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IV. Hunter Symbiote Suit

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IV. Hunter Symbiote Suit Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 5:04 pm



Name: Hunter Symbiote Suit

Slot: Armor

Type: Full Body Suit

Class: Legendary

Weight: Light

Quantity: Limited

Element: Arcane

Durability: 2x S-rank


Description: The Hunter Symbiote suit is integrated within the user's person as a result it can be summoned at will, wearers of the Hunter Symbiote can choose to have the suit cover a portion of or the entirety of their body. Flamboyant in nature, the suit itself is black with purple accents and oozes a similar colour hue leaving behind a violet plume as the wearer moves about.

Lore: With the increased exploration and research into the void, various specimens have been taken and experimented upon after returning to the real world as is the case with the Hunter Symbiote Suit, a genetically modified variant that purely listens to the commands of the user as opposed to having its own form of sentinence.


Requirements: None.

  • + 40 Intelligence


  • Symbiotic Suit: The Suit is a living being that has bonded with the user on a cellular level. As such, the user can activate the armour at will without any motions, upon which the symbiote will wrap itself around the user's body, acting as a hardened second skin that provides defence. This ability cannot be used more than once per post to either put on or remove the armour.
  • Magic from Flesh: Using the organic matter of the Hunter Symbiote Suit when the user is casting anything that is localized to themselves or originates from them, their spells will not possess a magic circle while also receiving a 10-meter range increase.


  • Name: Internal Repairs
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 1000
    Requirements: Hunter Symbiote Suit
    Type: Healing
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: As the Symbiote has bonded with the user, it has an innate understanding of the user's physiology, allowing it to mend the user's injuries effortlessly. Whenever the user wills it, they can mentally command the Symbiote to heal their injuries, and automatically heal up to 2S-rank Constitution. The symbiote will prioritize life-threatening injuries. This spell requires no activation motions and doesn't produce any spell circles.


IV. Hunter Symbiote Suit Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 5:04 pm

@Ittindi may claim this Commission by linking the source.


IV. Hunter Symbiote Suit Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 5:14 pm

Event Roll

I'll be buying this for 2,500,000 Million. Suit up time


IV. Hunter Symbiote Suit Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 9:41 pm

@Ittindi has claimed this Commission at 2.5 Million Jewels.

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