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Magus Ball

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Magus Ball Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 2:42 pm


Magus Ball

In recent days a sport has grown increasingly popular among the students and faculty of Amaforth Academy. Initially dubbed only as Magus Ball, the game was meant to ease students into a more competitive environment. However, the rise in the game's popularity has led to several countries' their leaders to hope to inspire the game to its community as well. As a result a more advanced form of Magus Ball has been introduced to the people of Earthland!

Event Details

  • Magus Ball is considered a sport driven form of combat topics with its own rules.

  • When signing up for Magus Ball the user can select a 'role' to play on their team. Each role comes with its own focus and responsibilities that frequently align best with certain classes.

  • Matches are played in a 3v3 format, with each teammate being a Striker, Midfielder or Defender.

  • Depending on the amount of participants the rules of the game change slightly.

  • In order to promote team-play there is a flat 20% increase in rewards for each additional player on a team, up to a 100% bonus in full teams of six.

  • Characters can only be in one Magus Ball Match at a time. Alts are allowed, however they cannot be in the same team, or facing each other in opposing teams.

  • Once teams are formed, a member of staff will create topics for different matches in Amaforth Academy.

Team Positions

  • Striker: Offensive orientated players. They specialize in attacking the ball and sending it right where it belongs: in the opposing team's goal! When using a spell or attack on the ball it will travel one rank further than normal and at 10 m/s faster than usual. They are only allowed to make direct attacks onto the ball.

  • Midfielder: The masters of manipulation and support: They specialize in supporting their team through all sorts of trickery to either strengthen their team or debilitate their foe. They are able to use buffs/debuffs and supplementary spells.

  • Defenders: Focused on intercepting the ball, they can use defensive spells or their own bodies to block a shot from a striker. However, their defensive spells can only be stationary and have to be cast in front of them. Defenders when hit directly by the ball suffer one rank less in constitution damage.

  • Goalkeeper: The last line of defense: They are allowed to make barrier spells and similar defensive techniques to defend their goal. However, they can not sustain these spells. The Goalkeeper is played as an NPC with their consitution being the average of that of his teammates, rounded up to S-rank.

Rules and Objectives:

  • Once teams are formed, a dice is rolled to decide which team gets ball possession first.

  • Unlike in the basic game, the objective is to tire out your opponent's Goalkeeper so that they can't intercept the ball. Once a ball gets past the Goalkeeper a goal is made.

  • Each game has a set amount of posting rounds. A 10 rounds followed by a short break after which another 10 rounds are made.

  • Each person has 3 days to post before they can be skipped, which is roleplayed as though they were unable to react to the action.

  • During the break every party member recovers half of their constitution and mana and their spells cooldown is refreshed.

  • For Summoners and Beastmasters they are allowed to bring in their summons/companions only as part of a technique/cast on the ball (for example a Striker can summon a companion to attack the ball, or a Defender can use one to intercept a ball, but they are not on the field permanently).

  • The ball moves at 20 m/s but is increased in speed if the shot comes from someone who has increased spell speed perks.

  • Users are allowed to bring in substitutions for the game, up to 3 people can be swapped out during a match.

  • Rewards for Magus Ball are equivalent to the ranks of each member on the opposing team side, so fairly distributing teams during regular games is highly recommended.

  • Magus Ball topics don't take up a RP slot.

  • Each character may only be in a single Magus Ball Game at a time.

  • Magus Ball games are rewarded similarly to fight topic, however the rewards are equal to the highest ranked player, for a maximum of S-rank. Fight reward modifiers apply to these topics as well.


Magus Ball Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 2:42 pm



Team Name: The name of the team.

  • The names of the team members along with their roles.


Team Name: Stardust Crusaders.

  • Joseph Joestar - Defender
  • Jotaro Kujo - Striker
  • Mohammed Avdol - Midfielder

[b]Team:[/b] ???



Magus Ball Empty Today at 5:55 am

Team: .Krazy Kouncil Knights



Magus Ball Empty Today at 7:33 am


Team: Requip Slayers


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