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What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Salem)

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What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Salem) Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 8:17 am

Emil is interrupted during his breakfast being handed a request to help a mining team with keeping them safe deeper in the mines as well as keep them healthy and that is why he was the muscle and Salem was picked to be the one to watch over the miners health. Emil sighed and he guessed a job was a job and he figured he hadn't hated working with Salem the last time so this time should be fine as well so he finished his breakfast with his children and then he took them to the guild nanny to watch them for as long as it would take for him to return and he then goes and gets Indiana and they get ready for what they were about to face in the mines face protection and then they head out and they wonder if the other man might have gotten a head start on them as they head for the place that they are going to have to be to meet with the mining team. Emil looked around for any sign of the other man that he was to be handling this mission with and the biggest miner looked at him and waved him over.

As soon as the second man joined them the biggest miner spoke out to the group and their exceeds. "We are going to be going in deep within the mines you all will need to keep a sharp eye out and be ready for anything that might come flying, running or digging out in front of us. If we die then the hopes of our team die with us!" He seemed to be trying to hype the team up and for the most part the mining team was hyped up by the words that man had just said but Emil was unsure if that was really a smart idea as being hyped to die to some random mine creature didn't sound like it would be a very fitting end up he guessed the world of mining must be more about the small victories or set backs so he was not going to say anything to it and Indiana just shrugged as he was not sure that he was fully worried about it as he was use to exploring it ruins and other places for treasures on his own free time when he had any.

#2Salem E. 

What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Salem) Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 1:30 am

Salem E.

“Wow this is delicious~” Salem had rarely eaten at the guild base. He never had the time and the restaurants in Orchidia and around the North was pretty good. The fairy godfather did not simply need to before. Today he wanted to actually try it and was pleasantly surprised. He was eating his body weight from a large scaly fish that was cooked to perfection. Even with Frosch helping him eat it, the fish took twenty minutes of straight eating. By the time the duo were done the only thing left of the fish were the scales that it had on it before consumption. Now it was simply a pile of bones on an empty plate. A message to all the other fish that would cross their palette like so.

It was nice for the young man working for the mission team to wait. When he noticed Salem finished eating he would hand him a paper. The lightning mage Emil actually asked him to tag along on another mission. Reading the details made his eyebrows furrow but he accepted it anyway. He was not a fan of underground places but they were at least better than a volcano. To save time and not hold them up. The two of them flew at their fastest speeds to the meeting place. Salem could use magic to make a needed air bubble. Frosch had a small mask retrofitted into his costume. It had a small canister that allowed him to breath as needed. So they were pretty much already ready as far as he could tell.

Salem listened to the miner with rapt attention. He was already ready to have fun in the mines. The Fairy godfather understood the dangers of nature but was not really worried about it. He was a child loved by it. So he believed he would survive if no one else did. “Hi hi Emil~ And how are you doing Indiana?”

Frosch nodded along before adding his own greeting. “Yes. How are the both of you? Frosch is happy to go on an adventure with you. Frosch has never been in a mine before.” Salem picked up his adorable companion and gave him a smile. The cat was fun to have around and fit into his nature very well. He doubted the quest would be a pain to get through with the current party present. When they were ready to start Salem would let Emil and the miner lead the way. His magic was support oriented and he always worked better as a rearguard.



What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Salem) Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 7:50 pm

After the meeting with the team was over the other man spoke to him and said hi to him and then spoke to the exceed and asked how they were doing Emil was wondering if the man was doing this in an attempt to piss him off or if the other man was just not interested in how he was but he had nothing he could do about it. Emil lifted his hood changing is appearance she he would better match in with the other miners that they were traveling with as if he looks different no one can know that he is in with the miners and it looks like Salem is the lone mage that took the job to protect the mining team if the enemy was within the mine waiting for them. "Hello Mage of Paradise Dawn and you adorable companion that I wish to eat up as they are so cute~" Emil was playing the part of someone that wasn't Emile as he removed the cloak and put it in the sack he had over his shoulder where he had also put his Gauntlets in case he would need them.

Indiana looked at the two and smiled with a thumbs up. "I am doing great and am fully ready for this quest how about you two?" Indiana hadn't been told about Emil's plan and he hadn't known that the man could use the cape to transform into new appearances so he was a bit shocked by the man doing that right in front of them and then the mining team headed into the mine and using a map they were looking at they lead themselves through the mine tunnels till they hit an off shoot and then into a more open area with gems glittering in the light from the lanterns that the miners were carrying and Emil looked are and saw there were three other paths that butted off of this area which means if enemies were to come in they would come from those area's but he was not sure which tunnel and he picked up a pickaxe to join the other miners to start digging Indiana was keeping watch and was going to signal to the man if he saw anything so the mage could be ready to join in, in the fighting if he needed to though he had some idea that Salem could handle himself depending on the things that came.
(414) (815)

#4Salem E. 

What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Salem) Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 11:25 pm

Salem E.

Frosch was happy to get a response from his probably distant cousin. He chatted away while Salem thought Emil was being weird. He did not comment on why the man was being silent and just chalked it up to him being hyper focused on the job. He would bug him later. Salem would not want to be a disturbance if the man was playing a fun game of pretend. He was not the type to ruin people's fun unless more fun could be had in other ways. He just followed from his rear spot without asking questions.

As they went deeper into the mines the natural light started to disappear. The only thing that kept the darkness from enveloping them all was the various luminous fixtures. Things like mana various mana stones that gave off a strong glow as well as other necessary light bulbs and flashlights. The place was lit enough to keep the workers from causing accidents and from being attacked from certain angles. Salem simply watched as Emil blended in and got to work. Indiana seemed at home enough underground and was keeping watch. Frosch was going around moving rocks out of the workers' way, as well as cleaning, and doing other odd jobs. Salem was happy to see his exceed helping out with a smile. Salem was the only one not doing heavy lifting.

Salem stomped his staff on the ground. A large magic circle was formed and a light mist came out. It made the place easier to breath by purifying the deep underground air. It rejuvenated the workers because of his inherited properties, even the gem quality improved a bit. The peace and great working pace lasted about three minutes till a rumble spread in the ground. At first it was a slight tremor till it grew even more. It started to grow so fast that the ground was shaking.

In a tunnel that was darkened more than ten meters into it. A large worm started to rear its ugly head.”There is a giant worm over there!” It was a shame the creature was noticed quickly. A cleric that could see through the dark with ease through a bolt of his magic at it. It was not enough to really injure it but it screamed in pain. The scream and the clash of magic on the beast was enough to draw the attention of others to it. Salem took a running dash towards it. Since he was hired as a guard. He thought it would be best to take it out as long as possible. It slithered towards them and released another scratch as it touched the mist Salem had released. While it was helpful to the others. It was damaging to the creature as long as Salem did not like it.



What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Salem) Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 1:15 am

Emil was not so sure how this was going to go as they were deep in the mines and he was not sure if there was really anything in here but he knew if they were hired there must be something that was in here or they wouldn't have been hired in the first place. He was worried that he was going to mess this up so how but he figured that he would be alright if he just kept his head down and didn't look too into it as he hear the man that was with him hit his staff on the ground Emil wondered what had happened but didn't look back as he didn't want to break the illusion that he was one of the miners before it was the right time to be doing so. Emil hadn't worked a lot with other people as he was not really a team player for the most part or so he was told by others that worked with him.

Emil hadn't heard what his team mate had said over the digging but looked back as he heard the scream of a creature in the dark had his teammate just hit something with a spell or was that something letting out a warning cry to them from the dark Emil hadn't seen and was not sure if he should react to this with force or if the other man hand this but his exceed hadn't reacted so he wasn't sure that there was anything that he needed to worry about but Emil turned back around and keeps digging hoping that they will be okay but Emile feels that the peace they had before that cry was going to be short lived for them. Emil wanted badly to put on his gauntlet and turn to fight with his team mate but he knows that he has to wait and hope that he will be able to get a taste of the action.

Emil looked at the other miners who were still facing forward to their word as they dug for their chance to make the most that they could and Emil started digging harder trying to focus the anger and worry into something else besides just having it dig at his mind and make him unable to focus on his act as a miner and probably stick out as he was the only one that would be worried about the mage unlike the others that were facing toward the wall as they dug into it. Emil was not like them and he would need to try better to be like them and just keep digging and not making a scene but if he heard much more he would probably be rushing to help the other mage as there was more to this all then him just being a fake miner.
(478) (1,293)

#6Salem E. 

What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Salem) Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 4:15 pm

Salem E.

The worm was not having a good time and was angry at its aggressor. Salem was the only one that came forward to challenge it. Not that he was against what he was doing. It was a great time to have fun and work on his battle experience. Fighting was becoming a more common game he played and he wanted to get good at it. Not that single battles like this were that great. The chaos of team fighting was where the real fun was had. Still experience was experience. It would be an honor to play when one had the opportunity. Even if it was against something that Salem believed he could take out with his eyes closed. In face Salem thought it would be a great idea to train like so. Most people could go blind or something. While it never happened to him there was a first time for everything.

Salem closed his eyes to try and get a feel for his surroundings. The worm had come up and promptly struck him with its tail. The unfortunate fairy was sent flying. He crashed into the wall and was momentarily stun. “So it was stupid of me to close my eyes.” Salem spoke with exasperation as he raised his hand. He pointed a finger at the worm that assumed it could finish him. A magic circle was made at the tip of his finger before a beam charged out of it. It hit the worm squarely in the head causing it to stagger. Salem followed up with a short sprint with his towards the ground. The he swung the thing upwards with as much force as his body could muster with both hands. It hit the worm in what one would believe was the wormy jaw. A crack was heard as the worm fell unconscious from the accumulated damage.

The Fairy Godfather had to get someone else to dismantle the beast. It may have been a large worm but as a mana beast. It was still valuable in some sense. Salem did not care about the jewels but he did not want to waste it. Food was expensive for someone unable to cook. His refined taste needed better than standard stuff all the time. In fact if someone could cook up the worm well. He would have tried eating it here as well. While they did that Salem took some time out to heal himself. He was better at healing others than himself.



What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Salem) Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 6:29 pm

Emil was not sure of what the man was doing behind him but it didn't sound like it was fun what ever was going on behind him, Emil was getting worried when the sounds behind him had stopped and he turned are while putting his gauntlets on his hands and he sees the man starting to heal himself and a monster worm on the ground and he sighed as it seemed that the man behind him had finished the fight already as he kept playing the miner part and then he saw from one of the other tunnels something poke out of the darkness and Emil throw a punch and a grey magic circle appeared right after the punch and an arcane bold fired forward and toward the area that he had seen the thing poke out into the chamber they were in and the bolt hit with a spell that was fired from the darkness.

"Are you okay Salem?" The mans blond hair moved across his face in his hidden appearance from his cape but he knows that someone is in the darkness and throwing dark magic from the shadows as if it was the darkness without a real form. Emil wondered if that made it invisible to the fae that calls himself the fairy godfather. Emil doesn't wait for an answer as he ran from his spot with the miners as the darkness moved along the wall toward the man that was healing himself and Emil let more arcane blasts from his gauntlets that homed on the darkness as it ran along the wall. Emil wasn't sure if his attacks like this were the right thing to be doing or if he was just doing stupid meat head things that was endangering others here with his strikes at the person in the darkness. He saw the darkness drop onto the ground and an arm came out of the darkness.

"I am not sure if you can see it or not but there is someone using darkness magic coming up on you from your three if you can't see the arm move to your six as much as you can!" Emil slammed his fist into the ground as hard as he could and he released a shock wave of arcane lightning that was firing up out of the ground heading toward the point to hit the thing and if Salem listened it would miss the man as well. Emil hoped it would work but he was not sure about it as he was not use to fighting in a team fight or being the one in charge of the tactics for the fight he was usually alone or just a pawn to be commanded around.
(460) (1,753)

#8Salem E. 

What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Salem) Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 11:25 pm

Salem E.

Salem was busy trying to rest and recuperate. At the moment he was unaware of anyone trying to sneak up on him. In his defense it was only because he was not looking. It was very difficult for any type of illusion magic to work on him. The fact that he did not turn his head was a matter of circumstance. It still showed how much more he needed to work when it came to battle and training. Still he had some training inside of him.

The blast from the spell that he did not cast made him roll forward. It was after his roll stopped did he hear Emil ask if he was okay. At least he assumed it was him. He did not pay attention to closely but he also did not recall giving his name to the people present. “Yep. I am okay. I thank you for the assistance. It is a great help to have you along.” Salem stood up and brushed himself off before looking around. He could see the thing shrouded in darkness. “I can see it. It should not be too hard for you to take it out.” Salem was guessing that based on the bony look the creature had. It was like a person but it was not.



What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Salem) Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 2:44 am

Emil's shockwave hit the creature that had went for Salem and in the spot it was hit what ever that thing was it had left a marker that bared the symbol of another mining team. Emil walked over and he picked up the patch that was left there. "I found a patch... Do you think this is from another team that was unlucky or do you think it was off of a person that attacked us?" Emil doesn't think that either of those answers are a good think and the miners look back and the lead of the team walked over to Emil and saw the patch and he looked shocked. color=#1371ec]"This is from the team that was competing with us for this place so seems they are trying to chase us off."[/color] The man walked over and collected the team as they had all gotten a good take for the day so it was time to get heading out to turn in what they had plus the extra that Emil had helped them to get so this was a good days work. Emil used his cape to turn back into his normal look and he would leave with Indiana hopefully with Salem and his exceed to follow behind him to go get their rewards.
(219) (1,972) (Exit) (30% WC from Gauntlet and Companion)

#10Salem E. 

What's Mine is Mine (S-Rank NQ with Salem) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 3:59 pm

Salem E.

Salem made no comment on the patch. It was not familiar to him and it was really unimportant. The amount of people that would try to take out anyone was as numerous as the stars in the sky. Heck, Salem recalled drowning someone for peeing in his Oasis. Then again that was like getting peed on himself so he did not think anyone would blame him.

The Fairy Godfather got his things after it was all over. He made sure Frosch was ready to go when they started to leave. He did not want the small guy to suffer from being left behind. Salem made sure they kept up with the other two and kept the chat pleasant. Salem even offered to take them all out for a meal based on the amount they would get. The fairy of fun and games loved the first part. He would be remiss not to go out.

Explorers Belt decreased WC needed by 20%. Frosch decreases WC needed by 20%. The 1,500 words have been met

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