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The Bigger They Are [Lumi - FCM – Titanic Horrors]

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The Bigger They Are [Lumi - FCM – Titanic Horrors] Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 11:46 am


WORDS: 550 | TOTAL: #### | Ready to Rumble

“Haa… Haaa… Whew!” The battling brunette only remembering just how gassed a mere mortal could get in a fight when she was left heaving for air in the midst of a battlefield upon which she and her new friend were the only ones left standing, as the bodies of the bullies and brutes which they had felled were left groaning and grumbling all about her, Nikki Marcello had to admit that there was something about feeling her lungs burning with desire for air that she had never realised she had missed while being among the ranks of the undead. Yet now, as she stood there with her chest rising and falling and hands on her knees, she felt weirdly good about.

“Looks like that's most of 'em taken care of?” Perhaps some feeling like the peerless ability and the immortality offered by vampirism were too much to lose but not this brawling brunette, though she had found herself fighting her way out of plenty of hairy situations and had never failed to enjoy the fights that she got herself in, there was something about that sense of exhilaration one felt from the greater feeling of danger which just couldn't quite compare. Sure, some might see it as a downgrade, but to Nikki this was her choice, and so far it was one which she was enjoying.

“Funny, I thought there were more…” Thrust into a situation where she only had her strength to survive with and loving that fact, while she had thrown herself into this fight expecting quite the slobber knocker and perhaps one she wasn't quite sure that she would survive given the sheer quantity of her foes, the fiery fox had emerged from the other side largely unscathed and along with that almost feeling as if she had seemed to skip part of her main event with it.
“Aw well, no point crying over it.” Not failing to notice that the mob which she had to battle had grown thinner far faster than she had anticipated but hardly going to hate that fact, all that she could do was mop her brow with her sleeve and shake out the lactic acid building within her frame, before turning her attention to the comely creature who had arrived to watch her back in the battle.

“Say, you fancy…” Certainly feeling that there was a debt to be paid there and whether it be in the barroom or the bedroom this particular brunette happy to listen to suggestions, for a moment both the brow and the smile of Miss Marcello seemed to pique into something lopsided as she began to broach the issue, but all too quickly did the dark dish seem to be distracted by something.
“Wait…” Unable to fail to notice something which lurked over the shoulder of her companion in the distance, something gigantic enough to tower over the houses and buildings which surrounded them fell into the view of the vixen, and did so bombastically by seeming to lash out at anything which surrounded it.

“That's not a friend of yours, is it…?” Naturally prompting a pretty obvious question in the aftermath, all that Nikki could do was point and tilt her head, and question if something so strange as this titan might be connected to her other guest. I mean, stranger things, right~?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Bigger They Are [Lumi - FCM – Titanic Horrors] Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 3:39 pm


Before Lumikki could hear the rest of what her companion was going to say, as the woman had suddenly stopped abruptly. Lumikki, with a confused expression on her face would simply match Nikki’s bewilderment. All the while tucking her harp right back into personal abyss.

When Nikki finally pointed in a direction, she’d turn over. The frost mage’s keens were too sharp to miss the behemoth ahead. Its awkward run was somewhat disgusting, staggering with every step as if constantly on the verge of tumbling over. If one wasn’t enough to displease, she could now see it was being followed by more creatures akin but in varying sizes.

”Please lass, don’t insult me. Whatever they are, they’re repulsive aren’t they….?” Lumikki spoke with a defeated sigh like one might have when walking into a mess. This would hardly hold any difference as begrudgingly it was now her responsibility to clean.

”Don’t rush in just yet, we don’t know what they are. Let me see if we could deal with the innocent still around us.” Lumikki held her hand up like a pleading gesture, emphasizing her desire that Nikki should walk. And before the Demoness could hear her answer, she’d unfurl her wings and kick off into the air.

At the moment the two would find themselves within the streets not too far from the markets. It was still a way to the residential area now, but it wasn’t all that far. Not many people roamed below but there was still a presence. A few dozen were still mixed in with the rioters, and though vexing, they too needed to be escorted now. No flames could hold to her chill, but fire wasn’t the only dangers around. Building were being destroyed still, and the debris littered about could also cause more harm. That would now have to be the focus of her men while she gave full attention to the weird ones approaching rapidly.

”I need ye to clear the roads best ye can and escort whoever’s left out the streets. Clear the markets too if anyone’s left. Do it now!” Wasting little time, she’d allow herself to drop. The impact wasn’t much of a bother, but it wasn’t pleasant either. “I’d tell ye to go with ‘em to safety, but I assume by how ya act that won’t listen to me. I’m not sure how well yer fighting style could help ye here, but I can still extend a hand just not as attentive as before. I’ll be headed for that group to the east should ye want to follow. If not, take care lass.” As fast as she dropped, Lumikki would kick off again toward the first wave of fleshy giants.


The Bigger They Are [Lumi - FCM – Titanic Horrors] Img_0811

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The Bigger They Are [Lumi - FCM – Titanic Horrors] Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 1:25 pm


WORDS: 430 | TOTAL: 980 | Ready to Rumble

“You know… I'm built more for kicking ass rather than hauling it?” The scarlet eyed siren perhaps not reacting with the same spirit of rebelliousness to the sudden turn to which her new friend had taken toward leadership, though Miss Marcello did quite fancy seeing just how well she might manage to punch their overgrown adversary in the mug she could concede that the girl had a point when it came to the folk in the 'crushzone' of this titanic terror, and so in the spirit of her previous heroism sagged her shoulders and set to the task of clearing the streets. Though it had to be said if one was expecting good manners and gentle treatment as she did so, they would be sorely disappointed. Emphasis on the sore, with what followed.

“Oooiiiii! Idiots! Get out the way!” The raven rushing forward and bellowing as she did so, she waved her arms about and shouted as she aimed to get the attention of these headlight facing deer, and beckoned them to back the hell up and then back up some more before taking to the task with ever more vigour.
“Move it, or I'll move ya!” Not afraid to get rather hands on with the task and showing that as she grabbed some dopey figure and by the shirt and threw him in the opposite direction of their blundering menace, Nikki was sure that there would be some complaint about the roughness though at the end of the day suspected that the rampaging giant would be far less gentle than her, so in her mind the whole thing balanced out. I mean, what else might one expect of a rescuer from a dark guild, eh?

“Ah, there you are!” Not that she was on task for long before her blue furred pet made an appearance on the scene and Miss Marcello put him to task immediately, the finger of the feisty femme jabbed in the direction of moggy named Merry with a sense of exasperation, wondering just where he had wandered off to and now returned with a dumb look upon his face.
“Come on cat, today we're clearing up the streets!” Not that she wouldn’t be glad for the assist however and perhaps in more ways than one depending on how the battle might play out, all too quickly was she gesturing for her feline friend to join her effort toward getting these fools out of the way, before casting those ruby red eyes over her shoulder to see how her partner in crime was doing with holding back the brute…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Bigger They Are [Lumi - FCM – Titanic Horrors] Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 7:39 pm


Lumikki kept her brunette companion in the corner of her eye as she surged forward. Though they just met, it was hardly a surprise to the frost mage that Nikki wouldn’t just sweetly comply to what she’d say; but the “rough around the edges” tendency of the woman didn’t bother her in the slightest either. Lumikki enjoyed the company of those who were sure in their ability and keen on making their own choices. Whether those things served them well was up to the skills and determination they possessed. Of course, Lumikki made it a creed to not be entirely heartless, else she would hardly be better than her Abyssal kin. It would be for this reason that she was in her way, rebellious as well. Acting out of accordance to the usual Demon norm. And so the mage would step in when the moment called for it; but Nikki clearly held herself well. Albeit tossing the citizens of the North like dolls and flour sacks. Still, the agency of the brutish brawler quickly put her mind at ease in terms of the state of her people’s safety.

It was coming to a point where Lumikki could hardly play the supporting role she preferred to be. With the encroaching danger, there was no room to play any games. And so the Demoness flew over to the first of many ginormous beings, now noting the “herd” just off to the distance. With man of its companions now poking past buildings and structures, if they could help themselves from not crashing themselves into them.

They repulsed Lumikki, who didn’t know in the moment which she’d rather more. Would she try her hand at slashing them with her talons, or should she simply encase them all in ice. The mages turned over to glance at Nikki, as if to see whether the women viewed her in scrutiny for her presence. It was then that she noticed the brawler was no longer alone, and more focused on her friend than she was on the soaring mage.

Lumikki turned back to face the first, its wide and toothy grin could easily conjure a nightmarish vision, paired with the lifeless and beady eyes made for a gruesome expression. Its hair was short and scraggly, and though the legs were proportionate to the body, its arms were not. They barely reached all the far from the torso, limiting its grasp and only inhibiting its moment. What more, the sloppy beast kept getting tripped up on the fallen debris. Causing it to fall prone often. It would have been a wonder as to how it could rise so quickly or that many times if it wasn’t a first thought to assume this disposition was one it lived throughout its existence. But more than anything in terms to the large amassed list of its putrid qualities, none could compare to its uncanny appearance. It was human adjacent but somehow nothing akin to one all at the same time.

Lumikki got herself close, not like she needed to with her keen eyesight or ranged prowess, but she wanted to observe the creature in full before she slayed it. Its ungraceful movements made her ponder its sentience, it looked more and more like a mindless beast the more she watched on. And so there was not even any pity left in her the moment she rose her arm and enacted a gesture to conjure her magic. Warping the thing in a cold embrace that quickly encased it with ice and with more time, froze it to its core. Lumikki flew towards the freshly made stature before drawing out her legs and kicking it forward. The behemoth toppled over from the impact, shattering onto the floor when it crashed onto the ground.

Of course, they won’t all be handled with such care, the rest would see swifter results. As when to turned back to the coming hoard, she noted around twenty of these “Titians” in her sight. Lumikki sucked her teeth in utter annoyance, rolling her eyes as she looked back toward her patrol and her new acquaintance. It would seem most of the people were long cleared, the men now were preparing for the coming threat. Lumikki, sure of their skill, for what ever reason still felt utter uneasiness. As if some tragedy was yet to strike. It would seem to her that the only way to quell the rising anxiety was to finish most of them up herself is she could muster it.

It was then that she held back less, allowing herself to shift into her harpy form. The shadows and darkness still mingled in the air swirled and wrapped around her. Until breaking from the blanketed dark, Lumikki flew, busting out in her more monstrous form.


The Bigger They Are [Lumi - FCM – Titanic Horrors] Img_0811

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The Bigger They Are [Lumi - FCM – Titanic Horrors] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 1:35 pm


WORDS: 720 | TOTAL: 1700 | Ready to Rumble

Whew… Think that's most of em~! The raven feeling a sense of relief in seeing that by hook or crook she had seemed to usher or perhaps bully the crowds into a hasty retreat, she could feel her blood pumping hard with a sense of anticipation for what was to follow, and as she wheeled around and looked to the looming shadows of more monsters than she cared to count felt only a sense of excitement in the prospect of the challenge which was to follow.
Wow, might be able to 'help', huh~? Hardly seeming to be blind to the effort and effect of her new ally though left to scoff a little when she saw the feathered femme seeming to be not only going toe to toe with one of the titans but getting the better of them, Nikki's ruby red gaze tightened a mite as she remembered how her fellow fox had spoken of being more inclined toward support than anything else, and scoffed as she saw that she was far more of a fighter than she had ever seen fit to imply. Girl had been holding out on her, huh?

“Hope you've saved me some fun, Birdie!” Ultimately unsure of the reason behind that impulse which Lumikki had shown but ultimately Miss Marcello not particularly worrying over it either, all she could do was bellow as she bounded back toward the battlefield with that song of excitement hammering hard in the back of her head, and as she scrambled up and across rooftops to make up for the fact that flight was a gift to which she was rarely blessed beckoned for her blue friend to join her. Now that her chores were out of the way it was time to go all out, eh~?

“Let's do this thing, Merry!” The cat following suit with a smile and a sense of obedience which seemed ingrained as she called his name, after leaping before her the strangest little thing seemed to occur as the furry feline seemed to split into two, and then even odder those halves took on a new form entirely. Losing anything even remotely inclined toward mogginess and instead taking on an appearance which was more metallic and machine-like, the pair fell into the hands of the bounding brunette as she continued her rampage toward their colossal foes, and then began to let loose a barrage of bullets from each to pin a few of them down and ensure that none encroached either on the townsfolk or the ally she had found in this fight.

“And then…” A heroine as hearty as this one hardly to be satisfied with a few warning shots however and instead utilizing a little trick within the gauntlet she now wore to level the distance between herself and the giants which she was targeting rather fearlessly, all too quickly did Nikki seem to melt away into some form of smoke which seemed to lurch through the air as if blown by a gust, and ultimately coalescence once more on the shoulder of one of the largest among these monstrosities. Soon after the smoke fading and the scarlet eyed scrapper resuming her presence with a wicked grin on her face, both of her pet-turned-pistols were pointed at the head of the brute as she readied her biggest blasts from each of them, and she found something sweet seeming to swell up her spine as she watched that big and dumb face turn toward her.

“Hey big boy, have a bite a' peach!” As such the black belle letting loose a blast from both those barrels with no small degree of relish and with every intention of blowing the brute's head clean off with her blast, one might have wondered just who was the real menace here as the dark dish dauntlessly let loose with the zenith of the feline firepower she could offer and looked to be having the time of her life as she did so, and after really. Lurching from the shoulder of the stumbling giant and holstering her weapons as she did so, next she relied upon the cruel talons which her gauntlet provided to jab at the eye of another of this marauding gang, and looked more alive in doing so than any could have seen her. She really was made for battle, eh~?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Bigger They Are [Lumi - FCM – Titanic Horrors] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 5:09 pm


Nikki was not to far behind the harpy, the girl below was her share of monstrous. Her companions also sported a little surprise of their own as they spilt into two and shifted into guns to be wielded. The crack of the pistols were loud in the air, contrasting Lumikki’s silent magic entirely with its rapturous noise. It was easy to pull the harpy’s attention so that she could notice, watching the explosive tactics of the quick-footed brawler from below.

One body of a titan dropped, followed by another eating the next round of bullets. Lumikki would then in one motion, snatch a staff out of thin air. Her precious weapon existed within the realms in between but always at her side. And so she’d drag it back into this existence and wield it tightly within her hands.

As Nikki kicked off the fallen monstrosity, hanging into the air and shooting for her next target, Lumikki pointed her staff toward the brunette and funneled mana. The dark night air just around the girl wrapped and twisted, clinging into Nikki’s being and granting her a pair of wings to shot far more swiftly from above. Lumikki would then turn her gaze back down to the behemoths that waddled quickly toward them. Some better fit to use their legs than others among them. Now that she and her partner were in the air, it would be easier to impede the foes who had not other means to cross the desert scape from below.

Lumikk twirled slowly as she channeled much of her mana into her staff. Letting it pulsate with her dark lavender aura as it glowed and shimmered. When it reached a climax Lumikki felt satisfied with, Lumikki weaved her following motions rather gracefully. As one would when leading a dance. The final motion of her performance now pointing the head of her Abyssal Spine toward the floor and shooting the mana into a way where the ground was slowly freezing over.

Black ice encased the ground, in certain patches black frostflowers would grow in crystalline darkness structures before blooming into dagger-like, sharp petals. The rest was fine and smooth, easy to slip. The pure black almost looking like a mirror to the sky above as it caught the last of the lights in glimmers and shown them back from its surface. With this, the Titans could no longer handle their momentum or a means to stand around. Instead, they would fall over to the floor and maintain a loop of struggling to get back up only to continue slipping.

Lumikki’s dance however was not entirely done. Her movements kept going on in a melodic fashion, as if there was a song playing that she’d keep to, tucked within her thoughts. And her staff would react to such, its hungry form was consuming the next wave of its master’s mana. Readying itself for the next explosive and expansive spell to manifest.

Though the conclusion of the dance was a jarring one. Its final motion was not one somebody would predict. As Lumikki allowed herself to drop from the heavens, her talons outstretched to meet with the ground and carry the momentum form the drop. A momentum she channeled to her staff as she swung it down to the floor and unleashed the stored mana.

From which a wave of rising stalagmites ripped the ground like hunger teeth crushing their prey. The sharp and jagged, black spikes of ice now impaling all the Titans unlucky enough to fall into her environmental trap. The bunch that thankfully flocked together, were now writhing together from the brunt of her “Ragging Axe God” spell. And seeing their displeasure as they both froze and bleed out was pleasing to the Demoness as she kicked back up into the air. Her stunt took out a batch of ten, but she’d leave Nikki to have her fun now as there was not reason to hungrily take the carnage for herself.


The Bigger They Are [Lumi - FCM – Titanic Horrors] Img_0811

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The Bigger They Are [Lumi - FCM – Titanic Horrors] Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 10:41 am


WORDS: 360 | TOTAL: 2060 | Ready to Rumble

“Hrrrrnnngggg!!!” The brawling brunette certainly seeming to show a lot less art in what she was doing as she wrenched her now bloodied arm backward and ripped something out in doing so, Nikki seemed to give a groan as the brute she had suddenly turned into a cyclops howled with pain, and then spying the telegraphed manner in which it seemed to wish to swat at her took the opportunity and the dullness of reflex which the agony she had inflicted upon it to vault as high into the air as she could and avoid the blow. Smirking as she did so and then raising her heel up into the air, with the aid of gravity's pull the pugnacious princess delivered a hammering downward kick like an axe to fell the giant, before moving onto her next target.

“You got some moves, Frostfang! That demon magic~?” Calling out to the woman with whom she had elected to combat these monstrous menace and offering approval and insight as she used a little of the mana she had left in order to create some flames at her heels and provide herself with the inertia to fly at one of the other looming giants, there was something about the blackened corruption in the blizzardy bite that her fellow femme presented which reminded her of those who had been tainted by the corruption of hellish forces, and that was a quality she could not fail to comment on.
“Looks like we're both bad girls doing good today, huh?” The dark dish delighting in the irony of a lupine lass like herself and whatever manner of birdly beauty that the belle alongside her called her race being the shield which guarded the realms of the common man right now, all that she could do was grin as she flicked off what was left of one of the titan's eyeballs from her wrist before slugging another in the cheek with her other hand, knowing all too well that their work wasn’t yet done but from the look of things the tide had well and truly turned already. Now they just had to mop up the leftovers…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Bigger They Are [Lumi - FCM – Titanic Horrors] Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 11:22 pm


Lumikki chuckled, her laugh like the tundra gales echoing amid the icy caverns. It was melodious as she was amused, and in her playful mood, she’d choose to answer her brunette friend. ”Ye could say that yes. Not often someone calls me out on it so directly, they are usually occupied by the chill or wonder.” A smirk crept along her features as she rose back into the air. Her hand gesturing a prayer before send some of her frost magic to Nikki in a winter, whimsical manner. Black frostflowers grew along her skin, though cool, their chill did not bite. Rather, they alleviated the fresh wound on her arm as they constantly withered and bloomed until the flesh was fully mended.

Sure Nikki did not need the assistance there, but Lumikki made it a habit to look out and accommodate her allies. Even such small matters like these were not too small to escape her attention. Was it kindness or compassion? The Demoness would never really know. Often concluding that it was simply a benevolent way to express control and power, the act of supporting was perhaps just a manifestation now of her Demonic tendency to pull the strings from the back line. Or of course, it was just a clash of her internal self, as her human and demonic self mused and reasoned for the potential machinations that drove her. It was just to abstract to define, and seeing as it brought good to those around her, she wouldn’t think to much about excuses for doing so.

”Playin’ a good girl is something I find to be an amusing pastime. Keeps them wondering when the mischief will see its way.” This wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t her reality anymore. Lumikki harbored responsibility that required her to behave. Seeing as she loved her guild enough to choose this caged fate, she’d convince herself it was worth it.


╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗
Curtain Call
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝

The Bigger They Are [Lumi - FCM – Titanic Horrors] Img_0811

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