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Avery Sifongo

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#1Avery Sifongo 

Avery Sifongo Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 4:59 pm

Avery Sifongo


Name: Avery Sifongo

Age: April 24th, x776 (20)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Ethnicity, Father: Boscosi

Ethnicity, Mother: Boscosi

Class: Cleric

Race: Demi-Human (Sponge-Human)

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Sleeping Calamity

Tattoo: Left Palm

Face: AI art image


Height: 5'4 | 1.62 M

Weight: 150 lb | 68 Kg

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brownish-Red

Overall: Avery is a unique demi-human as most aren't mixed with an animal as extraordinary as a Metazoan Porifera while his extremities are solid, his torso is porous amalgamation of different layers of flesh. Avery has long grown accustomed to the looks he receives for having such a different species and longs for the day he can be among his kind again. He also lacks eyebrows, instead his eye lashes are so long it almost appears to be 2-3 vertical eyebrows. His nose is best described as a stick or carrot you'd put on a snowman made flesh.

His typical apparel is a patchwork jacket made of various clothes and belongings from his home and other clothing of various importance. Then underneath he designed knapsack apparel, a skill he acquired while a slave. Even after his freedom and new wealth he preferred the comfort of a burlap sack made clothes. His sense of fashion he calls Garb-A-Lique and typically trends a style of utility with a failed sense of business casual. To Avery this shows his business like approach to healing.
Extra: Instead of wearing glasses, Avery corrects his vision with two lens attached to makeshift lens container at the moment it an old pair of goggles from an aviation helmet he stripped and reattached to a tight band.


  • Youthful/Immature: Avery was pushed into slavery at a young age, due to his race his body grew faster than his minds developed. As a result while he was in slavery he was worked similar to an adult. He was also surrounded by them until his escape; still trying to relive and enjoy his childhood he acts much younger than his age.
  • Witty: While Avery lacks intelligence from his lack of education he still picked up on critical thinking skills to stay alive in slavery. He can be quite witty, but often fails to understand the actual situation on hand ultimately failing due to sheer stupidity.
  • Greedy: Avery was only with the bandit clan for a short while, but during this stint he got to experience hedonistic luxury. He wishes to experience an even more opulent living style. His line becomes a lot less apparent when there's a decent amount of money involved though he tries to be better around Thunder Clappy.
  • Stubborn: While he might show it openly Avery does not give up on his ideas easily. Due to being beaten down he knows how to appear submissive while he can be fuming on the inside. It was his stubbornness that caused him to never give up hope on escaping.
  • Crass: Avery has no interest in manners they weren't important when he was a slave pretending to care about civilities of a system that was ok with his situation is one he doesn't care to participate in. He says what's on his mind and cares little about the repercussions unless they would hurt his close friends or allies.

  • Money: Avery think money solves all issues.
  • War/Skirmishes: Seeking to become stronger and make money healing others war is something he yearns for so he can practice his skills more freely.

  • Other Healers: Avery wants to make the most money possible and work as little as possible. The simple solution in his mind is to get strong enough to eliminate the competition.
  • Charity: Charity and religions have hurt Avery's bottom line for some reason people associate healing with goodness. Avery has a skill that he'd like to perfect and make money while doing that.

  • Strongest Healer/ Richest Healer: After his childhood in slavery Avery wishes to be the strongest healer, once there he could charge exorbitant prices. With that wealth he could pay to find his home as well as give his family the life of luxury they deserve.

  • Ice Magic: It happened once while he was a slave they froze him and with his porous skin part of it becomes flaky and bleeds in odd painful ways. As a result Avery is more reserved and quiet around Ice magic users.
  • Fashion Police: Having been a bandit, Avery is often confronted by citizens and others about the fashion police being on the look out for him. He's not aware what their jurisdiction is, but no matter what country he finds himself in people warn him of the fashion police looking to call or take his outfit back.


Distribute 30 points over the attributes below with at least 1 in every Attribute.

Strength: 5

Speed: 4

Constitution: 5

Endurance: 5

Intelligence: 11


Magic Name: Mycena Magic

Magic Element: Nature
Magic Enhancement: Spell Overcharge (Healing)
Magic Description: Mycena is a basic magic effecting others through either eating a mushroom created by the user or by the user using spores to deliver the energies of the magic.


Avery story starts off happy, he lived in a small village in Bosco, at an early age it was discovered that he possessed healing magic rare in their small community. He was often sent out with other adults in between the villages to practice and develop his magic as well as save them money on supplies. It was during one of these routine travels that their small cart carrying Avery a village elder and one farmer who fancied himself a warrior, that they'd be assaulted and brought into slavery. Caring little about their citizenship with the oddity of their appearance compared to most demi and regular humans.

The next period of Avery's life would be a blur of cruelty, he found himself unable to even remember all the portions of his enslavement. He learned to disassociate when they found out he could heal others, on top of that with his porous body they found ways to fit him in spaces that normally wouldn't fit a living person. While Avery could heal himself it was less effective than it would be on others. And with his mana being limited sometimes he wouldn't have enough left after a session to heal himself.

It was when they were on a healing job in the dump that Avery had managed to slip away from the slavers, however in his attempt to hide he had accidentally locked himself in a trunk of an ancient vehicle. That was actually the only reason the slavers didn't find him thinking no one would be dumb enough to suffocate themselves inside a locked trunk. If not for Thunder Clappy's momentous save, Avery's story would have ended there.  He didn't spend much time in the Flash Haven clan but they were the best days of Avery's life, not long after tragedy stuck. Avery was ready to see his last day being shiskabobed alive, when Thunder Clappy barely saved his life once again. In return he had manged to heal enough of her wounds before he passed out. They would both wake up the only survivors, deciding to embark and to try to forget about their trauma they headed to Seven to join a guild for the strongest. Power seemed to be the only thing that mattered in this cruel world.

Discord: Yoloswagdinosaur

Reference: Knuckles Shi


Avery Sifongo Empty Wed Sep 04, 2024 10:24 am

This character is approved for roleplay.

Avery Sifongo GPIjkMz

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