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Thunder Clappy [Done]

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#1Thunder Clappy 

Thunder Clappy [Done] Empty Sun Sep 01, 2024 4:33 pm

Thunder Clappy


Name: Thunder Clappy

Age: Unknown but for purposes July 8, 771 Age 25

Gender: Non-Binary

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

Ethnicity, Father: Unknown, Iceberg Origin

Ethnicity, Mother: Unknown, Iceberg Origin

Class: Adventurer

Race: Dwarf

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Sleeping Calamity

Tattoo: Location, the shin of the arm, some might call it the forearm.  Color- a vibrant electric purple

Face: AI Image


Height: 1.397 M aka 4'7''

Weight: That is a very invasive question, how much do you weigh?  61 kg or 134.482 lb

Hair:  Red

Eyes:  Black

Shorter than most humans, Thunder Clappy sits at a nice average height for dwarves, able to ride most roller coasters, even though she would just casually kill an operator who told her no. Often described as electric, she has a fit physique from her formidable slave years with minimal scaring or weathering despite a lack of skin care. Her wavy rusted auburn hair is often seen sitting in a ponytail contrasted by the whites of her eyes.

Extra: Scar on left calf. Slash.


  • Venturesome: After spending too much time enslaved Thunder Clappy quickly felt restless as a bandit in Bosco. Her restlessness often took her on some of her best adventures.
  • Discreet: Thunder Clappy's electric aura aided her frequently in making connections which were great for mercenary work. A selling feature of Thunder Clappy and the Flash Haven Clan was the 100% discreet guarantee or......due to the premature massacre ending of Flash Haven 100% discreet guarantee was fulfilled....
  • Noncommital: Similar to her discreet expertise, Thunder Clappy never broke any commitments she made. Her word was gold, but commitments tied her down.
  • Firm: Refer to discreet and noncommital.
  • Thievish: The one constant throughout her whole life has been chapped lips. As Thunder Clappy learned more about the seemingly different flavors and iterations of chapsticks she became increasingly obsessed. Anytime she comes across a new chapstick IT IS coming home with her.
  • Tasteless: Not only does she pair her brown with black, Thunder Clappy enjoys pairing her silver and gold. You catch my drift.

  • Shiny Items: Snap Crackle was the first real role model in Thunder Clappy's life, and he was always adorned with the shiniest, most gaudy jewelry. If your chain hung low, his hung lower and shined brighter. After being around him so much, the shine disease wore off on her.
  • Travel: Thunder Clappy prescribed to the belief the grass is always greener on the other side, as such, one must keep traveling to said grass.

  • Noses: There is something about noses.
  • Silence

  • Power:Thunder Clappy refuses to ever feel powerless again. PERIOD.

  • Slavery: Self Explanatory.
  • Weak: See Power.


Strength: 7

Speed: 8

Constitution: 7

Endurance: 7

Intelligence: 1


Callously plucked from the vertical beauty of Iceberg as a snack-sized tiny tot, Thunder Clappy spent most of her formative years in the brutal slums of Bosco shackled in slavery. She fought as hard as a child could against the oppression of slavery, eventually finding refuge within the bandit clan of Flash Haven. The clan provided her with some semblance of childhood, providing a 'safe' place to adventure in the dump for the youthful members.  Youthful, because even though the clan members were all under two decades of life, the naïve, childlike innocence had long been robbed from most.
Her innocence was robbed before she ever had a chance, with one of her earliest memories being that treacherous trip to enslavement in Bosco, but that is not something she dwelled on, it was just a part of life.  A life that she truly started living the day Snap Crackle freed her from The One House, the brutal slave camp, and welcomed her into the Flash Haven Clan. Birds of a feather, minority ex-slave bandits freeing minority slaves. Days of manual labor and undesirable tasks were filled scavenging the dump as it soon became home.
After joining the clan Thunder Clappy capitalized on her freedom often being found in the most happen chance of places, ultimately always ending up in the right place and the right time, which is what truly mattered. One fateful day out searching the dump for the latest fast fashion finds, she heard the weird sound of a knock that somehow sounded wet.  As she turned to the sound she saw a vintage car, which surely held treasures. Treasures she found in the form of a beautiful minority sponge named Avery, although she was sure she heard his name was Hose. Opening that trunk, opened her life up to a new friendship and partner in crime.
Avery’s arrival and invaluable heals rounded out the Flash Haven Clan. Now that all the pieces were fitting together, Flash Haven started taking on bigger bounties aiming to get out of Bosco and take the clan internationally, freeing minority slaves along the way. Finally finishing the last bounty needed to leave Bosco, Thunder Clappy stops by the local thrift to acquire the two most wonderful daggers she has had her eye on since she got here, Stabitha and Slashley. Giddy with travel prospects she returns to camp to be met with bloodshed.
That day still plays on repeat, Thunder Clappy lost the rest of what little childlike innocence was left that day. Unbeknownst to her, the Flash Haven Clan was not free slaves, just runaway slaves, and their notoriety finally caught up to them. The One House came back to seize her, and its property and began massacring her new family. Walking in and seeing Avery on a spit roast over the fire sent her into a blind rage, she managed to tip him off the fire before being subdued and assumed dead.

The One House was happy either way, property or not their point was made that day.  

Three months and many nautical miles later Thunder Clappy and Avery stumble off the ship that smuggled them to Seven, ready to begin their new adventures.

Discord: Brokensheeple

Reference: Ittindi


Thunder Clappy [Done] Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 12:32 pm

This character is approved for roleplay.

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