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Underground Associate 1 (Solo D-rank NQ)

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Underground Associate 1 (Solo D-rank NQ) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 8:01 am

Ryuuji had been recruited to do a mission in Hosenka and go undercover to get info on a decently sized underground organization Ryuuji was not sure he was really made for spy work but he still agreed to the job as he needed to stop being a bottom feeder and relaying on Judith as his mentor as she was a busy woman he was not going to turn out right if he only ended up in need of ither people and things to make it through to the next part of his life. Ryuuji changed his clothes and he walked to the place that he was told to show up at and with his natural rough look he was quickly recruited to be a grunt for the crime organization. Ryuuji was brought in and he was shown the ropes of how things were sorted and how to move them and to make sure he lifted with his legs not his back.


Underground Associate 1 (Solo D-rank NQ) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 8:02 am

Ryuuji was getting so use to this that he had even for a second forgot that he was in here for a mission to take on the crime organization and feed the knights and other good guys info, Ryuuji once remembering what he was doing here was making sure to take mental notes so that he could pass it on even if he was just a lowest of the rung grunt right now. His fellow loaders and unloaders seemed to take nicely to him as he was foul mouthed and rough like them it seemed that Ryuuji had seemed to fit right in with the others that were here which would later probably make his cover far better from being looked at as the one that had been feeding info to those that would be making mild busts and such on this crime group. Ryuuji just had to keep being himself and keeping a good rep with the others here and they will be far less likely to point a finger to him.


Underground Associate 1 (Solo D-rank NQ) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 8:02 am

Ryuuji being light on his feet and having no notable scent made it easy over a few days to get shipping dates and dates of things being moved by the day in carts that seem like nothing more than just junk in wagons heading to be gotten rid of and false papers as well. Ryuuji needed to make sure that he didn't get made or that any of his co-workers would see him as any kind of threat or issue to them to over come holding doors, holding back crates from falling on them cause some one had placed the boxes wrong some of the others at this point owed their lives to Ryuuji and that was a good sign as he could use that later when it came to them being moved up the ladder to more power spots in the organization. Ryuuji having collected a good amount of intel to pass on went to a garbage can that the people told him to drop intel in for them in a paper lunch bag with dates times and other things that would need and someone dressed as a garbage man came and collected it and the other trash later to start doing busts.
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