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Whispers of the Faithful 2

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Whispers of the Faithful 2 Empty Tue Aug 20, 2024 9:29 am


The woman before Lumikki was shivering. Whether it was the chill from the night made worse by the constant fall of rain causing to her to go cold, or if it was because Lumikki’s presence. Frankly, Lumi didn’t very well care, but she would hate to be bothered especially by the act of having her beacon her. At this point, she was mulling over the notice of having them halt the act of taken quests in the first place. Amusingly annoying at first, charming even to become the being one could call with a whisper and offering to a raven, and though Lumikki was savoring the endeavor of being a Demon of note, she could not see herself entertaining these games any longer. Not when her coronation was just around the corner with the mess the Yuurei had left her.

”I see….maybe I should consider ye the last…” Lumikki wasted no time letting the last of her words fall from her lips before turning around. She made it only a few mere steps before the woman exclaimed right behind her, ”Amara!…..Uh…my names Amara..and..I need your help. I don’t know who else to trust and I’m not sure the church…I don’t think I could trust them…”


Whispers of the Faithful 2 Img_0811

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Whispers of the Faithful 2 Empty Tue Aug 20, 2024 2:51 pm


In a fraction of a second, Lumikki’s eyes took on a demonic glow. She was sure not to show them but instead stilled herself before turning back to the woman she now knew to be Amara. Her smile far more warmer than before, but there was authenticity here. The Demoness genuinely wanted to help, even if it was partly because of her desire to spite the church. But regardless of the mortal masses, she was content with being helpful without proving a point. Her being now was already a testament to her value now.

”I seeee. What an odd thing to say—well, odd for yer like. This was something I always suspected. Kukuku—this goes beyond me nature of course. But enough of that. What is it ye seek.?” Admittedly Lumikki had to hold back the desire to request an offering. It was a hunger within her at this point to see what was in it for her. Something she would not forego entirely, only improve on as time goes by; but right now, she would have to settle with the human’s fear and confusion as she pleaded for a Demon’s assistance. Especially when the clergy could have been called instead.


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Whispers of the Faithful 2 Empty Tue Aug 20, 2024 5:28 pm


Amara recoiled, as if the revaluation struck her once more. Somewhat shaking her to the core, but she gritted her teeth and thought better of it. The most surprising thing for her so far was how odd approachable Lumikki has been. Her voice did not hold a tone of superiority that made the woman desire to vanish, nor did she feel subjected to a piecing gaze that felt impenetrable. Amara had to admit, just slightly to herself, that the frost Demon felt more inviting than many of the clergy did. At least now, with this indescribable darkness now looming over her and her brother….Brother!

“My brother! Milo! Something’s wrong…he’s not like himself anymore…I don’t know how to explain it, it just feels like he’s changed….replaces with a colder and harsher version of himself—Suddenly the things he used to love before, he now detests….I guess thats starting to include me as well…we can’t even get along anymore. It’s like we’re always fighting. And when we aren’t talking, I could still hear him muttering to himself and scribbling in his journal.” Her voice was unsteady, a little ragged. Like her sadness was overtaking her but so was her fatigue. And her eyes gave way to the fear welling within her, it was clear to Lumikki that this woman was quite distraught, and thought the Demoness preferred building up her more playful nature, her demeanor got more serious fast. But Amara wasn’t done yet, fishing in a deep pocket of her cloak she pulled out a wore out book. The cover gave no mention of a title but there was a mark of a name. “Milo”, etched atop the hard and burgundy surface with black ink. His name was written rather neatly with a rounded out flourish in his letters.


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Whispers of the Faithful 2 Empty Tue Aug 20, 2024 7:03 pm


Lumikk took the book into her hands and flipped through the pages. Though she passed through the contents quite quickly, she could already note something alarming. The handwriting that was so calm and rounded in the beginning morphed into something more jagged, sharped, and deranged. Barely containing the words and letters to their designated lines as they almost looked like they were trying to explode upon the page. Among the chicken scratch, symbolic looking markings would seem to repeat among the work, getting particularly excessive toward the final pages of the book.

Lumikki grimace at the sight of them, it was like a feeling of something truly putrid now sat on her hands. And though she would be happier discarding it, it was clear that this would be a focal point in her case as well as a decent means to delve into the lesser radiant acts of the Illimin. The thought of it turned her look of disgust into something more hungry.

As if picking up on Lumikki’s mixed emotions, Amara honed onto the interest and bolted to her next point. This time her voice sounded stronger, more confident, as if she felt more sure in herself and the choice to enlist the Demon’s help.

“That’s not all witch! It would seem like my brother isn’t the only weird occurrence happening. Me and a few others have noticed….have noticed that people….they’re going missing—I’m starting to get so afraid! I don’t know who else to ask. The Illumin can be anyone, or anywhere…it’s why I came to you…”

Lumikki looked over the girl resolve, her cold eyes easing up to the vulnerability displayed. It was clear just how terrified the woman really was.

Lumikki drew a circle in the air with her ringed finger, opening the portal to her personal abyss. She’d tuck the journal inside and pull out a slip of paper. From which, she’d write a note and pass it to the raven who brought her here. Ushering the bird to the Rune Knight base within Orchidia to pass the message along.

Working with a few Knights herself, many growing within the ranks, Lumikki started to generate connections with those stationed nearby. She was hoping that touching base would lead to a better result than doing this all alone. The note she passed along was designed to break the spell by mornings light, so she hoped it would be enough to start the thread.

”Very well….I’ll look into it.”

411_1000 +50%wcr due to dress, ring, companion.

╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗
Curtain Call
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝

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