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Akane Ren | Red

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Akane Ren | Red Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 4:34 pm



Name: "Akane Ren" / Red

Age: 22

Gender: Non-Binary

Sexuality: Questioning

Ethnicity, Father: Joyan

Ethnicity, Mother: Sinese

Class: Sorcerer

Race: Werewolf

Rank: D-Rank

Guild: Rune Knights

Tattoo: Back of right hand, red

Face: Goro Akechi - Persona 5


Height: 5' 7''
Weight: 133 lbs

Hair: Brunette

Eyes: Russet-brown

Overall: Thin and dapper, Red is a lithe individual with smart features in smart dressings. They present as if utterly untouchable and forever controlled, carrying an amiable smile and lacking so much as a threat in their soft, dulcet voice. The only betrayal is keen eyes, percepting and searching, as if cataloguing every aspect of the person across from them. Burning leaves from an autumn fire trace the countours of your body and meet anything returned with a studiousness not undercut by their friendly gait, wondering. Wondering. They'd brush away a lock of brown that fell from their immaculate hair with a gloved hand, only for the passing tress to take the stare with it and leave you wondering if they had really been looking at all.

Extra: Red dresses appropriately for work as a Rune Knight Internal Affairs Officer, in pressed browns and whites, while favoring even brighter shades when off duty. Every day, every outfit, they wear prayer beads of white and black on red thread around their right wrist.


Personality: Red's physical attributes somehow both accurately effect their influence on the world while hiding much of it - as if a trained assassin or spy, courting with as much truth as necessary (for the best lies come from seeds of honesty) while waiting to let slip the dagger up their sleeve. However, for all the similarities - and opportunity - to fall darker, Red ultimately comes out to be a well-meaning if secluded individual. Their kindness, with which they offer easily, comes at a careful distance, and this can be seem both intimidating or cold. They have a faith in their abilities that could be arrogant without much knowledge of them personally, and there aren't many that would report they have even that.

They are guarded, observant, seeking an answer, or many, for questions that they haven't shared and aren't liable to any time soon. They can be difficult to keep up with, both in action and mentally, due to their shrouded thoughts and their 'lone wolf' (pardon) approach to any problem they're met with. They're certain there isn't one they couldn't solve. They fancy themselves something of a puzzlemaster, and reflect this both at work and in their spare time.

  • Justice & Truth: Your general approach to Lawful Good, but not unbending. Red believes justice exists, but is not readily acquired, and occasionally requires more of a truth than people are comfortable with. While they aren't the most forthcoming person themselves, they also make a habit of never lying when avoidable.

  • Puzzle-Solving: Both in a metaphysical and a literal sense, Red enjoys busying themselves with particularly difficult 'puzzles.' They do the crosswords every morning on their way in to the office and lead any investigation they're given the chance to, while relaxing at night over old wooden puzzlepiece sets of scenic Fiorian locations.

  • * Vigilantism: And the barrier erects itself at how far you can get through legal means before you're barred from approaching either the truth of or the resolving justice of any serious matter. Red does what they can to stay within the lines ... and trusts themselves to work outside of it, should it be necessary for a true resolution. Fighting crime & chaos is both a thrill of finding answers to their respective problems and a duty they genuinely take up, for whatever their reasons may be.

  • Disorder: A complicated distaste. Red does not enjoy the unseemliness of disorder and disarray, seeking to fit things that need to be boxed back into those boxes until a way is clear, but does ultimately enjoy the process. Still, anything less than a Grand Crime is a source of endless frustration, and a messy desk is a peeve that they won't soon suffer. They're particularly careful about keeping themselves presentable, physically or palatably.

  • Dismissiveness: While not perfect in their every interaction with others, Red has an inwardly emotional struggle when it comes to people not taking them seriously - despite their efforts and results - and, moreso, is genuinely hurt when it comes to personal attacks on how they present. They have been called unempathetic or emotionless before due to their careful way of speaking and distance from other people, and it's these moments that cut the deepest to a genuine, if blanketed, heart.

  • New World Order: A grandoise idea, but the honest wish from the heart of a creature hefting an axe to slay the woodsman with such small hands. Red intends to guide the world down a path of complete non-suffering, once they have found their final answers and unlatched the puzzle of every last pandora's box. They're under no illusion about the time and scale of this undertaking. They will not stop.

  • Understanding: Despite their best intentions and kindest faces, Red struggles to connect with other people. While they don't seek desperately to make these connections, it's a harm and not a help that they don't really 'understand' others and continually strive - where able - to better bridge at least that gap. They'll find someone they can understand, who can understand them in kind.

  • Losing Control: And those small hands, soaked in blood down mattered fur, they clench claws and dig at floorboards and pull at torn sheets until the sight before them fades and they wake up - again - with just the axe, and the woodsman, and grandma's old perfume: sweeter than the gore. Too sweet.

  • Abject Failure: Red doesn't mind missing the occasional cue - especially socially - or dropping the pieces to a puzzle they thought they were so close, or so right, about -- but a failure, a true failure, again, that costs lives and happiness and that little light of 'hope' that still remains ... it's something to avoid. At any other cost.


Strength: 2

Speed: 12

Constitution: 1

Endurance: 1

Intelligence: 14


Magic Name: Waking World Magic

Magic Element: Earth

Magic Enhancement: Holder Magic - Sword

Magic Description: Waking World - occasionally referred to by Red themselves as a 'sleepy magic' - is a slow starting, massively destructive strain of earth-aspected spellcraft. For anything more than small, localized use, its spells require a ramp up time in the heat of combat while quickly losing the ability to be effectively controlled the more the magic 'wakes up'. This relegates its grander displays to necessary encounters only.


History: It wasn't that everything had to fit in an assigned box. Ren realized, quickly, that they didn't. They could not be kept in the container of "Akane Ren." It wasn't that they hated it: just that they were Red, more. Little Red, as their mother would affectionately call them when their father wasn't around - who was far less understanding and far more sure of the rightful place of everything. It wasn't that everything had to, Red thought. It just felt better. Didn't it? Everything was more comfortable when anything uncomfortable was tucked away. Out of your way, out of your sight, out of your mind. A little hand holding a little paw.

Red learned from their father growing up, indirectly and with eyes that belied a wisdom unfit for a youth. They followed the line of truth their dad purported about the world, and came to conclusions that mirrored the journey and veered at the destination; they were alike, too alike, but Red decided they knew better. They were smarter. Some things didn't fit in boxes, and the things that did were never as carefully tucked away as anyone wished they would be. They thought this, too, while they looked over their father's casket years later. A little hand held a crying woman's. "Akako," she sobbed, "I'm so sorry." It would continue until that box was in the ground. Out of the way, out of sight ...

It was too messy. Mother remained so, and the investigation surrounding the death led to dead ends despite the obvious foul play. They couldn't find the person - or persons - that committed this crime upon Red's family, that box would never be out of mind. It haunted them from the dirt, threatening to drag them under with it. It left Red with the mess: a mother in pieces, with edges too worn to fit back together. They had to stay with their grandmother, leaving Joya behind for Sin. Little hands around a withered arm. Boxes to pack, boxes to move in, boxes to leave in dusty corners. Mother didn't last much longer. An unkind truth, finally, from those in charge: they had closed the investigation indefinitely with no remaining leads. She couldn't escape her box, either. Not as she was lowered into the dirt.

Little paws on tired oak. A wayward man in the woods. That sweet, sweet smell. An axe. A set of claws. Teeth and blood and tears --

and little hands, again, holding themselves at the bow of a ship away from every box that haunted them still.

Discord: Briar Caidh

Reference: N/A

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