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Dragonkin [Toga]

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Dragonkin [Toga] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 9:39 pm

Each Private stood lined up beside each other, sixty-four in total, arranged in rows of eight. Rhea Alvarez stood in the second row, closest to the wall in the expansive training hall. By now, everyone had become familiar with who she was, or at the very least, with her name. While nearly all of her colleagues were handling mundane tasks like deliveries and menial chores, Rhea was out fighting monsters and training rigorously to become more powerful. Rumors about her had spread throughout Headquarters, branding her as the most promising of all Privates. Naturally, this bred resentment among her peers. It wasn’t her fault she was stronger than everyone else, but envy was a powerful emotion. Part of their disdain could have also stemmed from the fact that she clearly wasn’t Fiorian, and part of it might have been because, during training sessions like these, she hardly seemed to try and still came out on top.

The Stellan faced forward, watching as the Lieutenant made his way through the training grounds towards the group of Privates. The training hall itself was a vast space, filled with various equipment and weapons neatly arranged along the walls, the floor marked with sparring circles and agility courses. Sunlight filtered through high windows, giving a glow to the polished floor. The elf was curious to see what was about to happen, considering this meeting had been called abruptly. The Lieutenant’s voice echoed through the hall as he began to address them, “Good morning, Privates.” He paused to clear his throat, his pale blue eyes scanning the line of soldiers in front of him, clipboard in hand. “I hope you’re all well-fed and ready to work. We have Colonel Himura here with us this morning to see just how much you’ve trained. If you’re lacking, we'll know. Yes...this is a test.”

Lieutenant Farner adjusted his glasses, the glare from the lenses momentarily hiding his eyes. The Dragon Slayer’s colleagues had already noticed the Colonel in question, and many were practically drooling over him. Whispers floated through the group of wanna-be Knights, some clearly unprepared for the test. some nervous, others excited to see the Colonel. Rhea, on the other hand, had barely realized he was there until he was mentioned. Him-who? she thought, tilting her head slightly as she tried to figure out what all the fuss was about. At first glance, Colonel Himura didn’t look particularly threatening. He had pink hair, which was an unusual sight in itself, but Rhea knew better than to judge a book by its cover. Appearances could be deceiving, a lesson she had learned time and time again.


Dragonkin [Toga] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 8:50 am

The Colonel, a seasoned member, back in Era after an extensive absence, found his schedule rapidly filling with the duties of management. A mountain of bureaucratic minutiae, a veritable Fuji of paperwork, threatened to consume his once tranquil office, a sanctuary now invaded by the relentless march of regulations and decrees. The corridors, formerly quiet havens for reflection, now echoed with the voices of his fellow knights, each seeking counsel or audience, their words mingling and swirling in a symphony of urgent requests and whispered anxieties. It was a demanding transition, but a necessary one, for leadership was not merely a title but a responsibility, a mantle to be shouldered with both grace and determination.

Amidst this whirlwind of activity, the pink-haired dragon slayer, stood apart in his unconventional armor, a vibrant splash of color against the muted tones of military discipline. A sea of young aspirants, their faces etched with both anticipation and trepidation, lined up with military precision in the vast training hall, their youthful energy crackling in the air like static electricity. Their numbers, a mere couple dozen, felt magnified tenfold as Lieutenant Farner, his voice booming through the cavernous space, announced the Colonel's presence.

"Hello, everyone!" Toga's voice, brimming with infectious energy, pierced through the formality of the occasion, a refreshing breeze cutting through the stifling atmosphere of military protocol. "I'm not one for rigid protocols, so I'll keep this quick." He coughed, momentarily collecting his thoughts, his demeanor far too relaxed for someone of his rank, a playful grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Today, I'm here to test your progress. I'm issuing a challenge to one of you – a duel, a test of strength and skill. You choose who among you will represent your entire class," the dragon slayer declared, his eyes sparkling with a challenge that was both daunting and exhilarating.

"Impress me, and you earn the afternoon off, a nice alternative to hours of training." A wide smile spread across his face, revealing a hint of mischief. "Fail, and well, the lieutenant here has shared some rather... demanding exercises he has planned for that scenario, a special brand of physical education I guess you could call it?"

He paused, allowing the weight of his words to sink in, the silence in the hall amplifying the tension that hung heavy in the air.

"So, don't fail," he concluded with a hearty laugh, the sound echoing through the hall and setting a wave of nervous excitement rippling through the ranks of young knights, each of them wondering if they possessed the courage and the ability to rise to the challenge.

wc: 463


Dragonkin [Toga] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 10:05 am

The colonel was a big ball of energy, completely different from what Rhea Alvarez had imagined. Most colonels she knew were cold and straight to business, but this one? This one was different. Being a Rune Knight always felt like work for Rhea, it's why she planned on leaving eventually. It was people like the Colonel that helped take the edge off. He brought a boyish charm to the environment that Rhea couldn't help but find endearing. The Light Dragon Slayer appreciated upbeat people; they reminded her of the folks back home in Stella. Charismatic, warm-hearted, fun people. Colonel Himura would fit right in at home.

After Lieutenant Farner handed the stage to Colonel Himura, it was revealed that the class of Privates would need to elect someone to represent them in combat against the Colonel. The one who respresented them would be responsible for the entire class. If they failed, training would probably kill them all. Luckily, the goal wasn't to win- it was to impress Mr. Himura. As the news spread, Rhea's colleagues buzzed with excitement and nervous chatter. But Rhea? A grin slowly spread across her face. Finally, a real challenge in front of people who could actually give her a pay raise.

"Alright, alright, quiet down," Farner commanded, waving his hand as if swatting away the noise. "Pick your representative, and make it quick."

Rhea had her eyes locked onto Colonel Himura. Beyond the rush of excitement coursing through her veins, she sensed there was something special about him. Her instincts never lied. For a moment, the training hall grew quiet. The Privates in the row before her slowly turned to face her, as if they had already agreed she should be the one to take on Colonel Himura. They parted like the sea, making way for their chosen champion. Rhea hadn't noticed at first, too absorbed in analyzing the pink-haired man.

"Rhea," one of them whispered.

"Hm?" She snapped back to reality, her gaze broken and her mind brought back to the present moment. The elf looked around, realizing her peers had all been waiting for her to step forward. How disappointing. None of them were brave enough to volunteer? "Oh, I see," she sighed, stepping forward. "Esta bien..." she finally said, moving confidently to the space between the Privates and the higher-ups. "No weapons, no magic?" she asked Colonel Himura with confidence, raising an eyebrow as she rested her hand on her hip. Her long dark locks hung down to her knees.



Dragonkin [Toga] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 10:48 am

Tōga's antithetical-colored eyes, a telling vogue to his artificial Heterochromia, scanned the privates with a soft focus, their vibrant hues dissecting the subtle nuances of their reactions. Some recoiled, their shoulders slumping and their gazes averting, their confidence evaporating like morning mist under the intensity of his scrutiny. Others responded with nervous laughter and idle chatter, their bravado a flimsy mask for their underlying apprehension, more enthralled by the prospect of defying their superior to by the daunting challenge itself. A concerto of unspoken anxieties filled the air, a silent chorus of doubt and hesitation swirled around the vast training hall.

But amidst the sea of uncertainty, a beacon of resolve emerged. A bronze-skinned beauty, her lithe form exuding an air of quiet confidence, stepped forward, her every movement a graceful defiance of the prevailing trepidation. Her accent, a lyrical tapestry woven with exotic threads, hinted at far-off lands and untold adventures, while her scent, a captivating blend of the unknown and the intimately familiar, whispered a secret truth: she, too, was a dragon slayer, a kindred spirit in a world of magic users.

A spark of surprise, a flicker of recognition, ignited in Tōga's eyes as he beheld this unexpected challenger. "Interesting," he mused, a playful lilt entering his voice, the pink strands of his hair lifting with a newfound curiosity. "Well I planned on using my swords. Tryna become something of a swordsman," he chuckled, a self-deprecating gesture that belied his formidable skills. "But I never intended to use fatal force. I'll stick to the blunt edges and skip magic entirely." His gaze locked onto the elf, a mixture of intrigue and excitement bubbling within him, a silent acknowledgment of the worthy adversary he had found.

"Do these terms suit you?" he inquired, though the question was a mere formality, courtesy extended to one who had already earned his respect. Tōga had already made his decision, his focus shifting momentarily to the remaining privates, a hint of disappointment shadowing his features.

"It's great to see at least one of you possessing the courage to step up," he remarked, his voice a blend of admiration and frustration, a testament to the high standards he held for those under his command. "The rest of you, take note. This is what true leadership looks like."

wc: 398 [861]


Dragonkin [Toga] Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 9:53 am

"Oh, I see," the Light Dragon Slayer responded to Toga after he mentioned that he preferred to use his swords. The Colonel reassured her that he would simply be using the hilts and nothing more. The Stellan didn't have a problem with that, but she herself had yet to get a weapon of her own, so as usual, she would be tackling her opponent with her bare hands.

"Yes, you can use your swords. I prefer to fight with my fists. I imagine that if you did use fatal force, you would be in big trouble, hm?" she asked, moving her arms to her head and wrapping her flowing bundles into a bun. The last thing she needed was her hair getting in the way. She could feel the weight of her peers' expectations and the intensity of the moment as she prepared for the duel. Rhea smirked at the Colonel, confident that she could land at least one hit. She wasn't sure how strong Himura was, but if he was a Colonel, then he had to be skilled. As she watched him, she couldn't help but notice how handsome he was. A little younger-looking than she'd expect a Colonel to look, but charming nonetheless. Rhea never had much interest in men, and when they got to know her, they always seemed to push her away. Her cousins once told her that although she was beautiful, she was a bit too masculine. Not that it mattered. It wasn't like she was looking for a lover anyway.

As the Private took her stance, she watched as Colonel Himura called out to her peers, pointing out that the Elf had the qualities of a true leader. His voice carried a mix of authority and admiration, and she could feel his words stirring a range of emotions among the gathered Privates. Her left hand was about a foot in front of her face, slightly below her eyes, while her right hand remained about half a foot in front of her right cheek. Her legs were spread apart, left foot forward and right foot about two feet away from each other. She glanced briefly at the crowd of onlookers, who seemed ashamed, disappointed, and jealous all at once. Rhea merely scoffed before returning to face her opponent, her superior.

"So, Coronel, what happens if I defeat you? Do I become a Colonel too?" she questioned in a teasing way, ready for him to give the green light to go. Her tone was playful, but there was an underlying determination in her eyes.



Dragonkin [Toga] Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 12:11 pm

"I think you’re pretty song. Probably stronger than you know,” Tōga remarked, his heterochromatic eyes twinkling with a mix of admiration and challenge as Rhea agreed to his terms. "I have no doubt you can hold your own with nothing more than your bare hands." Their agreement was simple: no magic, just a pure display of physical prowess and weapon mastery. Tōga's victory would hinge on the blunt edges of his twin swords, while Rhea would rely solely on the strength of her fists.

"Perhaps," he countered, a playful smirk gracing her lips. "Rune Knights aren’t too happy when one of their own are cut down – especially by someone within their ranks" his words held a hint of sarcasm, but he recognized the truth in them. Some might perceive his weapons as an unfair advantage, and they wouldn't be entirely wrong. While his blades could extend his reach and amplify his strikes, the heart of his power lay in his ability to manipulate dragon fire – a power he had voluntarily relinquished for this spar.

Despite this handicap, Tōga remained confident in his abilities. He was, after all, a seasoned warrior with experience as his ally, and Rhea, though undoubtedly skilled, was still untested in the crucible of combat. But her willingness to accept the challenge, to put her pride on the line, had already earned his respect. She had passed the first test without even realizing it, demonstrating a courage that many of her peers lacked.

Rhea's next question, a curious inquiry about the terms of their agreement, only deepened Tōga's intrigue. "We'll address that when the time comes," he replied, his smile widening as he took several measured steps backward, establishing a distance of ten meters between them. The surrounding crowd, a mix of fellow Rune Knights at various ranks, formed a circle around the makeshift arena, their anticipation palpable. This circular enclosure that spanned 30 meters in circumference would be the stage that tested the neophyte Knight.

With the stage set and the audience captivated, Tōga assumed his fighting stance. Kimetsu, his smaller blade, rested at his side, its blunt edge facing forward, while Zangetsu, the imposing black cleaver, extended menacingly towards his opponent.

"The first move is yours," he declared, his voice a blend of confidence and respect, inviting Rhea to initiate the dance of combat that would soon unfold.

wc: 409 [1,270]
Combat Log:


Dragonkin [Toga] Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:27 pm

Rhea didn't need to say anything more. The Colonel seemed confident that his underling could hold her own without weapons. Time and time again Rhea had fought monsters with her bare knuckles, and every opponent she faced fell before her. It became increasingly clear that while this fight was a test for the Dragon Slayer of Light, it was also training for her superior. Himura seemed honorable enough so Rhea suspected he used his swords out of preference, not necessity. Regardless, she was determined to give this battle her all. Win or lose, she aimed to prove her worth not just as a Rune Knight, but as a formidable adversary for anyone who might challenge her in the future. Though not an experienced warrior, Rhea was an experienced hunter, eager to learn what Colonel Himura could teach her and discover the skills and tricks he might reveal.

The pink-haired Knight created exactly ten meters of space between himself and the chosen champion as their peers circled around to form a small arena. Silence fell over the group. Many doubted that the Stellan would actually win, but they were filled with anticipation, lost in wonder about the physical abilities of their Colonel. Rhea didn't pay much attention to rumors, but it was said that this man was amongst the strongest in the entire organization. Rhea's eyes shifted from the smaller blade on Coronels hip to the more impressive one. If Himura truly used his swords, she knew she might not survive the session.

"Heh," she chuckled after her superior offered her the first move. "Hope you can keep up, Coronel~!" she teased with a grin almost larger than her face, kicking off the ground and darting forward almost ten meters to meet her opponent face to face. Her right hand moved to jab as she approached, aiming for her superior's chest. Rhea's speed generated a small gust of wind behind her, and to those who couldn't keep up, it almost seemed like she moved in a blur.


Stats | Perks | Magic:


Dragonkin [Toga] Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 5:43 pm

The hum of expectation was almost deafening, an opus of whispers and murmurs that swirled around the impromptu arena. Both seasoned knights and fresh-faced recruits alike craned their necks to witness the impending spectacle. Rhea, a rising star among their ranks, had already carved a reputation for herself with her swift ascension and a trail of completed quests that spoke volumes of her potential. Tōga, once a similarly ambitious newcomer, now held the esteemed rank of Colonel, a position that rarely allowed for such informal displays of skill against his peers.

For many in attendance, this would be their first glimpse of Tōga in action. It was a peculiar twist of fate, considering his mastery of magic far outshone his swordsmanship. Yet, it was a testament to his unwavering commitment to growth, to embrace his vulnerabilities and transform them into strengths. Today, he would bare his most unrefined talent for all to see, hoping that its very rawness would pave the path towards future mastery.

"Give me your best shot," Tōga beckoned, his pink hair cascading over his eyes as he tracked Rhea's every move with unwavering focus. Her speed was astonishing, a blur of motion that left only a fleeting whisper of displaced air as evidence of her presence.

Instinctively, he raised Zangetsu, the broad expanse of steel intercepting a lightning-fast punch aimed at his chest. "Great job!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with excitement as he used the momentum of the impact to propel himself backward, his other hand already reaching for Kimetsu. With a swift, fluid motion, he brought the tiger-striped katana around, aiming to strike the exposed midsection of the elusive elf.

wc: 301 [1,571]
Combat Log:


Dragonkin [Toga] Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:24 pm


It was commonly believed that one’s rank determined their power within the Rune Knight organization. Privates were supposed to be the least experienced, weakest, and most disposable members, while those at the top were assumed to be the strongest and most important. These social stigmas were imposed by power-hungry men with hidden agendas. Rhea relished the thrill of fighting people who were "supposed to be" stronger than her. Most of the time, they were men, and seeing the sweet look on their faces when they realized how foolish it was to underestimate her induced one of the most satisfying feelings in the world. Needless to say, whoever was watching would quickly find the line between a lower-ranking officer's power and a higher-ranking officer's power blurred.

The elf moved quickly, landing her fist exactly where she expected as her feet planted firmly on the ground beneath her. It was an obvious attack, yes, but one so quick it only left room for her opponent to defend. If he used his arms, he'd take on a hefty blow. The only logical option Rhea saw was for Himura to defend with his sword. For all she knew, her superior was a lunatic who would take it head-on and deliver a blow back to end this quickly. She doubted it, though. No risk, no reward, right? Once her fist connected with the sword, she immediately leaped back, adding some distance between them. It was a good thing, too, because Himura's next attack barely missed her.

He's fast too.

The colonel had put even more distance between them. Rhea wasn’t sure if that was her doing, but she was just getting started. Had this been a battle where all talents were included, Rhea would undoubtedly lose. She could feel it. Not just because she hadn’t yet gotten the hang of her own magic abilities, but because Colonel Himura was special. Even now, she could see that he was holding back, but it only made her hungrier. "Did you have to go through a test like this when you first joined, Colonel Himura?" she asked curiously. The Stellan assumed position, hands up, this time waiting to see if he would close the distance. He moves his swords like they are an extension of his arms... she thought. pero si rompo sus espadas, no tendrá con qué defenderse.


Stats | Perks | Magic:


Dragonkin [Toga] Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:05 pm

Tōga relished the sensation of the air yielding to his blade, a stark contrast to the resistance he felt when his strikes met their mark. The sharp whistle that emanated from the meteorite khyber knife as it descended towards the bronze-skinned elf was a symphony of calculated aggression, a testament to the raw power he wielded. His first strike, a simple yet decisive maneuver, was a reflection of his combat philosophy – a belief that overcomplication was the downfall of amateurs. Though relatively new to the art of the blade, Tōga was no stranger to the dance of battle, his instincts honed by countless encounters with danger, his reflexes sharpened by the fires of adversity.

"Tch!" He muttered a self-deprecating sound as Zangetsu narrowly missed its target, the tip of the weapon grazing Rhea's retreating form by a hair's breadth, a testament to her agility and quick thinking. Undeterred, he swiftly retracted his arm, adopting a dual-wielding stance, the crossed blades a silent promise of impending retaliation, a visual representation of the storm brewing within him.

"Nope,” he declared with a grand smile, a hint of playful challenge in his voice. " When I joined, not so long ago, I kind of went under the radar. No one really took an interest in me."

His words painted a picture of a lone wolf, a warrior who thrived in the shadows, his exploits whispered in hushed tones among the rank and file. This sparring match was a rare opportunity for his peers to witness his skills firsthand, to peel back the layers of mystery that surrounded him. It was a chance for them to see the man behind the myth, the warrior who had risen through the ranks with unparalleled speed and unwavering determination.

With a powerful thrust of his legs, he launched himself forward, closing the distance between himself and Rhea with the speed of a striking viper. His first strike, a fiery arc of Rengoku's Kimetsu, aimed to catch her off guard, a calculated risk designed to exploit any momentary lapse in her defenses. He followed up with a swift pivot, bringing Zangetsu's imposing mass crashing down upon her exposed flank, a maneuver that combined brute force with elegant precision.

It was a tremendous display of combat prowess, a symphony of movement and steel that left the spectators mesmerized. Tōga watched with bated breath, his eyes gleaming with anticipation, eager to see how the enigmatic elf would respond to his relentless assault.

wc: 432 [2,003]
Combat Log:


Dragonkin [Toga] Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 7:41 am

Rhea felt the air crackle with energy as his first strike with his sword arced toward her. But the Stellan was always ready to find an opening, always keenly aware of her surroundings. If it was in front of her in broad daylight, she was more than capable of keeping up. Her instincts kicked in, and she swiftly hopped back, leaving Himura's first attack to slash through her afterimage. The Colonel didn't stop there, though. With a clean pivot and a swing of his larger sword, he sent the hilt crashing downward.

Tracking her opponent, Rhea mirrored his pivot, shifting her position to face him while turning her body. The crowd roared, the Privates clearly impressed with the speed of the fight. Gasps and whispers spread among the onlookers, in awe of the raw display of power and the senior officers watched with measured interest, assessing every move and counter.With the back of her left fist, Rhea parried the descending hilt, the impact sending a shockwave through her arms as she chose to take the damage head on. Her arm throbbed with pain, but she had managed to raise it in time to stop the sword before it could reach her shoulder. If that sword had hit her shoulder, it could have ended the battle then and there. This wasn't a calculated risk, it was pure instinct.

Under pressure, Rhea often focused on getting to her opponent, not on defending herself, something Himura seemed to be figuring out. The Colonel picked up the pace, and Rhea finally began to feel alive. Her right leg swung from behind her wildly, boldly aiming her shin directly above the superior's shoulders just after her parry. A roundhouse, straight to his left jaw. Rhea hoped he would expect her to dodge or retreat instead of immediately counterattacking. She wanted to land her hits, regardless of the risk. She had faced worse and taken more damage before, but this bold move meant the battle might be over sooner than she wanted.

The arena itself was a whirlwind of action. Dust kicked up from the ground with every rapid movement, and the cracking of metal against bone echoed like a thunderstorm. Rhea and Himura moved with a blend of grace and visciousness, each attack met with an equally fierce defense or counter. As she fought, Rhea's mind locked in, analyzing his techniques and searching for any weaknesses. The Elf couldn't let him dictate the pace of the battle. Each clash and exchange of attacks only encouraged her to turn the tide in her favor.


Stats | Perks | Magic:


Dragonkin [Toga] Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 7:15 am

Tōga had anticipated landing at least one of his initial strikes. Early in a duel, before fatigue set in, was often when mistakes were made, openings exploited. Yet, as Rengoku's Kimetsu sliced through empty air where Rhea had once stood, a sly grin spread across the dragon slayer's face. He had faith in Zangetsu, his second blade, to find its mark.

With the fluidity of a seasoned dancer, Tōga pirouetted, propelled by a combination of instinct and battle-honed reflexes. The ground seemed to blur beneath his feet as he seamlessly transitioned into a flanking maneuver, his movements guided by a mind that overflowed with martial acumen. Where Kimetsu had faltered, Zangetsu would not. The obsidian blade whistled through the air, colliding with Rhea's form with bone-jarring force. Tōga expected a lesser opponent to be sent reeling, but he knew this bronze-skinned warrior was no ordinary adversary.

Then, a sharp impact snapped his head back, a solid blow to the cheek, scarcely disrupting his equilibrium. Rhea, relentless in her pursuit, had unleashed a counterstrike of her own. Tōga's momentary disorientation, a consequence of their close proximity, opened a window of vulnerability for both combatants. He accepted the risk, understanding that a swift response was crucial.

Without hesitation, he retaliated, unleashing Kimetsu once more, aiming for Rhea's chest cavity1. He hoped to capitalize on the recoil of her leg from the previous kick, creating an opening for his attack. Regardless of the outcome, Tōga pressed on, his resolve unwavering. Zangetsu, a blur of darkness, followed in a devastating frontal assault2.

A concerto of steel and flesh echoed through the arena as the two warriors engaged in a relentless exchange of blows. It was a battle of attrition, a test of endurance and adaptability. Tōga, fueled by an adamant spirit and a thirst for challenge, reveled in the chaos, his every move validating why he offered this challenge in the first place. The Rune Knights had diamonds hidden in the rough. They needed to be discovered, tested and polished to perfection. Rhea was the first, and she wouldn’t be the last. He knew this with utmost certainty.

wc: 391 [2,394]
Combat Log:


Dragonkin [Toga] Empty Wed Jun 26, 2024 10:49 am

All things considered, Rhea was holding her own fairly well against her opponent, a man renowned throughout the entire organization. He was undeniably strong. Among most people, Rhea wouldn’t have this much trouble, but the superior Knight was different. Her foot landed where she aimed, but it hardly made a difference. That alone was enough to catch the elven dragon off guard. The Light Dragon Slayer had expected her opponent to at least stumble, if not fall, so her eyes widened with disappointment when neither happened.

Her leg recoiled, creating a brief opening and her eyes captured the moment everyone had been waiting for, the blow that would cause one of the two to falter. Rhea’s body was not fast enough to react. Colonel Himura's sword struck her directly in the center of her chest, like a battering ram against a fortress gate. "Gah!" The impact forced the sound out of her. A mixture of saliva and blood flew out of her mouth, just a split second before her body was flung almost fifteen meters back. The Rune Knights around them ooh'd and ahh'd, gasping at both the display of power and the damage done.

Rhea skidded across the ground, rolling onto her feet, with her knees touching the ground and halting her for flying further. She panted heavily, trying to catch her breath. The taste of blood lingered in her mouth, a reminder of her opponent’s strength. But , Rhea had a point to prove so she wasn’t about to give up without a fight. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she glared at Himura with renewed determination.

The crowd's reactions fueled her. She could feel their eyes on her, a mixture of shock and admiration. Rhea knew she had to get back up, not just for herself but for everyone watching. The Slayer managed to push  herself up, her legs trembling slightly but holding firm, like a tree beaten by the wind but still standing and her arm throbbed. “Heh, Not bad, Colonel,” she muttered, her voice rough but steady. “But I am not done just yet.”

Her stance shifted, preparing for the next round. She was battered, but her spirit was far from shattered. Rhea took a deep breath, focusing on her next move. She knew that she had to be faster, smarter. Colonel Himura was a formidable opponent, but this wasn't all she had to offer. How could it have been? The battle had just begun! How embarrassing would that be?

However, as she prepared to launch herself forward again, a lust for battle within her eyes, she felt a sharp pain in her chest. "Ragh!" Her vision blurred momentarily before she fell onto one knee. The realization that continuing the fight in her current state might lead to severe injury settled within her mind. Rhea glanced around at the crowd, then back at Himura. Rhea straightened up and raised her hand, signaling her surrender.

"Colonel, you have proven your strength," she said, her voice carrying both respect and resolve, almost fighting to get the words out. "I yield. It is clear I still have much to learn." she panted.



Dragonkin [Toga] Empty Wed Jun 26, 2024 12:19 pm

As the dust settled around the skirmish site, Tōga watched Rhea's form crumple to the earth, her bronzed skin marred by the battle's harshness, stirring up dirt and debris with each painful contact. He stood rooted, his resolve firm yet his heart softened by the spectacle of her valiant struggle to rise.

Rhea, grappling with the limits of her endurance, finally succumbed, sinking to one knee—a silent concession to her physical limits. Tōga, witnessing her fierce spirit wane, sheathed his weapons in a solemn, respectful gesture. "Rhea-chan…" he began, pausing as she gathered herself to speak, her spirit undeterred even as her body pleaded for reprieve.

"You fought with immense heart today! And you've grasped a lesson that escapes many," Tōga praised, his voice carrying over the murmurs of onlookers who, until now, were absorbed in the spectacle of their duel. The crowd's chatter ebbed, drawn into the gravity of his words.

"Heart and willpower are formidable allies, yet their reach has bounds." Approaching her, he extended a hand, an offer of both support and acknowledgment. "Recognizing one's limits is as crucial, if not more so, than knowing when an adversary has been bested. There's no dishonor in acknowledging your boundaries."

His gaze swept over the assembled privates, their expressions shifting from idle curiosity to introspective consideration, absorbing the depth of his counsel.

"She passed, and you're all excused for today," Tōga announced with a light-hearted chuckle, easing the tension that had knotted the air. Turning back to Rhea, who remained on bended knee, visibly worn yet undeniably resilient, he offered a smile of genuine respect.

"And you... you're remarkable—more so than perhaps even you realize. I would be honored to assist you in discovering the full extent of your potential," he said warmly, his offer extending beyond mere courtesy to a genuine pledge of mentorship. In Tōga's eyes, Rhea was not just another warrior to train but a burgeoning force that, with guidance, could transcend her current limitations.

wc: 349 [2,743]


Dragonkin [Toga] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 12:34 pm

Rhea reflected on what had just transpired as she struggled to catch her breath. Her arm hung limp, her chest felt nearly caved in, and her entire body was weakened like a tree battered by a relentless storm. Despite the pain, she was surprised to find that she still had so much stamina left. If only she were more durable, she could have prolonged this battle. But the gods and Colonel Himura had sent a clear message about her fighting style. Charging in and attempting to overpower her opponent wouldn't always work, especially against someone more powerful.

The Light Dragon's eyes shot up as her superior called out to her. The brief silence in the air was deafening, but when he acknowledged her vigilance, she felt a sudden sense of ease wash over her like a cool breeze after a scorching day. With a weak but genuine smile, she nodded. "Gracias, Senor," she coughed. She listened intently as the Knight continued, revealing that even willpower had a limit and that it was wise to remember her boundaries. For a moment, her eyes glanced over to her peers, who also seemed to listen for tips on how to survive in battle. "I see," she said. She also kept in mind the importance of thoroughly analyzing her opponent.

The Berserkers gaze returned to Himura, attempting to peer deep into the depths of not just his power but him as a whole. Who was he? What was his story? And why was he a Knight? The more she studied him, the clearer it became:

One day, I will become strong enough to defeat you, Colonel Himura.

The battle had concluded, and everyone had passed, thanks to her. Rhea was far too stressed to respond, but if she could, she'd tell them all how pathetic they were. Gods, she hated wimps. Perhaps in due time, they would find the guts to face anyone head-on. The Elf raised the one arm that still worked and reached for her superior's hand. Her eyes widened at what he said next. To be trained and molded into a better fighter by someone like Himura was an honor she wouldn't dare refuse.

"Oh... I..." she stuttered, her voice nearly trembling like leaves in the wind. "I am honored, and I would be a fool to decline your offer. Let's do it." A dangerous grin appeared on her lips as she allowed herself to be pulled to her feet. "But with all due respect, Maestro Himura, don't think this is over. Under your mentorship, soon I should be able to best you in battle." She chuckled, coughing in the same breath.

"Is there a healer around? Excuse my language, but you sort of beat the shit out of me, Haha," she added, a hint of awkward humor breaking through her exhaustion. Her determination was as fierce as a roaring flame, and despite her current state, she was ready to embark on the path to becoming a formidable warrior.



Dragonkin [Toga] Empty Fri Jun 28, 2024 6:32 am

Tōga’s curiosity was piqued as Rhea’s gratitude, expressed in her distinct dialect, filled the air when he helped her to her feet. The uniqueness of her speech pattern resonated with him, sparking a genuine interest that quickly outpaced his mental processing. Before he could fully register his thoughts, he found himself voicing them aloud, his tone imbued with sincere fascination rather than any hint of mockery.

Your dialect… It’s fascinating,” he remarked, his voice carrying a mix of wonder and respect. “I haven’t heard someone speak like that since I was in Stella—is that where you’re from?” His question was direct, spurred by his encounters across various cultures during his travels. Tōga valued the rich tapestry of global diversity, cherishing each cultural nuance as a treasure. As a native of Joya himself, he was no stranger to the array of mannerisms, beliefs, and customs that painted the vibrant mosaic of the world’s cultures.

Standing before him, Rhea seemed a shadow of her former self, visibly marred by the rigors of their spar yet undiminished in spirit. Her resilience, evident in her bruised yet unbroken demeanor, elicited from Tōga a sheepish smile, tinged with a twinge of guilt for perhaps having pushed the boundaries of their training session too far.

Nonetheless, her resolve shone brightly as she smiled back at him, promising a future bout where she would claim victory. Her words, filled with determination and the anticipation of a rematch, warmed Tōga’s heart.

I’ll be waiting for you to make good on that promise,” he responded, his words a gentle acceptance of her challenge, signaling his readiness for a future clash once her training bore the fruit she sought.

Realizing he may have been overly enthusiastic in their training, he quickly called for additional support, hoping to ease her recovery. “And yeah, my bad!” he called out with a chuckle, signaling to the medical team nearby. “Medics, come help our Rhea-chan!” His voice, light and jovial, filled the training area as he continued to support Rhea, his laughter mingling with the more serious undertones of their earlier combat.
wc: 370 [3,113]


Dragonkin [Toga] Empty Thu Sep 19, 2024 11:28 am

At last, the battle had reached its conclusion. As fate would have it, Rhea found herself unable to defeat her opponent, but the experience revealed much about herself—and her superior. If Colonel Himura embodied the formidable power of the Knights, then their enemies were truly doomed. Her own hubris, fueled by her past victories, had led her to believe she was nearing the pinnacle of strength among mages and warriors. Clearly, she was mistaken. Yet, rather than shattering her spirit, her defeat sparked something within her. It was a fierce motivation that ignited her resolve.

Fiore housed some of the world's strongest fighters, and if the half-elf intended to make her mark here, she would need to grow stronger. Rhea glanced around, taking in the shocked expressions of her peers, still reeling from the display of power. Her gaze landed back on her new mentor, Colonel Himura, who acknowledged her with a knowing nod. "Si. I am Stellan through and through,” she replied, a prideful smirk curling her lips in honor of her homeland.

"If I may, Colonel Himura- Though Rhea had a million questions swirling in her mind, their time together felt all too fleeting. Just then, five medics draped in long, armored robes rushed to her side. "Oh..." A couple knelt down to assess her injuries, quickly realizing her arm was broken and she may have had a concussion. “Can you walk?” one of them asked. She nodded, determination surging through her.

With their help, she rose to her feet, ready to be escorted to the infirmary. Yes, she had lost this battle, but it had only added fuel to the fire. Now, she had a new goal: to surpass her mentor, Colonel Himura, and prove that she could stand among the best.

- exit -


Dragonkin [Toga] Empty Thu Sep 19, 2024 12:08 pm

Tōga stood by attentively as the medical team emerged from the periphery, their figures transitioning from the dim fringes into the brighter arena lights. They moved with a quiet efficiency that contrasted sharply with the raw energy of the crowd still buzzing from the spectacle.

"Take it easy, Rhea-chan!" Tōga called out, his voice a blend of concern and gentle chiding. It was rare to hear such a soft tone from someone of his stature—a Colonel in the Rune Knights—especially in a setting that often demanded a firmer hand. His words were not commands but sincere advice, reflecting an empathy that belied his formidable presence. "There's no rush. Heal first. We can talk whenever you're ready. I'm here for you," he added, his smile genuine, radiating warmth and reassurance.

As he stepped back, giving space to the medics, Tōga's mind replayed the duel. Rhea had stepped into the arena with a determination that was both rare and admirable, particularly given her relative inexperience. She had faced him head-on, a daunting task for even the most seasoned knights, and though she had faltered, her spirit had not waned. In that brief encounter, Tōga had seen a spark—an undeniable courage that deserved nurturing. Yes, she had been bested today, but in her confidence, she had earned something far greater than a mere victory. She had gained a mentor, an advocate in Tōga, who saw in her the potential to rise beyond the ranks, to forge a path marked by bravery and growth.

- exit

wc: 275 [3,388]

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