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Magic - Din Djarin, Master of the Way

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Magic - Din Djarin, Master of the Way Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 11:56 am



Name: Din Djarin, Master of the Way

Element: Arcane

Category: Single

Quantity: Limited

Description: The way of the Mand'alor was an ancient sect of warrior priests who operated in the mountains adjacent to the Bellum and Pergrande kingdom border, they had deep ties with the dwarves who they would hire for their mining expertise is one of the few species that were able to dig deep enough for their beloved Argumin, a special ore that when combined with various other components could make a metal unlike any other. To the dwarves, it was useless as they could never successfully forge the ore with it being reduced to slag, for the mand'alor it was their lifeblood from which all of their armour and weapons were made. Serving as the dwarf guards and mercenaries for the surrounding countries, they operated for centuries in their fortress until the Age of Blood, in which the Mand'alorians were wrongfully accused of assassinating the ruling Pergrandian monarch's eldest son destroying their reputation forever being reduced from the honour bounded warriors to lowly hired guns. Once a highly respected organization that received recruits from across the continent now they were reduced to foundlings, children who were recovered during missions, a practice that was frowned upon by the Pergrandian Kingdom that further sparked hostilities between the country and the group.

Din Djarin was one of the last foundlings recovered after a dispute on the sinese border when the kingdom attempted to push their borders further south. He was considered nothing less than a protege being able to master both ranged and melee weapons with startling ease and was capable of performing missions that would typically require a full platoon. His name stretched as far as Minstrel before Din was finally hired by the Talaz Lagaarians to guard the Fractured Sky as the scientists began to explore the void for their experiments once again and fight whatever came through the gate. It was through this he came to enter the void after being dragged into the torturous realm by the tentacles of a crazed denizen, there he spent years in constant conflict after being thrown into the pits. Only escaping with the help of another trapped individual, Din learnt of the awful truth as he returned to his people with the fortress being reduced to rumble. In contrast, the bodies of his people were never given a proper burial and instead thrown into a pile to be picked at by birds.

Drawback: Upon acquiring Din Djarin, Master of the Way, the user will begin to follow the Way of the Mand'alor, the ancient religion of the God which became the champion of, as a result, they will be forced to follow its tenets or have their ties to Din Djarin become impeded. A core of these philosophies prevents them from ever taking off their helmets in front of others only removing it to eat or when they are considered too young to wear a helmet and sign the creed.


  • Din Djarin's Armor: Upon entering a topic, the user will automatically have the Din Djarin's Armor equipped regardless of the circumstances, should the user already possess armour then those properties will be absorbed into the Din Djarin's Armor including attributes, effects, drawbacks and spells, this is with the exception of durability which can not be replaced.
  • Master of the Way: The user has further access to perks offered in the Weapon Mastery section allowing them to unlock additional weapon slots as they progress in rank. However any additional slots may only be filled  Talaz-Lagaarian-based weapons that they have mastered in, on top of any other restrictions from the weapons and perks themselves. This effect does not stack with other effects that provide additional weapon slots.


Name: Din Djarin's Armor

Slot: Armor & Helm

Type: Armor & Helm

Class: Mythic

Weight: Heavy

Quantity: Limited

Element: Arcane

Durability: 4x S-Rank | 4x S-Rank


Description: Despite being made out of metal, Din Djarin's armour is incredibly light-weight allowing the wearer to move around as though they were not impeded by the otherwise hefty suit of armour.


Requirements: None.

  • None

  • None


  • Resistance Weakness Block: The user's armour becomes resistant to the effects of weakness application from other sources, limiting it to being weakened by up to a minor weakness of any type.
  • Enhanced Vision: The user can see the number of mana someone possesses and their exact distribution of statistics by looking at a target. The user cannot mention the number to others since it would make no sense to them, but the user can make perfect sense of the values that they see.


  • Minor Arcane Resistance: The user receives a Minor Resistance versus Arcane. The resistance is replaced by Moderate Resistance during the transformation.


  • Untuned with Magic: The user is only capable of creating and casting supplementary type spells with their magic.


  • The user must either train or purchase the spell listed below when they have unlocked the respective spell slot.
  • The user can only purchase weapons and companions that are thematically Talaz Lagaarian.
  • The magic takes up two enhancement slots. The user does not need to have the enhancement slots available at purchase. Should the user ever unlock their first two enhancement slots, they will immediately be filled by this magic.


  • The user must be a Human, Dwarf, or Elf.


  • Name: Transformation: Din Djarin, Master of the Way
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: Din Djarin, Master of the Way
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user activates the God Soul and merges with Din Djari. The user radiates a purple hue and their armor becomes more shiny. The user receives a Moderate Arcane Resistance. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it can't be cancelled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.
    • Beyond Metal: The user's armour becomes immune to the effects of armour peneration regardless of type.
    • Refractive Armor: The users armor receives a minor physical and magical resistance whilst worn.


Magic - Din Djarin, Master of the Way Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 11:57 am

@Primula may claim this Magic as a replacement for the shelved Robot Race.


Magic - Din Djarin, Master of the Way Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 8:30 am


claiming this as my void sac replacement for Robot race being turned into machia.


Magic - Din Djarin, Master of the Way Empty Sat Aug 17, 2024 8:24 am


@Primula has claimed "Din Djarin" as their magic.

Magic - Din Djarin, Master of the Way GPIjkMz

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