötunheimr didn’t appear this way as they were relatively undisturbed. It was like another display of Niflheim’s incredible frigidness, as after all, it was the realm from which the cold derived. Niflheim the original frost and Muspelheim the first flame, that poured from Ginnungagap the void from which all came all those years ago and predated Yggdrasill itself. The world tree that harbors and holds all the nine realms.

Lumikki would never once in her life predict that she would have the honor of traversing so much of the branching, and seeing just how vast the worlds could be. It painted a very particular picture, one that made all the grand stories feel small in comparison. And what more, she got to share the wonder with her brothers but, but…if only Tenevi was still here to share with her the experiences.Lumikki tried her best not to lament, focusing only on very step she took that could bring her close to the conclusion of her goal.

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After what felt like hours, the siblings would come across a structure of jutting ice stalagmites converged from a point. Just behind were more gargantuan structures as the glacial frost around them was elevating. Lumikki was the first to sprout her wings, which her brothers would begrudgingly follow her lead. The group was mostly silent on their walk save for some moments to reflect and past time with stories of various places. It kept the time flowing as the frigid barren lands tend to meld together. It was the rare landmark like these that made the trio feel like they were getting somewhere.

”I see ye’ve finally gotten here lil raven but it’s as the Primordial Mother said. Not like it ever gets old, nor less odd.” It was a voice Lumikki could recognize, one she had not heard for some time since the festivities known as Dia de los Mertos, and Lumikki was eager if not hungry to reunite again.

It was then that a being who previously blended perfectly with the snow, finally showed herself. Her skin a shade of pale blue and her head was adorned by an ice head piece, runes were inscribe to the section in the forefront while a shard of ice as blue and beautiful as a gem was affixed to the center. A cold mist wrapped around her like a boa, floating about her arms and shoulders as it was so light. And though Lumikki could not recognize the women by features alone, the voice was all she needed before dashing toward her in a hug.

To who the voice belongs:

The brothers stood back confused, beyond perplexed as to how there could be anyone here that the Demoness could known. But both heard what the being had called their baby sister, for one to revere her as a raven here was too unlikely by chance alone. Of course it was no mistake by this point that there was much interference and aid from the Gods. As this point, this felt like only another of such occurrences to happen. And sure enough, they were not far off.

“What are ye doing here, and looking like this no less!?” It was good to see the even Lumikki was caught off guard, but they were still quite curious of the woman.”I’ve told ye before that I would still be with ya have I not? Well this is simply where I’ve resided since, and it was from here that I’ve came when helping ye. It’s as the stories I’ve told ya all those yers ago when ya were a wee lass. It was from Aurilandür That we all originally came. Children from the great mother and descendants of the Jötnar, it is the ice from which we came to be. But enough of this. She’s been waiting for ye and tasked me with getting ya and the lads. This is no place for those who are Hearthtouched, so the faster we get to walking the better it’ll be for the two boys that join ya.” And with that Nerice, Lumikki’s Nan got to walking. Leading them to the place where the mother resides.

It was a short walk, but in a direction they would if never considered. And it took them down a few winding paths until finally they were met with a fortress like structure made of ice and stone. What appeared like knights of ice awaited their arrival. Both bowing promptly at Nerice before taking the lead and guiding the party from within.


It would not be long until they were lead into a large room, it almost felt endless. And in the middle sat a pale, elegance woman who appeared to be made of frost herself. With a long blue gown that shifted and moved constantly.


With a smile warmer than anything else in her realm and small chuckle, the woman spoke.”Did I not assure you that we would meet again soon little one? It is as I assured you, the day you tapped back into the svalinn so that you could traverse those ever shifting caverns. It is nice finally getting to gaze upon your face, Nerice was also kind enough to tell me much about you, child marked by Frør.”

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