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It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open)

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It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 3:35 am

Eventually she would end up here on her own. Helena was here in Luluhawa. Here she was walking around casually in a two piece. After all it was just seemingly how it all worked at the time.

Helena actually liked this town, given an actual chance to spend a day or so away from the guild was entirely the plan. This was it's own dream place. So she would just merely fit in the way she would. While she wasn't hiding she.

She would casually walk towards somewhere to get something to drink. After all her mission even if a joking one was to meet new people and make connections. It was just how she worked. Meet people study their lives and see if there are things that she can do. Then again her work on now days was more slow then normal. She needed to figure out other way to do her work eventually.

But first, she would consider getting a drink and for once she really didn't need anything fancy, just water.  After all it was healthy. While some injuries from previous events still lingered upon her skin, it was still pretty healthy and her pale white skin was still well taken care of.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Fri Jun 28, 2024 12:30 pm

Emil and his children were walking around the area and taking in the sights it was a bit of a vacation for the three of them and Emil was being pulled along to the drink place with his twin children giggling and saying what they want to drink and that they want to see the beach and build sand castles and a moat around it and they wanted to swim and for their father to join them and make sure that they build the best ones. Emil’s son which is a demi-human Wolf named fang bumped into the woman’s leg and his sister who is a half elf named Luna pulls him back and she looked up at the woman with sad puppy dog eyes. "Please for give my brother miss. " she bowed her head to the woman as she wanted to make sure that they didn’t get their father in trouble.

Emil gets them both back next to him as it was his place to take the brunt of this for them as they are his children. "Please excuse my children they mean no harm but have seemed to have gotten ahead of themselves." He bows his head to the woman that was standing in from of him and he thinks that they might get a firm talking to from the woman as she was dressed as she was and clearly had the mark of blue Pegasus.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Sat Jun 29, 2024 1:47 pm

It was different, When you see people walking upon the beach living almost the kind of life you wanted as they casually being happy. Helena was at least not jealous seeing the father and his children walking about and getting drinks, It was a warm day everyone was prepared to swim so if anything this was all extremely adorable and Helena was trying to hardest to not squee with joy over seeing this.

Because it was almost like she was experiencing a dream and she was seeing it playing out before her happy children and father. She just didn't see a mother around, She would not ask about it at this time. But while she sipped her bottle of water and looked upon them."Their fine, After all it should be expected of children." She with an a typical warm, happy and motherly smile.

Helena liked children she cared about them much like a mother could, Only unable to output it because she could not have her own children at all."They didn't knock me over or make me spill my drink. So everything was fine."After then she watched with another casual sip of her water again.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Sat Jun 29, 2024 2:13 pm

The little half elf girl made a victory pose and a giggle and looked up at the woman. "Thank you pretty lady, our daddy has it pretty rough with us." She smiled big at the woman that towered over her.

Fang looks at his sister and he speaks "Luna you aren't to be talking to strangers like that, we need to get going so we can make the sand castles and stuffffff." The little demi-human wolf boy sounded quite impatient about this distraction from the path that they needed to go to get to the beach and to running around and rough housing on the beach.

Emil looked at the woman again and he smiled. "That is nice of you but still I should be keeping them out of trouble and not running to people like you that are just minding their business. Is there anything we can do to make up for it even if you don't feel that we should have to?" Emil was asking cause he doesn't really want to let the two the dragged him into this woman to get off so lightly but if the woman was going to not push for action against them he can't really punish them in anyway cause they saw and heard the woman just brush it off like it was nothing.

Last edited by Emil on Mon Jul 01, 2024 7:09 am; edited 1 time in total


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 5:20 am

While Helena was actually really food with eye contact with children in interacting with them. There was something she was just some what having a hard time controlling at times. In this manner merely because she did not know these children lives she would kneel down for a moment simple say."I am sure he is not that bad to you."Helena was giving everyone here the benefit of the doubt.

While she made sure to pay Emil some kind of compliment to start with."Your father seems well adjusted and doing his best."Helena then gently patted Emil's daughter upon the head and got back to standing normally. Even being sure to be able to make how she knew very well her desire to be a mother was taking over and she might have already over stepped a parents wish."Forgive me too, I should not just be acting such to your children with out making sure your okay with them."Helena seemed to want put that out of the way quickly.

She found them adorable, She looked at them as a mother who is watching over them like any parent would. As for what he could do Helena really did not know right away but most likely."Well, if anything, I do need some one to talk compared to just sitting here."Helena admitted it. She was trying to recover from what she felt with so it seemed she was passing time currently.

But these things where not information Emil knew yet."I have been advised from my guild master, To relax and recover for a while, If you do not mind and are okay with that?"Helena did make sure to be polite about it. She was showing how to be some what of a good example with her manners.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 7:27 am

Luna looks at the woman with a tilted head. "I said he had it rough with us not that he was rough on us, one of the guild members said daddy should find a new mommy for us but not sure he can do that." She giggled and the woman touching her head made her look at the woman wondering why she was saying sorry to her daddy about talking to her like she was.

Emil looked at the woman when she had said sorry to him for interacting with the children in some form without asking him. "No need to say sorry for interacting with them Luna likes to talk to people, and we are who bumped into you not the other way around and you were talking to them in front of me, not like you attempted to lure them off to talk to them. I am use to seeing them talking to random people at the guild of Paradise Dawn. You didn't say or do anything wrong."

Fang was in a rush to get to the beach and not just stand around here and he starts pulling on his father again. "Come on dad no need to talk to this hag anymore lets go." He stuck his tongue out at the woman as she was in the way anyways and she was slowing them down so she was an issue for them.

Emil flicked Fang on the forehead lightly. "I know your mother taught you manners before she passed on." Emil said that and it kind of hurt him inside as he knows that most of the time he had her he wasn't home trying to prove something that didn't even matter as he was possessed by the power and his want for fame and to stand out above everyone else that would come across him, that was until he drank a strange blood and then soon after lost his wife to an illness that he couldn't find a cure to and he wonders if his children will also have this mystery illness hit them at some point but he doesn't voice this fear in front of them or to anyone else.

"I am fine with talking to you but they really want to get to the beach." Fang was rubbing his forehead and Luna was just being cute while she patiently waited for them to go again as she had realized that she was being to much like her brother when she was excitedly pulling her father.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 6:04 pm

At least if anything she was not stopping them, Nor was she being stopped as well."If anything. I do not mind. I haven't been to the there yet today."Helena seemed some what okay with the idea of joining them. The wonderful part of knowing how to control one's self was a wonderful.

Even if she did struggle. There was one things she would be sure to do, It was never truly anyone else's problems while she just met them. "Did you all pack bottles of water? I do have some to spare in the cabin I am staying."It was easily guessed that she had a lot of things to prepare coming here. She was a Blue Pegasus member after all she was more then prepared for the beach.

Over all she did not check if they had everything for the beach, But Helena was just offering to make sure.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Thu Jul 04, 2024 5:51 am

Emil nodded accepting her to come along with them. "I have water, fruit drinks, towels and sunscreen in my bag, do you need to collect anything from your cabin before we head to the beach?" He asked in return as he was not sure if she was serious about coming with them to the beach to enjoy it or if she was after something and was gauging something about him and the children and they started pulling on him again. He waited for her to answer him before he started moving rather that was to follow the woman to her cabin or if it was to head for the beach to hopefully start the fun and good times on the beach. Emil wasn't sure what this woman would want or need so he figured that it was better to wait and see what she wants.

He wasn't fully sure about this woman as she seemed too nice to his children who had ran into her and one was in a way bad mouthing her and acting like he did nothing wrong by running onto the woman but he guessed maybe she was just a nice woman.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 3:27 pm

While it was odd at first, Helena did not ask much back to them, only for the belief that one must show their children how they should be behave, By that it was the parents of the children, Helena was not their mother and at this time she was not trying to be either. As much as Helena almost wanted too because in some manner this was almost a situation she could attempt to express some held in motherly feeling she had been holding on too for years. But this was not Emil's or his cihldren's problem.

But one wish was being granted this day she was socializing and meeting new people it was just one thing at least."I do need one at least to get my beg, One moment." Then Helena turned around and walked away for a total of 4 minutes and returned with a small bag most likely with the things she came to come to the beach with and seemed to be prepared.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 8:38 am

Luna watched the woman walk away and she tilted her head at her father and smiled. "She seems nice, is it okay to try and be friends with her?" Emil looked at Luna and he laughed softly as it seemed Luna had good instincts about people, she picked up as he had that the other woman was not a threat to them and she wished to be friends with the woman.

Fang scoffs. "She is being fake nice she probably just likes how dad looks, we are the side dish that comes with him." Emil wonders why Fang was mad about the woman being nice to them and what did he mean that she likes him, to him the woman hadn't said or done anything that showed that or was it that Fang was worried that he was going to move on from his mother and find a new love and them a new mother.

Emil saw as the woman returned to them and that headed toward the beach and Emil reminded the children to stay within view and no swimming alone as they are still too small to be off alone even if they were a bit big for their ages, he was not going to risk them getting hurt or lost. The children take their gear out of the small bags on their backs to get to trying to build things in the sand and Emil sat in the sand near them and he watched them and looked to the woman.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Tue Jul 09, 2024 5:22 am

Over all Helena seemed to be able to handle what was said about her with ease and almost like she was not offended at all. If anything Helena had heared a lot worst from less than sober people during her travels but she had to merely square up with them and settle them. Helena did seem happy with a joining people. Even if she hope she did not come off as odd.

She was merely battling loneliness, wasted years finally caught up to her when all this effort was just ripped out of her. While she would not make it something to burden the other people around her she just was trying to distract herself.

As they walked on, Helena took a moment to take out a part of sun glassed and put them on, Open up a bottle of water and take a sip. For the moment while she was use to the colds of iceberg. But she managed it well. Then just to be sure she actually would merely say."I am Helena Yates, It is nice to meet all three of you."She figured she would introduce herself casually, So far she felt some what comfortable with them.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Tue Jul 09, 2024 9:26 am

Emil rubbed his chin and he tried to think where he had heard that name from. "Have I met you somewhere before? That last name sounds like I have heard it somewhere before." Emil kept thinking about it and he was coming up with a blank to how he knew that last name and then Luna walked up beside him and she spoke. "That is Uncle Kaito's wife's last name, Auntie Averie."

Emil nodded and was surprised that she remembered that and he didn't, but he was kind of the guy that had a small memory for the small details, so he was not really fully surprised that he was forgetful of that detail, though Luna was wrong she was not his wife but that was the word that Kaito kept using instead of fiancé. His brother could be as lost in the details as he could some times, Kaito seemed to be the more fighter type than himself who was raised with proper teachings of the world.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Thu Jul 11, 2024 1:56 pm

So these three some what knew of her family it almost seemed to bring a smile to her family. Averie seemed to have been a busy woman since she last checked in on her."Oh? my sister got married? I wasn't invited to a wedding...almost enough to make her big sister weep a bit."Helena was actually trying to be funny, She knew how Averie worked and this was most likely plans that had been set up and nothing fully came worked out yet because they both had been busy.

Helena was after all recovering from a fight, There was still marks and bruises on her after all."I am her older sister Helena, While I am unsure if you met Averie herself, She means well even if she seems a bit...cold emotionally."Helena mentioned casually knowing how her sister was.

"But I can promise you, I have not met any of the three of you before, I tend to remember people and faces, As I tend to enjoy meeting new people."Helena was not trying to compared herself too horribly between herself and her sister.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Fri Jul 12, 2024 2:57 pm

Emil looked to her and he spoke. "No they aren't actually married my brother just says that cause he doesn't understand the levels of human marriage cause the elf village my grandmother raised him in for a bit only did like life union things for elves, so it wasn't marriage it was a different kind of union ritual." He was not sure if he was really explaining that correctly or not as he had limited intel on the comings and goings of the elves even if he is part one.

The children keep running around on the beach and Emil is keeping his eyes on them and making sure they stay safe and unhurt as he is their father but at the same time he knows they aren't dumb but they like to challenge the other to do dumb things. "I am Kaito's older twin brother, nice to meet you." Emil put his hand out to her to shake her hand and be some what welcoming as they would probably be brother and sister in law in a short amount of time knowing his brother who seemed to fumble most things or rush it in a way, like how he asked Emil if he was ready to be an uncle soon when he is probably no where near even having a child or understand the focus and attention you need to give to raise one.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 6:26 pm

It seemed in some manner, Maybe Helena trying Averie's cold blunt humour and a form of sassy sarcasm seemed to be something that was not picked up on."I did have a feeling something like that was the case, After all Averie might be a private person, I just assume Averie has not gotten around to a few things."It was easy to guess Averie was either reading, doing law related things or spending time with Kaito that planning a wedding in a fashion she found comfortable would take a bit of time.

Helena did shake his hand while maintaining eye contact the moment he offered."I suppose it is wonderful meet my soon to be in laws."Delighted over all with that she merely in happen stance to meet a future family members. Now if only she learned this all from her sister before hand, But Helena adapted well to these situations.

"But it is nice to meet you as well, Who knows my little break from work would lead to meeting family."
It oddly felt more relaxing for Helena that she met soon to be family from this situation, After all it was refreshing and different then what she expected.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 6:48 am

"Don't give my brother too much credit he might still mess it up. He seems to want children in the worst kind of way, he might scare your sister off with that one. I am not even sure he could handle having children, he is often on the go and putting his life in danger to help others." Emil was just being honest as Kaito seemed to always be running off and fighting things and doing things normal people would look at as too dangerous to attempt or handle, but his brother and his ex-guild master seem to always end up fine in the end but that doesn't mean that at the end it is going to end fine and that would be something that Kaito would have to figure out how to handle.

The children are building crumbling sand castles that aren't staying up and Fang is starting to get mad about his attempts to make them are just crumbling apart as he is just using dry sand and not damp sand like his sister is doing. Luna tries to talk to him but he is not listening to her and is just starting to get cranky, Fang then just starts digging a hole instead of building as it was getting him no where.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 4:32 am

This was an interesting twist, Was he being a worried big brother she was was the overly watchful big sister? It was a good thing to ponder."I do try not to be overly watchful to Averie. My mother did get me to baby sit my brother and sister...So I try to be in her life, But try not to be so...pushy and injecting into her life."Helena mentioned knowing her own flaws that she might be over baring too much at times.

As for his worry, he actually found him logical about it."I do suppose they both needed to be careful huh?"Helena seemed almost like she felt a form of relief. Some one else was adding another view making Helena feel like she was not just being over over barring.

Then she would merely add in."Even if there is risks, Suppose they knew we care right?"Helena posed it to him. Seeing just how different they were, While she did look over the children every once and a while nothing seemed entirely wrong yet.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 6:07 am

Emil watched the children as he keeps speaking with her cause he needs to make sure they don’t wander off or get lost in the crowd. "I wouldn’t say anything to him about it cause it is his life but I also know children are hard work and take time and care, and them way he goes she could end up a single mother before she even knows it." He knows his brother is strong but he also knows that his brother is not an invincible god. There has to be something to balance it or something to fall back on for a plan.

"All we can really do in the end is be there for them. They know I support them." Emil was not fully sure how ready either of them were for what they would need to do to help them not lose their lives or their children’s lives in some twisted way Emil is acting like he doesn’t fully believe in Kaito being able to be a dad or what kind of hell spawn children he would help bring into the world with how strong he is.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Fri Jul 19, 2024 8:54 am

The phrase great minds think a like was something she thought while they where talking. But Helena was how she was and merely would mention."She would not lack help if that was ever the case, I would be more then willing to help."Helena mentioned to start but it was because of some long lost desire for something she can entirely achieve but that was also a problem she knew she had but one she most likely did not need to bring up.

But would hint towards unintentionally."Even If Averie feels like she can't handle motherhood, I will raise them if need be. But that is because I want to believe my sister can do it...But also won't leave children with out parents." Helena also had a problem of being overbearing to Averie herself.

But it was just how she was. Helena would pull out a bottle of water she had on her and take a casual sip."But I suppose....I have always been a bit much to my sister at times even if it's out of love."Helena was far more mature and self aware of how she was then most people.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Fri Jul 19, 2024 3:48 pm

Emil sighed as he was needing to get away from that grim thought that he was having. "Till about a few years ago I didn't even know I had a living brother I was always told my brother died along with my mother. I was lied to but I think I see now why my father had lied to me, he wanted to cure my brother or help him to control his curse, but he needed me not to get close to him so i wouldn't slow down any progress." He was being honest as he was a trouble maker as a child and was always getting into fights and in his own way being destructive which is why his father gave him the goal to fight his own grandmother. His father had probably figured the woman would beat him and teach him to respect her.

He knows his father expected his grandmother to be the one to tell him the truth when she beat him but that time never came. His father acted like non-humans were monsters but he was raising a half human son in him. He sees that his father played things up to try and help him learn to tell right from wrong and that is why he had two dem-human servants to learn that you can bond with things you were told and taught to hate. His father had instilled a heavy burden on his head to learn on his own through the ways he acted and Emil was not sure why he did it like that.

Fang dug deeper into the sand finding coins and other things people had dropped and lost while on the beach, his sister watching him and giggling as she sees that he had turned his fracturing feelings of hate toward his lack of skills at building a sand castle into digging.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 6:36 pm

It was interesting to reflect on life and what happen in the past. Helena's life was much different, it was just over all world travel and for the most part trying to help raising Averie and her brother. Helena seemed so use to being some kind of mother that the eventual reality of not being. But she was actually listening and seemingly had an interest in this.

Even if it could easily be cut down to learning of family."interesting....I wonder how this will be managed."Helena seemed to ponder but not mention what all it could mean for her sister.

But alas as far as Helena knew and saw there was not many problems at this time."Suppose my life was different, I grew around my whole family."She held on to them so much because managed and got by with being happy about how things work."I helped raised my sister and brother, so much so i am pretty sure i was mom number two at one point."She said with a bit of a chuckle about it.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Mon Jul 22, 2024 7:27 am

Emil wondered if he should say anything or not or just let it go and not worry about it as he kind of wanted to ask if her parents were absent for their childhood or something like that but something tells him not to ask that so he was just going to let the idea slide off of his brain. "I see sounds like it was rough for you. So what are your interests?" He wanted to get to know the woman as she was going to be his future sister in law so he needed to make sure he had some common ground with her so if they have to show up at family things that he isn't the awkward bull in the corner with the people around him as he doesn't really do parties a quality he shares with his younger brother.

The children are now collecting things out of the sand and Emil wonders what they are doing but he wasn't going to stop them just watch them a bit closer in case they find something that they shouldn't like a body or something like a weapon as he knows they are still to young for weapons training.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Tue Jul 23, 2024 5:15 am

Eventually if things really came out it was all good thing. But hints that it was not all that bad."I was not really, I asked if I could help and learn for future wishes at the time."Helena mentioned casually about it just seemingly to make sure it was no seem all that bad."Gave my parents more time to find food and wood for the nights in iceberg to be prepared."Iceberg was a very different kind of place compared to this place, If anything Helena being here she already felt fairly warm, far different from snow and or mostly windy and cold most of the year.

But asked her interest and over all it seemed while Helena would seem like a tall, pretty woman and everyone assumed she might not be the brightest and have a lot of interest she would seemingly dive into it."While my interest for a lot of years was learning to raise a family in the future, I took a large amount of interest in studying various Diseases and Illnesses."She was some way being light about her interest right away. Not quiet going in depth enough.

But she would explain a bit more taking a sip of water."I have gone various places of the world to study all of most risky diseases and illnesses, With the aid of a magic i use to have, I at one point took them out of people to help people combat dealing it with various medical problems they faced."She was keeping it simple just for the sake of. But it was her interest was studying all of that.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Tue Jul 23, 2024 10:34 am

Emil heard her saying that she use to have. "How can you use to have a magic? Magic evolves not disappears well unless it is given to you by a god then taken back away from you." He rubbed his chin as he said that as he was someone with a gods magic to wield so in the end he wondered if what she was saying was making any sense to himself. He also heard that she was looking to raise a family. "For the family part, what not find the right guy to settle down with or something?" He figures she has guys beating down her door for bits of attention from them.

He was too old and knows better than to just be blindly chasing women around for the wrong reasons as just their looks but he figured that she wouldn't be in low demand if she were looking for a man or woman for her life. He figures what he said might have been a bit out of line for what he was meaning by his statement but he knows that there is still a chance that maybe he was just being too over the top in his thoughts and worries about the woman and her own personal life.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) Empty Wed Jul 24, 2024 5:36 am

Thus now we got into why Helena was here bruised up and sore. At least she was not shy or did not feel shame for it."Some very sneaky demi-human figure out how to magically remove or disable that magic, It was quite painful."Helena mentioned to start."I got gotten to fight with some one causing problems in Western Fiore, She slammed her hand into my stomach and that is about all i remember, While I had other magic to use during this time...my old powers are gone."Helena was mentioning in a very more complex way she just got beat horribly and had not recovered yet or fully remembered and pieced together how it work.

As for the second part Helena would attempt to lighten the mood of her failings with a joke."I suppose i could say I am little much for a person to handle and not be wrong?"She with a smile about it was spoke in a manner that anyone could tell that was an attempt at a joke."There has been a few case of that." Much like one would rip a bandage off of flesh when needed too the most painful parts would be mentioned."But..I had never been able to bare children, just as much as I have wanted too. While I am will of age to be able to have them."While most would feel embarrassed Helena almost sounded defeated and depressed, But mentally she seemed strong enough to just not cry about it.

But there Helena was, none of the things she considered to achieve were not longer there, She could achieve the other thing she actually wanted in life, she was merely here trying to recover from loss."I had talked to various doctors and medical professionals about it seemingly medically wise for long period of time. Long before i was starting to settle down."But Helena seemed to even being depressed about, was not trying to drag it down too much. It showed how she funnelled her affection in other ways.

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