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Some Night Time Fireside Fun? (With Salem.) [PPCS - Grimm Tale]

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Some Night Time Fireside Fun? (With Salem.) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Wed Sep 04, 2024 11:46 am

Emil was invited to do some weird event that was being held by the guild mistress in tandem with the Blue Pony guild. Emil hadn't really been thrilled to hear this but he needed to keep up appearances so he was here to do that and he hoped that it wouldn't just be some excuse to get people in swimsuits and be annoying for him. He knows that Salem was going to be here so he was going to make sure that he did his best as he needed to at least stay in the good graces of one of the members of Paradise Dawn as he knows that he and the guild mistress were not the best and he hadn't seen much of Yuurei as of late. He took a seat near the fire and he looked around and Indiana went and he got Emil and himself some stuff for making s'more Luna and Fang sat on either side of him as they had come with him as they wanted to be part of it when it was announced and he wanted to make sure they felt included.

Indiana was not sure bringing them to a night time event that would have scary stories was the best idea but he wasn't going to argue about it but he would make sure the children didn't get in the fire or too close to it even though he knows that Emil will probably do the same thing to make sure no one gets hurt.

#2Salem E. 

Some Night Time Fireside Fun? (With Salem.) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Wed Sep 04, 2024 8:48 pm

Salem E.

“Check!” A chipper voice could be heard. Salem had just had Frosch go through a checklist of things they were bringing. The fairy of fun and games was going to the event. He was also told he could bring games and do various things at the event. This was the type of situation Salem existed for. He was not one to willingly miss out on a party. The only exceptions would be boring parties. People needed a certain amount of fun for him to be present.

The duo made their way from their residence to the wooded encampment which would house their flame for recreation. Salem had never been to the southern part of Fiore before this. He thought it was alright but nothing to really write home about. It was a lot warmer but since the new guild leader came, that was rapidly changing. The soft snow was an annoyance but he did not like the snow. Too much cold froze water. It was why he did not like the lack of water mana in snowy places. It was the same as being in a volcano. Salem started to put up some simple games. A ring toss, a hopscotch thing that he made using water to carve the ground. It was a fair variety of games that the people could play in.

After setting up Salem looked around for a familiar face. “Emil! There ya are buddy! How is it going did you miss me?” Salem asked with some excitement. He had not seen that lightning bod in a moment. “And who are these two beans?” Salem asked nicely gesturing to the unfamiliar Luna and Fang.



Some Night Time Fireside Fun? (With Salem.) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Thu Sep 05, 2024 11:46 am

The children look at the man when he asked Emil of who they were and called them beans the boy spoke first. "I am not a bean! I am a person! A wolf boy!" The small boy waved a fist at the man that was clearly far bigger that he was but had little fear on his face. Emil laughed at the boy speaking like that. "These are my children the rough tough little boy that is a lot of bark is my son Fang and the sweet little mixed haired half elf girl is my daughter Luna. You two this is another of the guild members his name is Salem, he just uses different terms you are to respect him, think of him like your uncle Kaito just a bit more odd in a different way." The small girl smiled and walked over to Salem and put her hand up toward him to try and shake the man's hand and she spoke in a soft cute voice. "It is nice to meet you mister."

Fang made a hmpf sound as he had no interest in being nice to the man that called them a bean but he also wanted to play the games the man had set up but he was still being a bit stubborn. Emil can see this and he tries to control himself from laughing again as he knows his son is not one to try to make good. Emil then speaks to Salem. "Making me feel like I came far under prepared for this event you got fun looking games and everything." Emil was really surprised that the other man had come so ready for this event down here, that they were taking part in.
(298) (551)

#4Salem E. 

Some Night Time Fireside Fun? (With Salem.) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Fri Sep 06, 2024 9:16 pm

Salem E.

Salem had a big smile on his face as the cute young ones introduced themselves. They seemed like great enough kids. Internally the fae was freaking out. He had heard rumors of a legendary person that was called daddy. A man with a divine figure that gave birth to kids. He was great with them and could still get easily laid if he wanted. Salem always thought if he spawned some lesser he would be daddy. He had know idea the power the title such a thing held, till he met Emil and his kids. The man was the walking definition of something called a dilf and was doing it well. Still Salem did not want to focus on that. He drew his attention back from his errant thought to focus on the kids.

“It is a pleasure to meet you both as well.” Salem leaned over to shake the hand offered to him. “And I stand correct. I have met an intelligent young girl, and a brave wolf boy.” Salem knew better than to argue with children. The Fae had years of doing so back in his time as a spirit. He let go of the handshake and stood back up.

The Fairy Godfather listened to Emil and just laughed. “Don’t worry about it.It is in my nature to be ready to have fun and party on most occasions. Putting the fun in funerals is my specialty. Still you three should go and play. I have a few more things to finish. You should consider this time with your kids and let me handle some things.” Salem gave Emil a smile and gestured to the games before turning.

Salem then waved at Frosh to get his attention, when the exceed got closer he asked him a question about the food. The answer was not the most satisfactory thing to hear. The cook had gotten sick and it was going to put a slight damper on things not to have food. “Argh. Now would be a great time to have someone that knows how to cook.” Salem complained more loudly than intended. He was great at many things but cooking was not one of them.



Some Night Time Fireside Fun? (With Salem.) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 1:36 pm

Emil got a good laugh from the way the man had changed his tone pretty quickly and Emil wondered if there was something that happened or if the man had just liked the guts that his children had. He can clearly see that Fang had let the brave comment go to his head and Luna giggled as she was happy to have been recognized as well. "You seem far more put together then my uncle Kaito." Emil nearly fell over backwards from that comment, as he had no idea who had taught her to say something like that but he couldn't really correct her for that as his brother was a bit spacey and full of wanderlust always just moving and not settling down. The children heard the man talk about playing and they went over and got there dad with can we really eyes and Emil smiled and nodded and went with them. Indiana followed behind them and hoped that Emil wasn't going to over do it or not take it easy on his children even for one game.

When Emil over heard the other man say something about needing someone that can cook. He signaled the exceed to stay with the children and make sure they would have fun and he walked to Salem and he spoke."Something happen? I Know how to cook if you need someone just need to tell me what you need me to cook and take me in the right way. Indiana will be able to keep them busy so I can help you out." Emil smiled and give the other man a thumbs up and he stood proudly and if the man were to take him up on the offer he would follow that man to the place that they needed to go so he could get to cooking and making sure everything stays on the rails so his children can enjoy this event as he didn't often take them to these kinds of things but since they are here he really needed to make sure that this would go well and they didn't have to feel let down by something going wrong.
(364) (915)

#6Salem E. 

Some Night Time Fireside Fun? (With Salem.) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Sun Sep 08, 2024 10:24 pm

Salem E.

Salem’s eyes started to shine. They had the look of one staring at their god. It was an important and all inspiring look. He inwardly cheered as he smiled broadly. “Yes. We can use your help. If you know how to work the grill. Last guy was viciously mobbed by a small village. Apparently he went over there and found one of their goats sexy. Poor man was taken out before he could marry it. The goat's owner was apparently too jealous. Anyway we lack a cook. Even worse, I can only come close to making mildly edible soup. If you can whip up something that would be a lifesaver.”

The Fairy Godfather had laid it all on the line. It was annoying that the last cook expired but there was nothing he could do about it. If Emil chose not to do it. The only thing the kids could eat would be starvation. That would be a better outcome than Salem trying to cook. If he at least 76% of the camp would perish. That is after him using up all his mana to save the rest. Salem sometimes thinks it may have been his cooking that gave him his body count. Not his fault when he was a spirit. He did not need to eat and it is hard to keep track of how fragile they could be. One of the things he missed about Alaric was how the man could cook.

Salem could only direct Emil to where to cook if given the chance. He would find enough ingredients to whip up whatever his heart desired. It was not like either of them were footing the food expenses anyway. If it was not for the fact that Salem was unable to store a lot of it. He would have gotten hoarding. Just to set the stuff aside to when he could get Alaric to cook it. He knew his wolf would not ask questions about the source of the food. That kind of trust went a long way. Still since he could not take it. He may as well try to get someone that could cook to cook as much of it as they could.



Some Night Time Fireside Fun? (With Salem.) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 6:42 pm

Emil heard they needed help with someone to man the grill and he was okay to do that, then he hears the story about the last cook and Emil first goes to make sure the grill and all the tools were clean as that story made him fear that things that they touched might be contaminated by what ever that other man had going on for them. The children keep playing the games with Indiana watching over them and making sure that they were still having fun and weren't going to be running around the place that would be hot and have Emil working around it as they were still young and there was no way that they would fully know better and it was better not to test the fates so to say. Indiana wondered what they were gonna cook and if they were going to be able to eat it or if the children were going to be picky and Emil end up with some trouble.

Now that Emil had made sure that it was all cleaned and ready he put on his kiss the cook grilling gear and got to grilling up some hot dogs, hamburgers and other things like corn. He was working with what he had and he hoped that it would be good enough for the other man to enjoy as he had seemed to have been working hard to make sure that this part of the event was going well, so Emil was going to help his guildmate to get this the last leg that they are on it and he was not fully sure that he had good tastes if he had hired the man from that story but he wasn't going to voice his issues with it just silently judge it a bit.

He saw the other man's exceed and he wonders if they were friendly or not and if they were why were they not enjoying themself as well was Salem working the poor exceed hard or was it just shy. Emil was listening to the sizzling of the food on the grill as he thinks and sneaks peaks at his children to make sure that it is all still going well or if there was stuff he would have to deal with, he then looked around for where the plates were so he could make sure that once the food was ready he could transfer them across to plates to be collected.
(413) (1,328)

#8Salem E. 

Some Night Time Fireside Fun? (With Salem.) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 8:50 pm

Salem E.

“Frosch is super helpful!” Salem smiled at his companion that was beaming with happiness. The exceed was not the best at expressing himself. He was super odd but he always had a good heart in him. It was his childlike wonder and ability to enjoy what was going on. It made the Fairy of fun and games want him around. It reminded him about the good things this world had to offer. Salem thought of Frosch more highly than he did all the humans around. “You are very helpful. I am pretty much done here. You can go play with the kids or see what else needs to be done.”

The exceed skipped across the growing snow area with glee. He made a snow angel before smelling the food. His tail moved a little in happiness as he went over to get himself a plate. Frosch would notice the man's face and would over his assistance. “Do you need Frosch to help? Frosch is a good helper.” The exceed said it with an air of self confidence, as if he was a happy kid that deserved his fathers praises for being willing to help out.

Meanwhile, Salem was starting to wish he still had his little helper. It was not a big deal to hang up the few decorations by himself. It was just cool that the little guy would have flown up there without issue as well. Salem was sitting on his staff putting up a few things. His body was starting to get hungry. He could only hope that the food was going to come out alright. At this point it would be too late to order from somewhere else. They had snacks set aside but it would not be as filling as a real meal. The people present deserved more than having their spirits dampened because of bad food.

When he was finished he would lower himself to the ground. Getting off his staff that he rode like a witches broom and put it back in his hand. Then he put the staff back on his back, He turned to see Frosch helping Emil in his own way. He did not want to disturb the duo since it looked like they had it under control. Salem decided to move on and huddle next to the fire. He would simply relax unless he was needed. That or it was time to eat. He felt he had put in enough effort.



Some Night Time Fireside Fun? (With Salem.) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 10:18 pm

Emil looked at the small creature. "Your costume heat resistant? If you won't get burned then transfer these plates to the table and tell everyone it is time to eat." He didn't want the small creature to burn themself as he got meats, corn, grilled baked potatoes, and the rest onto plates to be placed at the more set up table with the chips and other cool things that had be brought to go along with the grilled foods and he hoped that Indiana would help with serving his children as he was going to keep grilling and making sure there is enough for everyone. The children saw that food was getting moved over to the table and they told Indiana who walked with them to go and get their food along with the other people that were here on the snowy like area that this was being held. Luna was excited as she hadn't seen her dad seeming to be having that much fun like he was there grilling she wanted to make sure to get big and useful like he was.

Fang over heard some people starting to tell scary stories in the line while they waited to get up to their food and Luna petted her brothers head to keep him calm as it was just stupid made up stuff cause if it was real her daddy would go and handle it and no one would have to be scared. She had starry eyes as she believe in her father to be able to handle anything that could happen and believed that he would handle anything dangerous and keep them safe she wondered if that was going to be the case or not but their mother told them to make sure they take care of their father as well as keep him out of trouble, she still wondered what her mother meant when she told her father is was fine to move on and find someone else that would cherish him though.

Indiana once it is their turn asks the children what they would like and not like but they were not really being picky which Indiana thinks might just be cause they are starving from all the playing and having skipped lunch like their father had to keep room for this food and stuff.
(390) (1,718)

Last edited by Emil on Wed Sep 11, 2024 7:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

#10Salem E. 

Some Night Time Fireside Fun? (With Salem.) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 7:08 pm

Salem E.

“Yes! Frosch resists a lot.” The Exceed said it with the upmost excitement. Frosch was the type of cat that loved to have attention drawn to his costume. It was a true work of art. The amount of people that cared for Frosch showed up in the craftsmen ship. Every single person added a bit of love to the costume. Salem made it heat resistant and made it possible for the Exceed to heal small bits of damage. Frosch did as he was told. He grabbed the plates with gusto and helped the food get to where it needed to be. Then he went to go grab Salem.

Salem had started to fall asleep, or he was powering resting as he liked to say. It apparently did not take long. Frosch was excited to show off what Emil had made. The food smelled great to say the least. Salem felt moisture in his eyes. He was not expecting Emil to be so great at cooking. At least it was aromatic and you can pretty much taste the flavors in the air. It was making Salem an even more moist mage. He wanted to eat badly. Still he waited in order to let everyone else eat first.

“If you want. You can go and grab yourself something to eat first. The food already smells great. I do not feel like fighting the people to get to the great smelling food already.” Frosch chose not to go and wanted to see what Salem was up to. Salem had a few leaves that he got from the Malagna plant in Joya. It was a mild sedative that would help people feel refreshed after a nap. Salem did not think the children should suffer from sleeping out in the wilderness. Salem dropped the plant into the fire. Allowing some smoke to be made. It was light and pleasant. Salem took a deep whiff and smiled. Forsch complimented the smell. Salem asked him to hold the spot as he went to grab their food. He was eager to see what was made.

“After you two grab your food. You can sit by the fire with Frosch. I am bringing him back a plate. I will also make sure your dad gets there before scary story time. I would rather not have the family miss out.”  Salem felt kindness for the children. If that is what humans would call it.



Some Night Time Fireside Fun? (With Salem.) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 8:07 pm

Emil was not sure what was going on but he was glad that he was not to caught up in it and he got the last of the foods out to the table and he got his own food and joined his children at the small table with the exceed and he yawned a bit as he was tired from his early start to the day but he was glad that he was able to be of some use to the cause here as he was mostly useless doing nothing that was really of any use besides destroying things that got in his way and that was not really a useful thing and the children thank him for the food and for letting them come out to the party with them and he nodded and was glad that they had, had fun and were going to be okay or so he hoped that they were going to be okay.

There were people telling scary stories but they paled in comparison to the things the gods in his head and the souls in his cape had told him so he wasn't worried about it, plus most of the stories he was hearing being told were over the top ghost tales so nothing that he was going to lose sleep over. After the children were done eating and full he looked to Indiana and he smirked and Indiana was going to take them to the room Emil had rented while they were down here as he was not going to have them sleeping outside as they were still young even though it would be a bit of character building this place was more cold than Emil was comfortable with the children being in. Plus if need be there was a woman down here that could also watch over the children if he needed her to.

Emil looked over to Salem and he walked over to him. "Well I hope it went well friend sorry that your original plan didn't work out for you."
(343) (2,061) (Exit)

#12Salem E. 

Some Night Time Fireside Fun? (With Salem.) [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 8:45 pm

Salem E.

Salem did not think about how Emil found out what he was doing. He contributed it to some super daddy sense that he could never understand. Salem just wanted to make sure he did not unknowingly make an enemy. It was often told that parents could be over protective of their progeny. Even if the intentions were good they could go south if he was misunderstood.

“It was all good. The fire was made to be relaxing. As long as the kids are safe.” Salem reached into his vest and pulled out some money that he had. The guild was funding it all and with Emil having kids. He had to make sure the man got his cut. “This kinda reminds me of my younger years. Cold nights in the desert. People huddled around a fire for warmth not far from my waters.” Salem could reminisce on his memories in peace. It was the kind of nights that he could never fully forget. Even if it was now but a distant echo.

The drinks started to come out. That was when Salem was glad the children were gone. He decided to start packing things up so he would not have to clean more. For now he just wanted to tell more stories and enjoy the ambience of the night.


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