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Argen Goldgert

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Argen Goldgert Empty Sat Aug 24, 2024 7:10 pm



Name: Argen Goldgert
Age: 6 April X777

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual

Ethnicity, Father: Icebergian

Ethnicity, Mother: Savannan

Class: Sorcerer

Race: Human
Rank: D-rank

Guild: Guildless

Tattoo: N/A

Face: Ragna - Ragna Crimson


Height: 189cm / 6 Feet, 2.41 Inches

Weight: 85kgs / 187lbs

Hair: Silver

Eyes: Glass Blue

Overall: Argen is a youthful-looking man of above-average height and stature. He has an overall 'ethereal' look to him with pale skin, white hair, and bright blue eyes. His overall look lacks color and from a distance, one would have trouble telling if he's even a living being. Upon closer inspection, he can be considered quite handsome, with a fit build, well-groomed face and head, and a surprising lack of blemishes for someone who calls themselves an adventurer. His wardrobe is very consistent and practical for his profession. He either wears appropriately baggy clothing or appropriately tight clothing, with very little in between. He prefers monotone colors but will occasionally throw in some very pale shades of blue for 'variety'. He's not much of a fashion icon but he thinks he looks good in most clothes he puts on, not hating any particular style as long as he doesn't have to take it to the field.

Extra: Additional things for your appearance, such as tattoos, scars, piercings, etc.


Personality:  Argen is a man of few words. While he doesn't mind speaking to people he won't go out of his way to make conversation with a stranger. However, even if he is somehow forced to engage with someone he will often reply in ways that lead to the least possible responses. This is his way of cutting off conversations before he is inevitably dragged into some sort of adventure.

He is the helpful sort of person who will help anyone with essentially anything if they ask him nicely enough. He denies this, however, out of fear that people will take advantage of that little quirk and ask him to do their chores or something. He considers his helpful nature as something of a curse and any attempts he took to change it have just been. temporary. Despite how much of a hassle it can be, he finds the most fulfillment in helping those around him, and hearing the words 'thank you' is enough to brighten up his day, if said or shown in the right way, he can find himself blushing.

Despite other aspects of his personality, Argen does not necessarily think combat or fighting is a bad thing. What he does hate though, is the inherent hatred that exists between two combatants. Because of who and where he learned how to fight, he didn't necessarily understand why people would use it to hurt and steal. And to some extent, he still doesn't. Consciously or not this gives him the desire to help those who fall victim to violence, in his own way.

  • Home-cooked meals: The thought someone took the time out of their day to make him something to eat is a seasoning in of itself. If he is forced to take something as thanks for one of his many good deeds, he'll settle on the person making him food.

  • Senseless Violence: Self-explanatory

  • Nothing in Particular

    Real Motivation:

  • A World Torn By War - And he will do anything to prevent it


Distribute 30 points over the attributes below with at least 1 in every Attribute.

Strength: 3

Speed: 3

Constitution: 2

Endurance: 11

Intelligence: 11


Magic Name: God Slayer Magic: Water

Magic Element: Water + Darkness

Magic Enhancement: N/A

Magic Description: Water God Slayer is a powerful magic learned from ancient tomes and scrolls that combines the elemental trees of Water-type and Darkness-type magic. It does not allow the users to use these trees separately. The magic they cast is always colored black.


History: Like most adventurers and mages, Argen was born into this world with big dreams. Despite both of his parents not being native, he was privileged enough to grow up in Fiore and experience its culture. His weak appearance growing up combined with his foreign heritage would have normally made him a target of bullying. Still, everyone he met always took away one thing from their interaction, he was a good person. When playing Knights and Bandits, 9/10 he was the 'hero of the kingdom', and when he wasn't it was simply an effort to switch things up or acclimate a new kid into the mix.

This inherent good nature is not just something people make based on a first impression, regardless of the task he would always help out if asked. Anything from assisting the local baker, attending to the farm animals, and helping pave new roads with his dad's friends. While he always had a weak-looking build, he always possessed a strange strength from a young age. Not the kind that allows him to lift more cinderblocks at once than any other kid, but the kind that allows him to lift the same amount of bricks over and over and over again. It was once described that 'his body didn't make him strong, but his soul did'. He was always willing to take the most punishment with very little complaint with nothing more than a polite request fueling his resolve.

When he was around eight or nine his parents decided to train him in their respective specialties, his father's magic and his mother's swordsmanship. He didn't show any particular talent in either but his effort was noted. Neither of his parents were particularly legendary in their crafts so in all honesty that was probably the best possible outcome for him.

Discord: Honesthesia


Argen Goldgert Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 1:51 pm


Your journey starts here. Approved!

Argen Goldgert GPIjkMz

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