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Illingard Walking.(Open Social.)

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Illingard Walking.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Aug 20, 2024 4:32 am

Maple had been adjusting well to this place, She was not really hiding around as much. the comforts of most actions taking place where starting to bare its figurative fruit. Maple was starting to be seem more and more outside in Illingard and enjoying the city for what it was.

The Half Elf had littler worry in her mind while she was lingering. Sure it was colder then most places she had been, It was different over all a different environment for her. She was bundled up in a bit more clothing then she normally enjoyed as this area  is a bit more cold compared to Fiore or Stella.

But it was over all a casual time while she walked, Not much else seemed to be in her mind at the time and she seemed to have an over all peaceful state of mind right now, Whatever was going on in this nation Maple was not pondering about it at this time.


Last edited by Maple on Sat Aug 31, 2024 2:50 am; edited 1 time in total

#2Go D. Drakkon 

Illingard Walking.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 7:03 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had been a part of Dragon Order for a few months now. At that time he didn’t meet a lot of the other members. It was sad but true, but he understood the reason why. They found him as an outcast, someone that they could not trust. It was his effort that he would have to put in to gain their trust. Still, one thing that bothered him though, one thing that kept itching on the back of his head, where was their guild leader? He had thought about that for quite some time, she was only two of the people here that he could talk to or wanted anything to do with him, but now she was gone?

He decided to stay around Pergrande, and specifically, he would be not too far from Illingard. He was outside of the city gates, training as he had spells that he needed to master. He was training the spell he had taken from Kaito. This one was something like a prison of sorts, and what he wanted to master. The young lad would close his eyes thinking about the spell itself. He was trying to figure out how Kaito had used it and used it the same way or stronger.

While thinking about it, it was a nice and cold day here. There were people going in and out of the city. Those who spotted him would look at him for a bit wondering what the hell he was doing. Some of them did that while others ignored him. Soon enough, his eyes would open and he would snap his fingers. The Son of Chaos had created two magic circles, one by his hand and the other one not too far from him.

He was excited he thought he had it on the first try, but it seemed like it would backfire on him. He felt the mana within the spell was out of control, and it would implode, pushing him away from where he was standing and onto the ground. Hai was nearby and he shook his head at the scene. It seemed like his father was trying to become stronger, but failing to do so right now. Drakkon would only laugh while he was on the ground as he figured it wouldn’t be that easy.

“I wondered how many strong Dragon Slayers are out there in this world. Kaito, Ryuko, Toga, are they the only ones or are there more that I have not encountered.” He said to himself as he felt like Zeta was going in the right direction, but wasn’t there yet.


Spell Training:


Illingard Walking.(Open Social.) Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 8:24 am

Some one else was here, To most people they might feel nervous about it. To Maple, it was interesting and different she was always happy to meet new people. So while he seemed to talk to himself. Or some thing she did not see or know yet. Maple was seemingly doing one of the things she did not mind at all just watching.

He was talking about other dragon slayers, While Maple never kept track she only ever knew of one of them. But while this man spoke of her future watch. Maple did not really want to disrupt him at all at this time from whatever he was doing.

But she was not hiding in the city she was told she was suppose to be okay with lingering in. But at least she would make herself know by finding a place to sit down for the moment and continue watch his spell training.


Last edited by Maple on Sat Aug 31, 2024 2:50 am; edited 1 time in total

#4Go D. Drakkon 

Illingard Walking.(Open Social.) Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 8:48 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was done with moping around. He got up from the ground he was on. His nose twitched as it picked up a scent. There was someone moving in his direction. It was then it would stop, which brought him to look in the direction where it was. There, he would see a girl who took a seat nearby. It seemed like she was intrigued with what he was doing. He didn’t know who she was, but he chose to ignore her for the time being.

He hoped she understood it was dangerous to be near him, but he figured she would figure that out soon enough.

Drakkon had a better understanding of the spell now. When he was blasted by it he knew what he had to do to stabilize it. He had seen Kaito do it with ease, so him taking it, then he should have been able to do the same thing right? He would look over at her with a smile on his face. Hai Gone was nearby as he was on guard as he didn’t know who she was either.

He looked at his hand and closed his eyes for a second. He was gathering his mana for the spell, and when he got the proper amount. He would snap his fingers to activate the spell-like Kaito had done in the past.

A magic circle would appear in front of his hand, this one looking different than the one before. A second one would appear not too far from him. It was then it started to create a field of magic within that area before starting to get smaller in size. This would be able to trap anybody within the circle. He found it interesting and useful in the future.

He watched it continue to compress down in size as it had nobody within the prison. It would become so small, but it wouldn’t explode nor would it look like it failed on him. He needed to use it on someone, but who would he use it on? Then he remembered Hai was here.

“Hai I’m going to use this on you so stand still, please. If you want you can try to break out of it. I want to see if someone like you could break it. If that is the case anybody as strong as you could break it then.” He said to his Dragon.

He would snap his fingers again activating the magic itself. He was used to creating it now and it would appear in the location where Hai was. He looked around it being form and soon enough it started to close on him. That was not good, and he could feel himself being trapped in one place. Still, he was not going to be stuck in here for too long. He tried to break free from the prison itself, and he noticed that it wouldn’t be easy to get out of this thing. Drakkon was stronger than Hai and this prison needed more than brute strength to get out of it.

He just looked at Drakkon and the Dragon Slayer understood that this would be really good with it in his hand. Drakkon would disperse the spell as he needed to test its durability and he allowed him to confirm that it was the right choice to steal this move from Kaito. He had a few more spells to learn for today as he looked over to the woman.

“You think it’s safe to be around here? Do you know who I am?” He asked her waiting to see what she would say.

604|1039 Spell Training Complete for Dimensional Prison


Illingard Walking.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Aug 24, 2024 10:34 am

This was an interesting question to ask Maple. With casting a spell Maple did not seem scared or nervous. But she was interested in having a conversation at this time."I would figure I am not that strong." Maple chuckled about slightly. In her casual nature she did not seem to be trying to break free."So I doubt I am breaking free."Maple but suppose he would actually check what this person would actually do.

She wanted to think nothing would go wrong. Even if she was wrong at times. Suppose because it was just where Maple might reveal interesting things about her fairly quickly."I believe I am fairly safe here in Illingard."While she thought about it. She would figure she would ask him one thing."But I promise you, whatever I am going to ask you won't be anything to be dangerous for you."At least she asked simple questions to him.

At least she figured it was simple."But I figured, since I am a member of the Dragon Order, Happening to be Ryuko's future wife, I might be doing her a favour by talking to people who might meet her in the future, I assume it is harmless to want to meet other Dragon slayers."Maple seemed to be more curious about why he might be pondering about dragon slayers."any reason you might wanna meet the other dragon slayers?"Maple over all seemed to ask her questions with a friendly sense of innocent. Not trying to seem like he was up to anything suspicious


Last edited by Maple on Sat Aug 31, 2024 3:00 am; edited 2 times in total

#6Go D. Drakkon 

Illingard Walking.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Aug 24, 2024 10:58 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon looked at her; she seemed simple enough. The woman was calm and it seemed like she didn’t fear him. He wasn’t going to harm her, especially when she told him that she was a part of the guild he was in. The future wife of Ryuko, now that was interesting. This was the guild leader’s fiancé? A weakness is what he saw in front of him, but whatever float the Monarch’s boat. Drakkon made sure he didn’t have that weakness because that would kill him inside.

“I see, so you know who I am.” He relaxed for a bit as he heard her question.

“The reason I want to meet the other Dragon Slayer? Well, it’s simple, I get stronger when I fight other Dragon Slayers. If I get stronger, it would benefit the guild don’t you think? I think I’m stronger than your Ryuko, so having me become far stronger would only guarantee the guild’s safety from future threats.” He said to her as he thought about the next spell he was going to learn now.

The next move he wanted to master was the defense spell that Lily used. Of course, he stopped her from fully using it, but oh well. Now it was time to see what he could do with the magic right here and now. The son of chaos closed his eyes as he was thinking about the spell and how she had tried to activate it. When he did he swirled his hand at a location around Hai Gone and was doing his best to concentrate his mana. A magic circle would appear in front of his hand and under Hai Gone.

He saw the earth forming around Hai Gone as it seemed like it was going well. This was good and he was hoping that he didn’t have to struggle with the move. When it was almost done he noticed that it started to crumble as if he got too excited about it. He would suck his teeth, and Hai Gone would get out of the way so he didn’t get pummeled by a bunch of falling rocks. He had to think about it as he was going to try again.

191|500 Training Defensive AoE Spell

Spell Training:

Last edited by Go D. Drakkon on Tue Aug 27, 2024 11:41 pm; edited 1 time in total


Illingard Walking.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 4:58 am

These matter while she was in the guild should be things she could be ready to talk about. Maple seemed not over all interested in the subject of the guilds combative power. Maple was focused on other things."I could agree with that yes, One will always try to improve themselves for any stride or reason, Your is seemingly agreeable in my view."But Maple was not beyond reason, Just merely knew how well with in power scales and how life worked, it all seemed a bit annoying to keep track of.

But at least, Maple would some what eventually hint what she was more worried about in the end, She was never about gaining power. But she was for."You feel you are more powerful then her, I am not here to argue or judge who is strong, both of you can kill me with out a second thought."Maple mentioned because he was right she knew small amount of him, Just merely name and face.

Maple would at least say this to merely make where she stood."While I understand and in some manner admire your desire and wishes to be stronger, I am not entirely here to get between whatever could happen between yourself and Ryuko...I care for Ryuko's safety and for the people of Illingrad's safety and future."Maple mentioned what she actually cared about seeing what kind of ground they would stand on between one another.

But Maple just seemed to be okay with him testing spells around her since she was not harmed. It could be her problems in the future if he felt like really do anything with Ryuko but she was not going anything to him right now. "My main goal here today was to meet the other members of the guild. you just happen to be the first one i found."Good for Drakkon, Maple was simple to deal with.


Last edited by Maple on Sat Aug 31, 2024 2:56 am; edited 1 time in total

#8Go D. Drakkon 

Illingard Walking.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 11:39 pm

Go D. Drakkon
He looked over to the woman as he didn’t get her name the entire time they were talking. He heard her and he nodded as if he could kill her in a matter of seconds, but he would not. He was a man of Chaos, and doing that would cause chaos, but not the one he was seeking right now.

It seemed like she cared about making sure that Ryuko stayed safe and the Illingrad. When he heard that he nodded as he could respect that, but she needed to become stronger, so she could be able to protect this future. Also listening to the fact that she was trying to meet other members within the guild was her goal, and she indeed met that goal.

Drakkon would look ahead though he wasn’t going to comment on anything right now. He needed to realize that feeling that he had when he used that spell before. He knew he could do it and it would help him grow if he was able to do this. He looked over to Hai Gone and his partner was ready to continue with his training. He would look at him and he would nod as he would start swirling his hand around. He had to put more mana this time, but it wasn’t just that.

No, the Dragon Slayer needed to compress his mana together and make a dome to protect him and anybody that was under the dome. In this case, he was trying to put this on Hai Gone. He knew he was safe, and he also knew that he just needed to blow this thing into bits if things went wrong. The dome was starting to be created and while this was happening Drakkon could see that things were going fine.

They would form together and soon enough he would see the dome covering Hai Gone. It seemed like he was protected by this dome and he kept looking at it. He was sustaining his mana within the spell, and he was waiting to see if it would crumble. While he waited, he would see that things were going fine. The Devourer had another defensive spell to his arsenal, one he felt would come a long way for him in battle.

Still, he would take the spell and he would disperse now that he was able to remember the feeling of what he did to get that to where it was.

“Alright, with that I have another spell that I can use without a problem.” He said as he turned to look at Maple to speak to her some more.

“I agree with you, one will always try to improve themselves. I wouldn’t kill you, there is no need to, but you’re not wrong about that. I’m glad you care about them and this place, but if you truly care, then you will do your best to become stronger. And you definitely met someone from your guild. I am Drakkon, it’s nice to meet you.” He said as he was wondering what else he should learn.

504|500 Defensive AoE Spell Trained


Illingard Walking.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 9:29 am

At least with being subject to these things, Maple still seemed not worried. But that seemed to be the theme of this thread and she seemed to be able to talk with out much problem."Just one more, The varying different spells you seem to cast is interesting."Maple did seemed to actually find it interesting that she was just merely observing interesting things with Drakkon here.

But Maple really did not open talk her plans much. But in some manner Maple was working on that herself."It was a plan as i build up my life with Ryuko, Get stronger sooner rather then later. Just how is something yet to be pieced together." Maple was just a random half elf in the woods Ryuko found and fell in love with.

"But I am told all things happen in time, But I am Maple, I am glad to have met you."Maple
did seem to be okay with the casual parts of what was going on now, she offered his hand to shake if he chose to or not. She did thing out of hopefully being seen as a sign of respect.


Last edited by Maple on Sat Aug 31, 2024 2:57 am; edited 1 time in total

#10Go D. Drakkon 

Illingard Walking.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 10:07 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had learned to spell while interacting with this woman. It seemed like things were going well, and at the same time, he was learning things about another person in the guild. It was something greedy for him to do, but he was doing it. He heard her comment about the spells he was learning.

“Yes, I copy spells from Dragon Slayers I’ve defeated or know. From there, I still have to master the spell myself, so it’s a learning process. Without other Dragon Slayers, I’m nothing and that is the point. I can use different elements depending on the ones I consume.” He explained to her as he didn’t mind telling her this.

It seemed like she wanted to get stronger. That was good and he could tell by her smell, that she was not a Dragon Slayer.

“You are not a Dragon Slayer from what I can tell from your smell. You smell like one, but that’s because you are around them a lot. Will you be getting a lacrima to be one or not?” He asked curious to hear what she had to say.

He finally got her name though and that was good. Maple like a Maple tree.

“Nice to meet you too Maple.” He said as he looked at Hai as he would start practicing another spell.

He had to close his eyes as he was envisioning how that woman had used her spell when they fought. It was an interesting thing when they fought. One where he had wished it had gone better. He was able to use his katanas at the time, which sucked, but he would make up for it. When he got everything he needed from his memory, his eyes widened. He gathered the mana he felt was needed for this spell, and he would begin the next process.

He clenched one of his hands as a magic circle would start appearing in front of his hand. This was working, right? He wasn’t sure, but when the magic circle had fully come to, he was excited. He didn’t mess up with the formation of his magic, so the next part was actually creating the earth projectile. It would start to form in his hand the bolt of earth and he was hoping it would solidify properly. While he was doing this though something felt wrong. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he was about to find out. While the earth magic was almost done, something would go wrong. It would implode and the earth bolt would scatter around hitting him.

He would be pushed from the failed attempt of mastering the spell, but he had made progress. He thought about what he had to do as he regained his composure. Hai was happy the spell wasn’t used on him yet. He didn’t want to get hit by those spells.

257|500 Training Offensive Projectile

Spell Training:


Illingard Walking.(Open Social.) Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 9:37 am

While this was a different and strange meeting to start with. Maple was not with out benefit or wanting to help guild members with their cause. With this meeting Maple did seem to leave him an offer. She would be serious about it and some what she hoped he would either take it or just passing nicely."Then if you will, I want to leave you an offer."

So she would pose it. Since Maple was not shy at all."If no harm is done to me and you need help training spells, If I have the free time. I will help you."Her entire offer was not done. After all Maple was good in other way, her more friendly and social manner.

"If I happen to meet any other dragon slayers, I will pass their names off to you and if need be...where i found them, maybe where they can be commonly found."IT was not really sweetening up the deal but it was still something to do to help, It was over all a simple offer for him.


Last edited by Maple on Sat Aug 31, 2024 2:57 am; edited 1 time in total

#12Go D. Drakkon 

Illingard Walking.(Open Social.) Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 9:56 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was still training his spell, and while he was getting ready for his next attempt, he heard Maple. He looked over to her as he was ready to hear it. It seemed like she wanted to extend her hand in helping him with training spells. This only worked if he could promise her not to harm her. The Dragon Slayer thought about it and he figured that was fair enough. It also seemed like she wanted to give him information on other Dragon Slayers, which he was excited to hear.

“You got yourself a deal. I plan on taking a small break and coming back here if you want to do that?” He said to her.

He would look at his hand again and he knew what he had messed up with. He remembered that these spells were much more durable than they were before. This happened because of him beating Lily. It was a good thing and honestly, it made his powers better than they were before. He had to compress his mana more and make sure he had better control as well. He would clench his hand as he was completing the magical circle again in front of his hand.

He was envisioning the bolt in his hand as the mana took form in the element that he was using here. Once it understood the command, it would start gathering rocks into Drakkon’s hand. It was forming as if it were a dagger in his hand. He looked at the spell that was in his hand and was excited to see the damage that it could present in battle. He examined the bolt of rocks in his hand and was thinking if this was what he was supposed to do. When he moved it around he could tell that it would break into pieces this time around. That was good and now he looked for his target.

When he spotted a sturdy tree to try out the power and capability of the spell, he made sure that if he continued to go, it wouldn’t harm anybody in that direction. His right eye was able to see the distance and when he saw he was in the clear he would do it.

He launched the bolt of rocks toward the tree and it would pierce through the tree and then the next. The durability behind that attack was enough to do damage twice in this instant. He had mastered another spell that he copied, which pleased him.

“Another spell mastered.” He said as he smiled at Maple and Hai.

He was ready to be on his way if anything, but only if she was ready.

554|500 Training Completed for OFfensive Projectile


Illingard Walking.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 6:21 am

It seemed like a good plan,It gave Maple time to do a few other things with this break. Most likely matter related to his soon to be wife, Maybe a few other things. But alas Maple considered today a good amount of things to achieve and complete. Even if it was not much. Regrouping at a later time was always a nice thing anyway. But alas Maple as most likely starting to think a bit too hopeful as she also did ponder on how well this would work out for her.

Suppose she would learn eventually, but until then one would have to think less. Maple and Drakkon would see each other again."Yes, It does sound like a good plan."They where having a decent conversation and a good start. Suppose it just means it all would be exactly as stated. Things to meet up see what happens later.

But after they departed, Maple seemed to find it fun how meet people seemed to shape the world around her. But she was going to go do some shopping before she went home. Maybe pick up a few things for Ryuko. Or see if any other guild members could be found. But in the end Maple was home and safe, It was most likely all that mattered to most of the people that knew Maple at this time. These are all trivial things that did not matter to people in the long wrong, But it was just the minor things she wanted to do. Then she would be home.



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