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Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.)

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Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 2:55 pm

Vex was on the island looking around for anyone that was new. She was going to try and see if she was out of touch with people or not, she had been trying to get better at meeting people but she was not having any luck with that as of late and if she was going to make it work and grow ties she needed to get use to talking to people once again and what isn't allowed so what better place than to be meeting people on a resort island and letting them get away from it all and hopefully that will help them to be relaxed and more open to speaking to her and bonus points if they didn't actually know who she is so she doesn't end up with any trouble from them or them being scared of her for her past and she could just use this as more of a fresh start for herself.


Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 3:12 pm

After the chaos of joining the Fairy Tail guild, Zenith needed a break. The guild hall, though full of life, had proven overwhelming for someone as used to solitude as he was. The noise, the energy, the constant barrage of personalities...it was all too much. So, he had decided to take a short vacation before diving into the whirlwind of guild life. Using the funds he had carefully saved during his years as a scribe at Book Land, Zenith booked passage on a boat to Luluhawa Island, seeking the peace and quiet that he had always found comforting. The journey was a welcome respite, the gentle sway of the boat on the ocean waves a soothing contrast to the bustle of Magnolia.

Now, sitting on the beach of Halawai Town, Zenith felt the tension slowly leaving his body. The warm sun and the wooshing sound of the ocean providing the perfect backdrop for relaxation. He had found a quiet spot away from the more crowded areas, a place where he could sit under the shade of a palm tree and lose himself in a book. The only person nearby was a striking elf with red hair. Nodding to her to be polite he delved into his book. The pages of the book he had brought with him rustled in the light breeze, and Zenith found himself smiling faintly. The book was a story about a lonely star finding his cluster.

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 4:03 pm

The woman had seen the man nod to her, and she guessed the man was a good enough place to start with her trying to be more friendly to those she doesn't know. "Do you speak Fiorian?" The woman looked at the man as she crouched down so she was on his level and not standing above him. If he spoke a different language she would attempt to communicate to him cause she knows a few other languages not that she was overly fluent in them but she knew how to speak them well enough to communicate with him and hopefully have a successful conversion and not just scare him away. A small white cat like creature walking on two feet and in a dress had walked over toward Vex it was her exceed Carla but the small cat didn't speak she was just watching to see what happens here and if she can speak to the man as she knew her mistress was trying to be more outwardly friendly to people.


Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 5:00 pm

Zenith was lost in the world of his book, the sounds of the beach fading into the background as he immersed himself in the text. He barely noticed the woman approaching until she crouched down beside him, her shadow falling over the pages. Startled, he looked up, meeting her eyes just as she spoke. "Do you speak Fiorian?" she asked, her tone friendly but cautious. Zenith nodded, realizing she was trying to bridge the gap of unfamiliarity. "Yes, I do," he replied in Fiorian, his voice calm and measured. As he slid a bookmark into the book and closed it, he noticed the small cat like creature standing nearby. It was walking on two feet and dressed in a tiny dress, something he had never heard about in his studies. Clearing his throat, Zenith decided to handle the situation as politely as he could. He extended his hand toward the woman, offering a handshake. "Zenith," he introduced himself, his gaze flickering briefly to the cat before returning to the woman.

He remembered his bag next to him and remembered the suit he had brought with him. Not particularly adept at social etiquette, he instinctively began to put on the suit and hat, carefully brushing off any potential sand. The transformation was almost comical in its abruptness. "There we go," he said, adjusting the hat on his head before turning back to the woman. "Sorry about that. How may I help you?" He did his best to keep his expression neutral, but the intrigue was clear in his eyes as he tried not to stare too much at the Exceed. It was taking all his effort not to let his curiosity get the better of him, but he maintained his composure mostly.

Zenith has donned the Monopoly.

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 8:57 am

She reached out and shook his hand. "I go by Vex" She watched as the man changed into a suit and she wondered why that was what happened but she was not going to ask but she had seen his eyes flick over to her exceed and she wondered if the man had never seen an exceed before or something else like a lot of exceeds don't dress more proper like her exceed was. Vex motioned to the exceed who would walk over to be at her mistress' side and she looked up at the man.

Carla spoke out to the man. "My name is Carla I serve at the side of Vex as her companion." The exceed spoke well and she was calm with her words as she wasn't worried about this man as Vex seemed un worried by him. The wood elf woman then spoke as she was asked about what she needed help with. "I don't need any help I was just out meeting new people." He words were true and were give with no expectation of anything that she would want from the man as he was just someone that had looked her way so she was just talking to him to see if she can be that way.


Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Tue Aug 20, 2024 6:23 am

Zenith shook Vex's hand, noting the firmness of her grip and the calmness in her demeanor. "It's nice to meet you, Vex," he said, his voice steady. He finished adjusting his suit, feeling slightly out of place in such formal attire on a beach but too set in his ways to change course now. His curiosity about the small cat-like creature was piqued further when the Exceed introduced herself. "My name is Carla. I serve at the side of Vex as her companion," the Exceed spoke with a level of poise that impressed Zenith. It was clear that Carla was more than just a pet, she was a partner, a loyal ally to Vex. When Vex mentioned that she was simply out meeting new people, Zenith felt a twinkle of understanding. "There's nothing wrong with that," he replied, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I should probably get better at it too."

He gestured to the spot beside him. "Why don't you both join me? I brought some picnic food and drinks, but nothing fancy, it’s nice to share though." Zenith set his book aside, carefully placing it out of the way, and began unpacking the food. There were sandwiches, fruit, and a couple of bottles of chilled juice, simple but tasty and sasiating. As he laid everything out, he looked up at Vex and Carla. "I’m still adjusting to the chaos of guild life, so I thought a quiet vacation here would help before diving into that world. But it’s always nice to meet new people in the process." He paused, taking a moment to observe them both before continuing. "So, what brings you two to Luluhawa Island? I’m curious to learn more about you both."

He hoped his invitation would be well received, and that this chance meeting might lead to a pleasant conversation, something he could use to ease back into the social dynamics he knew he would have to face soon enough.

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 8:54 am

Vex heard the man seem to invite them to eat and drink with him but she was not sure of that as it was a bit strange that he had, had the perfect things for this kind of thing unprompted but she sat down and so did Carla. When she heard the man speak of being in a guild and he would need to get use to the guild life she looked at him. "Oh what guild did you join? I guess I should also ask if you are using their onsite living or the offsite living as depending on how well known them are and big they are they might have both." She wasn't worried about it or the man really but she figured that if he was looking into being slightly scared of the guild life than he might be part of a big and busy guild.

She knows she has been in two guilds in her time in Fiore the dark guild Eternal Nightmare which is why most people are scared of her, and then she was now a member of a neutral guild Guardia Compagnia the change was a bit big for her as she had to work a bit harder to turn her rep around as she couldn't just instantly drag the new guild down into the mud because she was a known member of the dark guild before she joined them. "I came figuring that this island was a place people would be more relaxed and not going to hugely have their guards up, so easier to meet and interact with people without having too many issues pop up." She figured that being honest was just the better way of going about this and she got a bit of juice and so did Carla as they were not trying to be rude to the man that had offered them somethings.


Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 9:35 am

As Vex and Carla took a seat next to him, Zenith observed Vex hesitating a little bit. He could understand her reluctance; after all, a stranger inviting someone to eat with them on a beach wasn't something that happened very often. However, he was grateful for their willingness to sit with him and hoped that this tiny act of hospitality would help to defuse the situation. He heard Vex's query regarding the guild he had joined as he started to distribute the food and beverages. Zenith gave Carla a little plate of fruit and gave her a quick glance. With a contemplative tone, he answered, "I recently joined Fairy Tail. The guild hall can be quite overwhelming, especially for someone like me who's used to quieter surroundings. It's a large and well-known guild. I'm still not sure if I'll live on campus or find housing off campus. Before getting into all of that, I wanted to take this trip to relax and clear my thoughts. Mostly likely I'll just keep living where I live now and that's in the basement of Book Land."

After pouring himself a glass of juice, Zenith took a sip and carried on. "Why would people have their guards up and what kind of issues?" With a genuine expression, he glanced at Vex and raised his glass. "Here is where I hope you'll find what you're looking for. We both seem to be making different adjustments, from the sound of it. We should cherish these times when we can just chat and share without interruptions."

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 12:05 pm

Vex listened to the man speak and she looked at him when she heard him say he was part of Fairy Tail. "Oh you are going to be in the same guild as that dragon slayer?" She wondered if the man even knew of Kaito but it was hard not to know of him and Yuurei but this guy did say that he was use to living in a basement so maybe that was his rock he lived under that he didn't know of them but she guessed that he would know of the dragon slayer and all he had done and had done for the world.

Once he asked why people would have their guards up around her she figured it was just better to admit it. "I use to be part of a dark guild and I have a cult following. So people often think I am going to sacrifice them or force them into my cult." She doubted the man would really judge her on it but then again she was never one hundred percent sure about the people that were near her which could just be wolves in sheep's clothing.


Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 3:44 pm

Zenith listened intently as Vex spoke of a Fairy Tail dragon slayer. With a contemplative face, he nodded. "Indeed, I am aware of Kaito, at least I think that is his name. I know there are a few out there and who knows, maybe the guild has more than one that I'm not aware of. Even for someone like me who has been somewhat... removed from the greater world, it's difficult to resist." A faint, self-deprecating smile came to his lips. "I still have a lot to catch up on because I spent so much time in the bookstore's basement. However, from what I've heard, I have a lot of catching up to do. I have read books on magic, but I quite literally just learned magic myself. If you can call what happened learning." A contemplative look would cross his face at that last statement.

Zenith didn't react in astonishment or condemnation as Vex went on to disclose her prior participation with a dark guild and the cult that still followed her. Rather, he kept his composure and gave her comments careful thought. In a minute, he remarked, "I see," in a neutral but sympathetic tone. "That clarifies why people could be cautious in your presence. However, in all honesty, everyone has a past; what really counts is what you do right now. Besides I've read some interesting books on cults. Don't agree with them, but they are fascinating from a sociological aspect." He'd look her in the eyes. "To attempt to move on from something like that and start over requires a lot of strength. I can see why you might want to visit a place like this, where individuals might be less likely to pass judgment based on your past experiences and more willing to be open. I appreciate that you're attempting, even though I won't pretend to understand."

Pausing, Zenith looked down at the food he had cooked and then back at Vex. "In my case, I'm still figuring things out. Admittedly, it was a little scary at first to join Fairy Tail. However, I reason that if someone like you can make a fresh start and turn things around, perhaps I can too." He took up his drink and held it up a little, like he was toasting. "Now, let's celebrate fresh starts. for the benefit of us both."

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 11:24 am

Vex was not sure about this man if he barely knew of Kaito. She thinks the guild master as well is a dragon slayer but she was not going to say that. She sighed a bit at the man talking about starting over as it was very hard when people only saw you as evil and a killer, or how the Illumin followers made her out to be with her cult beliefs. "I hope you have luck in Fairy Tail, just try not to cause too much trouble as I hear their guild master is hard on those that do." Her voice was teasing as she was making a joke about the guild master of the Fairy Tail guild who she had met and knows is a very kind soul and that is one of the many reasons she would not go after Fairy Tail as she was not looking to get in a fight with Kaito or to harm the woman that was the guilds master.

She looked at the man trying to make a toast to them making a restart and she toasts with him as well as the exceed does as well. Carla then speaks up. "So what made you join Fairy Tail? Their fame? Their rep or was it something else?" The exceed knew the man kept speaking of coming from a book store basement and she wondered if the man had heard of the guild past glories and how it use to be a very busy guild or if that was just the closest guild to his basement and that was why he had joined the guild for as this guy seemed a bit to timid for the loud and Proud Fairy Tail.


Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 12:19 pm

Zenith had to smile at Vex's comment on the Fairy Tail guild master. "I'll remember that," he remarked, grinning slightly and thinking to himself that he's never even been in trouble before. Even if he didn't know everything, he was aware that the guild had a long and illustrious history and that it was a place of deep ties and loyalty. He put down his glass and replied, "They were the closest guild. I've heard fantastic things about Fairy Tail for a long time. People discuss about how they stand up for what's right and how they assist others. That's something I've long liked from a distance. Considering that I must be close to the church anyhow, it looked like the ideal spot for me to start."

Zenith's demeanor darkened a little when he mentioned the church, brow furrowing and seemed to have shadows pass across his face, as if he unconsciously was absorbing the light in the area. When the church was mentioned, unpleasant memories flooded back, and his normally composed expression faltered for an instant. He continued, his voice becoming softer as if attempting to ignore the ideas, "It's... complicated." Realizing he had let the conversation take a darker turn, Zenith quickly tried to recover. “But Fairy Tail seemed like a good fit,” he continued, attempting to bring back the lightness in his voice. “It’s a place where I can learn, grow, and maybe make a difference. That’s all I really want.”

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 6:38 am

Vex and Carla both picked up on the looked that the man had made when he spoke about the church and they were sure that they shouldn't ask him about the church or anything to do with it as Vex now wondered if Illumin did something to this man or if it was something else that they would have to deal with and that was just on his own unless he gets help about it from fairy tail Tutrix would never hurt a just follower of her word so there must be something that was a foot and she looked at the man and she wondered if he was one of those "Blessed by the light". She was a wood elf so she was not worried about it even if she was an ex follower of Illumin before he turned his back on her and she was lost from any path herself.

"Is there anything that you are thinking you will look forward to in the guild part of your life?" Vex figured that it wasn't a bad thing to ask as she was sure there must be something that he was excited about in the coming times about it but she also knows that she needed to be careful as she knows that getting one to over excited could lead to them just being very disappointed in the end when it doesn't get to the level of where they hoped it would be for them. The ocean breeze makes her hair flutter a little.


Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 9:52 am

When Vex asked about what he was looking forward to in his guild life, Zenith took a moment to think. There was a lot he was uncertain about, but there were also things he genuinely felt excited for. “Well, I’m definitely looking forward to learning more about magic...especially from those who’ve mastered it in ways I can only imagine. I’ve spent so much time with books, studying theories and spells, reading about the exploits of others, but I’ve never had the chance to see it all in action. Being around wizards who’ve seen and done so much... I think that’s what I’m most excited about. The idea of learning from them, not just through words on a page, but through real experiences. Truth is I just came into my own magic. It wasn't even learned but I guess you can say forced into me.”

He paused, thinking that her having used to been in a dark guild might have knowledge others don't so he'd tell her about what happened. Maybe she'd have insight or could point him in a direction. “I got a mysterious package in the mail. The package contained an ancient-looking tome, bound in weathered leather and sealed with a wax emblem that bore the faint imprint of the Illuminian Church's seal. The package had no return address. When I opened it the pages began to glow and the letters lifted off the pages and flew into me basically. Then I knew magic...I've spent months trying to find out who sent it to me but have come up with dead end after dead end."

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Sat Aug 24, 2024 9:23 am

Vex heard the man and how he had come to learn his magic. Vex wondered if his magic came to him from divine intervention like her magic had come to her. "My magic came to me as well in a similar type of way. I was exploring ruins and a scroll fell from a shelf and I caught it and it taught me how to be a spirit slayer, I saw it as my goddess giving me a sign that she wanted me to learn it. Though through a run in with the void my magic was slightly tainted and I have become what I want to call a void slayer." She was not fully pleased with this tainted magic but she had no real choice at this point but to keep it she needed to make sure that the void was culled the best that she could as there were a lot of worries that she would have to deal with. She was not going to back down no matter what as long as she can come out on the other side with very little harm.

"Maybe who ever your parents were set it up for you to get it at a certain age or maybe it was a god setting something in motion." She couldn't be fully sure about it as she was just taking a guess at it as she would think that he might have been able to realize if someone of his blood line was around him.


Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Sat Aug 24, 2024 10:58 am

When she mentioned exploring ruins and catching a scroll that taught her to become a spirit slayer, Zenith couldn’t help but be intrigued. Maybe gaining magic from a scroll or book wasn't that uncommon as he thought. He had heard of people being taught magic, not having it effectively uploaded into them. But when Vex spoke about her magic being tainted by the void, which was beyond his current knowledge.

“It’s possible, I’ve wondered about that too. Whether it was my parents or something greater that decided I should have these powers. It’s hard not to think there’s a purpose behind it, especially when it just…happens out of nowhere. But I guess I’ll never really know unless I dig deeper. It sounds like you’ve had to deal with a lot, too. Having your magic tainted like that…I can’t imagine how difficult that must be. Is it something you can purify?”

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 7:16 am

She looked at the man when he asked if she could purify it and she shrugged. "I don't know my knowledge on the void is very limited. If I find a way some day that is fine, I have had this magic long enough to have grown use to having it, so I haven't worried about purifying it and my goddess hasn't tried to shun me or anything or smite me for it, so maybe even she is waiting to see what this power might be able to do." Vex wasn't sure if that would make any sense for her or not but she knows that she needed to be careful about how much she says and does as who knows who might over hear and bend her words and cause even more of an issue for her to have. She knows that she needs to keep her eyes ahead and help were she can as she is a healer and a buffer, she was not going to back down she needed to empower those that will fight by her side.

Carla looked at them and she rubbed her chin. "Or it could be a trap that someone was setting you up or just trying to earn your favor toward Illumin." The exceed was not sure that her comments were good or not but she figured that she should share her thoughts about it as there was no reason that she shouldn't tell them that they might both be just looking at it in to much of a faith filled light and not the dangers that might be there waiting for them to be blinded enough to attack.


Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 8:16 am

Zenith nodded as he listened to Vex and Carla. After a moment, he decided to share something he had read a long time ago. "I read once that magic is a tool, not an entity. It’s like fire...fire isn’t good or evil; it just exists. It’s how you use it that matters. So, using void magic doesn’t make you evil, just like using fire doesn’t make someone evil. It makes sense that your goddess wouldn’t smite you for it. The same concept applies to Devil Slayers. They use the power of devils to fight devils. Just because they know and use devil magic doesn’t mean they’re evil. They’re using that power for a purpose, just like you are with the void magic. The magic itself doesn’t define you; it’s what you do with it that counts. Besides, there is the old proverb to fight evil with evil."

In the end, it wasn’t the type of magic she had that mattered, but how she chose to wield it. But Carla bought up a good point. But it would be a risky and long gambit to lay a trap for a baby. Or was the trap to maybe draw in his mother who vanished after he was born? Now his mind was wondering all kinds of things thanks to Carla. Zenith would give a nod to Carla and take a thinking pose.

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 12:44 pm

"I am not so sure about all that, I will jut have to be careful as I don't want to Transend too deeply into the void with this power. I need to keep control of myself, so I don't end up bringing ruin like the void once tried to do." She sighed a bit as the man had tried to cheer her up but she seemed to not be sure how deep the rabbit hole goes so she needs to make sure that she doesn't allow her self to get too relaxed as she needed to make sure that she kept fighting and not giving into the darkness that might be looming in the near future.

Carla looked at the man. "What ever way we all look at this we know that we need to make this count and not become complacent of the danger any of us might be in." Carla didn't know what it was but she could tell that the man had thought about her words deeply and he had formed some kind of concern with it all maybe there was more about this man that he hadn't told them or let them in on. Carla took some of the food and he ate it while she waited for the man to tell them what might have crossed his mind from this all as she knows something was going on from the look on the man's face but she had no idea what or how deep that might go.


Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:44 pm

He could see how much the void magic weighed on her, how careful she had to be not to let it consume her. He couldn't really understand what she was really going through until he was in a similar situation, but he could at least recognize the difficult of the whole ordeal. Carla’s words struck a chord with him too.

He took a moment, chewing over his thoughts just like Carla was with her food. Sighing he'd make sure everyone was topped off and well fed with the snacks. “You’re both right,” Zenith finally said, his tone a bit more cheery than one would think it should be. “There’s a lot we don’t know, and that makes it dangerous. I’ve been thinking about what Carla said earlier, about how this could all be some kind of trap. It’s something I’ve worried about too. My powers just… showed up one day, and I’ve never really understood why. It’s possible there’s something more going on, something that could be dangerous not just to me, but to everyone around me.” He paused, glancing at Vex. “I don’t want to sound paranoid, but we need to be careful. Whether it’s the void or something else, we can’t let our guard down. We have to stay in control, like you said, Vex. And if there’s anything I can do to help, to make sure we don’t fall into any traps, I’m in.”

I get the feeling you're quite a bit more skilled in magic than I am, so not sure how much help I could even be to you, but I'm here if you need. That said. Let's enjoy the evening, talk about more pleasant things. Did you hear about the book called......"
Zenith would trail off about the most recent book he had read about how Magnoila could actually change where it's buildings where and reshape itself and ramble on about books, and the stories he has had.

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 10:01 am

She heard what he was saying and she wondered if he was okay as it seemed they had just made him mega paranoid now about him being the point of some attack or plot. She isn't sure what she would be able to do about that as they had not really had much of a solid ground as they are just meeting today so they would need to make sure that they got to that point. "I will do my best to help you but you may just have been blessed so don't get too paranoid about it." When she heard him talking about the city being able to move and change she had heard of that and with the strong mages that Fairy Tail has and are bringing up it is probably for the best that they had that.

She sipped her drink then spoke. "Yeah I had heard about that, it seems it is for the city's protection and gives the Fairy Tail guild a straight shot out if they need to go and deal with trouble makers, plus strong mages can sometimes be reckless." She knows that a strong mage can cause a lot of death and trouble if they were to just be reckless and destroy something just for the fun of it and blame it on something else and get away with it like a child that doesn't know it's own strength.


Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 10:41 am

He paused, considering her words about reckless mages. “I’ve always thought that power should come with responsibility, but I guess not everyone sees it that way. Maybe that’s why I’m so worried. I don’t want to be reckless, but I also don’t want to be too cautious. It’s a balance I’m still trying to find.” Well what would you two like to do now? I think we've had enough talk about life, struggle and possible plots out on ones life! We could go for a walk? Maybe you could tell me more about your friend here and her kind? If Carla doesn't' mind? I'm a bit of a learner.

Zenith would make sure everyone was given more drink and snacks if they wanted. He'd then remember he had a card with Book Lands address on it. Pulling it out he'd present it to Vex. "Here, if you're ever in Magnoila this is our business card. This particular card gets you one book free, as long as it's not a magic spell tome."

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 8:13 pm

Vex was glad that he understood and that he seemed to know better than to misuse his magic for the wrong reasons but she needed to make sure that she stayed on her toes as she has a lot left to do herself. She ate a few snacks and she wondered if this man was really going to be okay and not get himself in trouble though as he was still doing his best it seemed. She sipped some more of her juice as she looked at him as he handed her a card and she looked at it and the man said it was for a free book as long as it wasn't a magical book and she put it in her bag. "That is nice of you, thank you. I am not sure when I will be over on that side of the country but I have a reason now I guess." She wondered if maybe Miriko would like to go with her to the book store in the east she would have to ask her later and see, maybe they could get her a good book or art to look at to help her be inspired.


Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 10:34 am

With a tiny sigh of relief, Zenith watched as Vex took the card. He was relieved that she appeared to value the gesture. "If you're ever in the area we can also do a quest together. The two of you are always welcome!" His thoughts drifted as he took a sip of his own drink. He couldn't help but question whether or not the road he was on was really meant for him. He felt more a part of the world outside of books after meeting people like Vex, but he also realized how much more he still needed to learn. It was a intimidating thought. Even though it was only a small step, Zenith couldn't escape the sensation that he was finally beginning to come out of his shell while they sat there.

"So what would you like to do now Vex? I know we just met but we could sit and watch or meet up another time?"

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 12:51 pm

She looked at the man that asked what she was going to do. "I am probably gonna head out as it is starting to get dark and I need to go check into my beach house before it gets too late, but it has been nice maybe one day we will meet again." Vex stood up and they both waved to the man as they started to make their way toward the beach house check in area as they had sat and talked with that man for longer than Vex had planned but it seemed to be a good talk and she hoped the man was able to find the answers he was looking for and maybe even get better at what he was doing but she knows that it will be up to the man to really find the spot that works for him and what he can do but it makes sense that the man kept trying to make it work and he was part of a good and helpful guild so she wasn't worried they should be able to handle themself and she wondered if Kaito will also make him into a monster like him.

Last edited by Vex on Tue Sep 03, 2024 8:34 am; edited 1 time in total

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