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Ursula's Forge

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Ursula's Forge Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 12:22 am



Name: Ghost Spider’s Armour

Slot: Armour

Type: Medium Armour

Class: Unique (30)

Weight: Medium

Quantity: Custom

Element: Arcane

Durability: 1x S-rank


Description: A bodysuit said to be have been crafted by a one time vigilante known as the ‘Ghost Spider’, this snug piece is said to have started out life as an item the woman behind the mask wore as a ballerina, though over time has been refined and upgraded to be a functional piece of armour. Blending together together shades of black, white and violet, stylistic choices mean that the latter is patterned with a cross crossing motif reminiscent of a spider’s web, which is most prominent on the arms and the inside of the hood, whilst on the back the stark tones combining to become emblazoned with the image of a spider befitting her pseudonym.


  • +65 speed


  • Jumping Spider: The user becomes supernaturally nimble, allowing them to jump up 10 meters high effortlessly and land gracefully from extreme heights without hurting themselves.


  • Name: Websling
    Rank: C rank
    Mana Cost: 50
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 10m
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Aiming with their hand while pressing their middle and ring fingers into their palm, the user can create an inoffensive tendril of arcane energy which they can use to snag objects, allowing them pull them toward them, vice versa, or even swing from if they choose.

  • Name: Dancing Spider
    Rank: C rank
    Mana Cost: 50
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Kicking their foot, the user creates a surge of momentum, will propel them, which allows them to dash in any direction up to 10 meters away at the users own lunge/dash speed.

Points Breakdown

  • Unique (Adventurer Starting gear)
  • Medium Armour
  • 15 Forge Points (Tier 3 – Mobility Improvement)
  • 8 Forge Points (C Rank Spell X2)
  • 7 Forge Points (Adding 35 to Speed Boost)

Total points Acquired: 30
Total Points Spent: 30

Last edited by Ursula on Sat Aug 31, 2024 11:29 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Noticed I Goofed the Dash Spell)


Ursula's Forge Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 1:10 am



Name: Ghost Spider’s Mask

Slot: Helm

Type: Medium Headgear

Class: Unique (30)

Weight: Medium

Quantity: Custom

Element: Arcane

Durability: 1x S-rank


Description: A mask said to be have been crafted by a one time vigilante known as the ‘Ghost Spider’, this snug piece could perhaps best be described as a ‘head sock’ due to its tight nature, the overall design is rather simple since it is largely white and features a pair of one way visible lenses for eye pieces. Thin enough to be readily breathable and made from resilient materials, the only real visual flourish is some detailing around the eyes which is violet, similar to the rest of the costume.


  • +30 speed


  • Sensory: Whilst wearing this item, the user has the gift of Vibration Sense.
  • Jewels Boost: You receive an additional 15% jewels when completing quests.

Points Breakdown

  • Unique (Adventurer Starting gear)
  • Medium Helm
  • 15 Forge Points (Tier 3 – Sensory Perk)
  • 15 Forge Points (Tier 3 – Jewels Boost)

Total points Acquired: 30
Total Points Spent: 30


Ursula's Forge Empty Sun Sep 01, 2024 11:16 am

These customs have been approved, please create a copy of the items and the source post in a reply post using its name and rarity for its title in the Customs section.

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