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A Strange Introduction [Solo - Storyline]

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A Strange Introduction [Solo - Storyline] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 2:59 pm


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

Oh god, I've gotta…! Already shown with how she tried to deal with the bully in the moments before the result of her attempt at intervention and yet some force of instinct and panic seeming to cast her into action all the same, Sofia Serena thrust herself forward as she saw the small shape of that poor little girl seeming to paw desperately at the mother she had mentioned, and in a moment was on her knees and trying to check the woman and aid her in any way that she could.
Damnit… This is like some kind of nightmare?! Unfortunately such enthusiasm from the emerald eyed enchantress seeming to be met with the same response which she had to grab and punch the fool earlier on and that seeming like only a crueller blow in this circumstance, all that the ‘ghost’ with the green gaze could do was watch her fingers sail through the shape just as ineffectually, and shivered because of that. She had never felt quite so helpless in her whole life…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Strange Introduction [Solo - Storyline] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 2:59 pm


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

"I’m sorry to say that’s… Not gonna work, unfortunately…
This is one scene that we’re both just going to have to watch and let it play out, sadly…
It’s cruel, I know. Believe me, if I could do something or anything, I would be…"

Perhaps that sense of desperation which she felt and the helplessness which came from it reaching out to someone or anyone who might take notice of her act and so Sofia feeling a sense of relief when a voice seemed to speak up behind her and in an instant seemed to offer a validation which the vixen had craved since arriving in this ineffectual hell, the brunette turned both her head and her shoulders to see a woman in a pink seeming to stroll toward her with a smile which carried sympathy, and yet was tainted by sadness looking back at her. Most of all what she was left awestruck being the fact that she now seemed to be practically looking in a mirror as she was met by a woman with wavy brown hair and green eyes, the only difference between them seemed to be the outfits which they were wearing, and as such her curiosity was only further raised as well.

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Strange Introduction [Solo - Storyline] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:00 pm


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

She… Looks just like…? And…? The brunette blinking or at least one of them doing so as this new figure on the scene who resembled so significantly strolled up to her side and then passed by her, if not for the pink dress and jacket which seems to blend bolero and biker together then Miss Serena would have been fooled into thinking she was looking at herself, and so her lashes seem to flap as she looked between the woman for a second and then realizes that the similarity extends not only to herself, but the stricken little girl nearby as well.

"I’m sorry…
I wish you could help her, really. Especially when I was that age?
Seven years old… It’s not a nice moment to lose your mother…?"

Sadness seeming to saturate the tone of this only too familiar stranger, as she passed by her and then kneeled along with the rest of them at the scene which unfolded, the green gaze which Sofia saw was narrow and her manner seemed conflicted as well as she watched what was going on, seeming to want to reach out for the fallen matriarch but at the same time knowing better, and electing for a different option instead…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Strange Introduction [Solo - Storyline] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:00 pm


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

The stranger letting loose a sorrowful breath and steering the hand which reached for the woman on the ground toward the shoulder of the small shape who fretted next to her instead, Sofia could not really tell whether or not her apparent doppelganger had managed to do what she had seemed to fail to do as she touched the girl due to the lack of response from the young soul, but that was understandable really given the scene before them.

“S-Seven… That’s… Awful. You’re… She’s… So young?” A knot forming in the throat of our emerald eyed enchantress as she looked to the young lass and processed what she had been told about the loss she was suffering from the new soul on scene, the mere knowledge that one so young would be deprived of the light in her life made pain seem to echo out through her form from her heart and make her eyes sting, to the point that she had to brush something from her cheek as her emotions overwhelmed her. All she could do was feel her heart ache, and think she was glad that she hadn’t lost her own matriarch at such an age.

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Strange Introduction [Solo - Storyline] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:01 pm


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

"Oh, no need for tears. Not really.
It’s a sad moment, for sure, but also a happy one in some ways too?"

The stranger meanwhile seeming to find herself distracted from the struggling pair as Miss Serena wiped a tear from her eye, though there was plenty of pain in that green gaze she still seemed to show a smile to the woman she so resembled, and then straightened herself up and dusted her knees as someone new seemed to stride in to join the scene as well.

“W-What do you…?” Stepping out of the way to allow a vibrant and perhaps tougher featured woman than the one who rested upon the ground to move into her place beside the little girl with a wish to aid them both, like so many in this place she seemed entirely unaware of the doppelganger duo, and as her apparent host continued to talk the princess of the Pegasi began to realise just why she had been unable to affect things here. This had all already happened, right?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Strange Introduction [Solo - Storyline] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:02 pm


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

"I lost my mother today, but…
I found my mom? So… It wasn’t all bad?"

A definite tone of retrospect seeming to carry in the words of the woman she did not know as the new figure seemed to try to stir the woman on the ground and speak to her, the stranger once more stepped closer to the scene which unfolded and paid a particular attention to this new figure, the blonde.

Her mom, she said…? There seeming something familiar in her as well but perhaps it the mere legacy of what she carried, while the girl who resembled her so clearly got most of her looks from the poor woman laid on the floor there was a heritage from this one as well, at least in her sense of style.
Yeah, I can see it… Thank goodness. Wearing her hair in a way which seemed to mimic them both and most prominently the parted fringe of the newer figure, there was something about her arrival which seemed to draw more warmth from the description, for both of them really. Even Sofia knew that now she was here, somehow, that things would be okay now…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Strange Introduction [Solo - Storyline] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:03 pm


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

“Who… Are you?” Perhaps that sense of relief providing the Pegasi with reason to puzzle over other matters and perhaps a point chief among them just who this apparent twin she had found was, after a moment of comfort the green gaze of the girl shifted to one with more severity and she felt something firm between her brows which told her she was frowning, and so with this seemed to follow a question which only seemed too natural given the situation, of course. Though, one would be lying if they said this was the only query which one quite so bewildered as Sofia felt like asking right about now.

"Heheheheh, goodness, I've been showing you all sorts of things
before we've been properly acquainted, haven't I~?"

Such a query only serving to make the face of the stranger that much brighter however, she shook her head and giggled before waving her hand, seeming to be both playful and embarrassed at the same time in a response which was coy and perhaps a little bit cagey, though the way in which she presented her hand to Sofia afterward seemed to imply that things were going to get a little bit less so going forward. With any luck, at least…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Strange Introduction [Solo - Storyline] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:03 pm


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

Perhaps it only natural that Miss Serena was a little reluctant to return the gesture given what she had experienced thus far with those haunting misses and her inability to touch anyone in this realm, the hand which she offered was given with no small degree hesitance in response to that of the stranger, and so it was with no small degree of relief which the young woman felt when she found herself connecting with something which was warm and soft, as if those were things which she hadn’t felt in a life time in fact.

"Well hello there, I'm Ė̶̹̘̽̄r̷̲̮̜̈ì̵͈͙͂̚ś̸̝̐̚e̶͉͕̝̔̔, it's nice to finally meet you…"

Embracing the offering enthusiastically because of that and it seeming that her doppelganger did the same as well, the grin of both green gazed girls seemed to widen as their hands touched and Sofia squeezed that of her host, and in return found not only the mother mitt of this emerald eyed enigma jumping into the greeting but so too was she offered a name as well. Though that she couldn’t quite hear, for reasons she did not know, and yet found it familiar all the same…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Strange Introduction [Solo - Storyline] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:03 pm


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

"Eheheheh, well then…
Welcome to my world… Sofia, wasn’t it~?"

Confusion beginning as the word with which her host seemed to call herself seemed to become muffled and distorted in her ears and yet make perfect sense in her mind all the same, Miss Serena turned her head a little as she tried to make sense of that and then tilted it when next she found this stranger speaking her name after a moment of inspection, which was odder still.

“Wait, how do you…?” The whole thing only getting stranger for that fact and perhaps given the circumstances which had led to their meeting that saying something, with anyone else the valerican vixen might have been suspicious of such a fact and yet in this example, though not free of concern did not seem quite so bothered by it as she might have assumed otherwise. Oddly there was something comforting and disarming about this person which seemed to steal away some of her worry, it was like meeting a sister or something close to that, which was odd even in itself…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Strange Introduction [Solo - Storyline] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:04 pm


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

"Oh no big deal, I mean, somehow you know me too, right?
It’s like we met, long ago, in a dream or something?"

Once more it seeming that the emerald eyed enchantress who stood opposite her seemed to be feeling evasive on the matter of explanation for the strangeness which was unfolding before her, her fellow femme freed a hand from their greeting and waved it from side to side dismissively, and then grinned as she seemed to purport that this was some destined meeting which had come about because of some manner of nocturnal interaction.

“W-What are you…?!” Such playfulness only seeming to perplex the princess of the Pegasi all the more however and as such Sofia found tilting her head and trying to recall some manner of dream with a doppelganger such as this in, while it was certainly true that she had indeed seen some scenes involving such ideas she was sure that none referred to the girl in question simply because of the subject matter. After all, for all of the cheek she showed, there was something about her which was pure and wholesome, unlike the dreams which she usually had, right~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Strange Introduction [Solo - Storyline] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:05 pm


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

"Ahahahaa, I’m only joking~?
I think…? Sometimes it can be hard to tell.
Though the fact that you’re seeing this probably means there is something there, right?
An unusual something for sure, but look at you… Yeah definitely something."

There definitely seeming to be something more to the connection between them given how the girl seemed to giggle soon after however, though Sofia wasn’t sure that she had somehow seen the things which had flashed through her own mind she wouldn’t have betted against such an idea, especially with the oddness which had seemed to have so suddenly consumed her day now, and showed no sign of abating either, for that matter.

“You’re… Not making a lot of sense, you know?” It never said that Miss Serena was the most conventional of women after all and yet even one so unique as her having to observe that she had been introduced to quite the odd duck, despite the warmth which seemed to radiate from this stranger and make her feel welcome and at home there was no denying that there was certainly some strangeness occurring, and that was something which she addressed a little more bluntly than she might otherwise do usually. Though really, she was long overdue for some answers, right…?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Strange Introduction [Solo - Storyline] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:05 pm


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

"Ahahaha, yeah um, it’s probably a lot to take in isn’t it?
It was for me the first time, or the first few times really, still is a bit…"

It seeming that she was not the only one who felt that way either as the oddity whom she had met in this realm of oddities took a step back and brought her hands together, the familiar unfamiliar did an odd little flat handed pray which for a moment seemed to unnerve Sofia for reasons she could not quite attribute, and then tilted her head and wince in a way which seemed childish and yet no less endearing for that fact.

"Sorry, sorry. It’s been a while since I had a visitor, probably…?
Hahahaha, hmmmm, maybe it would be better if you led the conversation, hm?"

Once more seeming to say things which didn’t make a whole lot of sense afterward but ultimately seeming to see that it might be better to open the floor up to her guest ultimately, perhaps along with the rather work unsafe images which she may or may not have garnered from her guest’s brain she also recognised a need to let the lass loose with the questions she had teeming within her, and so gestured to the heroine from Hargeon to do that as she waited.

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Strange Introduction [Solo - Storyline] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:06 pm


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

“Well, if you’ll forgive the candour and cursing… What the hell's going on here?!” The invitation to let loose with what had been bothering her something which Miss Serena was only too happy to embrace and do so enthusiastically, after so bewildering an experience one could perhaps forgive our lithe lead for showing a little exasperation at what she had been through, and perhaps the sailor talk as well for that matter. I mean after all she had been through she was perhaps allowed to show a little of the stress she currently felt, right?

“A couple of minutes ago I was in a market, and now…? Suddenly I’m a ghost in a place that I don’t know, and you’re the only one who can see me?” The lass left to shake her head and swipe her arms in a spreading fashion as she explained what had seemed to happen from her perspective and in her tone perhaps betrayed the emotion of the experience so far, her words seeming to claw with a desperation for understanding and a sense of helplessness which had become uncommon in her life since meeting her lovely wife, and frankly she was not particularly enjoying really, no matter how cute the company seemed to be…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Strange Introduction [Solo - Storyline] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:06 pm


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

"Oh sorry, yeah this must be confusing,
But don't worry, it's just a story. One I wanted to share with you.
There’s nothing here can hurt you, well physically at least?"

The heavenly host certainly seeming to show some empathy with the plight which afflicted Sofia and nodding at the bewilderment she shows, even then the emerald eyed enchantress can’t help but to back to the scene which they had stepped away from and sighed heavily, wearing a pained expression as she explained the situation and Sofia was left to watch the mother of the little girl seem to pass her something before going limp in a moment which was hard to disguise.

“A story…?” Such a sight seeming to make the heart of our heroine seem to pang painfully as she once more seemed to feel the moment deeply due to her own connection with her magnificent matriarch, the mix of emotion and confusion left her to merely repeat what she had been told as she searched for comprehension in such a bleak moment, all the while wishing that she could have done more during what had just played out before them. In fact, she could scarcely recall a time in her life when she had ever felt more helpless than she had a moment ago, right?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Strange Introduction [Solo - Storyline] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:07 pm


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

"Yeah~! My story, to be exact?
I mean it had to start somewhere, right? Even if it was sad… Losing mom.
Though I suppose you don't really know what happiness is until you've been sad, hm~?"

The girl who had brought her here meanwhile attempting to put as brave a face on the situation as she could even as she wrestles with her feelings and might just shake away a tear in her eye as well, though this stunning stranger tries to lean more toward the positives and how the experience had seemed to teach her to cherish the brightness she had in her life rather than dwelling upon the darkness, Miss Serena couldn’t help but wonder how many times she had seen this moment whether it was memory or whatever this was now.
“She's your… I'm sorry.” Left to look back to the woman as the small soul was scooped up by the blonde who had apparently rushed to her aid, she lowers her head and felt a sense of guilt for how powerless she had been in this situation, wishing she could have done something or even anything to aid this stranger or the little girl she apparently once was ever more so than she could. It was a cruel blow, right in her heart.

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Strange Introduction [Solo - Storyline] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:07 pm


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

"Yeah, but don't be…
This wasn't the last time we talked? Far from it…
She's still with me, even now~?"

It seeming however that her host was happy to wave the apology away however, almost literally given the gesture which she made with her hand, once more she seemed to speak in riddles and left our leggy lead feeling confused as she mentioned how despite the tragedy this would not be the last time she got to speak to her mother.
“What do you…?” Quirky certainly seeming to be a term which one could use to describe a girl like this and that without even noting the odd way in which she seemed to so closely resemble Sofia, even in the brief time which the valerican vixen had seemed to know this girl with the green gaze there seemed something different about her, a quality which seemed like she was seeing things even in this scene which the princess of the Pegasi could not quite grasp, whether it be through the benefit of hindsight or some other means.

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Strange Introduction [Solo - Storyline] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:09 pm


WORDS: ### | Simply Stunning

"Ahahaha, you'll understand in time, I suppose?
It can be a bit hard for me to remember things like timelines?
For me this isn't a straight line, a train track~?
It's more like a whirlpool? Everything swirling and mixing together at once?
Like it's all there but I can't see all of it?"

The stranger still seeming to understand the bewilderment which Miss Serena seemed to show in this moment and making an effort to break down just what the difference between them was, she lifted a hand to point at the waiting train which had seemed to roll into the tracks upon which it sat as the blonde and the little girl skipped onto it and peeked back at the poor woman they had left behind, and seemed to liken the tale she was telling to something akin to the stations on the track from an observers perspective. This however not the case for her own experience and instead it almost seeming as if every moment of her life were happening all at the same time and this was the best manner in which she might translate the tale to an outsider, she turned her hands around to make the fingers whirl and brought them together as if it were two maelstroms colliding, certainly illustrating the point about confusion if nothing else for sure…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Strange Introduction [Solo - Storyline] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:09 pm


TOTAL WORDS: 3660 | Simply Stunning

“Not gonna lie, I'm… Really lost?” It never said that Miss Serena was far from a sharp girl but even then such concepts something that she struggled to grasp really, the bemused brunette found her brow tightening as she made sense of the metaphor which she had been given but that layered on top of meeting someone and her own peculiar presence here were facts which only complicated matters, and left her to blink as she tried to break it all down in a form which seemed to match with what she was being told.

"Ah don't worry about it?
As I said, it'll make sense in time~?"

Ultimately her fellow femme not seeming to hold such a fact against her however and instead sharing a smile and a gentle hand to rest upon the shoulder of our muddled mermaid as she assured her that it wasn’t something she was meant grasp quickly, something about that understanding which she carried in her emerald eyes or the softness of her touch seemed to settle Sofia a bit, and so she was left to nod and leave her hopes with the words of the woman who had joined her here. After all, as strange as it was to say in a situation like this, there was something about her which seemed to make her trust her…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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