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Birth of a Nation (long)(wip)

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Birth of a Nation (long)(wip) Empty Mon Jul 22, 2024 11:00 pm

Name: Name of storyline.

Difficulty: Short, Medium, Long or Epic

Participants: Who are involved in the storyline?

Story: A story that explains what leads up to the storyline and why the storyline is happening. Some background information etc. For Long and Epic storylines, mention in detail of how the plot affects the site.

Rewards: Mention the rarity of the custom that you wish to have for your character. Should the user not choose to get an item, fill in as N/A. This is only applicable on your last quest of the storyline.

Objective: What is the objective of the storyline?

Lore Impact: Summarize the lore impact of your Storyline. Remove if the Storyline doesn't impact the Site Lore.

Required Progress:  Note here the equivalent of your quests. Example: An Epic requires 6 A-rank and 6 S-rank quests, or the equivalent of 27.000 words.

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