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Becoming an Underworld Boss (Lore/Long)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Becoming an Underworld Boss (Lore/Long) Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 2:31 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Name: Becoming an Underworld Boss

Difficulty: Long

Participants: Drakkon and Lumikki

Story: Drakkon had succeeded in becoming the head of the Yakuza clan even though it was involuntary. With the daily activities of the Yakuza going throughout Joya, the Son of Chaos decided that it was best to plant their roots deeper into this lifestyle. He also finds himself bringing Lumikki as he figures he would show her the life that he lived. A man known to the underworld of the former gang called Dragon within Hosenka now makes his reappearance with the Yakuza Clan. Some of the underworld bosses are confused by his reappearance, others feel like this is a trap plotted against Drakkon to bring them into the light. They aren’t welcoming of his plan to plant a seed in the underworld and decide to make him prove to them that the Yakuza can be trusted to be what they claim to be, a bunch of criminals. This will lead to Drakkon becoming one of the Underworld bosses and being able to network and learn various things that are illegal and information that would be hard to find in the regular world of society.

Rewards: Legendary Custom Ticket
Base Experience before Bonuses 85,000 Experience
Base Jewels before Bonuses 2,500,000 Jewels
Infamy 3,100
Base Stats After Story Line Bonus 89 Stats

Objective: To strengthen his relationship with the Criminals of this world. To make sure relations and business move smoothly for the Yakuza.

Lore Impact: Drakkon, leader of the Yakuza faction in Joya has returned to the underworld of criminal activities. A life he had lived before he is now trying to sink his teeth into it again. He becomes known throughout the underworld and becomes one of the top criminal bosses alongside other organizations in the underworld of criminal and illegal activities.

Required Progress: 15,500 words before Word Count Reductions are applied.


Becoming an Underworld Boss (Lore/Long) Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 7:51 pm


This storyline is approved to start.

Becoming an Underworld Boss (Lore/Long) GPIjkMz
#3Go D. Drakkon 

Becoming an Underworld Boss (Lore/Long) Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 2:29 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Long Story Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t68724p25-becoming-an-underworld-boss-long-lore#621133
@Go D. Drakkon
  • +102,000 Experience (20% SL Bonus)
  • +5,000,000 Jewels (20% Relic, 20% Helmet, 5% Armor, 20% Necklace, 20% Ring, 20% SL Bonus)
  • +89 Speed (50% SL Bonus)
  • +3,100 Infamy
  • Legendary Custom Ticket

  • +136,000 Experience (20% SL Bonus, 20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% Companion)
  • +3,250,000 Jewels (10%, Guild 2 Perk, 20% SL Bonus)
  • +89 Speed (50% SL Bonus)
  • +3,100 Infamy
  • Legendary Custom Ticket


Becoming an Underworld Boss (Lore/Long) Empty Tue Aug 06, 2024 4:36 pm


@Go D. Drakkon and @Lumikki have completed this long story. Rewards have been properly distributed.

Becoming an Underworld Boss (Lore/Long) GPIjkMz

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