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Underground Associate 2 (Solo D-rank NQ)

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Underground Associate 2 (Solo D-rank NQ) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:58 am

The group that had Ryuuji undercover in the criminal group had him keep to it and he had gained a few extra perks while being part of the group and he was going to keep working hard to make sure that he got them intel but kept him out of spots that would have him with in the responsibility to know anything that might be able to be tracked back to him in anyway. The others he was working these slightly more important jobs with were some of the people that he had been part of while he was training in the little warehouse but now they were moving up in the ladder and this place was handling, smuggled weapons and human trafficking but Ryuuji had to put it out of his head as here and now he needed to make sure the group was taken down and he couldn't blow his cover and free them.


Underground Associate 2 (Solo D-rank NQ) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:58 am

Ryuuji felt pain his his chest at this thought as there were demi-humans included in the counts of people and they were his people but he had to be strong and keep up his act and keep getting info to pass on to get these people corned and caught but the management here was a big more sharp eyed as they knew that a few small busts had happened and they weren't sure who the rats were so only a select few have been, being given the info this time around as the group was trying to weed out the rat in their ranks but they were looking at the wrong places for the rat without knowing it. Ryuuji was doing the rounds he was assigned and he played the part but he was able to steal a few quick peeks at a list that had times and places for people coming to buy from the group.


Underground Associate 2 (Solo D-rank NQ) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:58 am

He made sure to keep them mentally noted as he kept making his way around and getting the job he had done. He was still taking the time to blend in with the co-workers though so he could get yelled at a few times to get back to work and to stop slacking so he was at least in their view and the management could report they had seen him and that he was working hard but did take a few spots here and there to still talk shop, which would keep the heat off of him and keep it on those that were faces of the parts that might be rats he just has to be careful as he was a part that connected the places, but he knows that the other workers moving things will speak up for him. Ryuuji was playing it smart as they thought he was stupid and just a thug.


Underground Associate 2 (Solo D-rank NQ) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:58 am

He made sure when he thought he had enough intel that he could pass on to the people that would be doing the busts that he took the garbage from the other mean as he was heading out for the day and no one would reject him taking their garbage to throw away they just thought it was a sign of respect for them and he took it along with his bag with the intel in it and half of a sandwich on top of it and he headed out and to the new drop off area that was close by and this time the man that came to get it was a homeless looking man that if questioned would say that he was digging in the trash for left over food, Ryuuji hadn't bitten into that part of the sandwich in case they made the man that came for it to eat the half of left over sandwich to prove himself.
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