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Deadliest Catch for the cutest catcher

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Deadliest Catch for the cutest catcher Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 6:43 pm

Zeta, known to be the seasoned weapon or the hunting hand within Hunter’s manor, had always been given a grueling task to complete since she started her training. Her training consisted of hunting dark races and gathering materials in faraway countries by herself. These tasks had to be accomplished in all kinds of weather no matter the season otherwise she was not permitted to return and her brother would perish. Zeta felt she was carrying an enormous amount of weight on her shoulders but it was also her driving force.

She was accustomed to the quiet efficiency of her work. The thrill of the hunt and the precision needed to complete the objective were all she knew. Yet, the idea of facing a sea monster, a creature of unknown power and behavior, was a new challenge. A challenge that, to be honest, didn’t particularly pique her interest. The idea of traveling across the ocean was far more interesting to her. This was the freedom she sought even if it was all a guise.

However, the promise of a hefty reward and the opportunity to experience something entirely different was enough to spark a flicker of curiosity within her. She was also aware that refusing a direct order from the manor head was not an option for her.
Venting her grievances about the mission details with Aster, her caretaker, Zeta found some peace of mind afterward. He warned her of how unexpected the sea would be, and it was best to keep her wits strong and unshakable. It was common for Aster to leave her with advice either before a mission or after and it was always useful to her. She appreciated this and thanked Aster before setting out for Luluhawa Island to start her next hunt.

After reaching the port of Luluhawa Island, she immediately took her first step toward gathering information about recent sea monster sightings and experiences. Despite her reputation as a solitary figure, Zeta understood the importance of intelligence and teamwork. She would delve into the island's history, the nature of the sea creatures surrounding the island, and the tales of those who had faced them. She would interview the local fishermen and sailors about their methods to attract or fight the beasts of the sea and view their trophies. Every piece of information would be a weapon in her arsenal.

The first and best place to gather the majority of the information needed would be at the tavern, but before that, she made a quick detour to the Island's inn to change her outfit. She opened up her suitcase full of clothes, items, and other useful things she might need on a mission. “This should loosen the tight-lipped ones really well~ Now let's waste no more sun” Zeta bit her bottom lip when looking at herself in the mirror as she held the outfit over her body before getting changed.

She pushed open the doors to the tavern, casting a lengthy slender shadow across the floor. She looked around briefly before striding down the wooden floor from the doorway to the counter wearing a near-skin-tight mustard yellow sundress. The sun's rays highlighted her dress, causing it to contrast with her caramel-brown skin tone more than usual. Zeta’s essence and figure glowed like a candle in a dark room. Her mature radiant beauty mixed with her sparkly reddish orange eyes caused a wave of silence to wash over the rowdy tavern, leaving only the whispers of the jukebox to be heard in the background. “Hi there, let me have a bottle of the sweet stuff. I need something to warm me up nicely” She asks the barkeeper, teasingly winking at her while pointing to a black bottle on the shelf.

The stone-cold face of the barkeeper showed no cracks as she continued cleaning the glasses at her station. Zeta flashed some jewels which caught her eye and smirked. “Ahh, now we speak the same language” The barkeep slightly laughed at Zeta’s remark while serving her a shot and placing the bottle in her reach.

WC 686

#2Judith Karlinius 

Deadliest Catch for the cutest catcher Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 2:18 pm

Judith Karlinius
And then there was who would be joining Zeta on this day. A always seemingly showing up out to join along with what would go on with this day, Then again the Fairy Tail Guild Master was known to merely just showing up randomly and helping at times. This would be one of the cases that Judith just merely showed up. Anyone who was on the nose of the magic she had could easily figure out it was entirely possible for her to do so. But none the less there was always people surprised to see her show up when it happen.

But how effective was she in this situation? It was a good question, no one had really witnessed Judith doing much or really saw her unless it was really at Magnolia in Fiore, While in her Guild Hall. But today she was in Luluhawa, A normal break every once and a while from her normal cycle of work. At least whenever some one pick up she was around they could have an interesting conversation. Entirely mattered how important it was. Or if it was too personal or not. But alas these are what if's in a situation that has not happen yet.

It was now time to lead into Judith showing up. They both just happen to be at the same inn, Most likely for the reason this inn was one that never brought much attention to whom Judith was. Even if it was Blue Pegasus mostly here and she could have been leaving a few things behind for its members Judith did enjoy being unknown at times. It left her feeling peaceful. Yearning for the days where she was merely a human mother just raising her children and that was it. The world had changed a fair amount since then.

Judith would leave her room after Zeta, to down to the tavern. Judith would not be changing outfits at all, she would be just as anyone in Fiore would know what she looked like, draped in her white robes and continued on her way. The day was still around and most likely people watching while she was here to relax was going to be interesting. the beach town always had people interactions that was interesting. But she would wait to enter. Because she was observing a few other things before she entered, she could have sworn there where people she knew on the island but she could be wrong, something she would have to check into later.

When Zeta was ordering drinks is when Judith would enter, Since whatever else she was trying to look at. Seemed to pass and she would just deal with it later. But she made her entrance nothing of note either, Just keep the door ajar enough to fit through and walking in. Most luring eyes would mostly likely be on Zeta anyway. Judith did stick out only merely because the Ash Elf was pale and in white robes even in a beach town.

But Zeta settled in for her various shots and Judith seemingly got by, with out bringing attention to herself enough to sneak her way all of the way over to a stool next Zeta and sat down. Waiting for her time to actually order something, When she was not actually trying to drink at this current time, since there was going to be other things she needed to be done. She preferred to be sober for. But that was for later things she had a feeling she would end up in. For now it was nice to just sit in a place and exist.

At least her hopes of not being the centre of attention worked so far, Who knows what would happen at this point, because Judith was not going to mess with time. After all it just ruin the fun of a surprise in its own way. But when the time came, Judith seemingly just got a glass of water. In a tavern where everyone's drinking she just got water. Whatever she was waiting and being prepared for surely was to come really soon.



Deadliest Catch for the cutest catcher Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 3:40 pm

The barkeeper prepared the drink Zeta requested in a short wine glass with the rim laced with salt and three small ice cubes stacked in the cup. She slid the cup across the counter to the Dragon Slayer followed by a wink. Zeta returned the gesture by sliding extra Jewels to the barkeeper as a nice tip thanking her for the lovely service. Happily lifting the glass to her lips and taking the first long sip of her long-awaited drink, she was met with a powerful combination of a salty berry sweet burst all over her tongue. The light airy refreshing burning sensation that coaxed her throat made her give off a sigh of relief. After putting down the glass Zeta noticed the barkeeper serving up some water to a customer right next to her.

Zeta was taken by surprise as she had not smelled, seen, or heard anybody approach from her flank. This was alarming but also an intriguing interaction waiting to be had she thought. She very rarely comes across beings who evade her senses completely. Normally Zeta hated surprises or people sneaking up on her but since she was in an overall good mood today she didn't let it get to her so much. Instead, she gazed at the silent pale woman adorned in a white rather simple-looking piece of cloth.“You're like a ghost, an elegant and graceful one at that. The name is Zeta. Pardon me if I am disturbing you” giving the woman beside her soft smile. “What brings you he-” Before Zeta could finish her question her nose picked up on something distractingly foul.

The scent of a pungent musky odor mixed with a strong smell of alcohol began to smother Zeta. A look of disgust grew on her face from being interrupted leading her to spin around to face the source of the scent. Two drunk large-bodied sailors approached her with their mouths agape.
“Before you big boys flap your gums, I'm going to need both of you to do me a small favor, and then maybe I will entertain ya a bit” She leans forward and taps one of them on the nose. Zeta shook her glass stirring the ice around then took another long sip. The frosty sweet liquid coated her tongue as it ran through her mouth and down her throat. “Would one of you sincerely provide me some info about the rumored beast out at sea in these parts? I'm sorta on a hunt you see and will need somebody to take me to sea” Zeta winks at the two men while asking in a soft sweet voice.

Their faces once full of melty joy changed to one stricken with fear and confusion. Her gaze drifted across the tavern noticing the other speaking amongst themselves.

“Uhhh..” the two men raised a finger but cautiously looked at one another.

“Guessing that's a no” Zeta pouts and changes her attention back to the woman beside her, completely ignoring the two sailors in front of her “Now where did we leave off”

WC 511


Deadliest Catch for the cutest catcher Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 3:40 pm

The member 'Zeta' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 87

#5Judith Karlinius 

Deadliest Catch for the cutest catcher Empty Thu Sep 05, 2024 6:44 pm

Judith Karlinius
Judith had a joke lined up when Zeta spoke to her, With the slightest chuckle, As it was just how she was. Judith just make a joke of how she got around by making a pun based off of her magic."I suppose, time did seemed to stop a moment, Didn't it?"Judith posed her humour as a question. There was many things that made the Ash Elf stand out compared to the other people. While she was some what a ghost. But at least before things where cut off Judith did put her name into the fold."But your not disturbing me all that much, I doubt the name Judith carries much weight around here."The trick to this she did not state her last name, It was the key to having this work.

Not that Judith was entirely trying to be cruel. In a group of people Judith like to make puns and playful hints.But since who entirely was not important. Judith would not reveal entirely who was. Unless anyone in the bar picked out it was the Guild Master of Fairy Tail herself, Judith Karlinius. She would not be entirely shocked by if that happens. But it was fun for now.

But suppose each dragon slayer had a good nose, Judith was just use to the smell of various drinks because she made and serve them, often with various different kinds of food she cooked. So she would remain quiet for now waiting to see if any if the brazing and or bold men around her them, would be interested or maybe felt lucky enough to get something from Zeta, Then she would merely be the oddity in the room and get a glass of cranberry juice that had nothing to impair the mind in it.

She would casually sip her juice, Like the quiet and peaceful elf she was. As it seemed most of the people the people where, intimidated by Zeta. Judith found her oddly endearing and adorable. But she was a mother first and no one could get that out of her. So since Zeta attention was too Judith she would merely lean over and give her some advise. Leaning over slightly and even whispering it slightly to her."A bit out of realm,Have you tried to seem a bit more....welcoming? Sometimes seemingly friendly does help."Judith pondered if it would help with Zeta.

While Zeta seeming had two men that some what wanted her attention, Judith made sure her ring was clearly on display, her wedding ring. Lest any brave soul truly felt this Ghost Elf would fore sake vows for the sake of just some strangers wanting of them. It would not be the worst thing she had heard from a person. Not even the worst thing she had witness."Unless these two next to you want to help?...But I will let them be the judge."Judith then waited to see what would happen, People interaction was fun to witness.


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