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One's Weakest Element.(Social.)

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One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Tue Dec 12, 2023 2:49 pm

If anything there was a manner of always learning art there was things she was good and bad at, There was a lot of she was good at there was a fair amount of bad. In this case it would be the bad only because she was cold. As silly as one thing could sound because most people could not handle the cold. Miriko was not the best at handling the cold. She was worst then most people when it came to the cold.

Thus when it came to it Miriko had a chance to learn something new, When she knew very well she was most likely not going to do well with it. She still said yes. It was a chance to learn and she would do her best. But she had to ponder how well she would at it. Any other attempts for learning anything moulding or shaping outside of paint never worked for her.


One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Fri Dec 15, 2023 7:12 am


Her ravens would often report that the wandering artist known as Mimi has been seen in the North. Painting as earnestly as when she last saw her. Lumikki’s birds took a liking to the girl, still very much enjoying the sensation of seeing their likeness in her work. So they would often time watch out for her in their day to day observations.

Lumikki, often busy miscellaneous matters, would decided to entertain a pleasing idea instead. She wrote a note and sent it with a raven tasked to deliver it to the charming girl. Hoping that her offer would come at a good time to bring Mimi respite.

Greetings Mimi,

It has been some time. If you would like, I want to invite you to ice skate with me. Don’t worry about the skates, I’ve had some forged a while ago. Should you entertain my offer, simply say so to my raven and they will pass on your reply.

The locations with be in Orchidia but I’ll send a raven to guide you within the outskirts. There’s a lake that not many people know of hidden in the foliage.

From, the lil raven Lumikki

It was sometime since she passed on that note, her messenger bird already returned with the await answer, yes. Lumikki has all things planned already, and a pair of skates packed within her void as well as a lunch for two and snacks. She knew all too well this artist would forget the task of eating and not pay such a thing much mind. But for the day to be pleasant, she would have to give it much forethought.

And so the Demoness set out to the location as planned, setting it up for her guests arrival. Lumikki wanted a lake as it would be perfect to freeze for her task, and so even as she got there, her chill was proceeding her. Freezing the air and soon enough the surface. With one strong channel with her staff, Lumi would solidify much of the water for at least two meters, assuring there were no weak points in the ice for the girl to come to harm. Now all there was to do was to wait for her company to arrive.

One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Img_0811

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One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Sat Dec 16, 2023 3:20 pm

And with that the message was passed on, Miriko almost seemed unsure of the idea to start with. After all she did not have any experience with what she was invited to do. Before she even considered saying no Alistair spoke up."Go do it."In which it almost seemed some what guessed that Miriko wanted to reconsider."I don't know how to skate....it will be embarrassing."Mirko answered at first, but it seemed almost as if Alistair was still going to make her.

In which after a few minutes of bickering Miriko figured it was a losing battle and to do it anyway. It was a form of art she did not know anyway so it was worth a shot. Thus Miriko agreed and started following the raven. It was pretty and Miriko would pass the time of riding Alistair there by pulling out a small drawing book and started to draw that crow.

It would be good to pass the time while they walking over. It seemed all and all was going to be an interesting day for Miriko. hopefully things did not end too horrible for her. But she was just a wee bit paranoid.


One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Tue Dec 19, 2023 4:22 pm


Lumikki was tending to the area in preparation for her guest. Snacking on darkness as she overlooked the ice for the skating rink. Once she was satisfied, she sat off to the side to relax. The frost mage came much earlier than had informed Mimi to ensure things were catered to before her arrival.

The sun hung in the air, descending from its highest point. Lumi, who had her hair in two braids and a black dress akin to the one worn by a black swan, would be leaning on the tree and reading one of the books she had prepared. Some stray tales of warriors who occupied distant lands would dance among her pages in perpetual battle. And Lumi was lost in her imagination as she saw it all in her mind.

She would not be woken from her daze until a raven of hers would venture forth with news of Mimi's arrival. The girl would not be long now. So Lumi got up and tucked her book away. Pulling out a pair of skates she figured would fit the girl fine.

One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Img_0811

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One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Wed Dec 20, 2023 3:07 pm

It was a nice trip over all, Miriko almost forgot she was going to go learn a thing because she was enjoying drawing a raven flying in the sky line. It was going to be a wonderful picture to consider either giving to Lumi or sell later because people tend to like these pictures, Even taking the time ot make it as detailed as possible. Miriko was already lost in her own world and no one would over all be shocked by that when they saw her.

But alas they where moving along making more then good enough time for everything to go as planned but Lumikki. Most likely by the time they had arrived Miriko was still drawing and not really paying attention. Some one else was prepared to skate where Miriko was not looking at all even when Alistair had arrived and sat waiting for Miriko to actually interact with Lumikki.


One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Wed Jan 03, 2024 2:18 pm


When the time for the girl took a bit longer than she expected, she pulled her book out once more. Only lightly going over some of the pages she already looked over, to not leave off in a spot she was not prepared for.

Finally, Mimi would join her, entering the area with her precious Mount Alistair. But the lass was in a daze of her own, fascinated with one of Lumi's ravens. At least this is what she could observe. So she slumped back down in her spot for a moment to read over a few more pages. Lumi would do this long enough until she felt Mimi should have been just about done. Tucking her book back into the void before getting up and grabbing the skates.

" Kind enough to accept me offer lass, I hope yer day treated ya fine enough. And thanks for bringing her over friend, I know she tends to focus on work more than things like this. Did me raven charm ya?"

One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Img_0811

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One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:08 am

Miriko was seemingly not paying attention all that much, Which meant Lumikki was right Alistair however was capable answering questions."It seems they have, Not that I mind. it just means Miriko is easy to move until we arrive."Alistair didn't laugh about it but it was true Miriko had been easy to carry about even if she was an abnormally tall woman who got warm or cold easily and worried about getting sun burnt easily too. Over all when you thought about Miriko she was an oddity to deal with because she was picky in some manner.

Then Miriko realized where she was."Wait...what? Oh where here..."Miriko said finishing her drawing almost like it was all lining up. Then well Alistair would settled down. Miriko did get off of Alistair closing her drawing book and started to prepare herself mentally to fail at skating on ice.


One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Sat Jan 20, 2024 5:06 pm


Lumikki chuckled at the girl's reaction upon discovering where she was. The bird must have taken her from not only time but also space. Though she was not very excited and this worried the Demoness. " What is it lass, not happy to meet me. I mean ye no harm, if I had, then yer partner wouldn't of let ye see me." Lumikki dropped the skates to the ground and reached her hand into a dark void carved with a ring from her finger. After a bit of feeling around, she found what it was that she wanted and with two hands she pulled out a hefty box that her shadow helped her lower down.

" From what I remember last time love, from all the chit-chat, was that this was yer favorite meal." Lumi crouched down to open the lid and reveal a cache of fish prepared. " Seeing as I invited ye both, I thought it best to be prepared." She left them to it and focused on Mimi once more. A soft smile was on her face as she reached out her hand," Mind if I see the art ye did this time? Or would ye like another close look at one of me birds? Regardless of the premise of why I invited ya, I want ye to have fun throughout it all and at yer own pace.

One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Img_0811

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One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Tue Jan 23, 2024 12:35 pm

It seemed Miriko was leaving the wrong impression and thus what was almost normal of her would start, the slightly worrying panic would come in. Alistair could laugh about it slightly because what was about to unfold."It isn't like that at all...!"Miriko said in a panic that she realized what was going on. she sounded nervous and if anything now in a panic."I am more delighted to be here! I was just...distracted."Miriko said.

After letting his laughter settle for a moment."I am sorry this is too funny, Miriko has a horrible habit of tuning the world out during travel she isn't meaning anything bad."Now Miriko was some what in a panic and trying to settle down.

Even moving on to the fact of why she was here to start with."I am more then happy to be here and to see you...."She was now sounding a bit shaky.


One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:44 am


Lumikki giggled at the girls frantic response. For a lass who was so much taller, she still had many childish tendencies, much like the Demoness herself. Lumikki drank in the animated display before trying to sooth her guest’s worries.

” We all get distracted, aye. Was in a good book before ye graced me with yer arrival. Still, I prefer yer company to me stories.” Lumi gestured toward her preperations, mostly highlighting the food she brought for the pair to enjoy. ” Ye just arrived and theres no rush. Would ya like to share the cookies with me? I also brought some tea. It’s been so long since I’ve seen ye last. Would ya like to catch up with me first?”

Lumi took the lead as she went back over to her seat. Pulling out some of the plates and trays with the snacks she got in the morning. Once she was content, she sat back down.

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One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Sun Feb 25, 2024 5:10 pm

Some one was slowly peering through how Miriko was, yet for as mature and pretty looking Miriko was, as some one who normally was and trying to be over all an adult, she still was mostly adult in many ways but her mind was some what easily seen. But it was also the attention span of some one always creating things. Slightly childish attention span for a pretty looking woman who is carried around on a giant cat. A keen sight to look over.

Books where also something Miriko liked, as one learned more about the meek soul they will pick up. But it seemed over all things bringing cookies and tea was seemingly now a better distraction, it got Miriko mind off of other things that was starting to on. Much like how she was not right away feeling cold while travelling around so much much like she normally would be."How hot is the tea?"Miriko asked because she was easily gonna to feel the heat of the tea even if it as silly.


One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:39 am


” The water boiled over ten or so minutes ago before ye arrived but I kept it on simmer so it would still be heated when ya did show. I have lavender, earl grey, and ginger to choose from at the moment.” Lumi. Would say as she moved over to pick over the kettle from the contraception that heated it. There were many useful things to be had in lands far from her home. Iceberg wasn’t lacking in any ways meaningful, but modern luxuries like these would find it hard to traverse those lands. The people either stuck on tradition or what faired them best in the harsher locations. But that was something Lumi would come to love, as enjoying these simple pleasures would open her to be more grateful on the expansion of her perspective.

What ever was Mimi’s choice would be the tea added to the pour. To which Lumi cooled so that it was of comfortable temperature to drink from there. She pointed to the sugar and honey on her make shift table setting and passed the girl a spoon so she may flavor her drink how ever she pleased. Meanwhile Lumi fixed a cup for herself, opting for lavender herself as she found it quite calming.

One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Img_0811

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One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Fri Mar 22, 2024 5:18 am

It was seemingly all good timing, At least in Miriko's eyes anyway. Not many people timed when they put a kettle on. Then again Miriko would most like struggle between being too hot and too cold. But to note she seemed to have gone for the ginger tea. As this went on Miriko's flaw of being horrible with temperatures. She had to put on a checked blanket with a dark purple rope with tassels at the end of each rope to keep it in place

Alistair had already been okay and merely settled in to watch but, upon touching the git cup of tea Miriko seemed already to twitch away from it because it was already too hot for her. it was silly when you thought of it. Miriko proving over all she was not made for too hot or cold weather. So with a bit of a smile about it she would wait a bit to not keep throwing herself in temperature shock. But she could not hide very well that she did have that problem. But still none the less seemed grateful for getting tea.

It seemed she was not backing down form this even if in some manner Miriko knew she was going to not have the best time with it. But she was going to give it her all.


One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Wed Apr 17, 2024 9:27 am


A giggle escaped Lumikki’s lips as she observed Mimi’s distress. It was not in the slightest malicious, but more endearing. The girl though towering in height, would act so oddly in her discomfort. It made Lumikki wonder how such a lass could even fair back in her homeland where things far harsher. But Fiore has indeed been a comfortable place to settle and meet new people.

Lumi didn’t let the moment go on much longer. As she tried to calm her laugh, she leaned over and poked the tea cup with point of her long nail. Like a cool breeze, a chill washed over the cup. Refreshing Mimi’s fingers from the heat and make the tea much less hot. Now it would be much easier to drink. And Lumi would hint for the girl to enjoy with a swish of her hand as she took a sip from her own cup.

” I’d be sure to chill yer tea moving forward lass. Though no need to hold a facade.”

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One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Fri Apr 19, 2024 9:51 am

In an interesting twist Miriko let out a bit of a sigh almost like she was doing her best to kind of control it and then merely just let herself be Miriko."You think I would learn not to put up an act this point huh?"Miriko asked in a blunt manner almost like she was just merely use to it.

But alas Miriko seemed to some what manage, but at least she was not acting like a spoiled princess about it. She knew and just acted some what to make it not some one's problem."Never did learn why I was not good at handling weather it just always been a problem with me."Miriko said while she blew on the tea a bit trying to judge weather or not it was safe. But still seemed unsure at that time. So she would wait a bit more.

Miriko then would merely remark."And to think, I dread summer just as much as winter."Miriko was a spring and fall kind of girl. Or whatever weather that is completely even and did not get her too hot or cold at the same time. She was not picky at least just bad at adjusting to weather.


One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Fri Apr 19, 2024 9:51 pm


” Yer a young lass, love. There are folk triple yer age that still haven’t learned. Consider it but another skill to gain.” Lumi took a sip of her tea, lingering with it on her tongue to savor the taste. And she’d reach for a cookie while Mimi spoke her gripe.

” It’s a problem that thankfully doesn’t mean much. There are often solutions avaible.” Lumi paused to observe the girls behavior. For the trouble she went to chill the tea, it would appear that Mimi was still very apprehensive.

” If ya wait any longer than the tea would turn cold lass. I could cool the tea but lack the power to reheat it.” Lumi took a pause to finish her cookie. ” Personally I prefer the winter, hardly a surprise I know. Ice magic solves the problem of getting hot, and tolerance saves me from getting cold easily. I hardly look in the shop but I’m sure there are magic ye could buy to aid ye on yer preservation. Why tolerate something as deplorable as heat when frost spells are in the ready?”

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One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Sun Apr 21, 2024 9:10 am

A skill to gain was an interesting way to mention it. After all Miriko no matter how many times she tried could not manage to train herself to get use to the cold or the heat."I think it was a learned skill, I would managed it a bit better by now.."with that, Miriko sneezes loudly. It seemed she lost trying to resist the cold but alas at least she did seem not ready to give after all there was lesson to be had.

But she then took a sip of her tea over all not really paying much attention to the suggest of it getting to cold. She merely took a sip of tea. seemingly with in the moment it showed it was still a bit too hot for her even showing it right away that she found it too hot. Even doing the typical something was too hot motions of coughing slightly and fanning at her mouth like it was too hot for her. She tried but it seemed alas she had not don't well here.

Alistair seemed to be trying not to laugh at her as this was some what expected even remarked."At least one more minute and you would have been okay Mimi."He mentioned because he knew how she worked. Alsitair was vast well of knowledge on how Miriko worked and how could manged. So one could learn many things from him.

But seemed to manage the cookies a fair amount better."I have suggested such a thing a few times, Miriko just doesn't buy the items to help her, she prefers to wrap herself in blankets she makes herself."Proving either she is determine to show off how much work she could do, Or too stubborn to change things around.


One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Wed Apr 24, 2024 6:36 am


Lumikki giggled, ” Well if ye could make blankets then ye could make coats then.” She leaned forward one more time to cool the tea until it was barely warm. Assuring there was no burn left out be tasted. And she let the girl enjoy the cup while taking the cookies placed out before her.

But as soon as Lumi felt Mimi had her fill, she grabbed the skates and placed them before the girl. Looking at Mimi with playful eyes like a cat observing the swimming of fish. ” If we couldn’t grant ya that spell lass, we could at least work our way through this one!” As it was time to finally take the first steps in learning. Lumi would have left more time to sit and digest, but she was worried that by doing so. The pair would get lazy and comfortable. She was already feeling it now after the fourth cookie she ate. And the Demoness didn’t want to lose the opportunity of today’s plans.

” Strap them on lass~ its time to play on the ice.” Lumi got up herself in her fit of excitement, but she also hoped that the gesture would prompt Mimi to action. The little Demoness hardly towering over a Mimi sitting down, but the intensity of her energy would do the pushing for her.

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One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:39 am

While it still all silly at least first, Miriko would show she actually was interested in learning. Even if the nature of being almost easily beaten by something that changes daily. When offered the skates, Miriko seemed to not be scared of putting them on, Getting up from her spot sat herself close to the ice took off her boots with out much effort and started putting the skates on.

Easily seen is how Miriko tied her laces, It seemed many years of making clothing and corsets make her really good at tying laces for anything related to it. Alistair however was unsure how this would all go. Mostly because he had never seen Miriko skate before and knew she had horrible balance. the Cattian would start moving over to where Miriko was. Rather then just sitting in place for long periods of time.

But after both of her skates had their laces ties with looking like they were styled to have flowers rather then two loops at each side Miriko started getting up and slowly walking towards the ice, Alistair was almost merely casually walking behind to make sure some one caught her if she feel, until she touched the ice.


One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Thu Apr 25, 2024 8:07 pm


Lumikki was pleased to see the girl's prehension wash away as she worried Mimi wouldn't humor her. It would be that reason the Demoness took extra care to be mindful of the lesson. What's more, the style in which the lass was quite fascinating, making Lumi desire the skill she had.

" Since I'm teaching ye this skill love, mind teaching me how ya tied the laces like that? This is the first I've seen of that style." Lumi spoke soft but excited, and just like Alistar, she kept close to Mimi to aid her if she fell. If it were in soft fur or soft snow, the girl would not suffer from a tumble.

And soon enough the trio would make it to the ice Lumi prepared prior, refreshed by her return. Lumi to the steps first, walking on the surface as if it were normal ground; but to better demonstrate useful tips to the towering lass, she frosted the soles of her feet with blades to mimic Mimi.

With an outstretched hand, the Demoness welcomed the diligent artist to take it and promised her there was nothing to worry about. They had much of the day to practice and it was all meant to be fun. " At first, I heard, it's recommended to practice walking with the blades. So ye'd want to step like this," she would utter while putting on a demonstration. Carefully lifting her legs and taking small but steady steps. Then she paused to give Mimi a chance to follow along.

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One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Fri Apr 26, 2024 1:34 pm

It was good thing to ask about, Miriko even if she was a rather serious artist was not one to hide how she did the things she did. One did merely have to ask. It was something Miriko would be happy to show it. Even if it was a bit tricky, she was not one to get people to shy away from learn."Do keep in mind it might take a bit getting use too. It is not the most practical way of lacing. All merely for style I throw in from many different kinds of clothing I have made." Making dresses was hard work and seemingly lacing just happen to be a part she just worked over time on.

But she would show Lumikki it seemed almost like she would not reconsider in any manner."I would suggest I sit back down to show you." With that she sat down on Alistair. untied one of her skates and motioned for Lumikki to come over and watch."I will show you very slowly. Then guide you through your attempt it, No one will get it right away for it something I did for the laces of dresses and not normally for skates."Then when the most curious of minds came over Miriko would slowly show what she did to tie them.

She was expecting question while she slowly showed what she did, Miriko was even prepared to repeat things if needed. To think this very quiet, well manner, meek woman was actually fairly good a showing and teaching when given the chance too. She wanted people to not be shy of the craft she did.


One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Wed May 01, 2024 6:36 am


Lumikki took careful watch to the girl at work. Replaying every movement of her hands and lace so that she herself could recreate it. All the will pulled at her own shadow and make-shifting some laces of her own. It took the Demoness a few tries to get the gist and a few more to get it write. She had to get her fingers used to the dexterity needed to succeed in such a task.

” The mother of mine’s a seamstress. I’d see her toil in her workshop often but it never stuck on me. Not the way me Pa’s forge did. Suppose working with flame makes any task seem more fantastical. Still, it wasn’t all lost on me,” Lumi would utter as she pulled up the rest of her available shadow and warping it into something more akin to fabric. It was cold to the touch but more solid than its intangible nature and she would hand it over to Mimi to examine.

” Not good in a practical sense, I can’t fiddle with needles like me Ma can; but I do tend to fashion me own dresses from the dark around me…it just a habit that makes me think of her.”

Lumi walks over to the ice ready.

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One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Mon May 27, 2024 2:56 am

In some manner it was delightful that Miriko learned these things about Lumikki, Because Miriko’s work does aspire from people’s lives, their connections and how they see it all. Sometimes it was scary how good she could make things almost like she somehow saw these things as past images in her mind.”Well, that does sound like a somewhat decent adjusted life even if you had taken things differently.”Miriko even if most people saw her as this quiet, barely speaking artist was actually able to hold a conversation, Just most people might not seemingly know how to talk to Miriko.

For the life of beauty of a glamor, Even if she made some of Fiore’s most wonderful dresses that took long periods of time to make. Art pieces beyond most possible understanding of how to view it. In some manner it was almost like talking to Miriko about things that were not just art, showing she was still a normal being and not a mere person on a stage for the world to see.

But she didn’t mention her parents. Sometimes it was a sore subject. While she was able to manage it a bit more nowadays. But she did show what one wanted to learn, standing up and slowly started working her way towards the ice to try skating, There was still a slight look of nervousness on her face.


One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 10:31 am


Mimi approached the ice, determined as she could ever be; but that was enough for Lumikki who was keen on teaching her carefully. ”The first lesson we should settle on is getting ye used to the skates. Balancing on them at first could prove to be an odd task as it doesn’t feel normal to ya like a pair of boots would. So for now we’ll work on taking a few steps to see how well ye do with that. And don’t worry about falling, me magic’s ready to catch ya on what ever tumble.”

Lumikki demonstrated her point as she spoke. Her voice soft but clear and stern. She did not want to worry her friend all that much about learning the new skill, but she knew just how vexing it was. Lumikki would reach out her hand to Mimi to offer her support to balance, unlike Mimi, she didn’t slip from the ice. It came naturally to walk atop it like any other ground one treads on.

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One's Weakest Element.(Social.) Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 4:43 am

This would seem like a simple lesson, on the figurative paper and easily mentioned as well. Logically it was all simple to understand. Miriko knew also in some manner it was all easy to understand. But it seemed Lumikki was prepared if Miriko where to fail.

But the question most likely she could ponder is, how often she would fall? As she felt like it was gonna be a bit of a rough time. But at least with Miriko she was never was going to give up, She was going to keep trying even if how quickly she will fall will be apparent.

Even now she would mention that she did in fact understand."Sounds fair a enough."Miriko said as she almost seem to mentally preparing herself her for this to happen. She would take a few steps as she tried to keep balance. Then she seemed to fall forward slightly almost like she was already having problems, In some manner this might have been expected.

Alistair was some what expecting this too but alas he would watch. He was use to carrying Miriko across ice because she didn't know how to nor did she carry skates around.

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