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Astrid's Forge

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Astrid's Forge Empty Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:48 pm


Astrid's Forge


Astrid's Forge Empty Sat Nov 25, 2023 12:58 am



Name: Symbiotic Fleshweave

Slot: Armor

Type: Flesh Coating

Class: Legendary [45]

Weight: Medium

Quantity: Custom

Element: Darkness

Durability: 2 S-Rank


Description: Composed of a genuinely alien substance, this substance at first resembles that of fleshy tendrils and exposed muscles, more like that of the innards of a human body than anything else. In its actual form and purpose, the material grows to that of a type of armor that envelops a wearer, effectively acting as a sort of skin that the wearer is able to manipulate and control. In their wearing of this Symbiotic Fleshweave, the wearer develops a symbiotic relationship with the alien organism, it effectively serving beneath the wearer, providing it with its power, protection, and strengths, while the wearer provides it with the freedom of existence. The true depths of this Fleshweave and the effects that it has over the wearer is one of significant question however, with it not being clear just how this relationship go and the impact that it potentially has upon the wearer, and vice versa how the wearer's behavior and actions influence the development of the Fleshweave.

Measurements: The Fleshweave predominantly covers the user's body to varying degrees, forming almost a skintight layer with numerous veins and inconsistent textures littered throughout the entirety of it as it expands over the wearer's body. Thick and black in texture, it almost resembles that of a thick tar being poured upon the body than that of an sort of tight garment that would otherwise be worn. It is overwhelmingly concentrated more within the chest cavity of the wearer, extending down often to the point where it completely covers the wearer's legs. It also reaches out past the wearer's arms, though the length to which it engorges those appendages can be known to vary, extending past the full length of the hand to barely beyond the elbow. Even upon the neck the Fleshweave can cover, though seldom ever does it extend past the upper portions branching into the head area.

  • +45 Speed


  • Adrenal Glands: While wearing the Fleshweave, the wearer feels a constant source of energy pumping through them; the Fleshweave breathing as if an overlaying organ, pumping adrenaline into the wearer. As such, the wearer is capable of acting quicker and accomplishes tasks with greater proficiency, receiving an additional 20% word count reduction to quests.
  • Symbiotic Understandings: The Fleshweave responds to that of its wearer, drawing on its relationship to better serve. It recognizes and synergizes itself to the Magic that the wearer is accustomed towards, providing them with an enhanced sense of proficiency in that respective school. The wearer receives a cooldown reduction of 1 post for the element of Arcane.


  • Name: Symbiotic Tethering
    Rank: S++
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Symbiotic Fleshweave
    Type: Defensive [S+: Overcharge - Defensive | S++: Nullification Immunity]
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 40 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The wearer calls out the word "Protect" to which the Fleshweave envelops the wearer and for a brief moment, assimilates with them, thereby giving it the capability of manipulating the wearer's genetic structure and change their physical form into an almost sub-solid form, similar to that of a fluid-like substance still possessing its large normal form. In this, the wearer appears like normal, though upon closer inspection it becomes clearer that their structure is not solid, but rather, almost free-form of sorts. This becomes all the more evident when they are attacked by any sort of ability, as the attack will effectively phase through the user, there being some level of visual feedback applied but otherwise them appearing utterly unphased. This can enable the wearer to ignore up to 4 S-Rank worth of damage, after which point the Fleshweave's capability to perform this feat can no longer be harnessed without sufficiently recharging itself through natural processes.

Points Breakdown

  • Legendary [45]
  • Armor
  • Medium
  • Quest Word Reduction [-20]
  • Specific Element Cooldown Reduction [-10]
  • Symbiotic Tethering [S++ | -15]

Total points Acquired: 45
Total Points Spent: 45

Last edited by Astrid on Sat May 04, 2024 8:54 pm; edited 1 time in total


Astrid's Forge Empty Mon Dec 04, 2023 10:27 pm

After reaching a general consensus amongst Staff, this spell has been denied entirely with all variations being otherwise unacceptable, please remove it.


Astrid's Forge Empty Fri Apr 19, 2024 3:40 am



Name: Sovereign, the Vanguard of Absolute End

Slot: Weapon

Type: Scythe

Class: Mythic [60]

Quantity: Custom

Element: Arcane

Damage: 150

Durability: 3 S-Rank


Description: An intricate looking weapon, Sovereign appears like that of a mastercrafted scythe, but upon further inspection one quickly realizes that the weapon, despite it's marvelous qualities, is horrific in nature. First deceptive in its size, the Scythe appears like that of an almost oversized weapon, having a length from its base to the tip of it measuring somewhere between 7 and 8 feet in length, whilst its bladed component seems to extend outwards at a curve measuring over a meter in overall length. Despite this massive size, its handling appears fluid, if not created by material that causes its stature to utterly deceive those who may witness it. Further too, its aesthetic look at times appears almost like that of cut gemstone than that of any solid material, though having inherent sharpness and toughness rivalling that of diamond and other enhanced metals.

Lore: An ancient weapon, the origin of quite where a thing as sinister and wicked as Sovereign originated from has long been wondered, but throughout history the only thing that has been certain has been its connection to some of the most depraved actions carried out by man. A weapon referenced once upon a time in the hands of a cruel despot only to resurface against decades, if not centuries, later in the hands of another horrific wielder, Sovereign's own mythos would become something noteworthy in its own right.

Time went on and the Scythe remained a focal point of the aspiring cruel tyrant, maniacal cult leader, or other terrorist visionary, how one had come to acquire the weapon remaining a mystery. Some believed the weapon found them. Others speculated it being moved about through underground networks, it would not be until X712 that it would come under the possession of a noble in Fiore, then through a sequence of events ended up in a secret, secure vault of the Fiorian Government. The intent was that being removed from the world, perhaps it would help bring about an era of peace; whatever influence it may have had being erased from the world.

And it proved truthful, for a time at least.

Quite where the young Senator Astrid Venier came across this weapon is nothing short of a mystery, if not one that the world would forever suffer from. Nevertheless, the woman possessing it, already having in her possession a trove of ancient Magical artifacts that she had managed to secure for herself, along with a Magic that seldom few were even so much aware of its existence, she became an immediate person of interest for the wicked weapon. Whether designed as the vessel to be the next in line to carry out the attempted overthrowing of Earthland as people knew it, or otherwise someone who may have striven for greater ambitions, the mutual interest in both looking to aid the other was immediate resonated.

And thus, a union that has no shortage of potential outcomes, all of which terrible, came forth. How Fiore would stand to be impacted though, one has to fear just what the ambitious Senator may do next, even before being aided by a weapon of tyrants and depravity.

Measurements: From base to tip, Sovereign has an overall length of just over 2 meters, with handling encompassing over two-thirds of that length. The bladed head protruding from the tip extends a length of nearly a meter when attributing the blade's curve.


Requirements: Astrid Venier


  • Let the End Guide You: A voracious weapon driven within the singular goal of bringing about the end of everything; if its host will sate its hunger for nothingness then Sovereign will yield, shifting reality to best allow their union to exist in perfect disaster.
    • Sovereign's handling and damage are affected by Astrid's Intelligence Attribute, not her Strength Attribute.

  • The Cold, Dark Beckoning: Sovereign speaks horrific thoughts, sounding like that of persistent whispers to the wielder. Twisted thoughts, ideas of bloodshed, cruelty beyond words, encouragement to commit great violence, these are among what is every so often whispered to and overheard by the wielder. For those within the topic with the user, the whispers can be faintly overheard, but sound like untranslatable noise that cannot be deciphered, yet cause others to feel a shiver run down their spine, nonetheless.


  • Name: Beckon, Sovereign
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Sovereign
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: If at any point Astrid is not in possession of Sovereign, whether having dropped the weapon or otherwise been disarmed or unequipped, she may hold out a hand and say, "Come," to which will cause Sovereign to rematerialize within her grasp. Sovereign maintains whatever level of durability it previously had as this simply enables Astrid to regain possession of the weapon, not restore it.

  • Name: Thy Commandment
    Rank: S++
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Sovereign
    Type: Defensive [S+: Overcharge - Defensive | S++: Nullification Immunity]
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Astrid swipes a hand across the base of Sovereign, causing an aura of corrupted Eldritch Magic to envelop her entirely, effectively as a defensive aura, capable of withstanding up to a maximum of 4 S-rank worth of damage before being destroyed. This spell cannot be removed by effects such as Nullification or other similar capabilities.

Points Breakdown

  • Mythic
  • Weapon - Scythe
  • 2-Handed
  • +150
  • Let the End Guide You [Tier 5 Effect: 35]
  • The Cold, Dark Beckoning [Tier 1 Effect: 5]
  • Beckon, Sovereign [D-Rank Spell: 5]
  • Thy Commandment [Exclusive Spell: 15]

Total points Acquired: 60
Total Points Spent: 60

Last edited by Astrid on Sat May 04, 2024 7:46 pm; edited 4 times in total


Astrid's Forge Empty Fri Apr 19, 2024 3:40 am

Claiming with the Mythic ticket in my possession.


Astrid's Forge Empty Fri Apr 19, 2024 1:14 pm


Hey Astrid~

The passive is fine, but for the spells we're gonna need to work... a lot~

The first spell: A S-rank defensive spell only intercepts up to 2 S-rank damage, not 4, even with overcharge it only becomes 3 S-rank at best.

You and All That Exists Will Forever Cease:
- Adding a weakness to others is a MM tier effect, and normally only applies a minor effect, in this case it's outright a nope.
- You also added a resistance ignore and defensive properties ignore, which once more are two additional effects.

As a result you currently have:

- Topic Wide
- Flat cost AoE
- Resistance Ignore
- Weakness adding (banned effect)
- Defense ignore
- Selective Targeting

as you see these are way too many effects for a single S++ spell.

I would recommend removing the topic wide for starters, but in general the spell simply has way too many effects currently.


Astrid's Forge Empty Thu May 09, 2024 4:29 am



Name: Symbiotic Fleshweave

Slot: Armor

Type: Flesh Coating

Class: Legendary [45]

Weight: Medium

Quantity: Custom

Element: Darkness

Durability: 2 S-Rank


Description: Composed of a genuinely alien substance, this substance at first resembles that of fleshy tendrils and exposed muscles, more like that of the innards of a human body than anything else. In its actual form and purpose, the material grows to that of a type of armor that envelops a wearer, effectively acting as a sort of skin that the wearer is able to manipulate and control. In their wearing of this Symbiotic Fleshweave, the wearer develops a symbiotic relationship with the alien organism, it effectively serving beneath the wearer, providing it with its power, protection, and strengths, while the wearer provides it with the freedom of existence. The true depths of this Fleshweave and the effects that it has over the wearer is one of significant question however, with it not being clear just how this relationship go and the impact that it potentially has upon the wearer, and vice versa how the wearer's behavior and actions influence the development of the Fleshweave.

Measurements: The Fleshweave predominantly covers the user's body to varying degrees, forming almost a skintight layer with numerous veins and inconsistent textures littered throughout the entirety of it as it expands over the wearer's body. Thick and black in texture, it almost resembles that of a thick tar being poured upon the body than that of an sort of tight garment that would otherwise be worn. It is overwhelmingly concentrated more within the chest cavity of the wearer, extending down often to the point where it completely covers the wearer's legs. It also reaches out past the wearer's arms, though the length to which it engorges those appendages can be known to vary, extending past the full length of the hand to barely beyond the elbow. Even upon the neck the Fleshweave can cover, though seldom ever does it extend past the upper portions branching into the head area.

  • +45 Speed


  • Adrenal Glands: While wearing the Fleshweave, the wearer feels a constant source of energy pumping through them; the Fleshweave breathing as if an overlaying organ, pumping adrenaline into the wearer. As such, the wearer is capable of acting quicker and accomplishes tasks with greater proficiency, receiving an additional 20% word count reduction to quests.
  • Symbiotic Understandings: The Fleshweave responds to that of its wearer, drawing on its relationship to better serve. It recognizes and synergizes itself to the Magic that the wearer is accustomed towards, providing them with an enhanced sense of proficiency in that respective school. The wearer receives a cooldown reduction of 1 post for the element of Arcane.


  • Name: Symbiotic Tethering
    Rank: S++
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Symbiotic Fleshweave
    Type: Defensive [S+: Overcharge - Defensive | S++: Nullification Immunity]
    Element: Darkness
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The wearer calls out the word "Protect" to which the Fleshweave envelops the wearer and for a brief moment, assimilates with them, thereby giving it the capability of manipulating the wearer's genetic structure and change their physical form into an almost sub-solid form, similar to that of a fluid-like substance still possessing its large normal form. In this, the wearer appears like normal, though upon closer inspection it becomes clearer that their structure is not solid, but rather, almost free-form of sorts. This becomes all the more evident when they are attacked by any sort of ability, as the attack will effectively phase through the user, there being some level of visual feedback applied but otherwise them appearing utterly unphased. This can enable the wearer to ignore up to 4 S-Rank worth of damage, after which point the Fleshweave's capability to perform this feat can no longer be harnessed without sufficiently recharging itself through natural processes.

Points Breakdown

  • Legendary [45]
  • Armor
  • Medium
  • Quest Word Reduction [-20]
  • Specific Element Cooldown Reduction [-10]
  • Symbiotic Tethering [S++ | -15]

Total points Acquired: 45
Total Points Spent: 45

Last edited by Astrid on Sun May 12, 2024 9:27 pm; edited 1 time in total


Astrid's Forge Empty Sun May 12, 2024 12:05 am

Claiming with the Legendary Coupon in my Inventory.


Astrid's Forge Empty Sun May 12, 2024 9:17 pm

This custom has been approved, please create a copy of the item and the source post in a reply post using its name and rarity for its title in the Customs section.

Last edited by Saturn on Sun May 12, 2024 9:32 pm; edited 1 time in total


Astrid's Forge Empty Tue May 21, 2024 3:27 am



Name: Sovereign, the Vanguard of Absolute End

Slot: Weapon

Type: Scythe

Class: Legendary [45]

Quantity: Custom

Element: Arcane

Damage: 120

Durability: 2 S-Rank


Description: An intricate looking weapon, Sovereign appears like that of a mastercrafted scythe, but upon further inspection one quickly realizes that the weapon, despite it's marvelous qualities, is horrific in nature. First deceptive in its size, the Scythe appears like that of an almost oversized weapon, having a length from its base to the tip of it measuring somewhere between 7 and 8 feet in length, whilst its bladed component seems to extend outwards at a curve measuring over a meter in overall length. Despite this massive size, its handling appears fluid, if not created by material that causes its stature to utterly deceive those who may witness it. Further too, its aesthetic look at times appears almost like that of cut gemstone than that of any solid material, though having inherent sharpness and toughness rivalling that of diamond and other enhanced metals.

Lore: An ancient weapon, the origin of quite where a thing as sinister and wicked as Sovereign originated from has long been wondered, but throughout history the only thing that has been certain has been its connection to some of the most depraved actions carried out by man. A weapon referenced once upon a time in the hands of a cruel despot only to resurface against decades, if not centuries, later in the hands of another horrific wielder, Sovereign's own mythos would become something noteworthy in its own right.

Time went on and the Scythe remained a focal point of the aspiring cruel tyrant, maniacal cult leader, or other terrorist visionary, how one had come to acquire the weapon remaining a mystery. Some believed the weapon found them. Others speculated it being moved about through underground networks, it would not be until X712 that it would come under the possession of a noble in Fiore, then through a sequence of events ended up in a secret, secure vault of the Fiorian Government. The intent was that being removed from the world, perhaps it would help bring about an era of peace; whatever influence it may have had being erased from the world.

And it proved truthful, for a time at least.

Quite where the young Senator Astrid Venier came across this weapon is nothing short of a mystery, if not one that the world would forever suffer from. Nevertheless, the woman possessing it, already having in her possession a trove of ancient Magical artifacts that she had managed to secure for herself, along with a Magic that seldom few were even so much aware of its existence, she became an immediate person of interest for the wicked weapon. Whether designed as the vessel to be the next in line to carry out the attempted overthrowing of Earthland as people knew it, or otherwise someone who may have striven for greater ambitions, the mutual interest in both looking to aid the other was immediate resonated.

And thus, a union that has no shortage of potential outcomes, all of which terrible, came forth. How Fiore would stand to be impacted though, one has to fear just what the ambitious Senator may do next, even before being aided by a weapon of tyrants and depravity.

Measurements: From base to tip, Sovereign has an overall length of just over 2 meters, with handling encompassing over two-thirds of that length. The bladed head protruding from the tip extends a length of nearly a meter when attributing the blade's curve.


Requirements: Astrid Venier


  • Let the End Guide You: A voracious weapon driven within the singular goal of bringing about the end of everything; if its host will sate its hunger for nothingness then Sovereign will yield, shifting reality to best allow their union to exist in perfect disaster.
    • Sovereign's handling and damage are affected by Astrid's Intelligence Attribute, not her Strength Attribute.

  • The Cold, Dark Beckoning: Sovereign speaks horrific thoughts, sounding like that of persistent whispers to the wielder. Twisted thoughts, ideas of bloodshed, cruelty beyond words, encouragement to commit great violence, these are among what is every so often whispered to and overheard by the wielder. For those within the topic with the user, the whispers can be faintly overheard, but sound like untranslatable noise that cannot be deciphered, yet cause others to feel a shiver run down their spine, nonetheless.


  • Name: Beckon, Sovereign
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Sovereign
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: If at any point Astrid is not in possession of Sovereign, whether having dropped the weapon or otherwise been disarmed or unequipped, she may hold out a hand and say, "Come," to which will cause Sovereign to rematerialize within her grasp. Sovereign maintains whatever level of durability it previously had as this simply enables Astrid to regain possession of the weapon, not restore it.

Points Breakdown

  • Mythic
  • Weapon - Scythe
  • 2-Handed
  • +100
  • Let the End Guide You [Tier 5 Effect: 35]
  • The Cold, Dark Beckoning [Tier 1 Effect: 5]
  • Beckon, Sovereign [D-Rank Spell: 5]

Total points Acquired: 45
Total Points Spent: 45


Astrid's Forge Empty Tue May 21, 2024 3:27 am

Claiming this with the Legendary coupon in my possession.


Astrid's Forge Empty Tue May 21, 2024 5:46 am

Hey Astrid! Thought to let you know that after discussing it with staff the perk that allows your int to substitute for strength won't pass but the rest looks good!


Astrid's Forge Empty Fri Aug 02, 2024 3:44 am



Name: Baba Yeaga

Slot: Armor

Type: Coalesced Spirit Hands

Class: Mythic [60]

Weight: Medium

Quantity: Custom

Element: Arcane

Durability: 4 S-Rank


Description: An unconventional thing, Baba Yeaga is not a singular item nor piece of equipment but instead rather a collection of floating spirit hands that float in near proximity to whomever they treat as their host. To both the initiated and those in disbelief, they would see Baba Yeaga as the same thing; a collection of dark hands, composed of nothing more than shadowy energy, that linger around the target, often times making physical contact with them. This contact may be nothing more than being so close as to feel the faint energy radiate off of them, the physical caress of the fingers upon one's skin, or even the more apparent - if not aggressive gestures - such as the feeling of a grasp upon one's own throat. These are just some of the physical interactions that can occur, all of them however being limited to that of the single individual whom they congregate on in perpetuity. Their total numbers vary, at times there only appearing to be a small few of them, while at times it could appear that the user is being swarmed by them, evident enough by anyone whom would happen to look upon the user.

Lore: Quite what it is remains a mystery. Why it exists is largely one that is unknown, but what is clear is that the thing known as Baba Yeaga - not quite an armor nor that of a creature, but somewhere in between. Baba Yeaga is a collection-like creature, a collection of the disembodied hands of hundreds of thousands of souls whom had been made deceased over the centuries and beyond, all coalescing into a sort of shield-like being that focuses its attention and focus towards a singular being, dubbed the Host. To whomever finds themselves becoming the Host, they will be haunted by the presence of Baba Yeaga, hands that will forever surround them, plaguing them, even going as far as to attempt to physically involve themselves with the Host's body. The reasoning is unclear, nor the drive or impulsiveness that it displays towards a single Host, but it is similarly clear that they exist for and will go to any length imaginable to protect their Host.

As such, between its unyielding determination and its endless automation factory of hands of former spirits to pull its existence from, Baba Yeaga is a sort of living armor that will exist only until the Host somehow manages to die or otherwise it finds a more suitable Host to envelop instead.

Just how Baba Yeaga happened to find Astrid Venier remains a significant mystery, but it's clear that while many would be horrified by the presence of such a thing, the Phantom Lord Guild Master and Fiorian Senator has come to view Baba Yeaga as a welcome sort of armor. It provides her with a greater protection than anything that she could have at first imagined, behaves almost like a luxury coat that she can adorn and at the same time use to impose her will. And while in frequent and often times rare, the touch of Baba Yeaga is not always unwelcome, sometimes even being a delightful sensation. So much so that even the feeling of the spectral hand upon her throat, squeezing at her neck, even tends to have a more exciting nature to it than one may expect. After all, of what Astrid understands of the living armor, for it to find a Host more capable than her, the only chance of that happening would be upon her natural passing.

Everything else is simply a sort of foreplay, their attempt at trying to match the seduction that she casts in her existence, being uniquely gifted in her many talents, as well as the two powerful Souls that exist within her body. An attribute that seldom any would be able to match up against, and one that Baba Yeaga would never turn down.

Measurements: Baba Yeaga appears like that of a collection of disembodied hands composed of shadowy spirits, each having the dimensions like that of typical hands, albeit across no shortage of species. Human of both genders and any number of age groups, the same broad categories also apply to any number of races that this may apply for. The shape and size of hands are never the same, them appearing in an infinitely recycled collection of hands that may appear as manifestations of its form.


Requirements: Astrid Venier

  • +50 Speed


  • Serve the Vessel: In order to best protect their Vessel, Baba Yeaga focuses on behaving like that of a defensive armor, and as such, have mastered the means to further protect Astrid as a result. The cooldown of defensive spells applied through items are reduced by 1 Post.
  • Indulging Cruel Ambitions: In order to best protect their Vessel, Baba Yeaga emphasizes enabling them to be at their strongest, and one such way is enhancing their abilities, namely how frequently they may be used. Per Astrid's Arcane spells, they will have a cooldown reduction of 1 post applied to them.


  • Name: Eternal Sanctuary in the Arms of the Lost
    Rank: S+ [S+: Overcharge Defensive]
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Baba Yeaga
    Type: Overcharged Defensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Astrid activates this spell by either making a handshake-like grip with one of the hands of Baba Yeaga or otherwise planting a kiss upon one of the hands that compose Baba Yeaga. Either of these activate this spell, causing there to be a dark almost cloud-like aura to appear around Astrid, not one that impedes sight, but simply causes those around with the exception of the user to feel uneasy, to have the sense that the hands may reach out towards them uncontrollably. Rather, the hands of Baba Yeaga converge upon Astrid, behaving like that of a defensive spell, repelling against spells and absorbing the full brunt of any sort of attack lashed out at her, not unlike their typical behavior, but instead their durability unaffected and rather the cloud that lingers instead suffering whatever damage is dealt, up to a maximum of 4 S-Rank worth of damage. For each strike and for the damage that is dealt, the cloud will diminish, eventually disappearing entirely once the spell's durability has ceased or the user no longer sustains the spell.

  • Name: The Lost Lamb Endlessly Seeking Salvation
    Rank: S++ [S++: Cannot Be Nullified, Sense Aversion]
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Baba Yeaga
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Astrid activates this spell by either making a handshake-like grip with one of the hands of Baba Yeaga or otherwise planting a kiss upon one of the hands that compose Baba Yaega. Multiple hands of Baba Yeaga will appear and instantly materialize towards any and all targets that are within a given topic, covering their eyes and then disappearing. This process is instantaneous, does not induce blinding and is aesthetic in nature. Once this has taken place, Astrid will no longer appear before anyone, effectively having gone invisible while actually having Baba Yeaga distort everyone's vision to the point where she no longer exists. This will persist until she commits to an attack upon someone, at which point the illusionary effect of Baba Yeaga will end and Astrid will seemingly appear again. Further, the nature of this Magic, while it affects everyone's' eyes, also affects their nature and capability of detecting her. Only through sensory spells of equal rank can Astrid be detected, and even through this means it cannot see through the "invisibility" nature of the spell. Further, those with the capability to Nullify Magic are unable to do so against this spell, with attempts at doing so being rendered worthless.

Points Breakdown

Please list Forge Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Mythic
  • Armor
  • Medium
  • +1 S-Rank Durability (-8)
  • Tier 3 Effect: Indulging Cruel Ambitions (-15)
  • Tier 2 Effect: Serve the Vessel (-10)
  • Exclusive Spell: Eternal Sanctuary in the Arms of the Lost (-12)
  • Signature Spell: The Lost Lamb Endlessly Seeking Salvation (-15)

Total points Acquired: 60
Total Points Spent: 60

Last edited by Astrid on Sun Sep 01, 2024 4:01 pm; edited 1 time in total


Astrid's Forge Empty Sun Sep 01, 2024 8:47 am

Resubmitting for approval following the removal of the Bind Immunity perk. This does not consume the current Mythic ticket in my possession and would replace the previously approved Baba Yeaga.

The Lost Lamb Endlessly Seeking Salvation spell inspired by Spell Approved Here


Astrid's Forge Empty Sun Sep 01, 2024 1:22 pm

Heyo astrid, you're going to need to swap lamb to a darkness, arcane or light type for it to be an invisibility class spell.

You'll also need to clarify that you can see through the invisibility portion of the spell with a sensory of equal rank too. Otherwise this looks good.


Astrid's Forge Empty Sun Sep 01, 2024 4:05 pm

Fixed the Element to The Lost Lamb Endlessly Seeking Salvation.

As per the second point, I iterate the points in discussion as to it being approvable in its current state. Spell should be good.



Astrid's Forge Empty Sun Sep 01, 2024 7:26 pm

This custom has been approved, please create a copy of the item and the source post in a reply post using its name and rarity for its title in the Customs section.

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