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The Sea Calls Upon Us All [Deadliest Catch NQ]

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The Sea Calls Upon Us All [Deadliest Catch NQ] Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 4:33 pm

The siren song of the sea whispers its eternal melody, a hypnotic tune that ensnares the hearts of sailors, merchants, and the myriad creatures dwelling within its cerulean depths. For many, it's a cherished dream, a coveted destiny—to be cradled in the ocean's cool embrace, to become one with its vast, mysterious expanse. This aquatic calling resonates as both a universal luxury and an ancestral birthright, beckoning those who hear its call to surrender themselves to the waves.

Yet for Tōga, his soul sang a different tune. His spirit soared not with the currents but with the winds, finding solace in the duality of earthbound humanity and the freedom of draconic flight. The terra firma beneath his feet and the endless sky above were the realms he called home, a perfect balance of grounded reality and soaring possibility. However, even dragon slayers must eat, and fortune favors those who seek it out rather than waiting idly for its arrival. With this pragmatic wisdom in mind, Tōga gathered his meager possessions and set forth towards the bustling docks. It was a familiar pilgrimage, one he had undertaken countless times before, always in search of honest work and the promise of adventure.

The salt-laden air whipped around him as he approached the towering figure of the fishing boat's captain, a grizzled sea dog who had often provided Tōga with employment in leaner times. But today, instead of the usual talk of net-mending or deck-swabbing, the captain's words painted an unexpected tableau of danger and intrigue.

Mermaids, those mythical maidens of the deep, had been ensnared near a distant isthmus. The captain's weathered face creased with concern as he relayed the tale, his voice carrying notes of urgency and hope. Tōga's eyes widened, a spark of excitement igniting within him. Without hesitation, he nodded his assent, eager to embark on this noble quest. As Tōga joined the crew in their preparations, the captain outlined the perilous nature of their mission. They would navigate treacherous waters, bringing their vessel as close to the narrow strip of land as they dared. But the true danger lay beyond, where Tōga would venture alone to confront the captors of these rare and wondrous beings.

A frown creased Tōga's brow as he absorbed this information. Pirates, those scourges of the seven seas, dared to continue their nefarious trade in magical creatures, despite his tireless efforts to thwart such cruelty. A weary sigh escaped his lips, but it did nothing to diminish the determination burning in his eyes.

As the ship cast off, its sails billowing with the promise of heroic deeds to come, Tōga found himself lost in contemplation. The gentle rocking of the deck beneath his feet served as a constant reminder of the alien world he was venturing into. Yet, even as the coastline receded into the distance, his thoughts turned not to the perils that lay ahead, but to the injustice he sought to right.

It didn’t help that his motion sickness still ached him, a tragedy of his magic and an obstacle he willingly faced whenever there was need for work. Still, he couldn’t wait for the time the ship stopped in the middle of the ocean and he could return to himself.  The journey passed in a blur of salt spray and sea shanties, the crew's spirits buoyed by the righteousness of their cause. Tōga spent the time honing his skills whenever he could or wasn’t barfing, practicing forms that melded his fiery techniques with the fluid grace demanded by shipboard combat. Each movement was a prayer, a promise to the captive mermaids that salvation was on its way.

As the isthmus loomed on the horizon, a hush fell over the ship. The air grew thick with anticipation, every creak of the rigging and splash against the hull amplified in the tense silence. Tōga stood at the prow, his keen eyes scanning the shoreline for any sign of the pirate encampment.

In these moments before the storm of battle, Tōga reflected on the strange turns of fate that had led him here. He, a creature of earth and sky, now stood as the champion of those born to the waves. It was a role he had never sought, yet one he embraced with every fiber of his being.

The captain's gruff voice cut through Tōga's reverie, announcing their imminent arrival. As the crew bustled about, preparing for the delicate maneuver of bringing the ship as close to shore as possible, Tōga centered himself. He called upon the strength of the dragon slumbering within him, feeling its power course through his veins. With a final nod to the captain and a silent vow to see justice done, Tōga prepared to plunge into the unknown. The sea, vast and inscrutable, stretched before him—a liquid battlefield upon which the fate of the mermaids would be decided. And though he was no child of the ocean, Tōga knew that on this day, he would write his own legend upon its ever-changing surface.

As Tōga's feet touched the sandy shore, the air crackled with tension. Ahead, the pirate encampment sprawled across the isthmus, a jumble of makeshift tents and crude cages. With feline grace, he crept closer, his senses heightened by the thrill of impending battle. The first pirate fell before he even knew what hit him, Tōga's swift strike leaving the man unconscious in the sand.

The element of surprise lost, chaos erupted. Pirates swarmed from every direction, their cutlasses glinting in the harsh sunlight. Tōga was a whirlwind of motion, his years of training evident in every fluid movement. Zangetsu sang through the air, deflecting blades and finding gaps in the pirates' defenses. Fire erupted from Kimetsu, creating a dazzling display that momentarily blinded his foes. Through it all, Tōga's eyes never left the mermaid cages, his determination to free them fueling every punch, kick, and sword stroke.

With the last pirate subdued, Tōga rushed to the cages. The mermaids' eyes, wide with fear and hope, followed his every move as he worked to break their bonds. As the final lock clicked open, a chorus of joyous trills filled the air. The mermaids slipped into the waves, their scales shimmering like precious gems in the sunlight. One paused, reaching out to touch Tōga's hand in gratitude before disappearing beneath the surface. As he watched them vanish into the vast blue expanse, Tōga felt an intense sense of achievement. He may not be a creature of the sea, but on this day, he at least aided in their liberation.

wc: wc: 1142 [WCR 50% due to kit]

-Quest Complete ! !

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