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Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.)

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Meeting on the beach. (Zenith.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:51 pm

Zenith had enjoyed their conversation, even though he had not contributed much in his opinion. Their presence had been comforting, making him feel less alone in this new and unfamiliar world. As they waved and walked away, Zenith stood up and gave a small wave back, telling them it had been nice talking with them and that he hoped they might cross paths again.

Sitting back down he'd pull out his book again and go back to reading where he had left off as he began chewing on some jerky. After finishing his book, he'd pack up everything and return to the resort inn where he'd finish his vacation and eventually return back to Magonila, back to Fairy Tail and back to his life as a wizard. He was excited to try out the things that now crossed his mind, but would now be more careful in how he would handle the situation thanks to Vex and Carla. (exit)

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

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