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It's a Good Hike.(Social.)

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It's a Good Hike.(Social.) Empty Today at 11:06 am

Maple in fact had not been scared off and defeated from doing anything she wanted too, something else would have to slow her down. So it was a another day. Maple chose to go off hiking in the mountains. So carefree about it she would just go skipping along while she walked up on it. There was things she needed to watch out for but she was alas going to keep on exploring, After all there was plenty to learn. But since she was not quite talking to anyone yet, she would just explore as she normally was, Walking through trees.

It was a fun spell. Most people where not really in tune with nature enough to know the trick of it, Or Maple was just that rare of a Nature Mage that she really did not think of it as that odd. Even going through the first tree she was giggling slightly as she continued on, Like it was nothing. Even phasing through a second tree it was just like she was walking on normal ground but things went slightly dark for Maple as she went through that tree with out damaging it at all. Like a ghost going through walls Maple moved through a tree.

But Stena Mountains was a new venture, It was Maple final check mark on her list of places to go explore, She had a feeling she could be gone for a while so at least Ryuko knew she would be here. Anything else was a wild card unless Drakkon was around testing something again. Not that Maple would mind, She always did learn something. Mostly related to various forms of magic. As she learned all of these things. Maple some what learned what elements she would enjoy trying to use what elements might be too much to handle and how unskilled at learning spells and magic she was. But it was something to work on in the future. For now Maple was over all looking to see what the mountains had lingering there was sometimes people encampments for what she heard, Most likely she would make sure to avoid them for if the place previous taught her anything places might not be happy to Maple just casually strolling in to greet them. So for now she would just stay away from any encampment of people. But the mountain so far was wonderful to be in.

Maple would eventually find a place that was clear enough and nice enough that she would merely sit down in the opening and allow herself to take a break, She would eventually build a small fire, hang a pot and start boiling some water, Then mix together some herbs and fruit and start making some tea, place out some travelling food she had containing various breads, meat and cheese. Then just waited. As the water was yet to boil. so she just needed to wait for it to come to that boil, placing out couple of cups. It was relaxing here.

#2Go D. Drakkon 

It's a Good Hike.(Social.) Empty Today at 11:20 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon figured the last two spells were scary and dangerous to learn, so it was why he had been doing the final of his training in these parts. At least he knew that he didn’t have to worry about harming anybody. Yes, he was with Hai Gone who had flown them to the mountains. He stared into the horizon in front of them and he would close his eyes.

He was thinking about the spell he was trying to master. It was one of Toga’s and he knew that it would be dangerous. Once he figured out how the mechanics of the spell worked, he figured that it would begin. The Dragon Slayer had opened his eyes as if it were a simple gesture that would start the destruction of this spell. He gathered all the mana that he needed for this and he would stomp on the ground without hesitation. He would start pouring the mana out of his leg and into the spell. This would bring forth the magic circle that was forming beneath him. It was going well as he understood what he needed to do. Once he got that done he knew that he would be able to unleash the spell.

While it was forming something had gone wrong, which would make the mountain shake, and it would pop something from underneath him and it would send him flying. Still, Hai was nearby, so if Drakkon needed him he would catch it. The Devourer was falling back to the ground and before he had been able to float in the air due to Kaito’s flying spell. He would land on the ground and crack his neck as he didn’t like the way that felt.

288|500 Training Shōnetsu Ryū: Hi Warame [Inferno Dragon: Fire Fissure, 火割れ目]


It's a Good Hike.(Social.) Empty Today at 1:56 pm

Maple just maybe Maple would provide some interesting change, Or she would just get in the way. Drakkon would just have to let her know and she would most likely just leave him to do what ever he needed too. But first Maple would need actually know and find Drakkon first, Even learn and know he was there to start with. I am sure something would happen eventually. For now Maple would walk away from the place she had set up her little casual rest stop. So while she waited for her creation to be fully prepared. Maple would continue her silly exploring.

By going back into the trees and exploring another way. So stepping through the trees she would just enjoy the casual walking she normally was seen doing, Noting the way she had been walking to start with just to be sure she did not lose her path. But she was use to living the woods already, Getting lost was over all not really going to happen unless anything happen to her camp while she was not looking, It was simple to remake the entire thing again, Just annoying to find and collect all of the plants and berries she had for the tea.

But that was not actually much of a worry for it seemed after returning from that venture out, Maple she self a cup and then ventured out another random direction she had not been yet, Walking through the trees, but her hand would stick out of the tree as she travelled through because while she learned magically how too, she could not make most objects she held follow her, Just anything she wore it seemed. But it was a basic version of a spell that kind of just learned on her own. No one really guided her on the use of magic.

But she would think she did well over all with what limited magic she actually knew. But would this way be the right way for Drakkon to find her, Or would she pick up he was there, Maybe the smell of tea would actually help this situation. But sipping the wonderful blend of nature and looking around Maple seemed actually happy with her exploring. Her content and peace seemed to be how it was all going for her. At least the mountains where vast and there was a lot of to see.

Maple was pondering when Maple would actually find any of the wild life around her too, But suppose that was a in some manner a safe and also risky ponder as she was looking around, For she did not know how dangerous any of the animals could be for her too meet, But the smell pof this tea was really relaxing. Maple at least knew there was nothing really made this area super dangerous as far as she knew at least no one told her. Maple would have to consider taking Ryuko camping out here for something she liked to do.

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