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Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite]

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Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:45 pm


of the Crimson Moon


Having taken residence of Oak Town in her official capacity as Senator and unbeknowst to the people of Fiore beyond Oak Town's gate as the new Phantom Lord Guild Master, Astrid Venier has brought back to the city one of its most ancient religious events, the Festival of the Crimson Moon. A long-forgotten festival that took place in ancient times but forever tied to Oak Town's history, an open invitation to all of Fiore to attend has been extended. And the timing could not be better, with the rest of Fiore seeming to descend into chaos around them. But there's no reason to be concerned with all of that terrible business; enjoy yourselves in Oak Town as an ancient part of its culture is brought back after generations of being forgotten.


  • During this event, users who are located within Northern Fiore may post within Oak without having to adhere to Travel Regulations, so long as their only topics within that subforum are either [FCM - Night Cap] or [FCM - Festival Ritual].
  • Users who are located in West Fiore may post in Orchidia without having to adhere to Travel Regulations, so long as their only topics within that subforum are [FCM - Flames of Night], [FCM - Titanic Horrors], or [FCM - Refugee Plight].

The Flames of Night

Financial hardships have struck some of the cities in Fiore, the sudden change in fortunes causing their people to suffer significantly as a result. All it takes is a little push to send people to their most desperate state, and often violence accompanies this. Riots have broken out in multiple cities throughout Fiore as the people rage against their cities' failures to address the hardships caused by Astrid and Phantom Lord. Either join in the violence and help set the people riot against within the cities or rise up to stop the rioters, hoping to preserve order.

  • Must have signed up for the event.
  • Create a topic in either Orchidia and end it with the tag: [FCM – Flames of Night]
  • Requires at least another person to enter.
  • Participants must engage either in acts of arson, looting, and violence; behavior reflective of those whom would engage in rioting OR they must repel such behavior, acting as stalwart heroes in the face of adversity.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.
  • Topics cannot be made private to other participants of the event.

Titanic Horrors

For some cities in Fiore, protections and securities from threats beyond their borders are neccesary costs that come with a safe and prosperous survival. Gradual depletion of available funds however have made sustaining such efforts near impossible. Several cities suffering such plights have found themselves besieged by towering humanoid-like creatures. Illequipped to handle such a threat on their own, these cities have issued an immediate call to arms, seeking aid from anyone who would be willing to help defend.

  • Must have signed up for the event.
  • Create a topic in Orchidia and end it with the tag: [FCM – Titanic Horrors]
  • Requires at least another person to enter.
  • Participants must hunt down large titan creatures that are causing havoc within various cities.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.

Refugee Plight

As chaos and panic persist throughout the cities of Fiore, the people desperately look for safer pastures, fleeing from their homes as quickly as they can. It is in this that you are presented with a choice: Either you can assist the refugees, leading them to potential safety. Or you can lead them to their doom, damning them by giving false directions.

  • Must have signed up for the event.
  • Create a topic in Orchidia and end it with the tag: [FCM – Refugee Plight]
  • Requires at least another person to enter.
  • Participants must either save groups of refugees who are attempting to flee from the massive riots or titan creatures destroying their homes OR they can falsely lead the refugees back into danger, setting them up for a likely doom.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.

Night Cap

Phantom Lord members, why not enjoy the Crimson Moon Festival in the most proper manner possible? And how is that, you wonder? Well with alcohol, drugs, and carnal delights, of course. Sit back. Relax. Even though the rest of Fiore may be on fire, take comfort knowing your guild leader has your interests at heart. Celebrate in your own way, and let the concerns of the other cities be their problem, not yours.

  • Must have signed up for the event.
  • Create a topic in Oak Town and end it with the tag: [FCM – Night Cap]
  • Requires at least another person to enter.
  • Participants must engage in a sort of clubbing, enjoying the luxuries that come with being a club VIP.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.

Festival Ritual

With everything going on in the rest of Fiore, let it not take away from one of the key purposes behind the Festival of the Crimson Moon; an opportunity to pray for and worship the fabled Blood Goddess. However, this opportunity as much shows the challenge that comes with everyone worshipping differently. Some may engage in brutal practices including sacrifices, while others may fiercely object to honoring a 'false god' as they may perceive it. Select which side of the matter you stand on, worshipper or protester, and enjoy what you are able to of the Festival of the Crimson Moon.

  • Must have signed up for the event.
  • Create a topic in Oak Town and end it with the tag: [FCM – Festival Ritual]
  • Requires at least another person to enter.
  • Participants may either engage in the ritualistic summoning of a fabled deity, however barbaric or violent it may be, OR they may choose stop the brutal ritualistic behavior that they are witnessing.
  • Clearing the 2000 wordcount will award 250,000 Jewels, 10,000 Experience, 400 Fame, and +7 SP.

Last edited by Astrid on Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:50 pm; edited 1 time in total


Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:47 pm

This event is Open for Sign ups. Members of all guilds and affiliations are welcome.


Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 1:20 pm

Signing up for the event.


Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Fri Jun 28, 2024 6:57 pm

Signing up for this


Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Fri Jun 28, 2024 9:09 pm


Signing up for it

Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Sat Jun 29, 2024 12:18 pm


Am in

#7Knuckles Shi 

Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Mon Jul 08, 2024 10:22 am

Knuckles Shi

A party? Sign me up

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"
#8Altuo Dorian 

Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Mon Jul 08, 2024 11:54 am

Altuo Dorian
Fuck it we ball. I'm in.


Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Mon Jul 08, 2024 12:14 pm

I'm in~

#10Alaric Holloway 

Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Tue Jul 09, 2024 2:34 pm

Alaric Holloway
I'll be there

Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 4:58 pm


Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t68618-this-fire-burns-lumi-fcm-flames-of-night#619314

  • 250,000J
  • 10,000 exp
  • 400 fame
  • 7 sp spd


  • 250,000J
  • 10,000 exp
  • 400 fame
  • 7 sp spd

Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 7:04 am

@Lumikki , @Nikki have completed the quest Flames of the Night and have been rewarded.

#13Salem E. 

Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Wed Jul 17, 2024 6:04 pm

Salem E.

I shall be taking on these quests.


Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Wed Jul 17, 2024 7:24 pm

I sign up for da quests


Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Thu Jul 18, 2024 2:57 am

Ill be jumping in


Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 12:33 pm


Mission Link 2
Lumikki reward:
  • 250,000J
  • 10,000 exp
  • 400 fame
  • 6 speed 1 str

Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 8:58 am


@Lumikki has completed "Modernity" and has been rewarded.

Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] GPIjkMz

Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 8:16 am

Whoop nearly forgot my sign up post.

#19Iza Bicdic 

Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 8:18 am

Iza Bicdic
bleh bleh sign bleh bleh up


Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 7:33 pm


Mission Link 1
Lumikki reward:
  • 250,000J
  • 10,000 exp
  • 400 fame
  • 7 str

@Knuckles Shi reward:
  • 250,000J
  • 10,000 exp
  • 400 fame
  • 7 speed

Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 11:24 pm


Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t68655-the-bigger-they-are-lumi-fcm-titanic-horrors#623224
  • 250,000J
  • 10,000 exp
  • 400 fame
  • 7 sp str

  • 250,000J
  • 10,000 exp
  • 400 fame
  • 7 sp spd

Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 4:32 am

I'll take part in this travesty~


Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 10:25 pm


@Lumikki and @Knuckles Shi have completed "Night Cap" and have been rewarded.

@Nikki and @Lumikki have completed "Attack on Titan" and have been rewarded.


Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 6:37 pm

Festival Ritual
  • 250,000 J
  • 10,000 exp
  • 400 Infamy
  • 7 Speed


Festival of the Crimson Moon [Guild Event | Open Invite] Empty Sun Sep 01, 2024 4:31 am

Astrid has completed Festival Ritual and been rewarded.

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