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Copy Against Copy (Carmina)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Copy Against Copy (Carmina) Empty Sat Aug 03, 2024 4:00 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon wasn’t sure if he would be able to get stronger this way. He was using his katana to try and become strong in a sense of close range. He knew that he was physically weak, but the mastery of his sword would provide him more on the battlefield. He hoped for that, and he would continue to push. He had lost two people so far in this arena, but this time he was hoping things would come to a change.

He was in front of the gates hoping to become more than he was right now. He didn’t want to use Hai Bone in these fights. It wouldn’t allow him to grow, and he knew that much. He had his bandana on his head and his katanas on his sash. He was only able to use one though, which he was annoyed with, but at the same time, he had come to accept it. He was ready for battle, and it was his turn to do so. Who he was going to fight would be interesting, and how the battle would go, well that was for him to find out.

“Ladies and Gentlemen we have a fight coming this way. On one corner we have someone who has shown how strong he is, whether he wins or loses. It seems like he’s holding back, but what is it exactly? We have seen him use magic one time, but that was it. Let’s bring out the Devourer of Dragons, Go D. Drakkon.” He said this as the gates would open.

Drakkon would wait for it to fully open and he would walk into the arena as the people there would scream and shout as they were excited to see him appear again. He made his way to the arena and when he got there, he would look over to the gate to see who he was fighting. He stretched a bit before he took his katana out. He was ready to fight, he wasn’t playing around hoping to become better after this fight was over.


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Copy Against Copy (Carmina) Empty Sat Aug 03, 2024 5:49 pm

Carmina was nervous about doing this but she needed to gain confidence in herself and start hunting out magic to get stronger and make sure to save those that are waiting for her to return and save them she had to do this but she didn't know if she had the strength to actually do it or not. She had gained and ally in another woman that is trying to help her learn of what it is like to be harder to break and not be scared to be herself but she knows that she is so far behind and that she keeps bumbling in learning spells but she had a new friend that was going to help her in this battle a rare creature that she had only heard legends about while she grew up in Stella, it had seemed to have sensed her need for help and had come to her and she rode it toward the gate as they called out the first name of the name that she would be fighting.

She readied herself for the fight that she was going to be facing as she was not sure what kind of opponent that had paired her up with but she trusted in Rey to help her put up a good fight rather she wins or loses vs them. She got off of the Quetzalcoatl and waited to enter. “Annnnnd on this side we have a new comer to our humble ARENAAAAA the beautiful Carmina Evangelista, everyone make sure to cheer her on!” The announcer had clearly seen how nervous the woman was to part take in this fight so he wanted to make sure that she would maybe be a returning fighter as beautiful women fighting will bring in more people to fill the seats.

Carmina walked in with the Quetzalcoatl right with her and she looked at the other man he looked a bit rough and rugged so she knows that this was going to be a rough right to take on but she was going to have to power through this and she hoped that Rey didn't get to hurt in this fight. Rey took off into the sky wo start circling ready for his partner to tell him to let loose an attack to help to even the playing field as the woman lacked a weapon of her own to use in this fight but she had heart and that is what pulled Rey to her in the first place to help.

Carmina Spread:

#3Go D. Drakkon 

Copy Against Copy (Carmina) Empty Sat Aug 03, 2024 6:24 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard the name of the person entering the arena, and when he heard it was a girl, his head tilted. He wondered if this woman was a Dragon Slayer. All the women he fought in the past were Dragon Slayers. It was why he fought them, to begin with. This time it might have been different if she didn’t have those powers. Still, he couldn’t just forfeit right? She was here to fight, so it would only be a dishonor if he would just walk away.

It seemed like she wasn’t going to be alone though. He saw that there was a weird-looking creature by her side. He nodded as this was interesting now, and he was into it now. If she had something like that on her side, then he didn’t have to worry about it. He would go for the creature first and then he would go after her.

When they got into the arena, he noticed that thing that was with her and flew to the sky. It was about ten meters or so. He wouldn’t be able to reach it unless he used his magic to put himself in the air. That meant that he was going to have to use his magic to hit it or use the girl as bait to get it to come down from where it was. He could tell the woman didn’t have any weapons with her, which meant that this thing would be her means of protection, but what about her magical properties? He wasn’t clear on what she used, but it was time to find out.

The fight would begin and Drakkon would close the gap between the two of them, he wanted to try it out and see what this creature would do when he got too close to her. The son of Chaos would approach her quickly closing the gap between the two of them and he would swing his Yamato horizontally. He was aiming for her abdomen, understanding she would most likely be able to take this hit due to how weak he was physically as well.

“I wanted to hold back on you, but if you’re here, then it means you’re here to fight in the arena.” He said to her as waited for things to unfold here.


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ld here.


Copy Against Copy (Carmina) Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 10:07 am

Carmina saw the man starting to come at her and she now wished she had rode on Rey's back to do this fight but she would only be relaying on someone else's power and that wasn't way she had went into this fight Rey was here to support her if she needed it but not to help her fight her battle. She had to be honest that she was scared about getting hurt but she knows that she can't just keep living in fear of things and not trying so she needed to fight against this man. As the man closed the gap on her, Carmina would run at the other man as she would have to attempt to face him here and she knew that it was probably not a good idea but this was her fight to fight. Carmina tried to stay sure footed as she attempted to get close enough to the man to hit him with a punch of her own as she had to be brave. The sword seemed to have hit her on the side where a rib is, but she would still swing her balled fist still kept going forward in maybe a vein attempt to hit the man in the face even if she missed she knew she was going to attempt to keep going till she couldn't fight any more.

Rey had watched the woman bravely face the man like that but he is sure that she shouldn't have just taken a hit like that in hopes that she could hit him as well for the attack he was giving her. After Carmina hit or missed with her punch she backed off and tried to stay on her feet as the hit she took had seemed to have broken her rib which would make her unable to run or even be able to lunge to dodge from the other attacks the man might send her way and she was holding her side in great pain.
(334) (754)

Carmina Spread:

#5Go D. Drakkon 

Copy Against Copy (Carmina) Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 12:00 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was wondering what she would do at this moment. He didn’t see any signs of gears, or was she wearing her battle armor? He wasn’t sure right now, but he was about to find out. When he swung his blade at her, he knew it wouldn’t be enough to take her out in a single hit, but it was enough to bring in some excitement. It would seem like she was ready to face her fears and fight against him. He was shocked about this, but he welcomed it wondering what she had planned.

His attack landed with ease, she didn’t dodge it or anything. He was surprised about this actually as he looked at her. She should have done something else, right? Well, she had been hit, but she was also attacking him. That was impressive and he had actually welcomed the hit. It wasn’t every time he would see someone take his hit without worrying that it might be a lethal attack. He moved his face to the side and lifted his face up a little bit.

She would catch him right on his cheek as he felt the blow as he had a smirk on his face. He stumbled back a bit as he looked at her as if she had done the same thing. When the crowd saw this, they were roaring that she had gotten a hit on Drakkon. He cracked his neck as the wound on his face started healing on its own.

“That was impressive, a lot of people would have run from seeing coming with an attack of a katana. I hope you provide more entertainment.” He said to Carmina as he was preparing for the next thing to do.

Drakkon was aware of the beast in the sky and he didn’t do anything that time. Still, out of the two, he could sense the beast was stronger than the girl. He had to be aware of this, but for now, he would continue to fight the girl right now.

He could see that when he hit her she felt pain in her ribs. He would have to be careful, the fight was one-sided, so he didn’t want to truly break anything of hers. Yes, he was actually using the back of his katana as cutting this woman down wouldn’t be the right thing for him to do. The Devourer moved around the arena as he was assessing the situation. It was then he would push off the ground and toward Carmina once again.

This time he would swing his Yamato and he would aim for her left arm this time. He figured if he hit the same spot repeatedly, he would break something, which he didn’t want to do to her. When was this thing going to attack him?


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Copy Against Copy (Carmina) Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 1:07 pm

Carmina had been surprised that the punch had actually hit the man as he felt her fist connect to his face, she was also glad in that moment that Rey was respecting that she didn't want him to interfere in her fight. The man giving her praise had slightly caught her off guard a blush spreading across her face as she had fully just expected the man to laugh at her and call her a weak woman especially as the spot she had hit him at had not even showed any sign of damage from her landing that hit or even that she had touched him but she figured that he was just that tough and she had a long way to go still to make it to his level. "I need to get over my fears and learn to use my special magic... I have people that need me to fight and learn all kinds of spells so can use them and save my family and friends... if they are even still alive." When the man had shown signs that he was coming in on her again with his sword she would attempt to dodge even if it was in vein.

She needed to make sure that she didn't get herself killed during this fight and she could see Rey's shadow from him circling above as he was watching her and cheering her on even if he was not saying it and he really wanted to watch her fight and he had the best seat in the house to watch. She if she had been able to dodge the slash from her left would try to make a lunge at him to try and strike him again, if his sword was able to connect with her she would stumble and attempt to keep her footing and go back in to try and strike him again though she doubted that the man would fall for a second brave attack but she had heart and that was about it from her as she needed to make a point here and show she will not back down from her dream of learning a mix of magics and take down those that threaten her home and her loved ones.
(378) (1,132)

Carmina Spread:

#7Go D. Drakkon 

Copy Against Copy (Carmina) Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 1:39 pm

Go D. Drakkon
He heard her words and he wondered what kind of magic she used. He himself relied on others to become stronger. His magic was taken from other people with magic similar to his own. Still, he would ask after this exchange of blows as he approached her. This time it seemed like she was going to dodge this time. When he saw her dodge his attack, it would seem like she was trying to take advantage of the situation. She was smart about that as he watched her moving close to him. He had a smirk on his face as he watched her get close to him. When she was ready to hit him again, his arm would twitch and contort itself as it got longer, but with the length, it was able to bend again and attack her from behind.

He would get hit again right in the face as she had continuously hit him in the spot. Still, she wouldn’t notice it, but his attack was coming once again from behind this time. He was aiming for her shoulder. The Devourer figured that he would take a bit as he smiled at her with the other punch that she landed on him.

“I see you keep punching me in the same spot. Not a bad idea in your future spots. It’s good to continue to hit the same spot repeatedly against your opponent. Still, always remember they might start guarding that area.” He gave her advice, but it was not something he was going to do.

He stumbled back, but his arm would still try and hit her from behind. He was aiming at her arm, but right on her shoulder this time.

Whether the attack missed or not his arm would retract back to its normal size as he looked at her with a smile on his face.

He got into another stance as he was looking at her right now. It would seem like she was trying to fight him, but his aura kept healing him. It wasn’t her fault, but this wasn’t something she could win with just her fist alone.

“What kind of special magic do you have?” He asked her curious to hear what she had to say.

He was also wondering what she would do now that he was giving her the opportunity to go first on the attack this time around.


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Copy Against Copy (Carmina) Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 3:28 pm

Carmina was surprised that she had gotten in close again to him but this time without being hit and landing another blow and then it would happen the man gave her advice and then she felt something hit her in the shoulder from behind. She was in shock as she had dodged the attack, but then how... How did it just hit her like that and that is when she saw his arm and how it had pulled back to him like that. He was smart and he had let her think that she had dodged the attack but then in an instant after her thinking that she had gotten a bit of a score in she was brought right back down to earth and she really realized how far of a way that she has to go. The throbbing in her arm and side was a reminder that this man was not someone to mess with and she would need to do something or she was about to lose this fight before she could do anything more about it.

The man had already taken to his next stance, Carmina seeing her life flashing before her eyes. She needed to do something and quickly but she was unarmed and she wasn't looking to make Rey help her as that was just her relaying on someone else she needed to build this power of hers on her own and take others spells was the only way but how can she be respected if all she is, is a cheap imitation of others and their power, she needed to make this work she had to or she would fail. She heard the man ask her about her magic and she looked at him knowing it didn't matter if she told him but she would tell him just so he would know. "I have an advanced copy magic, I think the man called it Memory Make, it allows me to copy spells and learn their roots as well as adapt the spell as I see fit to do." She was not sure how much of it was a lie and a truth as she had yet to retain any spells of her own that she could use or do anything with. She started to run at an angle to think as she needed time to think but she has a feeling this man was about to end her life and she could already feel her body was close to giving way on her.
(422) (1,554)

Carmina Spread:

#9Go D. Drakkon 

Copy Against Copy (Carmina) Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 3:54 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would hear her words, and his eyes widened. He was surprised to hear that she had magic similar to his. That was interesting, she copied magic, while he copied Dragon Slayer magic. The other thing was that it seemed like she had taken the core of the magic she had copied. That was impressive, her magic was probably far beyond his. He could only take Dragon Slayer Magic, and he felt like there weren’t a lot of them to begin with.

Still, knowing this from her, only allowed him to realize that she didn’t have any magic most likely. That was sad, but that was okay, if she continued to learn how to fight, then her future could be bright. That was when he watched her run as if she was buying time. That was fine and he was looking at her. He was getting ready to strike, but he was cautious about the thing in the air. The Son of Chaos was ready though, and he would take her out now.

“I see, so you have a magic that only allows you to copy and take spells from others? I see, I have something just like that it seems.” He said to her.

“Mine is more specific. I copy the spells and the abilities of other Dragon Slayers. Which means my magic only affects other Dragon Slayers. Yours seems broader than mine, so I think it's better than mine.” He said to her as he was getting ready to move on to the next plan of action.

He had moved straight toward Carmina; he was quicker than she was and getting close to her only made her slower as well. It would do the same thing to her pet in the sky as well. When he got close to her, he would do her justice and take her out with an attack.

When he got close enough, he would swing his blade into the air, he wouldn’t even try to hit her, but instead, he would launch one of his spells. He was using a weaker version of his Judgement cut. It would appear right in front of where she was running. A bunch of slashes would appear in front of her and it would start appearing in a bunch of areas attempting to hit her at the same time. This would be it though and that much he knew, unless she had something he didn’t know about.


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Copy Against Copy (Carmina) Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 10:04 am

The woman heard what he had said about him being the same as she was and she wondered if that was true as the man hadn't used magic and had only slapped her with his sword a few times but she had understood that she was in danger here. "So you as well can copy a spell just by seeing it?" She asked as she feebly tried to run but as the man had closed in on her she could feel herself slow and she knew that she was going to maybe die here as she had been foolish to have come unarmed next time she will have to have a weapon with her to maybe make some kind of difference tan this time for her. Rey looked down as he flew around above the arena and kept watching as he was not interfering only watching this woman bravely fight. Carmina had turned around to look at the other man as he casted the weapon spell and she tried to copy it to use it to defend herself but she wasn't able to, in the end her magic had failed her and she in turn had failed her magic. Carmina in that moment felt a deep dread again as this was where it ends for her at the hand of a man that was in some way like her and she guessed that is what it was like to be the small fish that was consumed by the big fish in the pond.

The spell consumed Carmina the slashes danced across her body and harmed her and she could do nothing as the slashes licked at her skin and knocked her around within them as she had already been defeated but this was the last period in the story of this fight for her as she had truly nothing left in the tank to use and no trick that she could use to make it all come out right for her, this was the end. As the spell ended Carmina dropped to her knees on the ground beaten up and with nothing to show for it, she had been fully bested and had not been able to put up any real right. The announcer came out with medical staff and as the medical staff checked on the downed woman. The announcer spoke to the crowd and proclaimed that Drakkon was their winner, and that the woman was fine just knocked out.

Rey came down from the sky and the crowd gasped as they thought that the beast was going to cheap shot attack the other man but the creature simply landed and checked on her himself and to collect her and leave the arena with her.
(458) (2,012) (Exit)

#11Go D. Drakkon 

Copy Against Copy (Carmina) Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 11:30 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had hit her with a lesser spell, and it was to make sure that he didn’t overdo it. He didn’t want to kill her as it seemed like she was not even at her peak yet. It would be a waste to kill someone who had talent but needed to work on it to have it blossom. When he hit her with the spell, it seemed like she had tried to do something, but it failed. That sucked, he noticed that she was trying to copy the spell, but it was from his weapon. It seemed like she couldn’t absorb it and was hit with it instead. When she was hit, it seemed like it was over.

He saw her fall to the ground and he would walk over to her, but before he got anywhere near her, he noticed the beast from above would come down. He had leaped back on the defense as he was getting ready to fight it if he needed to. Still, it didn’t care for Drakkon, and it when it checked on the girl, it would pick her up and it would fly away. Drakkon sighed as she needed rest, and he made sure that he didn’t put her life in danger. He would put Yamato away as he looked over to the announcer. He would join the arena with Drakkon and he would raise his hand up to the crowd.

“We have ourselves a winner! Give it up for Drakkon!” He shouted as the crowd cheered on for the victory.

Drakkon would put his hand down and he made his way to the exit of the arena. He was getting closer, but he needed more work. Once he reached the pinnacle of sword fighting, he would be able to use his full abilities and understand his fight.


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