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Yuuki Hashimoto

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#1Yuuki Hashimoto 

Yuuki Hashimoto Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 8:50 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto


Name: Yuuki Hashimoto

Age: 20 june/7/776

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Ethnicity, Father: Joyan

Ethnicity, Mother: Joyan


Race: Half-Elf
Rank: D-rank

Guild: Sleeping Calamity

Tattoo: behind left ear.

Face: Will Serfort- Wistoria: Wand and Sword


Height: 1.98 meters/6'6

Weight: 75 KG/

Hair: dark teal

Eyes: Reddish pink

Overall: Yuuki is a slim fit half elf standing around 6'6 and weighting in at around 165lbs.He has visible muscles definition but he's not ripped; his hair is neck length in the back with long bangs in the front and has a messy but kept look to it. He wears glasses for appearances only and to make people underestimate him they also act as eye protection; For clothing he wears black slacks and white button down shirt when not fighting or questing, when he is fighting or question its skin tight body suit and mid back cape with a hood that allows him to completely conceal his face from prying eyes.

Extra: Additional things for your appearance, such as tattoos, scars, piercings, etc.


Personality: Yuuki is a rather Stoic individual from first glance, keeping most if not all of his emotions and or intentions close to his chest. Though warm and empathetic emotions are possible those are usually reserved for the people he's closest too as he tends to push people away due to his cold and calculating exterior façade. Yuuki is fiercely protective of his friends and those he finds most dear and would be willing to give his life should the situation arise to prevent any harm from befalling them though narrow sighted the urge to protect those he cares about is a defining characteristic of his being. Those that do know Yuuki would find that he is a rather charismatic fellow that has a rather unhealthy interest in the ladies that more often than not tends to get him into awkward situations. He is very much a flirt as it seems to come naturally to him which is both a curse and blessing as people tend to get the wrong idea a lot. Though while a flirt if he is with someone romantically he is loyal and considerate of their feelings and does attempt to put a damper on his flirtatious nature with people he does not know. As far as romance goes he's rather empathetic, compassionate and affectionate and has no issues with public displays of affection even if it makes others in the surrounding area uncomfortable. Yuuki is not shy in the least and will more often than not speak his mind even if what he has to says is blunt and to the point as he's not fond of dancing around the issue like its a loaded spell book. His personality is further exaggerated when intoxicated and his ears convey his emotions immensely while intoxicated so while drunk it is impossible for him to hide his feelings from others.
  • Honesty:  Prefers to be around people who are honest and straight forward and not deceitful as he values honesty as one of the most important virtues.
  • Loyalty:  Only second to honesty loyalty is important if one can remain loyal they're not worth his time or effort

  • Liars and Cheats: He thinks all liars and cheats should die a slow painful death for being worthless scum
  • Hyper people: Hyper people: They say you cant put the genie back in the bottle but have you tried a box? Hyper people get on his nerves easily but alas you cant stuff all your problems in a box

  • Learning to rely on others:  This is one of his largest weaknesses and its something he's motivated to work on no matter if its just talking out his feelings instead of keeping them bottled up or letting others help carry the burden.

  • Failing:   the thought of him failing in anyway is enough to wake him up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night
  • Losing someone: Loss is not something new to Yuuki but it is still something he fears as he does not take the loss of others well at all.


Strength: 11

Speed: 11

Constitution: 4

Endurance: 3

Intelligence: 1


Magic Name: N/A

Magic Element: N/A

Magic Enhancement: N/A

Magic Description: n/a.


History: Yuuki was born in 776 to two loving parents his father Hiro who was human and his mother Elfaria who was a wood elf who's home happened to be in the nation of Joya. His parents weren't exactly rich but they weren't exactly poor either they lived a middle class lifestyle in a cozy home and they spoiled him every chance they got. His early years were spent doing well you know everything a kid does playing outside, climbing trees, getting dirty and getting scraped knees this all continued until around age five when swordsmanship training began with his father as Yuuki had no magical ability or aptitude; also his father was a Samurai in service to the Shogun of Joya.

Yuuki was slow to pick up the sword as he was easily distracted being five, while other kids were off playing and having fun he was training with swords from sun up until sun down everyday of the week except Sunday when his family would take time to visit the shrine and give offerings. At the age of Seven yuuki's sister was born her name was Elfie, at first after she was born he felt a slight dislike towards her since his parents doted on her frequently and only occasionally on him. Overtime he slowly grew into the roll of being a big brother, always wanting to hold or play with her when he didn't have any free time.

By the time Yuuki was fifteen he had vastly improved in his sword fighting ability so much so that he could fight his father to a draw but couldn't beat him, his sister who was now eight years old began to show aptitude for magic something yuuki was slightly jealous about since he thought magic was wonderful and looked fun to use. By the time Yuuki was 19 his sister left to become an apprentice to another mage and a civil war broke out in his country with his father taking the side of the rebels and not the shogun; when the dust finally settled his father swore fealty to the new shogun. Twenty years old in the present day Yuuki is a newly joined member of Sleeping calamity.

Discord: Nezumi

Reference: Who referred you here? Please state their username on the site.


Yuuki Hashimoto Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:10 pm

This character has been approved.

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