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Lothwen [Prestige Rebirth]

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Lothwen [Prestige Rebirth] Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 12:45 pm



Name: Lothwen

Age: 12 February, X594

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual

Ethnicity, Father: Athalran elf

Ethnicity, Mother: Athalran elf

Class: Cleric

Race: (Formerly Athlas Elf) - Lich

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Fairy Tail

Tattoo: Right Shoulder

Face: Zero - Drakengard 3


Height: 1 meter, 68 centimeter

Weight: 55kg

Hair: white

Eyes: Pink

Overall: A mere glimpse of Lothwen clearly betrays she appears to be a woman with an enigmatic past. Standing at one meter and sixty-eigh centimeters tall, Lothwen is most easily noticed by her pure white hair and the mysterious flower that grows where normally her right eye would be. While her skin appears to be fair, albeit slightly pale in coloration, the truth is that Lothwen is quite close to the entities the world knows as undead. Similar to a Lich, Lothwen's soul is contained in a phylactery, in this case the magical flower that grows from her right eye, which is also the method from which she is able to reanimate a body and make it look alive once more.

Should the flower be severed from the body the magic sustaining the corpse will falter and she will have to find a new body to possess, quite alike to a parasite in some ways.

Extra: Lothwen's right eye is replaced by a magical flower that also contains her soul.


Personality: To these who have met Lothwen, they will no doubt feel that she is quite unlike most wood elves. The reason behind this is because the Athlas Elf has experienced certain things at a young age that would make her be considered quite unusual as an elf.

Lothwen in general tends to show a cheerful and easygoing nature, a certain playful and mischievous side to her that is often attributed to tricksters and seducers. Indeed, Lothwen is a charmer through and through and seeing her get actually upset or angry is a sight only few had the misfortune of experiencing.

Unlike most, Lothwen is capable of showing a certain cruel and sadistic streak to her. No doubt attributed to her upbringing and the bad impression humanity left her with. Lothwen has always been considered like a coin, capable of showing two vastly different sides of the same individual.

However, Lothwen is and remains an Athlas elf, and according to the stories has developed a powerful bond with Yesan-Qaphas, to the point that some people believe she can hear the voice of the tree. Lothwen is often willing to pursue the protection of the tree to great extremes, to the point she might be considered zealous in her protectiveness of the tree.

However, in recent years the events involving a certain woman from Desierto led to Lothwen to develop a curiosity in the world beyond Athalran as she has started to accompany Nasira on her travels.

However, tragedy led to Lothwen to perish at the hands of human greed and wickedness, in the aftermath of the events that saw her travel the realm of Earthland as a spirit, Lothwen became incredibly withdrawn and quiet around strangers, distrustful to a fault as she tries to remain at Nasira's side as much as possible.

  • Nature: There is something about the great outdoors that has always held a certain allure to Lothwen, her fondness for nature clearly shown in how eager she is to venture outside.

  • Yesan-Qaphas: Considering the sacred tree similar to her parents, Lothwen can often be found among the low-hanging branches of the tree, eagerly conversing with the tree. The young elf clearly cares immensely for Yesan-Qaphas and looks up to it for both courage and guidance.

  • Humans: Her first exposure to humans is in the form of a group of slavers who kidnapped a group of elves, she believes most of them to be disgusting creatures that should be exterminated. She tends to look at them between disgust and hatred.

  • Fire: Associated to the tragedy that almost took her life, the element of fire is one she dislikes with a passion due to how fire reminds her of the moment she nearly died, but it also makes her think back of her parents.

  • Figuring out Nasira: Confused, curious, and fascinated at the same time, Lothwen is intrigued by Nasira's demeanor and Lothwen often wants to figure out whether it is her true nature or merely deceiving trickery.

  • Abandonment: Lothwen secretly fears the idea of being left alone, having lost her parents Lothwen is a social butterfly and prospers best with attention and affection.
  • Yesan-Qaphas' Destruction: A primal fear of Lothwen is the idea human nations will want to invade the wood elves their kingdom and in the ensuing conflicts lose their sacred tree. It is for that reason Lothwen tends to be quite distrustful.


Strength: 6

Speed: 6

Constitution: 6

Endurance: 6

Intelligence: 6


Magic Name: Greed Magic

Magic Element: Arcane

Magic Description: This spell requires no motion. The user rearranges the carbon in their body to make their skin impenetrable. Their appearance shifts into a metallic being. When using this spell, the user will nullify any Physical Damage that hits them, at the cost of mana equal to the amount of damage that they have received, this is influenced by any resistances or weaknesses that the user has. The amount of mana drained for physical hits is determined by what the rank of damage would have cost as a spell. The user cannot choose which hits they null or not when using this spell, all physical hits will drain mana automatically. The user cannot be cut, stabbed, pierced, or hurt in any way physically. This means that the user can battle weapon users bare-handed. If the user's Strength is one or more rank higher compared to the opponent, they may stop weapon hits without being moved from their spot i.e. grab a weapon slash with their bare hands without being pushed back. The spell does not have any sustain cost. The actual mana cost comes from the user paying mana to nullify Physical Damage. This spell cannot be nullified.


History: Born to a humble huntress and a guard of the city Lothwen's birth would have led to a warm and caring upbringing, if not for the fact a tragic fire in the middle of the night robbed her parents of their lives and left the little child on the brink of death. Indeed, even if she was able to be saved in time, Lothwen's injuries were severe and the amount of smoke that she inhaled made it clear she would likely not survive. However, as the tradition with the wood elves had, Lothwen was placed in the hole of the sacred tree as relatives and friends of her family prayed for her to be saved. However, when the next morning Lothwen was not found, it was thought she had perished.

As people gave up hope for her, and hoped she would find peace being reunited with her parents one of the priests of the village continued to pray, whispering softly. It was when the evening arrived that the priest heard a soft singing voice and as the priest lifted his gaze to the branches above him he found Lothwen swinging her legs back and forth in the air, talking softly as if she was conversing with someone who was not there... Was she talking to the sacred tree?

After the priest called up to Lothwen the man learned that Lothwen had lost consciousness during the fire but heard a gentle voice calling out to her, attempting to comfort and encourage her to struggle onward. When she finally woke up she swore she could hear the tree's voice. Lothwen' initial story would have likely been too outlandish to believe, if not for the fact that during the night the moon's rays showed signs of green tribal-like markings on her body.

The priest smiled at her, revealing he had undergone a similar experience to hers in the past as a child and offered to take her in. As a priest of the sacred tree he could easily grant her access to the tree to continue visiting it. The priest whose name was Calen, was a prominent member of certain Athalran elven family, and as such it was an adoption none would frown upon.

Over the years as she grew up Lothwen's story quickly garnered the attention of more extremist wood elves who believed that humanity was a threat to their kingdom and that they should become isolationistic and keep humans away from them. However, the leader of the group, an elderly priest of Athalran believed that Lothwen could hear the tree's voice and wanted both to look at her for learning the tree's motives but also to garner more people into their ranks.

As the years went by Lothwen's surroundings warped her opinions similar to these of the group, although she firmly looked with adoration and guidance to the sacred tree that had saved her life. However, at some point, something happened that would change her future quite remarkably. It all began when a group of slavers had kidnapped a group of young elves and the group was determined to free them and deal with the slavers the harsh way.

When the group moved out Lothwen accompanied them, watching with disgust at the nightmarish torture the human slavers had inflicted upon their victims. Not just elves, there was even a darker-skinned human among the slaves. As the rest of the group took it upon them to save the elves Lothwen felt something, a memory stirring when she was still little. The little elf was seated at the base of the Yesan-Qaphas and hummed softly. "Why did you decide to save me back then?" To which Lothwen received a reply that surprised her: Because it looked like you were asking to be saved.

You see... True heroism is born from people whose body react before their mind does.

Before she knew it, Lothwen was undoing the chains of the young woman and threw a blanket over her. Turning around as she muttered softly. "Stay close... I protect you... till you can stand on your own feet once more."

With these words, she decided to become the young woman: Nasira's protector among the elves. Although the group was not exactly pleased with Lothwen's actions, the young elf's actions have intrigued their leader as Lothwen explained that she was guided by the Yesan-Qaphas. Lothwen wanted to observe Nasira, both to learn more about humanity' mentality, but also to figure out a proper plan on how to keep them away from the Yesan-Qaphas. However, over the years that followed Lothwen felt Nasira was quite different from how she had observed other humans. The slavers and the stories she had heard about humans were vastly different from what behavior Nasira conveyed. As such when Nasira was back to health Lothwen offered to take Nasira back to Fiore.

However, as she traveled alongside Nasira, Lothwen felt quite conflicted. A part of her found the woman endearing and soothing, but a part of her was also quite suspicious still considering Nasira was a human. Was Nasira's behavior during her time among the wood elves merely an act? Lothwen couldn't rule it out yet. But what was this conflicting feeling within her? She wasn't certain, but for the time being she decided to wait and observe. And then it happened: During a trip to one of the more larger settlements in one of Fiore Lothwen was cornered by some troublemakers but rather than being able to retaliate, Lothwen found herself protected by Nasira who forced the troublemakers away. Why... Why was Nasira so different to the other humans she had heard about? Could she truly make such a convincing act? Finally deciding to trust Nasira and her own feelings, she ended up doing something that she had considered impossible previously: She started dating a human.

However, tragedy struck when during their stay in Baska Lothwen had hoped to surprise Nasira by making her a delicious meal. It all started innocently, she had gone out shopping for groceries, but she never returned that day...

In truth during her trip homewards Lothwen scarcely recalled what happened aside from the fact she saw some men walk past her and then darkness blanketed her vision as she felt something pressed against her face. That day Lothwen had been kidnapped and murdered, her disappearance leaving Nasira lost and confused.

However, in truth Lothwen's soul continued to drift among Earthland's realm, unable to pass on due to her worries for Nasira, but as the young elven spirit continued to drift around Nasira caught wind of the mysterious sightings of an elven maiden that matched Lothwen's description, and upon investigating the sightings discovered a brutal plot:

A Baskan cult had been using Lothwen's body, reanimating it like a puppet to lure people into traps, and obviously, Nasira wasn't going to allow that to continue. During her delve into the cult's headquarters Nasira was able to stop the cult but also discovered an enigmatic flower, a flower that Lothwen was able to possess and use its powers to take over the lifeless body that had once been her. Although she initially desired to take the opportunity to say a proper farewell, deep inside she was hesitant to leave behind Nasira, having seen just how painful her disappearance had been, and so she instead pleaded for Nasira, that even if her return would be fueled by unholy magics, that at least she would tolerate it, for Lothwen vowed that Nasira would never be alone again.

In the days that followed Lothwen has been using most of her strength to keep her vessel alive, using the powers of the mysterious flower to control it. However, despite the fact she had finally returned to Nasira's side she did understand she needed to learn more about the origins and nature of the magic that empowered her, and so the two of them would start their journey, a journey done together... for she would never let Nasira be alone again...

Discord: LewdingTrees

Reference: Tree


Lothwen [Prestige Rebirth] Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 1:42 pm


A tragic story of betrayal and love. Approved!

Lothwen [Prestige Rebirth] GPIjkMz

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