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Old North [Chishio]

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Old North [Chishio] Empty Wed Sep 18, 2024 10:38 am

The north was one of the locations that saturn was fairly aware of, there was always something going on up here and it was where he had helped the mindrache make their ‘last stand’ before establishing vander tower. While he had not made regular visits to the northern segment of the country as he had been regulated central or the south for quite some time this was a refreshing first ever since gaining his mantle as the General of the Rune knights.

He was dressed for social affairs, his outfit much better than his armored counterpart that would change on a whim if he felt threatened. But given the brightness of Orchidia he hardly felt at risk what-so-ever. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, the people seemed happy. He normally drew attention wherever he went but thankfully the bustle was enough to where the mammoth of a man standing at nearly a story tall only drew quick glances from some. People were living and busy here and if he was a threat the town guard and paradise dawn would have dealt with him accordingly.

He had come to the north early for business, business that he had lost out on due to some unforeseen circumstances on both his part and the part of the partner. Setting up trade routes from Orchidia to vander tower was a mess if you didn’t have the right ships. With that partner now gone to ground the golden giant was left wandering the streets humming a soft yet gentle tune. He wasn’t bothered by it; he imagined that person thought he was faking it and was hiding for the time being.

He’d likely spend the better part of his day shopping at street side stalls, trying food from various places given he never tasted Orchidia cuisine before. Seemingly complacent he was also keeping an eye out for trouble. The charming side of places often seemed to hide a nasty underbelly from what he was told and from what he had learned. His curiosity was piqued at a flower stall, inquiring to the owner in curious tone.

Don’t think I’ve seen these before, what kind of flowers are these?

The owner of the stall looked up from what they were working on; likely expecting a regular customer only to see the golden giant. They blinked a few times and stuttered out the name ‘lilac’. Though it had another few other names and saturn mused this over; he had seen something similar to them before now that he looked closer…


Old North [Chishio] Empty Fri Sep 20, 2024 1:34 pm

It was a beautiful day. She wouldn't lie.

Very sunny but not humid. Very clear and bright, but not hot and overwhelming. The birds were chirping in the trees and there wasn't a crying soul in the perimeter. Chishio came from her hotel with the prompt idea to take some quests, but first needed to attend to her stomach and self-love activity of the day. She lacked food and self-esteem, but what she didn't lack was her attitude problem.

He wasn't there that long but she was about done here.

Chishio was at a flower stand's line. She wanted to buy a flower to put in her hair so, she could say she looked good for the day. However, it was taking a bit too long for her liking.

Chishio tilted her head as she stood behind the humanoid being. She placed her hands on her hips. He was kind of ugly to be fair. Well, the back of him at least. The judgemental and impatient half-elf stared blankly from behind at the entity who was taking his moment to smell the roses to be frank. He didn't know what lilacs were. Fucking....

"Are you done yet?"

Saturn would hear a girl's voice pipe up in annoyance from behind him.


Old North [Chishio] Empty Fri Sep 20, 2024 3:51 pm

Saturn was a little too busy, taking a little bit too long on the flowers. He hadn’t seen many flower types before and honestly not getting out of central and some of the other locations meant that he was still very sheltered even though he was… Well. In control of something so big. His ears flicked a few times when he heard someone approach. Not thinking much of it he didn’t move until someone spoke. His head turned and he’d stand up fully. Presenting the fact he was… really big.

His head turned and he’d bow his head slightly, stepping to one side. He was still considering what to do buy and if this woman wanted to purchase something he was just getting in the way. The massive demon was pretty cheerful and friendly so he didn’t take what she had to say poorly.

I’m not done looking but if you want you can go ahead of me. I’m not familiar with the flowers in this area so I might be a while.

Saturn motioned for her to go ahead; his brows furrowed slightly and he’d cock his head to one side. He seemed to be looking at her even though his eyes were still closed. He had never seen any form of elf before, meeting more demi humans and humans than anyone else and he had to wonder. Was it polite asking someone what they were? Or was that considered rude. He’d rub at his chin thoughtfully as he was a good bit away from the purchase portion of the store.

Not to sound rude ma’am, but I’ve never seen someone of your ilk before. What are you?

Pointed ears would clearly mean an elf to someone else, but saturn never have met one and his blissful ignorance was painted on his face. Curiosity twice over and his voice was as chipper as ever. The golden behemoth eyed the flowers again; wondering if he should maybe buy the purple ones for his desk… he was sure he could replant them in a vase with some dirt and love too.


Old North [Chishio] Empty Sun Sep 22, 2024 11:50 am

This entity was very tall. Chishio was honestly taken aback by the entity's physique, but she wouldn't let it get to her physically. She looked at him very blankly, blinked, and took a moment to take the situation into play. She frowned. He stated something along the lines that it would be a while, and that she could go ahead. Chishio passed from her spot behind him and stood on his right. She then began to gaze at the various flowers before her.

He then stated he had never seen someone like her before. Was he trying to hit on her by saying she was good-looking and exotic? Wait.....

This thing was stupid as hell. Wasn't it? Chishio looked up at him as if she were about to snap at him for asking such an abrupt question, "What? Wait? What?" she was confused by him. She gave the most odd look to him.

"Um. I'm brown?" Chishio responded clearly taken aback by the question.


Old North [Chishio] Empty Mon Sep 23, 2024 7:12 pm

Saturn cocked his head to one side, he felt that blank stare and wondered if he was strange to them too. Or rather that they weren’t sure what he was. He was used to getting that sort of look so it didn’t really bug him too much. Now that he was out of the way a bit he could still inspect the flowers from his spot. He recognized some of them, but he had to say that there were ones that he didn’t recognize that looked far better than the ones he saw out in central. Flicking an ear the behemoth scratched at his neck.

Oh. Uh not that. I’m used to seeing humans that have different pigments for their skin. But I don’t think I’ve seen one with pointed ears before. Well not without them being demi-humans. But usually that’s like a certain animal sort of thing.

Saturn looked intrigued and was not at all meaning it in a negative venue; the behemoth was clearly just… well. Never have met an elf or elf adjacent, hell until recently he hadn’t even met a dwarf and needing to crane his neck downward was interesting to say the least. The taken back nature had him tilt his head the other way; ears perked, tail swishing and a general curiosity regarding that reaction too. Then lay another question one that was far less intrusive.

What sort of flower were you thinking of getting?


Old North [Chishio] Empty Thu Sep 26, 2024 3:13 pm

This thing was a little weird.

She wouldn't lie.

The face he made as he studied her confusion.... ugh. He didn't know what she meant. Well, he wasn't very human-like in the first place. What was she supposed to expect?

The tall being brought up her having pointed ears. Her eyes shifted back and forth, side to side as if she were saying, 'What.'

Apparently, he never met one though. What the hell was he talking about? He brought up demi-humans and animals. Wait, she was an animal now? "What animal am I supposed to be?" she asked tartly, "Demi-humans?"

"Um, what are you? I don't know what you are either."

Yeah, she would approach it at that angle. Let's throw the question right back. Hahahaha.

Chishio was then asked about what flower she was going to get.

"Well, they are for me and I'm going to be quicker picking one out than you."

Chishio ended up grabbing the largest white flower she saw before her. White goes with her red dress. White flowers complimented plenty of her dresses. Her smart ass then promptly approached the man who was running the flower stand. She took the single flower and laid it beside his little table, and began to pull out her money to pay for the single stem.

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