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It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open)

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It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jul 24, 2024 7:58 am

That was a kind of hard thing to believe but he knows she has no reason to lie to him so he would need to make sure that he is careful around her if he starts bragging about his magic. He wondered who could really have that kind of magic she had or the one that stole her magic away from her but he will need to be careful not to run into them or if he does then to keep her at range and not bother with them at close range. He will need to make sure not to slip up then cause it seemed that people will take him on at that and might be looking to steal his magic.

"Oh you are unable to bare children? From how you sound that is a big blow to you, there is nothing wrong with that, well I guess as long as you aren't sleeping around a lot just cause you know you can't." He was being honest with her as that isn't really a big deal as if she wanted to be a mother she could adopt or maybe there is some other way that she could have a child if she really wanted to but Emil is not sure how that could happen but he knows that it was not a stone wall as there are options. "If you end up needing anything then let me know as it seems Luna likes you so if you wish to borrow her sometimes I think it would be alright, though she might insist you bring her brother." He was joking as e doubts this woman is looking to play babysitter to his rowdy children.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 6:41 pm

While Helena seemed to have come to terms with it, Over all it might not seem the flaws of how Helena's mental health about it might show a bit for a bit."I did hurt for a while."Helena admitted but she was mature to be able to deal with it at face value."Sure it did compound with recent events of what happen to me. Making me question my own life and self value...I will just continue on."Helena seemed to be in positive spirits even if all of her life goals where gone and taken away from her.

Helena was also not going to try and place any of her problems upon Emil or his two children, Even if he was offering an outlet in a way she was happy about it but did still seem to try and careful about it."Oh? offering me a chance to be a baby sitter now?"She did enjoy the thought of it. But she knew it was an out let for something to make her feel like something was never gone forever.

So she would pose it him this way."I would be willing to agree to such things, As long as Luna is fine with it..I know Fang will need some work."Helena at least showed she was paying attention. But she was entire going off of what he wished as a parent.

"If you feel Luna and Fang are in good hands, You can leave them with me to watch over them if you need."Helena did now outright offer it as a from of service to future family in laws."I do not know if you have anyone else to look over them while you work. I will not be rushing back to mage duties for a while...I am pretty sure I have some fractured bones and a few other injuries to recover from."Helena was a medical mage so she could easily explain what they might all be, But the bruises on across her body still being fairly dark might be good enough.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 8:06 am

Emil looked at the woman after she said that, he then noticed the bruises she had and he can at least know that she knows he was not checking her out as he hadn't noticed she even had them to start with. "Oh are those from your fight with the person or are those from something else?" He figured he should ask as they looked pretty nasty and if she thinks she had fractures she should be having them looked at even if the woman was a medical mage she still should have someone else look at them.

"Did you have a doctor look at them? Of course Luna will be fine with you watching her but if you are hurt you should be resting and taking care of yourself not following around me and sitting on the beach and hurting." He was a bit worried about this woman as she seemed to think little about her health if she is just walking around while hurt and maybe making her injuries worse by doing so.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 1:38 pm

His first guess was correct. It was from the fight."Yes, I got them from the fight."Helena wanted to say she was made of tougher stuff, but alas she was out done. In some manner i was slap of reality to Helena she was fairly bold and confident with various things she had learned up to that point. She was able to move and seemed good side from the bruises at this point.

But she would dive into it slightly."My old magic did give me a lot of medical knowing, But i did get checked out by a doctor...After i woke up at my guild hall, So far everything else seemed fine just the bruises left."Helena did rush seeing a doctor because what she had removed was already an oddity the side effects of what was removed could easily be deadly."I still don't even remember much what happen after the fight, I remember a punch to a stomach....some woman speaking minstrel, A really mad screaming woman, At one point I was aware of being carried by some one, I just knew they where female too."It was all vague but it was just in how the situation worked out.

Eventually she would go talk to the two children again when the time came for it. "I will talk to them about it shortly, After all they seemed to be enjoying make sand castles."Helena had been seemingly been able to watch them and keep the conversation going.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 6:44 pm

Emil heard what the woman said and he wondered if the woman that had saved her and took her to blue Pegasus was who he thinks it is but he was not going to say anything on who he thinks it was but he was going to keep that to himself as he doesn't want to say it and be wrong. "That does sound like an odd happening and I am glad that you saw a doctor about it and didn't just pass it off." He heard that she would talk to them later when they were done for the time being and then he guessed he should ask. "Are you seeing someone right now?" He didn't want to cause any misunderstandings with the person she is seeing if he can help it as he doesn't really need more drama or issues than he already has.

Emil feels the sand under himself and he wondered when was the last time that he had let himself actually relax and not just be super on guard and he thinks that was when he had dinner with Elise but he has no idea if she felt the same then or not or if she just felt she had to keep her guard up the whole time with him as she was worried that his god soul would come at her, and he wondered when the last time he saw Elise was and if she was okay as he had been kept busy lately and she was not one to seek him out.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 8:26 am

It was a series of odd events Helena seemed if anything happy she was here, happy and alive not trying to take it for granted."One of these days, I should thank whoever brought me back. I only seems fair to do."she mentioned casually seemingly now thinking up a plan for it.

But there was other things to be mentioned. If she was seeing anyone. Which at this time. But if he really wanted to know."I am not seeing anyone at this time."Which was true, she was really not seeing anyone at this time. Sure she had ways of keeping her needs under control."But suppose I haven't really thrown myself out there for such matters."It was not a major rush at the time

But she would ask him since he seemed to ask about it. Was he considering making a pass at her? Or was there something else he had in mind? But she wouldn't be so flirty about it."Why do you need a hug?"It was a harmless offer to mention with. After all Helena seemed to pick up that something was missing from this group. She figured it was a harmless offer


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:16 am

Emil was confused by the woman asking him why if he needed a hug. "I was asking so I could avoid future misunderstanding with your other if you had one. Why would you offer a hug for to that?" Emil clearly has a look of confusion on his face as he was not sure why the woman had offered that to him for him asking that question. He has no idea that she was seeming to be offering him some comfort if he was feeling lonely as she had seemed to have noted that Emil was alone here and there seemed to be no woman in the picture with him and that he wasn't wearing a ring on the I am married finger to tell others that he was indeed in a relationship with someone.

Emil looked to his children who were now getting back to making their sandcastles and laughing again and he was relieved that they were still okay even if he was not sure what the future held for them and even if he was cut out for being a dad and he might have projected that a bit onto his brother and the thought that his brother had found someone that wished to give him the family he sought after. Though on that thought Emil wondered what kind of children his brother could make as he had found the family book their grand parents were a Daemon and a Nephilim on their father's side and a high elf and a dark elf on their mother side. Making their father a human with the blessing of both sides but walked the path of the human and their mother a mixed high and dark elf. Emil got the best of both worlds while his brother was cursed and human.

Emil needed to remember to place bets with others what kind of child would be birthed from that kind of unholy union of what Kaito and Averie could make.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 3:20 am

Helena did admit she did things in odd ways."I am a little odd at times with family and people connected to family. I tend to be openly affectionate towards them, In most case...I don't tend to ask. Considering you are new and eventual in law, I tend to be safe."But she knew she needed to answer other questions eventually too.

Helena was just some what over all just trying to stay comfortable with how she was normally."I would have hugged Kaito but now, But he seems far less...accepting it."Helena but suppose she knew sometimes it was a bit pushy at times."But don't worry about it too much. Ill get wish from some one else later."She then seemed to just leave it be.

But Helena looking upon this situation it seemed there was a lingering moment of peace in her mind. But she would mention her thoughts."I this will be an interesting family, When everyone meets one another. I am sure mother will be happy to meet all of you, When I can talk to her about coming to visit Fiore to get out of the cold iceberg for a while."Helena mentioned her family because they where on the subject."Same with my father as well."The only one she was leaving out for now was Charles.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:36 am

"Do you really think that it will be that easy or okay?" He is not sure if that will be as easy as she was saying it might be for such things though she had a point Kaito seemed very unable to be touched but Emil knows that it was because of his curse that he had but now that curse had been able to be controlled it wasn't cured but Kaito seemed to have learned to control it. Emil watched the children talking to other children and play with them and Emil knows that he needed to make sure that he didn't let them have to walk the jagged path that he had to walk but he knows that even if it was his only choice it was one he was going to have to make one day on how they will carry on and if they will take up his way of life or find their own.

Emil hoped they would pick to be mages but he knows that Fang seemed to take after his mother and not have a skill for magic while it seemed that his daughter had a seeming affinity for ice magic. Emil knows from what Kaito told him that he use to have frost magic so maybe his brother could help her to learn to harness the frost magic she might have budding in her.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Fri Aug 02, 2024 9:41 am

Maybe it was just this woman's own hopeful feeling that she figured it would work out. It was just in some manner her own charm that she could display feeling that way."Maybe it is just a feeling from me, With how well I know my family. So I could be wrong as i don't entirely know the otherside yet."Helena mentioned

adding in a simple thing."Most of my family is simple to get along with, My father is a carefree happy man who wants us all to live our best lives, Mother might seem to be a bit blunt looking and a harden lass but she is use to be called the Horsemen of war, She hasn't needed to put on the golden Valkyrie armour in a while, She just might be a bit strict but she is friendly other wise." Then she paused for a moment and thought about the only thing on her family that could be worrying is Averie really did not know how to handle children and she might not know how to raise them either.

And Charles was not around with his overblown personality to annoy everyone. But she would solve that herself if it ever came up."You both seems simple to get along with, Same with Kaito from meeting him. But I am aware faults happens and people are flawed."It anything maybe it was just Helena being hopeful while knowing very well it could be entirely the opposite.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 03, 2024 5:43 am

"Well currently the other side if just me and my children, mom died after I and Kaito were born, Kaito's curse was what it was blamed on. Dad just died a few months back so out side of that the only people you will probably see are me and my children. My grandmother is alive but Kaito says she has replied to him in years so she will probably never be someone you will meet or have to worry about." Emil rather just be honest about the fact they are really the last of their line as far as Emil knows there was a few papers about a demi-human half sister from a one night stand his father had but Emil had no real leads to follow on that one and it might have just been a rumor to extort money from his father, so it wasn't worth bringing up if he could help it for now or at least till he had some sort of proof of them existing.

Emil leaned back in the sand and he looked at her. "So why did you pick Blue Pegasus?" Emil was never one to really care about the details but he kind of wanted to know what a sensible person like this woman would go to the most unsensible guild like that where looks and sex were pretty much the only things that were happening there on a daily basis from what he had been told.

The children are playing and making new friends with the other children and they looked to their father a few times and he looked back at them with a smile as he was happy to see them getting to be children more now than most times when they are wondering the guild hall and over hearing naughty words from the other members before they realize that the children are there.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 5:48 am

While she thought on it Helena did ponder for a moment. How she would phrase this next part, Maybe something a bit more hopefully more funny and casual about how this seemed some what over all saddening, But if anything maybe it was a bit more of a complete family."I suppose, this means. I should try and make any possible meetings as calm and peaceful as possible."Helena said with a smile about almost like she was trying to make it not seem so seemingly stressful.

As for why she joined her currently guild, It would be a simple answer."Well, It isn't anything too complex. I met the guild master while I was there with my sister, I said yes because i figured it would be nice to have a home base in fiore, Averie said no. I had not really been at the guild too long up until what happen to me recently."It was not anything too special really, just happen stance. while revealing Averie had not went and joined.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 6:24 am

Emil just shrugged at the woman’s first comment about meetings being calm and peaceful as to him it didn’t really matter but he knows that he needs to be careful but to over do anything while he meets with their family as well. The children are still having fun and splashing around on the beach with Emil’s watchful eye still on them.

"Your sister was the smart one there, blue Pegasus is bad news, their leader murdered a crippled man, even if he was a dark guild leader. They had a member attack my brother and Yuurei while they were trying to stop a robot that was out of control. That there should have been a war between Blue Pegasus and Fairy tail. My best guess is the guild mistress of fairy tail chose not to, then that member went into hiding probably with the help of their own Guild master." Emil clearly had no love loss for that sham of a guild Blue Pegasus, as they were a clearly shady guild that fooled innocent people into thinking they are upstanding and on the level like this woman that was next to him in the moment. He has no idea how the woman will react to him saying that out loud as those were probably better kept as inside thoughts to himself but he was kinda tired of the stuff they did getting the blind eye turned to them.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Thu Aug 08, 2024 8:52 am

It seemed to have not offend Helena, but seemingly over all she would not bring up much about her experience with her guild. But she seemed to take the insight of it just merely kind of to herself."Well I suppose it, Each person has their flaws and nothing in the world is safe. Main lesson I told Averie all the time, Same with Charles."Helena mention while it almost seemed like it was not over all a worry in her mind, in some manner it might show that she did take that information into account but maybe she was not sure how to do it all yet.

But Helena wanted to live her life in the new kind of how she over all seemed to live in her life with in Blue Pegasus. Casually sipping her bottle of water again."But rather then not thinking about the injustices and illogical parts of the world. Think about the peaceful moments of now?"Helena figured it was posed to suggest it like this to see how it would taken.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Thu Aug 08, 2024 9:24 am

Emil sighed as the woman seemed very lax about it and then she says a mans name. "Oh is that your brother or maybe a guy you are interested in?" Emil had now been side tracked by the woman saying that and he wondered what all this woman gets up to as she seemed to have been beaten up and she seemed to be a future sister in law. Emil needed to get to know her as she would be family soon maybe or maybe she would chose in the end that she doesn't want to be attached to them. Emil might just be over thinking this all as he was worried that he might ruin his brothers happiness some how.

The children come running back to him and the woman. Fang speaks first. "We want to go swimming now!" Fang was excited and Emil laughed softly as he knew this would be coming.

Luna looked to the woman and spoke. "Do you want to join us ma'am?" Luna looked like she wanted the woman to come with them to swim but was not going to pressure the woman as she was trying to just be nice and get her to come if she wanted.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 6:25 pm

He asked about Charles iin which was most likely a better conversation then about the wrong doings of her guild, Other things were a bit more important to talk about at the time."My brother, He is a bit of a pain compared to my other family members, Talks a lot more, Highly pretentious and some what full of himself. Talking a lot of how conquest is more important then personal desires."Helena for once went from the caring sister to almost feeling she was worried and annoyed at the same time.

But she focused on what was requested she was invited swimming and Helena seemed more then willing to go."Why yes I do want to go swimming, Was waiting until some one else was ready too."that was a cover she just was having a decent conversation with Emil. But she already started walking towards the water with Luna.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 8:10 am

Emil was not sure how a conquest was not a personal desire but he was just going to let it go as the children had wanted to go and swim and it seemed that the other woman was interested in swimming as well so he was not going to deny the request as the children know how to swim so he just had to keep an eye on them and make sure that they don't get pulled out to sea or to the ocean which ever would be the case here. Emil followed Fang as he was following after his sister and the other woman who had seemed to have gotten a bit ahead of them. Emil wondered if the woman knew how to swim or not.

Once they reached the water Emil made sure that he was keeping a good eye on them both even if he trusted the other woman to watch Luna he needed to make sure that he didn't lose one of his children or he would really probably not be on to want to be dealt with. Fang is swimming well and Luna is having fun as she treads water and looked under the clear waters and saw fish and other things that were lower in the water than she was.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 12, 2024 4:55 am

What was good in this situation Helena was good a swimming and showing how to swim seemed to be something she was willing to do if needed. Helena was always seemed to be watching even if she was also actually playing along with the children because they wanted her there.

Maybe this was a better sign, a sign of even with all of the thoughts and problems one could have with the world around them. At the end of the days it seemed the entire only thing that should matter is personal happiness of people each one loves and care for.

And Helena seemed in her own form of peace, Like nothing else was on her mind now that she was swimming with Luna. It seemed Fang was also seemed to be joining, While Helena was a head for a bit, She actually seemed to not move too far ahead after since swimming was something she at least would do twice a weeks only because she had time but she would always do it more when she had the chance too. But she never did swim too far away from the children.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:24 am

Emil watched the woman being pretty natural like she had been around them a lot and someone that they trusted and he wondered if maybe he was making the right choice here letting her watch the children as they were swimming after her and she was making sure that they stayed safe and he wondered if maybe himself was just bad at being a father as he wanted to help them grow but he was starting to feel like he was just a disappointment of a father to them as he couldn't save their mother and he seemed to fail to find someone suitable to maybe try to take up the mantle of trying to be their step mother and will be able to care for them as he does. Emil swam along and followed the two children that were swimming after the other woman as she moved a bit by bit forward to make them get a work out as she seemed like a woman that was use to the water and seemed at home here in the waters of the ocean they were in.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 10:30 am

If only Helena was paying attention to be in tune to the feelings Emil had as well, she was entirely clueless seemingly enjoying herself as this went on, Often times trying to show either of them if they let her how to improve or swim better.

This all seemed to be just her living in the moment, her living maybe in her own fantasy with in how she wanted to live, a fake moment with in living with a complete family, Faking her wonderful dream and desires even if it was for a small while.

Helena could talk about how she feels more normal after this if they where got to it, But she was far more content to just allow herself to continue thinking less about her own thoughts for once and just seemingly being a person who was there. How long would they be out here was a good question.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Fri Aug 16, 2024 8:18 am

Emil kept swimming and keeping up. "You seem a natural in the water miss Helena." He was glad that she was good with the children though he knew she had said she couldn't have her own so was he doing something bad here by her slightly attaching to his children and having a moment she isn't sure she will ever be able to have herself. Emil wondered if Kaito knew how to deal with these things or not as he seemed lost on to if he should stop this before it hurt the other woman or if he should just let her have this for now.

The children are laughing and following after her and doing their best and Luna was the stronger swimmer between herself and her brother. Emil spoke out again "Helena do you have a place that you would like to have lunch at?" He figured since he was playing host to the woman and she was doing well with his children that he should also treat her to lunch.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 9:45 am

Lunch was no on the table, Helena figured she would have gone and ate alone while various men at the beach took a pass at the hottie from Blue Pegasus that just randomly showed up."It is a good casual past time, Blue Pegasus give me a number of pools to swim in, Well all but one anyway."The one closed off to everyone was the one sectioned off for Miriko and most people could see into the area, Helena had not heard the section actually being used yet but rumours are Miriko every once and a while was there and large cat blocks the door.

But if anything Helena knew a lot of area so far."Oh out the lunch? Well luck for all three of you, I know a few places that serve wonderful food...mind you the benefit of that was from the guild I work for."Helena mentioned with a chuckle but she tried to be humble about it.

After all it was not entirely about word alone about how this all worked."But suppose, The places we can go eat, I will get some peace for once. Rather then various men making passes on me."Helena mentioned because at times she knew it was just how things were with her alone at times.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 10:27 am

The children stopped swimming and the little girl looked at the woman. "What does that mean men making passes at you?" The little girl was looking at her wide eyed and questioning and Emil face palmed at that being something that the little girl had pick up on and he would probably be the one that will have to figure out how to spin the answer but he was completely blanking out on any ideas to what to say to her to make that not sound bad. Why had she said that in front of the children like that.

Emil quickly tried to change gears. "Well lets get out of the water and head to where miss Helena wants to go to eat as I will trust her judgement." He was a bit pissed she had said that but he also figured that she hadn't thought that the children would catch onto it like that or question it, like she had just done right there and then and the children grabbed onto him so he can swim them back to shore.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 6:00 am

Helena was unsure if she should answer that in the manner most people would understand, lest she be one to teach children things their parents might not want to learn. So Helena would give a safe answer."It is when some one shows their interest for you, Just sometimes not the most...polite manner."Helena figured that was the best means of explaining it.

Then Helena simply made sure these two children got out of the water safe with out much worry. But they moved on to getting prepared to go eat. Helena merely just making sure her sunhat was on, There was a towel tied around her hips. Then putting her sun glassed on. She offered her hand out in case any of the children wanted to hold one of her hands. If both wanted she would. It would be entertaining situation, For Helena could see some of the men she saw during other ventures out being unhappy Helena was walking around with a man and kids.

Or they would be brave enough to be willing to still try. But Helena seemed to be in a different state of happy."What are you interested in eating Emil?"Helena knowing a decent amount figured she would ask him too.


It isn't shocking she's here.(Social/open) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 8:39 am

Emil was glad that she had thought up a way to get out of it but he knows that this might still not be over and he might need to actually do something instead of just being stupid and stun locked. "I am not sure what the place you were thinking sells so I can't really pick cause I have no idea for what we could get and hope that they will like." He was just honest with her as he knows that they are not picky eaters but they also haven't had a lot of different foods as they usually spend most of their time in the north after they moved from the east when the first guild was destroyed or disbanded by the cold hearted woman that ran it without another word.

He saw his children grab her hands so they can walk with her and he smiled as he was happy to see them having fun and he then sees the other men that are looking disgruntled that the woman is walking with him and he smirks at them with a shit eating grin to really bother them and it was kind of clear she was using him to keep the creeps off of her for a small bit of time.

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