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Takeyama Tomi

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Takeyama Tomi Empty Thu Aug 08, 2024 10:15 pm



Name: Takeyama Tomi

Age: X777

Gender: Cis Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Ethnicity: Joyan

Class: Adventurer

Race: Human

Rank: D-Rank

Guild: Fairy Tail

Tattoo: Inside Wrist, Indigo

Face: Komi Shōko – Komi Can't Communicate


Height: 1.72m

Build: Athletic

Hair: Aubergine

Eyes: Mulberry


Seeming to have inherited the large part of her looks from her mother, the Joyan blood which Tomi carries is clear to see in her enchanting eastern visage, with the girl seeming to practically ooze a mixture of mystique and allure thanks to her dark and refined features. On the whole the build of this beauty tends to be slim but more curvaceous than one might expect, with both her stature and more traditional seeming to offset some of the buxomness in her frame, which comes to bear more in western style clothing.

The face of the femme a little foxy for the sharpness in her features and jawline, she has large almond-shaped eyes, and thick, dark lashes which frame them. Gifted with irises which are vivid and usual, their tone lays somewhere between maroon and violet on the colour spectrum and can highlight both depending on lighting, though often look dark enough that they look black, as if they were wells of ink and carry a lot of mystique for that. Gentle in her expression typically, she can carry a lot of allure simply by virtue of these pretty Joyan features, and often can make it difficult for one to guess what she is thinking of.

The long mane of Miss Takeyama perhaps the greatest factor in her quiet but pronounced sense of allure, he has inherited locks that have a silkiness and sheen with very little need for maintenance, which she keeps rather long as is the tradition of a shrine girl. Trimming her fringe in a fashion which makes it hang over her gaze, she often adds a swept parting it because of that, while tucking the smooth body behind her ears. The remainder long enough to reach her rump when left loose and this often the case, their true plum colour seems to shine through only in bright light, and otherwise her hair looks practically jet black with only a hint through the violet gloss it carries.




Perhaps the first impression which Tomi gives making her appear to be gentle, upbeat and well mannered, the girl is softly spoken and subtly observant of her surroundings, seeming to practically radiate grace both in her appearance and how she expresses herself. In truth well trained for lack of a better term and the 'waters' of her person running much deeper than one might expect, she has honed a public face which she shows to most which is serene and dutiful, yet her true character is perhaps a little different to this.

The warmth which she shows certainly not a lie, Miss Takeyama is an optimistic and cheerful girl on the whole who loves to smile and laugh as well as see others do the same, and she tends to focus on the positives because of that. Maintaining a smiling and at times playful attitude that can be a little goofy and sometimes mischievous, she tends to be a source of sunshine for all, and dislikes feeling hung up or gloomy about issues, finding her strength in the happiness of the people around her.

Tending to be prize her own mind, Tomi is more the type to enjoy things based on personal experience rather than follow trends or popular opinion, as well as abstract at times. The type who is always looking to broaden her horizons, this lass would be disappointed if she didn't learn or do something new with her day and is very open to experience, to the point that some might deem her eccentric simply for doing odd things just for the satisfaction of knowing what they were like.

Seeing to be as liberated in her mind as she is in spirit and action, Tomi tends to lack a whole lot of the typical preconceptions of her peers and think in ways that many might see as being outside the box, as well as hold opinions which might defy convention. Seeming to see everything in the world in a rather positive light or as much as she can, there are times when her beliefs and attitude might raise some eyebrows, and it can be hard to tell when she's being serious about this or just joking around.

In fact one perhaps not anticipating from the mature and refined manner in which she tends to speak that Miss Takeyama is actually somewhat sheltered and lacking for worldly experience, she has spent much of her life isolated in settings which had 'educated' her in some ways, and yet left her lacking for understanding and perhaps more common discovery. At times fascinated by things which others might see as commonplace or not realising the conventions of certain walks of life, in an odd way she has the kind of naivete one might associate with someone from high station in spite of her lowly origin, and this might be why she tends to be adventurous when confronted by new things.

A girl who loves to laugh and joke around with others, Tomi is usually toying with a smirk or smile, and seems to constantly carry a frolicsome manner which can become downright flirtatious in the right kind of situations. Seeming to feel that such moments are no different than the contests of wit between those who engage in friendly banter, she loves the giddy feeling that attention seems to bring her, and isn't afraid to raise a few eyebrows with how she might speak or act when she feels a good mood upon her.

This fair fox rather more perceptive than she might ever want others to know, she can be quite good at reading the people around her, and perhaps is underestimated for this fact in how both her looks and her typical attitude seems to convey someone much younger than she is. Sharp minded and gifted with great empathy, often she can see things about people that many, themselves included, can tend to overlook, though might at times sometimes let her judgement be clouded by optimism a little too much.

Showing a certain shrewdness and subtle tendency toward manipulation, while Tomi tends not to use this for much in the way of wicked purpose, that doesn't mean that she doesn't sometimes exploit the tendencies of others for reasons which she feels are necessary. Able to dip into things like reverse psychology or tug at the heart strings when she needs to, at times she will use this to bilk a few more jewels from those who could spare them when she does readings and the like, or others might push a friend toward something she believes is good for them.

Perhaps best considered to be a little 'morally flexible', while Tomi has a strong sense of right and wrong as well as a desire to not cause harm toward people or even animals, she can show that she has a view of things like the law which has been coloured by her upbringing. Though she would consider herself having a strong sense of integrity she is not averse to picking the pocket of a character who seems like they have plenty to spare, be it literally or perhaps otherwise, the girl is open to outside of the box thinking and acts which server the greater good, which can include telling lies or other acts of deceit so long as the benefits outweigh the cost.

Unfortunately however seeming to be as bound by her devotion toward others as she is lifted by it, though she eager to help those she cares for or even strangers and also protective, there can be times when Tomi can become hesitant and in need of a nudge for her own sake. Rarely wanting people to make a fuss on her own account and struggling to find a voice to ask people for help, she is giving but also tends to prioritise other people over herself, even when she should not, and for all of her strength of character needs the support of others more than she tends to admit.

✔ Flowers, Adventures, Animals, Children, Music, Dance

✖ Hesitating, Bullies, Hunger

  • Connection: A girl who loves to make people happy, Tomi is protective of the people who she grows close to, and finds herself strongest when she needs to do something for their sake.
  • Adventure: A curious and sometimes intrepid soul, Tomi likes to have new experiences, and typically would indulge something unfamiliar merely for the sake of discovery when given the choice.

  • Confinement: Responsible and even obedient, all the same Tomi prizes her independence, and greatly dreads the idea of being shackled or caged either literally or more figuratively.
  • Abandonment: Experiencing a rather hefty share of loss and tragic circumstances, one of the reasons which Tomi might seem distant and un-reliant on others is a fear of losing those she cherishes, or being discarded by them.


Strength: 1

Speed: 11

Constitution: 11

Endurance: 6

Intelligence: 1



Hailing from largely humble beginnings, despite this Takeyama Tomi's early years were happy ones, which she shared with her family. Closest to her mother and taking after the woman in many ways, her matriarch was well known as a looker with some seeming to remark that she could have caught the eye of a local lord or something, but the woman seemed to be happy enough with the humble life which they led.

More often than not the woman at home to raise the children, the family matriarch would spend her day making meals and cleaning almost tirelessly, leaving only to barter at the market for food and usually through a combination of her charm and pretty smile seeming to get a good deal, while her daughter held her hand and looked up to the woman with awe and affection. Doing all of this with both a song in her heart, she was a good singer who taught her daughter many folk songs and even some superstitions, having come from the countryside and brought with her their beliefs and practices.

The woman seeming to have a gentle and doting spirit though plenty feisty when she needed to protect her pups, she was the first to run forward and swat a grumpy stray with her broom to protect a child, be it her own or another's, and was like a ray of sunshine not only for the family but all of the world around her. Perhaps this only making it sadder that she did not seem share her light for as long as her daughter might have wished, unfortunately she became stricken with illness during a harsh winter, though father tried desperately to find medicine to cure the woman she succumbed to sickness and passed on.

Unfortunately the cruel hand which this young lady would be dealt hardly done with merely the loss of her mother, though the girl herself tried to remain strong as her mother had urged her and do what she could to help out, the loss left a hole which could really not be filled. Father seeming to take the loss especially hard and drinking to try and forget It, he became a sunken and sullen shadow of his former self, who struggled to keep work thanks to his dependency and a growing impoverishment gripping the land.

Tariffs and taxes from the shogunate only seeming to become heavier and lacking for any kind of kindness when crops and the like were short, many common born families seemed to struggle to make ends meet, Tomi's included. Desperation seeming to drive her daddy toward a life of crime, he took to stealing from his wealthy employer just to put food on the table, and when discovered was punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Arrested by an overzealous magistrate who was keen on making an example of the man, when father couldn't repay what he had stolen he was sentenced to death, which was not an uncommon thing under this barbaric regime. Tomi finding herself orphaned and taken as payment on the loss, she was thrown into a caged cart along with other children to be sold off to work houses and the like, and perhaps with this lost all her sense of faith in the righteousness of authority. Perhaps considered 'lucky' for her pretty features in that she was taken in by an Okiya, children like her were sent to be pushed around fields or down mines as she was told, though it didn't seem like her life would be much better really.

The matron of the house she found herself in happy to remind her of her fortune to find herself in so prestigious a venue, all the same her new 'mother' was strict and demanding, and made Tomi work from dawn and until dusk and the hours beyond. Sleeping in the corner of a store room with a blanket made from an old hemp sack, by day she cleaned the great hall and rooms in rags, and by night she put on something pretty in order to ferry drinks and the like for patrons and the girls who entertained them.

Quickly learning that her life was easier when she was obedient for a lashing with a cane awaited misbehaviour or dalliance, the only 'light' which Tomi seemed to see in these years was that from her 'sisters', some of whom didn’t seem to wish to treat her with all that much kindness and courtesy. Many seeming to be obnoxious and arrogant and pull her hair or kick her either when she annoyed them or sometimes just for fun, thankfully not all were cruel, but really it was not their personalities which seemed to lift the spirits of the lass.

Young Tomi as enraptured as anyone by the way in which the courtesans would sing and play their instruments, though living in this place did plenty to break the spirit of the lass and she often had her ear clipped or head smacked for dallying, the music seemed something which connected her to much happier times. Reminded of her matriarch by the beautiful if haunting ballads which they performed, she would slip away when she could to shed a tear and sing a song which the woman had taught her, helping her to find a little brightness and strength even on her darkest days.

This habit and with it the way in which her beauty seemed to blossom as she entered her teen years seeming to usher in something of a change to her life as well, not only did the woman seem to note her voice but also the steadily growing interest and affection which she seemed to be shown by more generous spirited patrons, and as such elected to train her as a Maiko. Perhaps such a note making one think that Tomi's life would become easier but this hardly the case, at least in the beginning, not only was she still expected to keep up with the same workload as before but she was also subject to strict and uncompromising tutelage as well.

Taught by the cane as much as she was any other part of the job and perhaps this instrument proving a good teacher, Tomi's natural bent for music meant that she took to both singing and learning the shamisen quickly, and with time and discipline she also developed abilities both in dance and conversation. The need for grace and elegance something which was instilled within her rigorously, the girl learned not to put a foot or a finger or even any other part of her wrong since it would be painfully swatted for doing so, and many times seemed to perform her nightly duties with her arms and legs sore with bruises and wincing from the slightest nudge.

Slowly seeming to graduate from being a mere waitress however as she proved herself able, Tomi began to move up the ranks as she mastered what 'mother' wished to convey, and as she grew older began to assist the stars of the show with their performances. Sometimes playing the shamisen or dancing behind one of her seniors, she learned that there was something empowering about the strength of performance, especially when she began to notice those seeming to be captivated by their and indeed her presence.

Not that such promotion and focus in of itself wasn't without its pitfalls, as is often the case when one star seems to rise it is at the expense of another, and jealousy was rife in the business. Seeming to be bullied by her peers and even those who seemed to be jealous of her looks and abilities, Tomi did not set out to upset or upstage anyone, and yet still seemed to find herself aggrieved by the presence of enemies in her midst.

Popularity seeming to be the currency of her realm however or at least as much of one as she could see with their mama greedily seeming to claim every spare coin for her own, the woman certainly seemed to see the prospect which Tomi was, and protected her in a number of ways if only for the payday which she expected of her. Seeming to guard the girl not only from the vengeful spirits of her petty 'sisters' but also from the attentions of those who might wish to claim her, the woman was shrewd and patient, and knew that absence and esteem would only raise the stock of her now 'favourite' daughter.

For that reason seeming to cultivate the mystique of the young woman while staving off interest from would-be danna and the like, the crafty matron was well aware of the prize she would make from  the mizuage of the her new star, and intended to make the most of that by making her clients wait until the lass was fully a woman of eighteen before indulging such tradition. Unfortunately the advent of war between the shogunate and the 'Utopian' invaders seeming to delay her plans, the windfall of her golden goose would have to wait until the dust settled on the conflict, and coffers could be directed toward desire rather than war.

In a way this acting like a stay of execution for Tomi, she continued to perform for drabber crowds and hone her craft all the more, and yet it was still a topic which loomed over her head even when a new regime seized power in the country. In time things seeming to calm and once more the situation seeming to be ripe for the taking once more, the announcement of a campaign of festivities at the end of summer appeared to be the perfect place for the long awaited auction of the young woman to take place, and so now the girl awaits the day with a sense of foreboding. Wishing that she might escape, but knowing she has not the strength nor security to do so…

Discord: Jessu

Reference: Alisa

Last edited by Tomi on Fri Aug 09, 2024 8:09 am; edited 1 time in total


Takeyama Tomi Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 7:56 am


Hello Tomi!

For the most part, things seem okay! However, I believe starting stats must equal 30. As yours are currently distributed, they total to 35.  

Last edited by Tae on Fri Aug 09, 2024 8:18 am; edited 1 time in total

Takeyama Tomi GPIjkMz

Takeyama Tomi Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 8:12 am

Revisions have been made~

Takeyama Tomi Tumblr-9809a3c141dcbf316b2bc7fb76cd4795-9f3770a8-540


Takeyama Tomi Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 8:19 am


@Tomi is approved!

Takeyama Tomi GPIjkMz

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