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Catch of the day [Deadliest Catch, NQ]

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#1Salem E. 

Catch of the day [Deadliest Catch, NQ] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:32 pm

Salem E.

Salem woke up peacefully. The salty smell of the sea and the humid dampness in the air made him smile. The Fae really took a liking to the Island. The tropical place was just his cup of tea. From the local populace to the very air he breathed. He was starting to spend more time here as his home away from home in the guild.

Taking his precious time he brushed his teeth and got ready for his next adventure. He went to the lobby, ate breakfast and was heading out. His attention was grabbed by a large pink thing. When he looked at it better he noticed it was a pink frog outfit. It was so out of place and amusing. It put a smile on his face.

“Do you like Frosch’s outfit?” Salem was surprised that the thing was talking to him. It was a cute cat-like creature that was dressed in the costume. Salem had heard about the exceed but had never met one till now. He found it to be adorable like a toy. It made the fae want it.

“I do. It looks really good on you. I was thinking about how to get one?” Salem asked the curious cat with his thousand watt smile on his face. He had an interest in the thing. That was not faked.

“Frosch can make you one. Do you want to travel and match with Frosch?” The exceed asked back, returning the smile. Salem had never thought about having a companion with him. He had his lover but he decided to take on the exceed. Other people had animal compatriots with them, it would not kill him to have one go with them.

“You can make it in time. For now I have to pick up a job and get some work done. Wanna tag along?” The exceed shook its head excitedly. Salem just started walking towards the docks with it. It was an inquisitive creature that asked a lot of questions. Salem turned it into a trivia game. It helped the two of them bond and was a fun experience.

“Hello!” Salem greeted the people at the docks. Today's mission was to catch a rare eel for the kitchen. He could easily swim out to sea but he did not want to waste his mana. If he needed to do battle with the sea beast every bit of mana could make a difference. It was unfortunate but he could very easily drown to death in a human body, among other things that could happen in it.

It took about 15 minutes of negotiation. Frosch being a big help in the business dealings. The two of them were secured on the boat for the trip, and headed out into the deep waters. The exceed being excited and asking questions about things, and Salem answering where he could to help pass the time again. The two of them were so amusing that even the sailors joined in to play the trivia game with them.

WC: 505


Catch of the day [Deadliest Catch, NQ] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:32 pm

The member 'Salem E.' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 93

#3Salem E. 

Catch of the day [Deadliest Catch, NQ] Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 8:34 pm

Salem E.

A rumble sound came from underneath the boat. A long sleek silver body was underneath the ship. It grabbed Salem’s attention. It knocked against the boat as if wanting to capsize the people and crew on it. Salem looked at it and was disappointed. It was not the fish he was looking for. He did not think he would have been that lucky. The thunder eel was a rarer species.

“I don’t even want to waste that much mana on you. You are not worth the effort.” From the fact that the fish did not seem that dangerous he viewed it as weak. He snapped his fingers, freezing the fish where it was. It was magic that was a lot harder to execute above ground or out of a body of water. As a water based Fae, stopping it inside his domain was a lot easier. The only remnant that he had anything to do with it, was the fact that his magic colored the water was a greenish tint, that gave off a vitality of life.

Another loud thud was heard as a fearsome cry was released. The fish that Salem had captured was released but it was not in good condition. A large chunk of it was bitten off by an overly large green fish that looked like an eel with a tail. Salem’s world eyes can see through the bloody water with ease. He waited a moment before jumping into the water. The fish released a bolt of lightning at the previously wrapped one. It was enough for Salem to know that that fish was his target.

The damaged fish looked at its attacker with anger. It felt like it was not gonna make it. As the bolt approached the poor fish a green tint wrapped around it. The fish probably thought it was the first attacker coming to help it die. It was surprised when the bolt hit the fish. The fish was not even remotely damaged. In fact it looked like it was healing up from the damage it was taking. The first fish looked back at Salem then looked at the lightning one, then it attacked. Salem was supporting it with his defensive magic keeping the beast from getting damage. It did a pretty good job before it abruptly fled. Salem could have stopped it if he wanted to but he chose not to. He understood the reason why the fish was choosing to run away instead of fight.

Salem snapped his fingers and made a bolt from his own energy to finish it off. It hit the fish in the face and was enough to send it over the edge. The fae managed to knock it out. The fish was not dead as Salem directed it back onto the boat. Keeping it fresh would get him some bonus jewels.

“Alright. That should be it. We can start to head back into the water and get away from this place. Hopefully, we can get home for a meal Frosch.”

WC:505 TWC:1,010

#4Salem E. 

Catch of the day [Deadliest Catch, NQ] Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:59 pm

Salem E.

Salem was happy with the large prey he caught. It would be sufficient enough for the people on the island. A large smell of ozone permeated the air. Salem was nervous and erected a full blown barrier around the ship. It was a good thing he did. The air crackled and a large bolt of lightning fell.

“Oh no. Frosch is dizzy from the loud crackle.” Salem smiled grimly. He could relate to the exceed because the bolt of lightning did make his head hurt. Even if his barrier managed to take it all. A large bolt came from the side and smacked into the ship. This time the shield was not able to hold up. The water covered the body, soaking everyone as it crumbled.

Salem moved quickly to build a wall and intercept another bolt. This time he was able to see where it was coming from. Another lightning eel fish larger than this one was charging at them. Salem was not an expert on fish emotions but it looked pissed. It took him two seconds to guess that the one they caught was a spouse or child. Salem did not care. He simply thought it would be best to catch both of them.

“I haven’t done this in a bit.” A blue glow wrapped around Salem as he started to go all out. He did not use his fairy form often but when he did he needed to get serious. Salem used his fully body defense and got to work. Like a rocket Salem flew out of the boat. He used his staff to smack the eel fish, unexpectedly catching it off guard. It roared as it released a field from his body. A strand of lightning managed to hit him and hurt his armor. He was fine for a second till pain wracked his body.

The Fairy Godfather took unexpected damage. The people on the boat were caught off guard and could have been really hurt. Salem had used his passive ability to take the pain and suffering away from others. So they were only mildly hurt. The big pain came from the fact that it was multiple people and an exceed taking the damage at once. Salem retaliated using a one handed swing of his staff at the creature's face. He was trying to crack the skull and the smack did seem to daze it. Salem finished the bout with a wide area healing spell. Of course the eel fish did not count as a target to be healed. It took damage and promptly was captured.

Getting back on the ship Salem felt refreshed. He did not notice how silent it was till he looked up. The crew gave him dark looks when they saw the second eel fish. The crew had the captain talk to him. They decided it was time for an impromptu negotiation. Since a second was found. Salem did not want to give it up. So he covered Frosch’s eyes has he killed a few members to make a point. That was enough for the rest to fall in line. Letting Salem get home to collect his rewards.

WC:527         TWC:1,537

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