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Zenith Empty Sat Aug 17, 2024 11:05 pm



Name: Zenith

Age: May 26th, X769 (23)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Ethnicity, Father: Fiorian

Ethnicity, Mother: Sevenese

Class: Sorcerer

Race:  Nephilim (No Contract)

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Fairy Tail

Tattoo: Right Shoulder, black.

Face: Rudeus Greyrat / Mushoku Tensei


Height: 6'3" (193 cm)

Weight: 175 lbs (79.5 kg)

Hair: Light Brown

Eyes: Green

Overall: Zenith a young man with a lean and athletic build, indicating a balance between physical strength and agility. He has medium-length, brown hair that falls in slightly messy strands and ponytail, framing his face and giving him a somewhat casual appearance. His eyes are sharp and focused, a green color that that sometimes take on a golden hue.

He is dressed in a tan long robe that has dark brown trim and dark brown hood. The robe is somewhat loose-fitting but cinched at the waist with a simple brown belt. The sleeves of the robe are wide, ending just above his wrists, and the hem reaches down to his ankles.  Underneath the robe, he wears a plain white tunic that peeks out at the collar. His footwear consists of sturdy, knee-high brown boots, designed for travel or combat. Adorning his outfit are sturdy leather straps that hold various pouches.
Zenith Rudeus10


Personality: Zenith is a quiet and introspective young man, shaped by years of solitude and study. He tends to observe more than speak, and when he does talk, his words are often carefully chosen. Despite his reserved nature, he possesses a fierce need to uncover the truth of his past and understand the power that has been awakened within him. This quest for knowledge is both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness, as it sometimes leads him to take risks that others might avoid.

Zenith has a deep love for books and a passion for learning, which drives much of his personality. He is naturally curious and inquisitive, often found with his nose in a book or researching obscure magical theories. His background as a scribe has given him a vast well of knowledge to draw from, and his natural intelligence allows him to adapt quickly. Zenith has a cheerful and positive outlook on life, and despite his quiet demeanor, he is always eager to learn and grow. Zenith is also kind-hearted and empathetic, always willing to help others when they need it, especially if it involves sharing his knowledge. He values friendship and camaraderie, and while he may initially seem reserved, he is deeply loyal to those he cares about. He often stays up late into the night to practice spells or study, driven by a genuine love for learning and a desire to improve himself.

However, Zenith can be stubborn when it comes to his pursuit of knowledge, sometimes becoming so engrossed in his studies that he neglects other aspects of his life. His drive to uncover the truth of his past and understand his powers can sometimes lead him to take risks that others might avoid.

  • Ancient Tomes and Books: Zenith has a deep love for books, especially those that contain ancient knowledge or hidden secrets. He enjoys spending hours in libraries or old bookshops, losing himself in the study of arcane texts and historical records.
  • Quiet Places: Due to his introspective nature, Zenith appreciates quiet, secluded places where he can think and study without interruption. He often seeks out tranquil spots, like secluded corners of libraries or peaceful gardens, to focus on his research.

  • Ignorance: Zenith has little patience for those who dismiss knowledge or show a lack of curiosity about the world around them. He finds ignorance frustrating, especially when it hinders progress or understanding.
  • Unnecessary Violence: While he understands the need for combat in certain situations, Zenith dislikes unnecessary violence and conflict. He believes that many problems can be solved through knowledge and communication rather than brute force.

  • Uncovering the Truth of His Past: Zenith is driven by a deep desire to uncover the mysteries of his origins, understand the power that has awakened within him, and learn more about his Nephilim heritage. This quest for knowledge is what propels him forward on his journey.

  • Losing Control of His Power: Zenith fears that the power within him, which he does not fully understand, could one day consume him or cause harm to those around him. This fear drives him to constantly seek mastery over his abilities.
  • Never Discovering His Origins: Zenith is haunted by the possibility that he may never uncover the truth about his parents or his birth. The thought of remaining in the dark about his past terrifies him, fueling his relentless pursuit of knowledge.


Strength: 5

Speed: 5

Constitution: 5

Endurance: 5

Intelligence: 10


Magic Name: Heavenly Body Magic

Magic Element: Light

Magic Description: Heavenly Body Magic is a powerful form of Light Magic that enables the user to wield the properties of many astronomical objects, focused heavily on the offensive, supplementary, and buffing capabilities. Utilizing astronomical objects such as meteors or the generation and manipulation of the energy of stars, the user can create powerful light blasts or beams of highly destructive power. Utilizing this power, reminiscent of starlight, the user is able to shroud themselves in magic, thereby enabling them to increase their speed significantly.



Early Life

Zenith's life began in mystery, his origins shrouded in a fog that he has spent much of his life trying to pierce. Born a Nephilim, a being of both celestial and mortal heritage, Zenith’s existence was an anomaly from the start. Unlike other Nephilim, who typically gain their powers through contracts, Zenith was born with his powers, though he has no understanding of why this is the case. His father, a man from Fiore, was deeply involved with the Illuminian Church, an organization known for its devotion to the celestial order and its strict doctrines. However, Zenith's father died under mysterious circumstances before Zenith's birth. His mother, a wizard from the distant land of Seven, vanished shortly after giving birth, leaving Zenith with no knowledge of his parentage. As a result, Zenith grew up without a last name, a constant reminder of the void where his family should be.

Life as a Scribe

After his mother’s disappearance and his father's death, Zenith was left as a baby on the steps of Book Land, a small, quaint bookstore in the heart of Magnolia Town. The store owner, a kind but reclusive elderly man named Thaddeus, took pity on the infant and decided to raise him. Thaddeus had no children of his own and saw in Zenith an opportunity to pass on his love for knowledge and books. The basement of Book Land became Zenith’s home, a dimly lit space filled with books, scrolls, and manuscripts. From a young age, Zenith was surrounded by books, and he quickly developed a voracious appetite for reading. Thaddeus, seeing Zenith's potential, taught him to read and write as soon as he could hold a quill. As the years passed, Zenith’s days were spent buried in books, studying history, magic, languages, and anything else he could get his hands on. Despite the warm, book-filled environment, Zenith often felt isolated. The bookstore's quiet nature meant that he had little contact with people his own age, and he knew nothing of his origins or why he was abandoned. This deep-seated loneliness drove him to delve even further into his studies, hoping that somewhere in the vast world of books, he might find answers.

When Zenith turned 23, a mysterious package arrived at Book Land, addressed to him. The package contained an ancient-looking tome, bound in weathered leather and sealed with a wax emblem that bore the faint imprint of the Illuminian Church's seal. The package had no return address, and neither Thaddeus nor Zenith could determine who had sent it. Curiosity piqued, Zenith opened the tome. As he did, the pages began to glow with a strange, ethereal light, and the letters lifted off the pages, swirling around him in a whirlwind of knowledge and power. The words seemed to enter his very being, filling his mind with arcane knowledge and awakening the dormant magic within him. The experience was overwhelming, and when the light faded, Zenith found himself changed. He could now sense the flow of magic around him, and his body hummed with it. In the months that followed, Zenith tried desperately to understand what had happened, but much of it remained a mystery. The only clue he had was the seal of the Illuminian Church, but even this led him nowhere. Every attempt to research the tome’s origin or the sender ended in frustration.

Joining Fairy Tail

With no answers and a growing power he didn't fully understand, Zenith decided that he could no longer remain confined to the basement of Book Land. He needed to grow stronger, to learn more about his abilities, and to uncover the truth of his past. He had heard stories of the Fairy Tail guild, a place where powerful wizards gathered, known for its members' strength and their willingness to take on even the most dangerous quests. Zenith approached Fairy Tail with trepidation, unsure if he would be accepted. His upbringing as a scribe had not prepared him for the rough-and-tumble world of wizards, but he was determined. To his surprise, the guild welcomed him with open arms, seeing his potential despite his lack of experience.

Discord: ZenithSage


Zenith Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 10:06 am

This character is approved for roleplay.

Make sure to put in the claim for your starting magic here.

At the time of this character's creation I would recommend checking out this event.

You should also feel free to find a team and try to slowly get through this.

That's all the advice that you should need at the moment. I wish you a happy time RPing here.

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