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Ancients Collide

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Ancients Collide  Empty Wed Jul 24, 2024 7:50 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had that tremendous loss against Ikazuchi, and then he had won against Lily. There was truly a weird way of his power being either too good or too weak. Still, he wanted to master his sword, but fighting Dragon Slayer brought him the urge to eat their spells, which brought him to forget everything else. He was hoping he could master his weapon today, but it would only be who his opponent appeared to be.

He didn’t know who he was fighting, but he knew he was fighting. They had called him and told him to be ready as his fight was going to be starting soon. He had his gear on him and he took the Bandana from his arm and wrapped it around his head. He was going to be serious. Still, it was sad that he couldn’t use his Enma as it had still been giving him a hard time to pull from its sheathe.

“Still, don’t think I’m worthy? Well, I will show you one day and you will obey and recognize me as your master.” He said to Enma as he shook his head and he would look at Yamato.

He was happy at least one of his katanas had recognized him as his owner. Still, when he got to the gate, he could hear the rumbling of the people anxiously waiting for the fight to begin. They seemed like they were anticipating this fight, which made him wonder who the hell was he about to fight. He readied himself though, cracking his neck and his fingers as the gates opened up. He watched things unfold as he was the first to be let out from the gate.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, we have ourselves a nice showdown going on in a second. The first person to show their face into the arena is a man who has fought twice, breaking even with his record. He has the ability to eat Dragons, and the skills to swing a katana, Drakkon!” He shouted as the people started cheering hearing his introduction.

Drakkon had made his way to the arena as he looked around the area. Hai was in the audience watching his master fight. He wanted to help, but his master had refused it for this fight. He figured he would watch and observe the fight and scold Drakkon later about it. When he got to the arena, the next gate would start opening and the announcer would start once again.

Drakkon would stretch a bit more getting ready to see who his opponent was.



Attribute Detailed:




Ancients Collide  Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 6:54 am


Kaito had come to try his luck here as people had asked him to take part at least once in the area here in seven Kaito was not sure what he had really gotten himself into here but he guessed that he was about to find out as he moved his arm and his gear appeared on his person. Kaito was not very sure about all of this but he guessed that he can only regret what he hasn't tried though upon hearing the announcer say that his opponent was an eater of dragons Kaito figures that couldn't be good news for himself but he was going to have to face this person rather he wins or loses will probably come down to who wants to win more between the two of them. He figures if the other man is also a dragon slayer that this fight is going to be rough as he was more of a supportive dragon slayer at least spell wise but he was going to try his hardest even if in the end he is bound to lose.

The announcer winds up his voice to call out the next fighter that will be taking on the eater of dragons. “Next to come out is a man that probably doesn't need an introduction! The Dimensional Dragon Slayer himself Kaito!” The man pointed to the gate that had opened up and Kaito walked out his cloak hood lowered and his mask covered face in full view, with his straw hat on his head, the mask back on his face was something that he choose to do last second as he was feeling nervous about all of this and being in front of so many people. His sword in his hand and ready for this as his other gear mostly seemed average in appearance at first look besides his straw hat and a little ducky that was clipped to his cloak that when the crowd saw it started cheering harder for Kaito.

“Now we want a clean fight no monkey business and we will be maximizing the the barrier to protect the crowd from your attacks so no need to hold back anything!” Kaito knows that he still needed to be careful as his magic was strange and could pierce the barrier spell and maybe hurt someone so he would need to make sure that he aimed very carefully if he was to unleash that spell but for now he was looking over his opponent and it seemed that the man was far more ready for this fight than he was but he was just going to have to make this count and not hold back or this man will probably devour him.

Kaito's spread:

#3Go D. Drakkon 

Ancients Collide  Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 1:50 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon’s ear would twitch when he heard who he was fighting. This was a man who was known throughout Earthland. What was worse was that he and Yuurei were always together most of the time. In the end, he knew this person must have been strong. Still, even with the trembling in his body knowing that this guy must have been around Yuurei’s level, the words Dragon Slayer brought a huge grin to his face.

This was perfect, this was amazing. He was fighting a Dragon Slayer and a Dimensional one at that. It brought him to think about situations. If he beat him would he be able to absorb the capabilities of a Dimensional Dragon Slayer? He wasn’t even sure if it would work for him, so he figured one step at a time. The first thing he would do was simply, see if he could absorb his spells. That was most important and he couldn’t wait to try things out.

Drakkon had stopped his stretching though, he had taken out his katana and he looked at the man entering the arena. When he got there, Drakkon tilted his head when he heard the man tell them to go all out, but no weird business. He didn’t care as he looked at Kaito with a smirk on his face. They were about ten meters apart at this point ready for the fight to begin.

“So, you’re the Dragon Slayer who’s always with Yuurei and Brone? Fairy Tail right? I’m surprised you didn’t join Paradise Dawn when your friends were there.” He said this to him as he felt something off.

His strength had been sapped right at the beginning and they didn’t even start fighting yet.

“I guess it starts like that.” He knew that there was no holding back here.

At this moment he felt like he should have had Hai Gone with him, but it was too late for that. A green glow would appear around him, and the scales on his body would start to appear as well. His eyes focused on Kaito as he made the first move between the two of them. Drakkon had swiftly channeled the energy of the dimensional powers of Yamato. He slashed the air in front of him and with that it had started to cover a wide area around him. He was attempting to damage Kaito right at the beginning. He wondered if he could even put a dent on this man.


Combat Log:
Spell Used:


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Ancients Collide  Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 9:47 am


While Kaito was walking up he saw the smile crack across the face of the other man and he already knew he was in trouble against him as that smile pointed toward him is like the enemies he had face along side Yuurei when they fought to protect the world and save lives, that smiling only meant pain. Kaito heard the man speak to him saying that he knew who Kaito was and that again sunk into Kaito now knowing this is not going to be something he takes lightly and hopes for the best. "I didn't join Yuurei because I owe my life to my current guild master, but we can go more into that later when we are not facing each other if we see each other again after this." Kaito was hoping that he didn't sound intimidated by the other man even if he was feeling a bit of Yuurei's aura of handling things coming off of him.

It would seem that his straw hat had, had an effect on Drakkon and that was a lucky break for himself as that means the man is a bit weaker than at his full power so maybe Kaito has a chance at this, but before Kaito could say or do anything else his autonomous ultra instinct kicked up warning him of danger as the man had released a barrage of slashes at him but Kaito had stood his ground the slashes going through his body as if it wasn't there. "That is a nice sword technique, maybe I will have to ask you to teach me it. You really would have gotten me there if I wasn't careful." After the slashes had just ended Kaito made a stroke with his sword slashing and unleashing a 4-Meter Diameter slash of dimensional energy that flies forward in the movement of the slashes angle which was across horizontally from left to right. Kaito was not sure if that was going to hit but he took the moment after the slash to start running to look for angles to strike from on his man as well as maybe using his newest spell if he had to but Kaito wasn't really sure what it can fully do as he hadn't used it on a living target yet after making it.

Kaito kept his eyes on the other man and was trying to think of what he will need to do next or if he could really even do anything here to win this fight through his magic as after him seeing that man use that sword technique he was not so sure he could win against them in an up close sword fight.
(453) (908)

Kaito's spread:

Spells used:

"Action Log:


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Ancients Collide  Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 10:39 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard his words and he understood. It seemed like this man owed a life debt to his current Guild Master. That was understandable and he wouldn’t knock it down. What he wanted to knock down was the power he had. It was all that he could think about, he wanted to consume it, make it his, but could he?

“Interesting reasoning.” He said to Kaito as the fight had begun.

When he attacked him, his spells went right through him. This surprised Drakkon, honestly, he didn’t think he would see someone do something like this, but here he was. It was then he watched Kaito swing his blade, and one slash would come straight to him. His eyes widen, was that a slash from the sword or from this man’s magic? He wasn’t sure, but he figured he would try and consume it. If he didn’t take it in, then it was part of the sword or he just couldn’t consume his magic.

When it got close to hitting Drakkon, the man would inhale trying to consume his spell. When it was close it started to dematerialize and it would enter Drakkon’s stomach. It was then he knew that the move he used was his magic and that he could eat his spell. This was perfect and he was excited to see what else this man would throw at him.

“Oi, that attack was dangerous, all I saw was my body almost cut in half.” He said to him as he noticed that he was on the move.

Drakkon figured that it was bound to happen. Shit he was fast actually, he didn’t notice at first, but he was indeed fast. Still, the cold air around Drakkon would slow him down a bit, but even then, the Devourer could see he was still faster than him. It made him suck his teeth as he figured right then and there he needed to work on being faster.

At this moment in time, he wasn’t sure that he could outrun Kaito, that wasn’t good in his eyes, so the only thing he could do right now was use another spell that would hopefully cut him. He watched where he was he going and figured it was best that he would predict his movements. No, when he used his first spell this man had seen it coming or sensed it coming? He wasn’t sure what it was, but it kept him on his toes.

In this moment he figured two things, if he didn’t use his magic, he would lose, and since he didn’t bring Hai Gone into this fight, getting to close range in this fight would also mean he lost. The thing he didn’t account for was his mana, but honestly, he didn’t care about that as long as this man kept shooting his spells at him. He was blinded by his urge to consume more of what Kaito could throw at him.

He would swing his katana in the direction Kaito was going. He counted where he would be versus the speed of his weapon’s magic versus the speed he was going in. The focal point of his spell was right where he felt like Kaito would be running. He was sure the man would sense the danger of the initial attack coming, but it would spread from that area to an eight eight-meter spread of slashes around the general area.

It was also after he had done this, that he would make his move and he would also start running making sure to keep the two of them at a fair distance from each other while they fought. He had also let go of his dragon force and went with his Perfected Ultra Instinct.


Combat Log:
Spell Used:


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Ancients Collide  Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 6:22 pm


Kaito felt a strange stiffness in his legs as he went to run and the last time he really felt this outside of being hit by a debuff spell was when he fought Brone, so this man must have something that was causing him to be slowed down and Kaito would have to find out what it was before he ended up being too slow to react to something that was happening right in front of himself and get caught by it. He heard the man parrot his complaint that an attack was dangerous and he wondered if the other man was doing it to mock him or if that was there real thought but what was even more intimidating was that the other man had just swallowed the spell he had sent at him. Kaito had never seen someone eat one of his spells before like that so Kaito was going to see what he could do here as he needed to stop the man from getting a piece of him here or some way to stop the man from eating his spells again, but Kaito had no idea how to do that so he was going to do what he can.

As Kaito sensed the man make another attack toward him again, with out looking Kaito had turned the side of his sword toward the attack and it vanishes as it was warped away to do no harm to Kaito and Kaito then without missing a step raised and flicked with his sword in an attempt to use his binding spell on the other man to keep him in place so that Kaito can unleash his new Ultimate spell on the man without having to hope it didn't miss as this spell had not been tested so he was not sure how it would work but first the binding spell had been cast. The area that Drakkon was in had became slightly distorted as if it had been slightly shifted between dimensions and the walls of the two dimensions were about to close in on him to pin him in place to be a sitting duck for Kaito's next attack if he were to use it. Kaito had kept moving to make sure that he can build up a head of steam to go in and take the other man. Kaito knows that he can not take it easy on this man as he had already shown Kaito that he is very effective at fighting against a dragon slayer.

Kaito wondered if the man could also eat his binding spell or if it was only offensive spells that could be eaten. Kaito guessed this would be the test of that process and if it hit then Kaito would have his answer but Kaito was not going to stop moving in case it did not catch the other man as he still felt the effects of this cold stiffness that he had in his legs slowing him down and some times the smallest advantages an enemy gains is simply the next nail in your coffin that does you in, in the end or so his grandmother that trained him had beaten into him to not look past the small things that might come back to bit him in the ass.
(551) (1,459)

Kaito's spread:

Spells used:

Spells on CD:

"Action Log:

#7Go D. Drakkon 

Ancients Collide  Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 8:06 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was sure he would hit Kaito with his attack or at least get him to do something that would stop him from running. It seemed like he was right about one thing. This man had stopped his attack with just the point of his sword. The attack that would have done quite a bit to Kaito had disappeared into a different dimension. This brought the Devourer to smile as that magic was indeed interesting and different than any other magic that he had come across.

He was on the move, but it would seem like the Dragon Slayer he was fighting was trying to put a stop to that. The son of Chaos would see this and as things were getting tighter, Drakkon decided to devour this spell as well. This man was tough, which means the spells he was using were not something that was to be laughed at. He did see that he could take his spell the last time he did it, so hopefully he could do that with this one right? He would go ahead and try it as he would inhale without hesitating.

When the Prison was close to him the spell would also dematerialize around Drakkon as it was dispersing and it was making its way into Drakkon’s mouth. When he had consumed it all, he would burp as that was tasty.

“Another spell taken; what else could I take from him?” He said to himself as he wondered what else Kaito would do.

Still, what else could he take from him? All of this would make him stronger, as he was learning magic from the strongest Dragon Slayer in Earthland. It was not something he was happy to admit in his thoughts, but Kaito was closer to Yuurei’s level than any other being on this plane. If that was so, not even Drakkon could claim the title of the strongest Dragon Slayer just yet. He would aim for that and show Kaito that he wouldn’t be the only one.

As for now though, learning, copying, and becoming stronger right now was needed for him to achieve his goals. He didn’t have any spells to use as of right now, the man had taken his spell from him, so he decided to close the distance between the two of them. Kaito was still faster than him, but he shifted his run to go in the direction Kaito was running in.

The Devourer did his best to close the distance between the two of them and when he did that he would activate the wrapped arm’s spell. The bandages would unravel themselves as he was trying to Bind Kaito in place even for a split second. If he could try to do it to him, then he figured it was only right he would return the favor. While doing that when he got two meters away from Kaito, his arm would stretch two meters at him at spell speed attempting to deal damage to Kaito with his Yamato.


Combat Log:
Spell Used:


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Ancients Collide  Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:59 am


Kaito had seen this man eat yet another one of his spells and now Kaito was a bit worried about what he could even do to even try to counter attack this man, was it just wiser to run in on him and attack him than it was to just keep throwing spells at him? Kaito wasn't sure if he could really risk that as he has no idea to what this man and his sword could do in close combat if he were to attempt to take him on at this point Kaito figured that he has to stall for time and then strike when the man has worn himself out but that was going to probably be harder than it looks for him to accomplish as the man had wisely dropped his dragon slayer form so the other man had as well started to control his mana out put as he seemed to understand that Kaito was more of a wait out the enemy type of mage or so Kaito thinks.

Kaito sees the man coming up on him hot while aiming his arm at Kaito and Kaito knows that arm he had seen it before so he knew what it could do and he swung his sword and seemed to disappear as the binding spell was about to hit him, as if he had just stepped through a door to another plan and vanished from the area. Kaito had used his warp teleportation and reappeared running about five meters behind Drakkon going the other way still running from the other man as Kaito hoped that the man would think that he had fled. Kaito can hear the crowd going wild at watching them fight. Kaito had been so focused in on the fight that he had even forgotten that they were in the arena for this fight so he guessed he was over his stage fright to do this. Kaito would move his sword upward toward the sky and Kaito would have wings appear on his back and he would start to fly off of the ground as he was going to see if leaving the ground might put Kaito at an advantage versus this other dragon slayer.

Kaito was going to start to build up his mana and his focus to use the new spell that he had taught himself to use and it was his first time using it on a living target so he was kind of scared that the spell was going to fail to even do anything but he knew in his heart of hearts that he had to use this as it was really his last resort here in hopes that the other man would be unable to eat this one as he didn't want to attempt to use his other strong spell as if he missed or the other man dodged it then it would rip through the crowed stadium of people and that would really make him look bad and put a black mark on the name of fairy tail as he circled in the air flying keeping his speed.
(521) (1,980)

Kaito's spread:

Spells used:

Spells on CD:

"Action Log":

#9Go D. Drakkon 

Ancients Collide  Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 11:53 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon’s attempt to hit this man had failed yet again. It brought him to suck his teeth with annoyance. He was not frustrated, he knew it would be difficult to hit this man, but he didn’t expect it to be this hard. Still, his vanishing trick worked, he wasn’t hit and then he sensed him again, this time it was behind him. That was interesting, but fine at the same time, if he had known he would do that, he would have gotten closer and tried to consume that spell.

It seems like he runs away a lot. How does one beat someone who’s purpose is to run? He thought to himself as he kept running.

The Devourer started turning in his run as he was making sure it was at an angle that did not stop his speed. The arc was done and he was looking in the direction that Kaito was in. The problem was, he saw the man gaining wings at that moment. He was about to take flight wasn’t he? That was going to suck now, which he wasn’t happy about. When he saw him in the air, he tilted his head as he didn’t know how to get this man right now.

Drakkon had snapped his arm back in place, there was no need to have it all deform if he couldn’t reach him. The Son of Chaos really wished that he had Hai Gone with him right now. Still, it seemed like he wasn’t going to be able to last long if he kept on like this right? Well, he didn’t care as he would just stop running as he looked at Kaito who was in the air right now.

“I see, so to the sky you go. Sorry, but I can’t join you up there. So, I shall wait here.” He said to Kaito as he would get into a defensive stance.

He wasn’t sure what the man was planning on doing up there, but he figured that he was going to find out soon enough.

It seems like I can consume more of his spells, but my mana isn’t enough to continue this on forever. The only thing I can do is lose, but I will make sure to take everything I want from him first. He thought to himself as he waited to see what he would do next.


Combat Log:
Spell Used:


Attribute Detailed:




Ancients Collide  Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 8:30 am


Kaito heard what the man said and he guessed that the other man couldn't fly, so that meant that Kaito was in luck as that meant he was safe for the time being but Kaito was still going to unleash the new spell he hard and Kaito took aim and then swung his sword having the point stop right where the man was at as he was going to unleash it. The area around Drakkon had started to break apart into multiple pieces looking like rifts were tearing into the fabric of space. If this spell hit, it should latch onto the person and damage their gear and them at the same time but this was the first time Kaito would be using it so he would see if it worked or if it was going to fail and Kaito kept on moving and keeping his speed and sustaining his flight spell as this fight was about to have him going to fly in and attack up close as the man could just keep eating his spells so Kaito was going to have to risk it and go for the close up fight.

After seeing if the man had eaten his spell Kaito dived to go for Drakkon with his sword but Kaito knows that he needed to be ready for the counter attack that would probably come from the man but this was probably his only chance to go in and strike with all that he could and make it count as this was going to probably be farther drawn out if he didn't end it now while he has the chance from the man maybe being distracted from the last spell that had been used on him. The man can feel his heart beating faster was this excitement or was it fear, Kaito had no time to fully allow himself to figure it out as he needed this to work but he knows that this has to be it or he is not sure how he can end this fight, crimson looking red maroon smoke is following him on this dive at the other man with his sword at the ready Kaito going to give it his all in that moment and hope for his victory in the end. The red smoked seemed almost ominous trailing behind him as if he was something more than he appeared at first sight.
(402) (2,382)

Kaito's spread:

Spells used:

Spells on CD:

"Action Log":

#11Go D. Drakkon 

Ancients Collide  Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 1:16 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was on guard, this man was planning something, but he didn’t know what it was. He was prepared for it; he had readied himself to consume any attack that had come his way. The danger he felt coming from Kaito was also shaking his entire being. This wasn’t good, would he be able to do it? The attack instant the rifts created amazing. It had gone around him without him being able to think about the consequences at first. Still, he wouldn’t be able to dodge it, but he would be able to consume it or at least try.

He would inhale using his abilities to consume and keep the spell for himself. This was different than the other spells before, that much he knew. It would start to dematerialize as it was something that made him quite nervous. It began to enter Drakkon’s body and soon enough he would have been able to consume it still, though that magic had taken a lot out of him. The mana he used to take without being harmed would become a consequence to him in a bit.

That was too close for comfort. He thought to himself as he felt another sense of danger.

“Shit.” He couldn’t do anything to block this attack, but since Kaito had gotten close he decided to do something else.

One he would inhale once again stealing Kaito’s wings, which would have caused him to stumble to the ground while he was within one meter from Drakkon. That would put him on the same level as him, then two it would have given him enough time to prepare for his next move. When Kaito got near him his blade would strike true slicing him and destroying his kimono, but it was strong enough to take on the entirety of Kaito’s attack.

Drakkon felt the blow though as it hurt, but he had to thank his battle kimono for the protection. Of course, he would attack as well. He swung his blade, but not at Kaito, but instead did it so he could activate his spell. A bunch of slashes would appear all around him within sixteen meters. He figured that Kaito was too close to dodge after he had attacked him and hopefully, it would be enough to deal some damage to the man as well.

Still, one thing he noticed was that his mana was running too low. How many of these kinds of attacks could he stop in their tracks?


Combat Log:
Spell Used:


Attribute Detailed:




Ancients Collide  Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 8:40 am


Kaito having felt his wings disappear from him just rolled stumbling only slightly at the quick drop to his feet with it as he kept going to land the hit on Drakkon which was surprising to the dimensional dragon slayer as he had expected the other man to have dodged him or counter attacked him before he could land a hit when he had come in but it seemed that the man had also eaten his flight spell as well this was rough to have his spells consumed but he guessed this was the best out come from that exchange, then his danger sense hit and his free hand met his armor it activating a body shield that protected him and as that was activating Kaito transformed his skin turning to a mismatch of grey and glowing scales of light element him changing to show his truest form of combo dragon force that he had. Kaito's sword tip pointed toward the man as the other man's sword skill hit against his shield that had surrounded the man, Kaito had placed himself so that Drakkon was in a place that didn't have a many people behind him.

From the tip of his sword which was nearly point blank with the other man a mighty beam of dimensional energy, a mix of Light and Arcane magic came loose flying straight at the other man and it wouldn't stop there as it would go through anything that was in it's way and the shield that had been put up to protect the crowd was also torn through and that blast would hit the arena wall as well leaving a hole which he will probably hear about from Judith if the arena goes after her for damages. Kaito released his dragon force transformation returning to his normal appearance, Kaito is not sure if he had hit Drakkon or not with that devastating spell but he knows that he can't do that again even if he had wanted to so he had to hope that he had ended it with that spell or this was going to maybe get messy for himself as that means Drakkon is better than he is. Kaito stayed on guard as he was not going to count the other man out just yet for all he knows the man ate the part of the spell that would have hit him but cold he really have eaten all of that elemental energy?
(411) (2,793)

Kaito's spread:

Spells used:

Spells on CD:

"Action Log":

#13Go D. Drakkon 

Ancients Collide  Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 10:41 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon thought he had him. He had used his spell right after Kaito had attacked him, but it seemed like the man was on his and ready to counter him. When his attack had hit, he looked over to the man and it seemed like this guy had a defense spell ready to use. He sucked his teeth as he didn’t expect that. It was then that he would see Kaito point the blade at him and something would go right through him. He tried to inhale it sensing the danger that was coming from the attack, but soon enough he would realize that he couldn’t consume this spell.

He looked dumb as the beam had hit him. A huge hole would be made in Drakkon as he coughed up blood, his eyes staring at Kaito.

“Shit, I couldn’t eat that one?” He said as he stumbled back.

The pain he felt was crazy, but he wasn’t going to allow things to end here right? Well, actually he was, he thought about it. This man had used a defense spell, which reminded him of his fight with Ikazuchi. If he couldn’t penetrate his defense with his attacks, then there was no point in continuing this fight. He would use his mana to close the hole as fast as it appeared and he put his free hand into the air.

“I give up.” He said out loud.

There was a pause in the crowd as they saw the dramatic attack, and wondered if Drakkon was okay. When they saw that he had given up they understood his reasoning. The announcer blinked a few times as he didn’t expect this to happen. He would run into the arena with his microphone in his hand.

“And we have ourselves a winner. Give it up for his first time, Kaito Todaro!” He shouted as the crowd would go wild for the match.

It looked like they had been dodging the entire time, but Drakkon knew he had a long way to go.

“Man I thought I could evolve in my sword fighting against you, but I guess that would be for another time.” He said to Kaito as he walked away and to his gate.

Another loss that he knew he couldn’t even come close to winning without his magic. The gate would enter and he would leave.




Ancients Collide  Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 7:25 am


Kaito looked up at the man with a hole through him and he was in shock for a second till the man's body had started to recover, for a second Kaito had thought he had murdered the man and was about to be in a total load of trouble but it would seem that he was okay, then he heard it the other man say that he gave up and that was a shock to Kaito as he thought the other man still had more in the tank to help him to fight a bit longer, some times Kaito seems to forget how strong he is and he had not thought about what that beam would do to the person he was fighting just the crowd. Kaito was not sure what he could even say to make that better as this other person probably thought he had just attempted to murder him. He was named the winner of the fight and had his arm raised but he looked after the other fighter. "Why did you give up? You were doing so well and keeping me on my toes." He wondered if there was any way that he could make it up to the other man but he knows he might have just crushed some poor guys spirit and he felt bad about that.

Kaito walked forward and went after the other man to see if he could do anything for him as he had nearly killed him and that was not something that Kaito was okay with. It had been a hard fought fight and that was all that mattered in the end to Kaito but he needs to make sure that he is more careful in the future as he nearly killed the poor man and he doesn't want to have that happen again to someone else that might not be able to heal like the last one had.
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