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Dust off the shoulders [ Jikan v Knuckles; Green ]

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Dust off the shoulders [ Jikan v Knuckles; Green ] Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 7:06 pm


Safe to say in the several months that Jikan had gone off the grid she did not partake in any art of combat. A dull endeavor given her love of martial arts and the general contest of one's spirit verses another. It was all very boring. It was not that she missed a sake of pride, wanting to crush others under boot. Or wanted to instill fear in the weak and even more so in the strong, against the bit of a bad reputation she had built up recently at least. No, it was the entertainment of it all. The rush. No adrenaline in her veins, no sensation of blood pounding out of her wounds. The running thoughts of what to do and what to counter. If, how, when.

It was a grace that she got that letter from Knuckles, and even more so that it was in this location amongst all things. So, taking it as a since after this little get together was done, the next day Jikan walked into one of the arenas, curious of what waiting spars she could seek out and attain after so long up on a shelf.


Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Dust off the shoulders [ Jikan v Knuckles; Green ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#2Knuckles Shi 

Dust off the shoulders [ Jikan v Knuckles; Green ] Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 5:32 pm

Knuckles Shi

Another day another fight, that's what it had been since Knuckles had settled down for the time being in the Seven. They had an arena that he had been using to fight people he knew and people he did not. Some were by chance and luck others were requested. Mostly he had faced others that he had known from his past and today it seemed like it would be no different.  Knuckles approached the gate of the Arena, he tightened his gear down making sure everything was how it needed to be. The last thing he needed was something coming loose or flying off in the midst of his battle with someone worthy of him using it. Thankfully he had gained the strength and skill to not be so leaned so heavily on its protection as he needed to when he was weaker.

He had come a long way from his first time dealing with real threats like the night they had formed Sleeping Calamity the first time around, or even when he and Jikan had fought for the guild leader spot of SLeeping Calamity.  As it stood now Knuckles dwarfed his past self from what he used to be unable to even recognize himself now when he fought. All the experience and fighting had led him here.  His goal was to make who he was today at his current level a soon-to-be far-away memory of who he would become. He wondered if he had outgrown his current items, but for the time being, they still had a major play in how he fought, though perhaps another set of armor or an element might do him well enough. Perhaps he could craft something that gave him a defensive spell. After all, he had yet to ever use one to this day.

Once he had performed his gear check Knuckles would walk out of his gate as the announcer spoke his name. He had become a favorite of the crowd, while not all his fights were long they were at least explosive in action. Often time the arena had a flair to the environment, but today it did not. It was just the normal 50-meter diameter ring with long walls that made the seating 15 meters above where the soon-to-be duo would face off to see who was the better warrior.   The crowd looked down upon them cheering his name and lifting their hands up and done to cheer him on.

Knuckles gripped his hammers and scanned the arena with his normal eye and shinigami eye. The red glow could be seen from under Clown Clout's mask, the clown featured a mask with wooden horns still.
Paired with this was his Clown Clout armor, which was leather, both had been blessed with a Norse ritual.  Murder, his raven from Lady Lumikki would fly off his shoulders into the air staying within 25 meters, and stay that distance from him while he fought. Now free to move around Knuckles looked over at Jiman across the ring. It was time to let them take out all their anger on him and see which of the two had become the stronger one in the time apart.

WC  540

Stats and Gear:

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Dust off the shoulders [ Jikan v Knuckles; Green ] Empty Tue Jun 25, 2024 1:14 am


Unlike her red headed counterpart. Jikan had not settled down nor really even gotten started in her time within Seven. For all intentions and purposes, she had a lot of things to fix logistics wise with Fiore and in Orchidia. But the important things were set, her weapons were on her of course, Mia was nearby in the new guild building, and her orphanage as well as dojo were in good hands. There would be some work to make sure she had a presence at both of course but her children would be still under her care. She could fight with glee and knock some dust off.

It was time to enjoy the thrill of combat again, the last time was due to her participation in the Joyan civil war. It was amazing, the number of wars and large scale battles she had become a part of after traveling to Fiore and becoming a mage. Who would know that setting out for a search for a younger sibling would give her such a journey for her thirst for battle. Her magic grew from a novice to a polished practitioner. Growing by bounds and leaps. Her hand to hand mastery was that of an elite amongst the elite. A grandmaster. And although she had found further versatility in the use of her powerful magic and knowledge, she could never doubt the joy of just using her limbs in a fight. Close combat was where true warriors lived.

In the idlement of waiting for her opponent to show, a pre-fight seeming to not be in her luck today, a stream of people transforming into a crowd quickly formed in the arena. The civilians of this nation truly did love this spectacle. A bit concerning perhaps, with how things would pan out, they could be sick people using this as a stepping stone of the less fortunate. Or it could be a healthy competition that respected the spirit of gladiators. Time would tell for Jikan’s perspective of the Seven nation. With the sound of an over exaggerated greeting and hype man, a small smile grew on her face as she turned her head towards Knuckles as he entered through one of the gates. Taking in the 50 meter wide ring that seemed to have his fans bouncing at the edges. Mia, ever the supportive friend, was there as well, ordered by Jikan to stay out of the spar.

Her calamity cloak was still as she stood from afar, her right hand reaching out to behind her back to reach her black market copy of Morrigan’s staff. A copy, yet Morrigan’s wrathful energy filled this staff all in full. A woman of history Jikan found interesting given her family’s history of combatment of otherworldly beings. The Seraphims and Demons were divine, but enemies of Earthland in the end. Their influence and games had a toll on the mortals that called this world home. A funny thing giving her tutelage, Knuckles. A Daemon fighting her today was once again an ally, and perhaps close to a friend. Her blue green eye was hidden as the glow of her God of Death eye glowed underneath the small holes of her visor. The souls of the defeated hovering at Knux’s shadow, the man had been very busy since the last time she saw him so close. Her left hand held the hilt of her blade underneath.

It looked like Knux had near gear, weapons, and even a companion. My my, Knuckles sure had been on an adventure over the last several months. Taking account of the raven flying away from Knuckles in her view, she would rush forward as she started her approach,  meters per second. Now, what tricks did Knuckles' and his bird have up their sleeves she wondered!

633 / 828

Stats, and Gear:

Perks and Abilities:

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Dust off the shoulders [ Jikan v Knuckles; Green ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#4Knuckles Shi 

Dust off the shoulders [ Jikan v Knuckles; Green ] Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 2:16 pm

Knuckles Shi

Lady Jikan would not disappoint, they were geared to the tooth. His Shinigami eye looked over her spotting all the weakness she had within her gear and her body. It would be critical to take advantage of these weaknesses so he could claim victory here today. Though truth be told, he did not care if he won or lost, he simply wished to test himself against the best and Jikan had bested him once in the past. Today he looked to even that score out to one win each for them both making them even as far as their fights went.

As they started their movement towards Knuckles, the Daemon pushed off the ground in a lunge, dust blowing off the ground as his leg propelled him forward. It was time to see what the his base level did against Jikan and then go from there.  Knuckles moved at 17.5 meters per second matching Jikan's speed. As the pair would meet in the middle Knuckles would grunt as he bull charged his right hand's hammer in a thrust towards Jikan's chest trying to offset them.  This was not meant to strike, it was a feint of course, as Knuckles' left arm came in with a quick cross attack towards Jikan's right arm attempting to blundge the limb.

It did not matter if the attack would be an impact or not Knuckles would quickly draw both arms back up to his chest preparing for a counter or something else Jikan might use. Before they had traded blows like this, but Knuckles was sure Jikan would have more to unleash than just fist. Whatever it may be Knuckles would be waiting and ready to deal with it.

Meanwhile, behind him Murder only flew staying within the 25 meters they needed to be so they may keep their enchantments on Knuckles' Hammers active.  This would be the first fight Knuckles had since he had reached Legendary Mastery with his hammers and was eager to show the world what he could do with it.

The crowd roared at seeing both fighters going head to head currently. While this might not have been as flashy as two mages throwing magic around, this was looking to be an action packed fight between two warriors! It was really setting the tone for who Sleeping Calamity was, and what their members could do, effectively putting everyone on notice!

WC 404
Stats and Gear:

Daemon stuff:

Adventuer Stuff:


Weapon Mastery:

Battle Log:

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Dust off the shoulders [ Jikan v Knuckles; Green ] Empty Tue Jul 09, 2024 11:23 pm


Pre-post stuff:

Without a doubt Knuckles had truly grown stronger over the years of separation. As soon as she dashed forward moving 17.5 meters per second, he was right there as the bell of combat was rung. The old warrior of the past was long and dead. His journey to this day, in skill and personhood. Was lost to her, all but whispers of social circles as well as the underworld. She had a close battle with him long ago, and although she had found many new realms of strength since this, she expected nothing else of an enjoyable battle that set her warrior spirit ablaze! Win or lose, this was going to be a momentous moment for her in Seven. [0]

With their dashes closing the distance between them leaving a shrinking 15 meters of distance, she was not quite content waiting till they were closer to strike. So as Knuckles was in mid motion of his lunge coming to a halt after the first second. Jikan would stick her Morrigan staff in front of her, her index finger pointed towards Knuckles. She concentrated and altered the magic of her spell using the knowledge given to her through Morrigan’s staff. A blue magical circle formed at the tip of her finger 4 meters in size before a blue beam of water would shoot forward at 30 meters per second as came to a halt in her tracks. Magic filled the spell to its brink as Jikan overflowed the spell through Morrigan’s embrace as well as her own focus of magic. Overflowing the offensive spell as much as she could push it, threatening to hit Knuckles for 4xS damage to his Clout Armor if it landed, destroying it if it did not have any special conditions to it against her assault. [1]

Staff in hand, Jikan kept it held in front of herself as she waited for now, ready to let out another spell.  Her left hand on the hilt of her blade underneath her Calamity cloak. Her eyes sharp onto Knuckle’s figure as she waited to see how he would respond. If he had some trick up his sleeve to counter her spell. If he would have an unexpected annoyance due to his flying companion several meters behind him. Or would he simply deal with it as it came and tried to take momentum of this spar by its horns. [2]

Stats, and Gear:

Perks and Abilities:

Spells used:

Mana: 11,100 / 11,500

wc: 401 | 1229

Battle Log:

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Dust off the shoulders [ Jikan v Knuckles; Green ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#6Knuckles Shi 

Dust off the shoulders [ Jikan v Knuckles; Green ] Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 5:53 pm

Knuckles Shi

The pair both moved at 17.5 meters per second at the same time, this cut the time they would cross the 15 meters between them in less than half a second. Knuckles feint and the attack would still come for Jikan as she lifted her staff and blasted water into his chest armor. Though it was worse for wear and barely hanging on he had not lost the armor yet due to the blessing from Murder, his raven from Lumikki's flock.

So as he was blasted his hammer strike would meet Jikan since they had not prepared a shield or block for the attack. After his hammer would meet Jikan Knuckles would allow his Daemon obscura to come out covering his body with the chilling aura of Lumikki's power coming out of him. The Daemon was covered in about half his body with the energy as wings of the energy grew out his back. But more so the boost to all his physical properties was the most alluring of this new form.

Knuckles would then swing his main hand hammer right into the staff in front of him if Jikan did not move out of the way. Though if Jikan moved or not it would not really change how Knuckles would keep fighting as he soon he readied his next spell. He was sending mana into the hilt of his hammers as he plotted what to do next.

WC 241
TWC 1185

Stats and Gear:

Daemon stuff:

Adventuer Stuff:


Weapon Mastery:

Battle Log:

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

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