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Folie Imposée, The Void & The Divine ♫ [Epic | Lore]

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Folie Imposée, The Void & The Divine ♫ [Epic | Lore]     Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 5:26 pm


Name: Folie Imposée, The Void & The Divine

Difficulty: Epic

Participants: Astrid Venier

While the threat of the Void hangs over Earthland, those that acknowledge its risk approach it from vastly different ways.

In Crocus, the Senators of Fiore debate aimlessly, their focus and ire turned not to the threat that exists just within their borders, but instead to that of the controversial Oak Senator, Astrid Venier.

After the celebrating of her political takeover in Oak Town, Astrid returns to Crocus to joins her fellow Senators in their return for the Summer sessions with great ambitions in sight; the vacant seat of the Reigning Senator of Oak Town.

But fate does not stop at one's pursuit of political power. Sometimes it leads two divergent paths together.

It is in this that Astrid comes face to face with none other than The Divine of Fiore, a woman of influence and power far beyond that of Astrid. And one of incredible insight, even to the darkest secrets of the Phantom Lord Guild Master.

Presented with the threat of her world collapsing around her masquerading as an offer, the new Reigning Senator from Oak Town finds herself forced into service to aid Fiore's Voice of Illumin in a mission that sounds too difficult to believe.

To help the Divine ascend to Godhood.

Unknowingly in possession of the missing piece in such a scheme, the mindbroken Sevenese Goddess Noir, Astrid's service to The Divine will lead her to Myras, where a piece to the puzzle lies in wait.

From there, with the stars aligned and everything in place, Astrid, The Divine, and company shall venture forth to the nation of Seven, calling forth a challenge to the Gods.

Before Chronos, the God of Gods, The Divine shall make their case.

But so shall the Void.

When all is done and the dust has settled, there sits no Chronos upon the Throne of the Gods, but instead the Void.

Whatever hope there was in stopping the Void, there can only exist doubt within the hearts of man.

The Divine failed.

Chronos failed.

Illumin failed.

But Astrid? For the one that had everything to lose, is to stand before the Void a sign of failure or that of opportunity?


As if it needed to be asked.

After all, for those that walk the Path of All-Consuming Power, this is the best outcome they could ever ask for.

  • Epic Rewards

  • In Oak Town, celebrate the end to a long, exhaustive political revolution.
  • In Crocus, stand before the Senate, sit in the company of The Divine, and accept the impossible deal presented.
  • In Myras, find and secure the services of the Merchant Guild's prisoner.
  • In Seven, finish helping The Divine of Fiore ascend to Godhood.

Lore Impact:
  • The Death of the Father of Gods: May the Father of the Gods accept His fate. Not by the hands of his Son as ordained, but by the hands of a most cruel agent, driven by power.
  • The Void-Touched Goddess: In his absence, one must arise. The Void achieves its most impactful moment since its arrival, ascending to Godhood within Seven.
  • The Reigning Senator Ruler of Oak Town: At home, Astrid's campaign for power grows. The Reigning Senator, the absolute authority of the entire city of Oak Town, rests within her control. In essence, Oak Town is hers.
  • The Void's Silent Champion(s): The reality of the Void finally sets in. May the death of Chronos be the wakeup call, to those that support the Void and oppose it alike. Not even thy neighbor can be trusted.

  • 6 S-Rank Quests, 6 A-Rank Quests or Word Count equivalent in topics relevant to the story (27,000).


Folie Imposée, The Void & The Divine ♫ [Epic | Lore]     Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 7:45 am

This storyline is approved to start.


Folie Imposée, The Void & The Divine ♫ [Epic | Lore]     Empty Tue Aug 20, 2024 4:29 pm


Total Wordcount: 22,077/18,900 (30% Reduction via Sia & Noir (20%),  Phantom Lord Rank 2 (10%))

  • 5,400,000 Jewels (+20% Storyline Bonus)
  • 180,000 Experience (+20% Storyline Bonus)
  • 152 SP (Speed) (+50% Storyline Bonus)
  • Mythic Custom Ticket
  • 5,400 Infamy
  • Lore Ramifications


Folie Imposée, The Void & The Divine ♫ [Epic | Lore]     Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 8:47 am


Congratulations Senator! All rewards have been processed. Let's RP sometime.  

Folie Imposée, The Void & The Divine ♫ [Epic | Lore]     GPIjkMz

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