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Silver City [Solo A-Rank]

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Silver City [Solo A-Rank] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 10:25 am

Dan smiled as he strolled the silver district of Myras, his eyes darting from side to side as he took in all the various stores and restaurants that dotted the area. Dan could admit that the opulence of the area slightly intimidated him when he first landed that morning as he had spent the majority of his life just living in a small house in magnolia. Though Dan had moved up in the world after becoming a mage of the fairy tail guild and was now able to afford much better clothing sometimes he still feels like that small boy who would spend his days rolling in the mud. Shaking his head Dan released a small chuckle as he returned to his walk around the beautifully designed city. As Dan continued forwards he began to notice the city slowly losing it's shine and began to look more like a slum 'Oh yeah the locals warned me the south district was a dangerous area for most people to go into.' Dan thought before hearing a scream up ahead.

WC: 177


Silver City [Solo A-Rank] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 10:34 am

Not wasting any time Dan quickly darted forwards at full speed towards the sounds of the disturbance. As he turned the corner he saw a young well dressed woman perhaps a year or two younger then the mage himself being accosted by a mixed group of men and women, all wearing old and shabby clothing. Dan also saw a pair of guards attempting to hold the group back but were slowly losing ground. Not wanting this to turn into a potential slaughter Dan quickly claps his hands together before separating them a pair of mixed yellow and purple magic circles 0.5-Meters in Diameter will appear on his palms before being engulfed in black lightning. Quickly running forwards Dan appeared in the center of the group of vagabonds and began quickly giving light strikes to their bodies causing them to fall to the ground as their muscles locked up and began to twitch.

WC: 152
TWC: 329


Silver City [Solo A-Rank] Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 12:20 pm

Dan felt a sigh of relief leave his body as the last of the ruffians hit the ground as they were stunned from his technique. Quickly noticing that the pair of guards had regrouped next to the young lady Dan slowly walked over making sure to keep his hands fully visible at all times. Dan didn't think that they would attack him but he also knew that after battle adrenaline could make you jumpy so he didn't want to risk it. As he got close enough to see the woman again he gave a small wave "Seems you lot had a bit of trouble there." Dan said as the three turned to look at him. The two guards looked at each other for a moment before slightly bowing to Dan and taking their place at either side of the girl. Said girl nodded as she stepped forwards and bowed "Indeed thank you kind sir had it not been for you I'm certain this situation would have ended badly." She said before rising up and smiling.

WC: 175
TWC: 504


Silver City [Solo A-Rank] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 9:40 am

Dan could only chuckle as he scratched the back of his head and nodded "I'm just glad I happened to be walking by and heard your shout for help." Dan said as he wiped his hands off in his pants to remove the dirt and dust from them. As he finished up dusting his hands off he looked around the area "So ma'am if you don't mind my asking what are you doing in the lower district it's not exactly what one would consider safe for someone like yourself?" Dan asked as he turned to begin restraining the people that joined in the attack before his spell wore off. The woman bit her lip for a moment "I was here looking for a gift for a friend who's birthday was coming up, she enjoys art so I wanted to check out the local artisans wares." She answered as Dan finished up.

WC: 152
TWC: 656


Silver City [Solo A-Rank] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 10:04 am

Dan nodded in understanding as the woman finished her explanation as to why he was there. It made sense while the lower district mostly held the unfortunate people who were down on their luck or homeless it was also home to some very talented artisans that were known to produce some very high quality items. As Dan once more looked around he began to see more people begining to poke their heads out from doors and street corners to look at the woman. Narrowing his eyes a bit Dan cleared his throat and looked at the woman with a smile "Well miss if you're alright with it I don't mind acting as an escort for you until we're back in safer territory." Dan offered as the woman smiled and nodded her head quickly as she released a sigh of relief as if glad I had offered instead of her having to ask.

WC: 152
TWC: 808


Silver City [Solo A-Rank] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 9:31 pm

As Dan walked beside his new charge he made sure to keep his head on a swivel to ensure that nobody would catch them off guard. This was not Dan's first escort mission nor would it be his last as this was a fairly common request for legal guilds. As Dan continued his vigil the woman quickly took a few quick steps ahead to take a look at a sculpture of a large red dragon that a old man was sitting on a table near the side of the street. "Oh that looks wonderful I'm sure she would like that!" The woman stated as Dan took a look he couldn't help but agree the craftsmanship on the statue was immaculate if he didn't know any better he might have expected it to start breathing fire. As the woman began to speak with the man intending to purchase the sculpture Dan felt a shiver run down his spine as he quickly turned around.

WC: 163
TWC: 971


Silver City [Solo A-Rank] Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 9:36 am

Dan's instincts proved to be just as sharp as ever as he apun to see the sight of a large man with a leather jacket and red mohawk standing behind him a few feet "So this is the punk who took out my crew and left them humiliated and tied up in the alleyway." The man stated with his teeth grit and a twitch beneath his eye. Dan figuring this guy must have been the boss to the group that attacked his new charge earlier stept forwards with a nod "Maybe that was me maybe not who knows?" Dan answered with a shrug as the man looked like he might pop a blood vessel ran forwards and swung his large fist towards Dan's head only to jump back when the ladies guards swung their swords at him. Dan smiled at the pair "Hey you guys just focus on making sure that nobody else gets at your lady I can handle this guy." Dan finishes with a nod to the big brute in front of him.

WC: 175
TWC: 1146


Silver City [Solo A-Rank] Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 9:47 am

As Dan returned his attention to the man he noticed that he seemed to be attempting a spell. It was clear the man didn't have much if any formal magical training and was clearly brute forcing it. Dan watched as a pale red circle appeared and seemed to almost glitch for a moment before stabilizing and firing a decently sized fireball at Dan who sighed and pulled back the hair over his right eye before opening it revealing a golden pupil that began to glow as the fireball vanished into thin air. Wanting to end this quickly Dan begins by rubbing his shoes back and forth along the ground creating a pair of mixed yellow and purple spell circles 0.5-Meters in Diameter to appear below his feet causing his legs to be engulfed in black lightning allowing him to shoot forwards and slam his elbow into the mans gut causing him to cough violently before passing out. As Dan turned around the lady quickly bought the status before rejoining Dan to leave the area.

WC: 175
TWC: 1321/1000 (20% WC Decrease from Hermit Tarot+10% Guild Lv 2+20% Lazy Coin)

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