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Elyse Charlotte

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#1Elyse Charlotte 

Elyse Charlotte  Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 12:21 pm

Elyse Charlotte


Name: Elyse Charlotte
Age: 24 years old // May 5th, x772
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual(Bi-Curious)
Ethnicity, Father: Minstreli // human
Ethnicity, Mother: Sinese // Demi-human(Fox)
Class: Hunter
Race: Demi-human(Fox)
Rank: D-rank
Guild: Guildless
Tattoo: Top right bosom near her shoulder(off-white)
Face: Feixiao - Honkai Star Rail


Height: 6'1" // 170 cm
Weight: 145 lbs // 63.5 kg
Hair: Silvery White
Eyes: Aquamarine
Overall:  A tall and gorgeous woman with alabaster skin and clear aquamarine eyes. Atop her head of soft silvery white hair are a pair of tall, fluffy, fox-like ears. Her beautiful hair goes just past her waist. On her tailbone is a full fox-like tail of the same color.

Elyse is in great shape with finely toned muscles, a slender waist and voluptuous chest. She tends to wear mostly tight dresses from sinese fashion, the place her mother hails from.
Extra:  N/A


Personality: Typically, Elyse will come across as a charming and confident young woman, who is polite and a tad bit flirtatious. However, that is not all there is to the woman named Elyse Charlotte. From a young age, she was hailed as a genius but that drew the schemes of those closest to her. Due to those unfortunate times, Elyse is not one who comes to trust others easily.

She will be polite and friendly to most but at the same time, will seem distant and hard to get a read on. There are not many who can confidently say that they know the “real” Elyse Charlotte. She is without a doubt a woman of mystery. That being said, Elyse is a bad flirt with high standards. If you are a man and do not meet those standards, odds are she will not give you any sort of “special” attention. She will be courteous and friendly but if you try closing the physical distance with her first, she will pull away and leave if you annoy her.

However, to those who do meet her standards, she will shamelessly flirt, even if they happen to already have a significant other. That being said, if their significant other shows up in the middle of her attempting to seduce their man, Elyse will do a complete 180 and make the woman believe the man was entranced by her, and let’s just say, Elyse certainly has some acting chops.

She relishes in causing such chaos between two or more individuals, especially when one of them has the nerve to reject her advances. However, causing lover’s spats in public isn’t the only way this mischievous half-elf likes to cause chaos, driving wedges between friendships when she feels sickened by the sight of such good people being so close. Things like that hit too close to home and so it's her desire to shatter such bonds, much like how her older brother shattered their sibling bond as well as the bond between parent and child.

Once such an upright and empathetic young woman, there are times when those parts of her soul show through the darkness that tries to swallow them. Such as when someone manages to get past her walls and becomes dear to her. For those individuals, Elyse is willing to walk through Hellflame to help them in their time of need. All Elyse asks in return is the same level of devotion and loyalty. After all, to the god slayer, the world is that of equal exchange.

Since Elyse’s time is so precious, she hates wasting it, therefore unless you are someone who Elyse deems a friend or even a trusted ally, you cannot expect her to do you any favors without giving her proper compensation. Even just asking the woman for her opinion or advice will come with a price tag.

If Elyse were ever to meet a man who not only meets all her standards but accepts her for who she is and supports her, she would gladly enter into a committed relationship with that person. However, should they ever wander, they had better pray she never catches them. Elyse can be an extremely devoted lover to her designated significant other. Naturally, she expects them to show the same level of extreme devotion to her.

Elyse believes she should be the only woman in their life that they see, with the exclusion of family members who share blood ties. Her man should not associate with other women if it isn’t for anything that isn’t a complete necessity such as buying her gifts at a store with a female clerk or taking Elyse to dinner at a nice restaurant and their server just happens to be female. Needless to say, Elyse becomes both obsessive and possessive whenever she actually falls in love.

If anyone that Elyse deemed to be someone she has any type of affection for or trust in, betrays her in any way, no matter how minor, she will ensure to make their life a living hell, so much so, they would wish for death to come. Elyse can be considered psychotic in this sense. However, so long as no one betrays her, she is perfectly normal in her relationships, well about as normal as can be expected from someone like Elyse.

Elyse was raised having all the best things in life, as such, she does all that she can to continue that life of luxury as an adult. Whether it's going on as many quests from the guild as she can or even seducing young rich men into spending exuberant amounts of money on her, it doesn’t matter. Elyse still fully believes that, even though she ran away from her family in Minstrel, she deserves nothing but the best life has to offer.  

Aside from luxury, fine clothes, ornate jewelry, and the like, Elyse has a love for food, specifically, high-quality sweets and rare delicacies. Whenever she has the opportunity, she will take full advantage of sampling such delectable culinary delights. From the richest chocolate cakes to the rarest and most savory meat dishes. Elyse wants them all.

Elyse is fully aware that something inside of her is broken but does not particularly care about fixing it, she is content with her lot in life of keeping her friend group small and having lots of “fun”. Whether it be finding handsome men to bed or causing chaos, Elyse is happy to be living in Fiore as a mage and member of a guild.

  • Luxury: Being raised with the finest things in life since birth, it makes sense that Elyse loves to continue surrounding herself with luxuries as an adult.
  • Freedom: As someone who was once stuck without the ability to make her own choices, Elyse values freedom as much as her luxuries and trust.

  • Traitors: One thing that Elyse can't stand for more than being restricted is those who would betray the trust of another. Traitors deserve a fate worse than death as far as she's concerned.
  • Losing money: Although Elyse is always buying luxury goods, she absolutely hates the idea of her business losing profits or losing in a casino. She can never stand by and let it happen.  

  • Love: A bit ironic for such a woman like Elyse but just like any other young woman her age, she dreams of a sweet romance. Naturally, they have to be on par with her looks as well as be stronger than her.

  • Betrayal: She fears being betrayed as much as she hates traitors. After all, she had already once experienced such things, but never again.


Strength: 2
Speed: 2
Constitution: 4
Endurance: 11
Intelligence: 11


Magic Name: Demon Slayer Magic:Water
Magic Enhancement: ~
Magic Description: Water Demon Slayer is a powerful magic learned from ancient tomes and scrolls which combines the elemental trees of Water-type and Light-type magic. It does not allow the users to use these trees separately. The magic they cast is always colored white.
  • Water Demon Slayer Magic spells are a combination of both Water and Light.
  • Water Demon Slayer Magic Spells ignore racial resistances.
  • Water and Darkness elements deal the full amount of damage instead of one rank lower individually


History: Hualing Ling moved from Sin to Minstrel where she met the heir to the Charlotte Family fashion conglomorate. The two fell in love and got married. Leon their firstborn took after their father and was purely human, their second child, Elyse took after their mom and a silver fox demi-human with beautiful aquamarine eyes. The family business had been around since their great-grandfather's time and thus they were quite well off.

They had stores and factories all throughout Minstrel. Thanks to how booming business was, the Charlotte family had much wealth to spend on lovingly raising their two children with the best life had to offer. Leon being the oldest was set to be the heir. Leon was about 4 years older than Elyse but that didn't stop the two from being incredibly close. In fact, the sibling pair were practically inseperable.

So much so that when Leon began taking lessons from private tutors at home, Elyse insisted on learning alongside him, even though the curriculum might have been far too difficult for a five-year-old child to comprehend and keep up with. Even so, Hualing and Laurent wished to make their precious daughter happy. Thus they agreed to Elyse’s unreasonable request thinking she’d soon quit on her own once she had struggled enough trying to keep up.

However, the couple never expected that Elyse would not only be able to keep up with the lessons, her thirst for knowledge and her ability to memorize information would surpass that of her brother. Within just half a year, Elyse was on a level above her older brother. This was a shock not only to their parents but to Leon as well. While Hualing and Laurent were overjoyed at the news, Leon could not say the same.

Seeing his baby sister surpass him so easily brought out dark and dirty feelings within Leon. He began to develop a sense of inferiority as well as a fear that their parents might someday choose to make his sister their successor once she came of age. After that joyous day, Leon seemingly drifted apart from his little sister. The two were no longer inseparable.

When Elyse would try to ask her brother why he suddenly began taking lessons separately and not playing or reading books with her. He would tell Elyse he wanted to focus on his studies to prepare to enter the academy. Although it upset Elyse greatly to be away from her beloved elder brother, Elyse couldn’t bring herself to throw a tantrum over it.

Then, before Elyse knew it, Leon left for the academy while Elyse began attending an all-girls boarding school for the rich in the capital when she was 13 years old. During Elyse’s time in the academy, she showed great promise with her intellect. Her beauty made the young fox woman the object of many students' admiration and envy. With her long snow-white locks and silver-gray eyes, fair skin, she was the epitome of beauty as some students often described her in whispered gossip. Naturally, Elyse was fully aware of just how much people admired and hated her for being so beautiful and smart.

The summer of Elyse’s 15th year, when both Elyse and Leon were home for summer vacation, Hualing and Laurent announced that they would betrothed her to the second son of their family’s biggest business partner in an arranged marriage for business purposes. Hearing the news, Elyse was less than thrilled but as she had matured, the young girl was perfectly aware throwing a tantrum or refusing the arrangement would be no use.

After all, this was for the sake of her family’s business, to make sure it would continue to thrive past the time when her brother Leon eventually took over. So, wanting to please her parents as well as help her beloved older brother, Elyse graciously complied. Although her heart screamed to reject it.

Their engagement would become official when Elyse reached adulthood. On the other hand, Leon had already come of age and expected their parents to announce him as their heir. However, this did not happen, which only served to further ignite his fears from earlier days. Leon began to get desperate and wanted to do something that would ensure he would inherit the family business and not lose the position of heir to his oh-so “talented” younger sister.

As luck would have it, there was an especially “fervent” admirer of Elyse’s that she confided in Leon about in hopes he would help her. The man in question was a relative of her betrothed’s family, a distant cousin who was much older than her soon-to-be fiance. He fell for her beauty during a spring soiree a friend from the academy had hosted. Ever since then, he had been harassing her relentlessly every time she left the academy on either excursions or to go back home.

There it was, his opportunity to do something. Leon promised Elyse he would help her deal with this knave and protect her once he returned to the academy. He cautioned her to stay in her dorm and go out as little as possible until he could inform her the “problem” had been dealt with. Not suspecting a thing, Elyse took her brother’s advice to heart and once she returned to the school for the fall session, she limited her outings and refrained from attending the usual social gatherings she loved so much.

This inadvertently resulted in those people in school she had associated with to distance themselves from Elyse. Since they didn’t know the circumstances nor why she had stopped actively participating in the social scene, it was only natural they drew their own conclusions. Obviously, Elyse would rather commit actual suicide than tell these ladies she was avoiding a stalker. As time went on, Elyse became more and more isolated. Her only solace was exchanging letters with her brother. Little did she know her being isolated and cut off from the social world was exactly what Leon wanted to happen.

Using the letter Elyse sent him, he practiced copying her handwriting until it was hard to tell the difference between his imitation and the real thing. Leon then began exchanging letters with his sister’s stalker using her name and handwriting. He pretended to be Elyse and claimed “she” could not forget him, that Elyse had fallen for him but she was too shy to express it in person.

Their correspondence would go on until both Elyse and Leon had graduated from their schools and then some. Once Elyse graduated from her all-girls school and returned home. Her parents decided they would throw her a lavish coming-of-age party to not only congratulate her on receiving top honors upon graduation but also to finally announce her engagement to all their friends, family, and business associates.

On the eve of the party, Elyse dressed up in the new gown she had received from her parents as a coming-of-age/ 18th birthday gift. After her preparations were completed, she was escorted by her father downstairs to make her entrance. Laurent addressed the guests gathered in the main hall to give a speech and announce his daughter’s engagement, afterwards, the night finally began in earnest.

Leon found Elyse and asked her to wait for him on the south terrace, saying he wanted to give her a birthday gift in private to avoid all the fanfare. Elated that Leon hadn’t forgotten about her birthday and even prepared a present, she excused herself from the guests who had been talking to her and went straight to the terrace.

After waiting for over half an hour, someone else finally appeared. However, it was not Leon, it was her wretched stalker, Claude Dupont. How in the devil he managed to get into her party, Elyse had no clue but before she had time to analyze the situation, he rushed to bring her into a very intimate embrace. He spoke of how he was so glad to finally see her in person once more after years of only hearing from her through her letters.

Elyse had no clue what this madman was talking about and told him as such. He thought she was only joking and pulled out one of the most recent letters “she” had sent him, telling him about her party and to meet her out on this very terrace once the party had gotten into full swing. How could that be when it was Leon that asked her to meet him out on the terrace?  As so many thoughts raced through Elyse’s mind, she was suddenly brought back to reality by the disgusting sensation of this man’s lips on her neck. While she’d been lost in thought he took the chance to place a hickey on her neck. With all her might, she got away before he finished leaving his wretched “mark” on her unblemished skin.

Elyse backed herself up against the railing of the terrace without meaning to and then the man approached her once more to pin her there while he wrapped one arm back around her slender waist while the other arm held onto the railing so as to assure she couldn't run away. The disgusting pig tried to go in for a kiss while she used what strength she had to barely keep his lips off hers. Elyse screamed at him to get off her, once again insisting she had nothing to do with these letters.

Not long after, there came a crowd of on-lookers that included her parents and Leon. Everyone looked horrified by what they saw. Especially Laurent and Hualing. However, it didn’t seem as if their horror was directed solely at her stalker but at Elyse as well. But why would they be in such horror of them both when she was clearly a victim? That was when Elyse caught sight of Leon smirking devilishly as she had never seen before.

Before Elyse could say anything, he went over to their parents and begged them for leniency for her, claiming it must have been “pre-engagement jitters” that made Elyse act so recklessly and shamelessly. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing, why would Leon make it out to seem like she was cheating on her fiance due to nerves when it was so clear this man was trying to assault her?

It had all been a carefully laid trap by Leon, this was his grand plan to ensure he became the family’s successor by destroying his “precious” sister’s reputation and good name. Turning her into a seemingly unfaithful hussy who has bad habits. Once the crowd of on-lookers had been dispersed, Claude had been escorted out of the manor as if he were a normal guest and not a criminal.

Laurent and Hualing had lost all trust in their daughter, she was ordered to be confined to her room, all her allowance and cards cut off. Naturally, the Dupont family called off the engagement as it would have brought them shame to marry their son to such a shameless woman. Needless to say, finding out her brother had ruined her life due to insecurities about succession and out of a sense of inferiority to his little sister, someone who had always loved, admired, and supported him over the years was a devastating blow.

That day, something inside Elyse not only changed but broke as well. After two weeks of being confined to her room, she made the decision to leave. After all, there was nothing left for her to desire to stay, with the overwhelming “evidence” Leon had given the couple, they didn’t believe a word Elyse said whenever she tried pleading her innocence. Elyse planned her escape very cautiously. She waited for the shift change of guards and snuck out of the room. She headed down to the family vault where most of the family’s most valuable possessions were locked up tight.

Thankfully, her parents had yet to change the passcode to the room and so, she successfully made it inside. Elyse took whatever treasures she could, including an old tome her great-grandfather had brought back during one of his many expeditions into magical ruins that he seemed to so love or so Elyse heard. Then she left the Charlotte manor with the stolen treasures and even took the family’s mana car to get out of Minstrel or at least far enough away that chasing her would be difficult.

After making it over the borders, Elyse headed for the country closest to where the tome had been found, Fiore, a land of mages. This book wasn’t just any tome, it was written in what appeared to be some ancient language, one possibly from some lost civilization. Once Elyse came into Fiore, Elyse sold off most of the treasures so she could afford lodging and food. Then, she spent many days and months in and out of libraries to find books that might help her decipher the language in the book.

It turned out this wasn’t just any language, it was a language from a time when gods, demons, and human-like species waged war. The tome spoke of an ancient art of magic known as Demon Slaying magic. As the name would suggest, it gave those who wielded it the power to slay a demon. From the tome, Elyse received this powerful lost magic. The element associated with it was water. She could manipulate existing water as well as conjure it from nothing to protect herself, and even attack others.

Now, as a newly minted mage and demon slayer, Elyse decided to join a guild. However, before that, the thing that broke inside her back in Minstrel began showing itself in a way she never expected. Elyse would often find men to bed, only the most attractive and strong men deserved to see what lies beneath her clothes. Elyse had once been such an upright young lady but now, she enjoyed spreading chaos. In whatever little ways she could. Perhaps it was her newfound magic coupled with her past trauma that brought about this unexpected change. Who could say?

Discord: Elyse
Reference: ~

Last edited by Elyse Charlotte on Wed Sep 18, 2024 8:37 pm; edited 4 times in total


Elyse Charlotte  Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:03 pm

This character has been approved.

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