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It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open)

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It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 3 Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 8:44 am

Helena pondered a few things, luluwhawa was known the vacation and alot of mature mages who had at times enjoyed their vacation a fair amount in many ways. But she would never go into detail of things she ever heard of happening here because it was really never her business."I see...Well anyway I know where to go."She then merely continued on seemingly had figured out and chosen where to go.

There Helena was, achieve a dream for a small amount of time, She had achieved a portrait of a dream she had wanted for a long time. Even so she seemingly paid no mind at all to any other person who might be looking at her. But how Helena seemed to walk with the two children almost gave her a different kind of stride and pride in her step.

Even with out the banner of Blue Pegasus not on her, She was the type of woman who knew what she looked like gathered people to her, it was useful most of the time but for now it was not what she wanted. Thus she seemed to be able to guide everyone towards where to eat fairly quickly.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 3 Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 10:49 am

Emil was glad to see that she was in good spirits as she seemed to know where he was going and the children wanted to walk with her as she was the guide and he was not worried about them as she seemed kind and that she was not scared to walk with the children and she wasn't treating them like they are made of glass and would break easily if she just breathed wrong on them and they seemed to trust her and were happy with the time with her. Emil did still see the looks but he stopped paying them any mind as he was more focused on getting to the place to eat with the woman.

He wondered what kind of place she had in mind as he didn't know many places that were around this place even though he had been here a few times he mostly stayed to a closer part of the city but he was here for the fun and relaxion and he seemed to have found something else his soon to be sister in law and it seemed she was good with children.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 3 Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 9:55 am

Helena seemingly brought the group to a sit down place. Luluhawa had a lot of different place but this one seemed to be more safe for children and not many just solely lone adults are around.

But Helena seemingly the leading hand, just merely seemed to talk to anyone of the restaurant staff. Sure there was luring eyes looking at Helena in this place still because there was still some lone men here enjoying the place most likely because of the food, they did not hide looking up and down Helena even if she was walking with kids and Emil.

But she seemed to settle everyone into their chairs quickly. It was typical restaurant that weird various different kinds of hamburgers, french fry related items, Salads. Even steaks and sea food. There there a kids menu with various simple options. As she settled into her chair, Helena merely seemed to get a glass of water.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 3 Empty Sat Aug 24, 2024 7:55 am

Emil didn't pay much mind to the other people around them and he wondered what this place would have and he looked at his children who seemed fully excited to be here and he spoke to them and they both wanted burgers and fries and Emil ordered himself a burger as well with fries so he was eating what they were to have a kind of comradery. They just juices as well and Emil looked to her. "No need to hold yourself back, I am paying for this all." He smiled at her with a thumbs up so she doesn't feel like she has to just stick to a glass of water or anything.

Emil doesn't know why she would only go for water, he doesn't really know a lot about women which was another fear he had with raising a daughter as he was not all that good at things and he needed to make sure that he learned so he can lead her right and not just fail her as a father.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 3 Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 2:43 am

While she did not need to hold back, Helena seemed to be doing what she wanted."There are plenty of time for adult drinks or even more sugary drinks later, however they don't help out in the heat as much as water does."Helena was some what trying to also promote healthy habits.

Helena was also far less interested in having a lot more costly things, She just kind of wanted simple things."Staying cool long term on the beach is a good thing no?"She just in the end chose water still. Even if the option was still there.

At least Helena would not consider herself scary at all, She was just being a good future family member, Be out in public, be friendly, health eating habits and drink habits."Oddly I do enjoy eating vegetables or more healthy foods."She was not hiding she was trying to promote healthy stuff."After all broccoli is a wonderful thing to eat."


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 3 Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 10:37 am

At hearing her say broccoli is a good thing both children in sync said "Ewwwww grosssss." Emil without thinking about it or being able to catch himself Emil let out a laugh as he knew it was coming from the second she said it as they have never liked to eat their greens but he knows that Luna kind of likes them a bit but to match with her brother she pretends that she is not interested in them cause she thinks it will make it so she doesn't make her brother have to eat them as well if her father knew it, even though he knows that she has asked the staff of the guild to sneak it to her as a snack.

"I guess we see how they feel about those. I was more meaning that you can order what ever you want to eat and not feel judged about it. I know I eat a lot myself but it usually just slides right off cause of how active I am with working out and quest work." He was not sure if that was him bragging or just letting her know that he seemed to eat a lot but not really gain weight as it seemed to stay in a steady place.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 3 Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:27 am

While both children seemed to think it was gross Helena seemed to have her own way to deal with it."I suppose it just means, I don't need to share my food then."Helena knew sometimes people want more food then they have on their plates or always want something else at times during their meal."And I will have to put it on my french fries."That was another plan of Helena because she knew how people liked less healthy foods.

Helena plan seemed to be suggestion of greed, because children are impressionable. if some one else was trying and eating it they might eat it themselves."Besides everyone enjoys different foods, I just happen to prefer the healthier stuff most of the time." Maybe this was the better influence of how Helena worked. while she almost seemed like she would just eat whatever she wanted while drinking unless amounts of booze, she was actually some what responsible.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 3 Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 5:58 pm

Emil laughed at her comment back to them as he had not expected the woman to play off of that like that. She was smart that was for sure she was trying to bait them into wanting to try it and eat it but he fears they will not fall for it as Fang was stubborn and he knows that Luna will defend her brothers honor and resolve she was a good big sister she even some times says her brother is the older one so he doesn't feel like he was second even if she likes being the older one but like a minute. He nodded at her as she was doing good and she looked at her dad with a smile then realized that he was looking at her and she looked away like she was guilty or something.

once all the food meets the table he helps the children season their fries and sees them smiling as they were happy and ready to go as they were going to be eating. Emil looked to the other woman and he held out the salt and pepper toward her. "Do you need some miss soon to be sister in law?"


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 3 Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 1:02 pm

If she really needed something was not really anything too important. She would even answer pretty quickly."No, I am just happy to be here and feeling how i am in this moment."Helena would answer while she was sitting here and enjoying her food.

Sure there was something on her mind at this time but it was never important to the conversation at hand. She would eventually finished up the meal with him and the kids. But after it all finished up Helena seemed hugged everyone and went on her way.

Then she would collect all of her things and leave quietly, After all it had been far more of a productive day then it had been in a while. So she could get some early sleep, Consider what else to do on the island while she was here and then prepare for the flight back home on the air ship.


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