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Magic - Demon Soul: Naki-dōji the Oni Spirit

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Magic - Demon Soul: Naki-dōji the Oni Spirit Empty Sun Feb 18, 2024 3:19 am



Name: Naki-dōji the Oni Spirit

Element: Arcane

Category: Single

Quantity: Limited

Description: Oni are terrifying mythical beings that hold a notorious reputation for possessing great power and haunting the locals in their territory for entertainment. In ancient times, deals would be struck between Warrior and Oni looking to receive their powers for a fight ahead, many would fall prey to the allure of this strength with minimum cost. Naki-dōji is one such example of a more benevolent Oni who betrays their original purpose as a vessel of death, to observe the beauty of life by offering its services with the request to experience the highest and lowest points humanity has to offer. As a representative of death, they are represented by their inescapable naginata capable of cutting down any that oppose the wielder and their mask which depicts the certain doom of those that come across them. While unmistakeably a powerful offering to receive, Naki-dōji is fundamentally very fickle and will not hesitate to kill their host if they grow bored of them to find another more entertaining prospective individual.

Drawback: Upon acquiring Demon Soul: Naki-dōji the Oni Spirit, the user is effectively on a ticking clock until Naki-dōji desires to relinquish the powers received and end their life in the process. Only being able to extend this time by doing risky feats, the user will start thrusting themselves into life-threatening adventurers and act without forethought on the outcomes that might fall upon them as a result.


  • Naki-dōji's Naginata: The user may withdraw their Naginata from nothingness allowing them to get weapon mastery with their magic without the holder magic enhancement. If they already possess a melee weapon then that weapon will take on the appearance and apply the effects and drawbacks of the Naginata on top of their current weapon.
  • Breath of Life - Revival: Upon being knocked out, the user may revive themselves with their base durability being restored to 2x S-Rank while retaining any limb-based damage they might have received. In this state, they can not be healed, however any debuff or active negative effects will apply to the user's targets as long as they are within spell range for them to apply.
  • Mibu Breathing Technique: The user's debuff spells will double in range with single target spells becoming Area of Effect.


Name: Naki-dōji's Naginata

Slot: Weapon

Type: Spear

Handling: Two-Handed

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Limited

Element: Arcane

Damage: +150 or N/A

Durability: 3x S-Rank


Description: A weapon that is said to be the representation of death incarnate, it can not be truly wielded by anyone besides the Oni themselves with only a portion of its power being available to the user. Absent of any ornamentation save for that which previous wielders placed upon it, the naginata is rather plain to see upon first inspection, however its terrible bite more than makes up for it.

  • Heavy Conscious: When wielding Naki-dōji's Naginata, it will always be considered a two-handed weapon preventing the user from using their off-hand slot.


  • Painful Affiliction: When striking with the Naki-dōji's Naginata, any strikes that are inflicted will leave a lasting impression causing the target to receive damage equal to one rank lower than the damage dealt each turn for three turns, additional strikes on the same limb will not cause the effect to stack in duration but reset instead.


  • Minor Arcane Resistance: The user receives a Minor Resistance versus Arcane. The resistance is replaced by Moderate Resistance during the transformation.


  • The user must either train or purchase the spell listed below when they have unlocked the respective spell slot.
  • Any weapon that they possess will be considered two-handed preventing them from using their off-hand slot regardless of whether they are capable of using it or not.
  • The user can only wear light or Unknown-weight armor.
  • The magic takes up two enhancement slots. The user does not need to have the enhancement slots available at purchase. Should the user ever unlock their first two enhancement slots, they will immediately be filled by this magic.


  • The user must be a Human.
  • The user must have acquired this through the Unknown Sacrifice Event and can not purchase this through Lupin.


  • Name: Split Second Evasion
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Naki-dōji the Oni Spirit
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: This spell does not require any actions to be activated. The user stops time for split-seconds multiple times in a row to avoid numerous attacks that are too close to avoid. The user may not engage in combat after using this spell in the same post. The spell can only be used for evasion purposes and not as a method to attack someone else. The split-second evasions can be used up to 8 times in a row within a time frame of 10 seconds to avoid hits. With each split-second evasion, the user may relocate themselves instantly up to 1 meter away from where they were standing before. It might appear as teleportation to others, but in reality, with time stopping briefly each time, the user simply moves around quickly to avoid all hits.

  • Name: Transformation: Naki-dōji the Oni Spirit
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
    Requirements: Naki-dōji the Oni Spirit
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Meters
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user activates the God Soul and merges with Naki-dōji the Oni Spirit. The user oozes a deathly black cloud and increases in size by 50% while receiving moderate Arcane Resistance.  This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it can't be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.
    • Advanced Mibu Breathing Technique: The user's debuff spells become uncontrollable applying to everyone around them whilst ignoring spell range limits entirely.
    • Breath of Life - Death: Upon being knocked out, the user may revive themselves with their base durability being restored to 2x S-Rank while retaining any limb-based damage they might have received. In this state, they can not be healed, however, any debuff or active negative effects will apply to the user's targets regardless of spell range.


Magic - Demon Soul: Naki-dōji the Oni Spirit Empty Tue Feb 20, 2024 8:42 am

Claiming from Sac event Link


Magic - Demon Soul: Naki-dōji the Oni Spirit Empty Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:45 pm

Ittindi can no longer change their class, race, magic, and can only wear light-based armor and received the Demon Soul: Naki-dōji the Oni Spirit.

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