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In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.)

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In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Fri Jul 19, 2024 11:43 am

The oddity that was Nui, Seemingly ended up in Magnolia. After travelling for a long a period of time in which she could not tell you as her view and perception of time is completely thrown off from where she had been for many years.

She was roaming the streets looking for something, Well fixated on whatever it was, but whenever she seemed to casually walk, the problem that seemed to arise with Nui would show, She was walking in a very large circle around the same area and not realized she needed to turn other way quiet yet. She was lost direction wise.

Eros the ever smart sentient but unable to speak snake around her neck was actually trying to point it out but all they did was nudge Nui and point on way and during the process of trying to point out the next turn Nui just simply did as she wanted too.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 9:01 am

Ryuuji was sitting on a bench eating a snack that he had bought at the cake shop and he was in a way people watching as some where deep in his heart he hoped that he would once again see his missing wife that he had looked for but he never found her. He noticed a woman that kept showing back up and he wondered what she was doing and as she had done this long enough that he had finished his snack he had gotten up and he called out to her as he went to try to catch up to her. "Are you in trouble or something? Maybe lost and need help?" He figured he would ask and he sees the snake around her and he stayed back a bit as he as a demi-human boar had never really had any luck with snakes in any form so he was not going to give it the chance to maybe bite him and it be venomous.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 5:20 am

It would almost seem like Nui did not either know or it did not connect with her that she was being spoken too. But alas it seemed the snake was not seemingly to give him a problem. But it showed that Eros was a fair amount smarter of a snake and showed that it knew maybe Ryuuji might be trying to help.

But the snake start butting it's head against Nui trying to get her attention and while it almost seemed to drag on for a moment she finally stopped. Key thing to pick up on if one was in tune to the sense of magical energy around her, the feeling around Nui was entirely different, Like it was it was something different, It was Void energy. But as signs went on it would show Nui was an odd person, it was not just the snake.

She did speak oddly."I am trying to find ssssomething."She did roll her speaking of parts with the letter s often but that could show many things."I am looking for ssssomething to eat." Eros would look at whom they where wrapped around listening intently to make sure it did not go amiss.

Then it would."I require the flesssh of beassts."Then almost like when it was expected Eros the snake almost rised and lowered its head almost like it was it's own version of a sigh. Nui did not know how much easier her life would have been if Eros could talk.

While Nui was still fairly logical and still fairly smart, But it seems something almost slightly altered or damaged her mind."I do not know Fiore at all...I am from Caelum to ssstart with."But she still spoke fiorian well and knew she was lost. But then she kept walking like it was normal about to turn the same corner again, To Eros he was uncomfortable with, was trying to Nui to stay and talk more before walking off.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 8:41 am

Hearing the woman say that she needed the flesh of beasts, he knew what she meant but that was something usually a child would say to say they want meat and when she went to walk away from him he grabbed her arm to stop her. "If you want to eat meat follow me I can show you a place to go and eat the flesh of beasts." Rather she wanted to or not he was dragging her along with him to the place so she can eat and not end back up in that loop until she starved to death from being too stupid to come in from the rain so to say.

He would drag her along to a nice looking place that smelled of bbq and other meats and the smell was enough to nearly make his mouth water even though he had just ate something that and shouldn't be hungry again so soon as he needed to make sure he stayed in shape so if the one he is looking for returns she doesn't scold him for letting himself get fat.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 4:18 am

Some one was speaking her language, but as things progress on, Ryuuji would most likely learn that Nui was still fairly smart, but her language skills where just not up to standard yet due to life situations. She would actually try over time. But there was a decent smile on her face.

While she would be bad at where she was going."Oh good, I am not lossst anymore, Thank you."The fact that when she was not rolling the s in her speaking she was perfectly clear in speaking showed there was a lot of things she might have had going on.

Then Eros seemed to settle pretty quickly no longer having to try and point which way Nui needed to go. Now that she was being guided she seemed to be completely normal."I sssposse, the problem issss, I don't quite have money yet...And when I do eat it tendssss to be quite a lot."Nui mentioned because she knew how her stomach worked but why she ate so much was far likely something else she had not figured out yet.

Eros' behaviour showed a very smart and aware snake, Almost like they where entirely sentient. Then Eros would move it's self to be on top of Nui's head and coiled it's self on top of it. It was silly as first but it seemed like it was really relaxed.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:53 am

The man softly sighed then spoke out to her. "Then I guess it was going to be on me as I can't have to dying in this city at least on my watch." He would have to pay and cover the cost that she has as they are taken inside and seated and he is sitting across from her and the waitress seemed scared of the snake as well at first but Ryuuji shook his head when the woman looked at him signaling the snake was safe. He hoped that was true but he also knows that animals trained or not can be unpredictable and attack out for many reasons but the snake seemed to have been tired from having trying to lead her in the right way but Ryuuji is not sure about this woman as she seemed more lost than some would think acceptable and he hoped the woman would be okay as he is not sure if she hit her head or if she was a demi-human snake cause she keeps rolling her s's which is more snake like than anything else.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Fri Aug 02, 2024 12:39 pm

It seemed it gave this odd woman a massive smile on her face. She seemingly was excited in some manner would express also she did feel like she was in debited to him."I will pick up work sssssoon, to pay you back."Nui It seemed she would express being happy and grateful about in this matter.

But soon would be in a lesson of just how eating with Nui would be, After all she sought out meat but yet to be told was the entire fact the Nui only eats meat and nothing else. Suppose that was a problem or a thing he would learn later to deal with.

But Eros seemed to actually now be napping almost like it was fairly tired from what it had tried to do for a while and needed to recover. While Nui seemed to follow along with out problem and seemed to be looking around trying to read what was around her.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Aug 03, 2024 5:53 am

Ryuuji shook his head as he was not going to have the woman pay him back as there wasn't a need to have that happen as he was the one that dragged her here without knowing if she had money or not and just knew she was hungry and that she needed to eat. He also knows if he had just left her and Judith found out he would be cleaning the guild hall from top to bottom in a vein hope that he could get the dirt and mess out of the built up corners that the others ended up messing and has now taken on a life of it's own.

Ryuuji orders some stuff as well as he watched the woman and it seemed that she was not going to be a cheap date as she wanted meat and she wanted a lot of it and he saw the snake was now sleeping and he wondered if the snake was a part of her or if it was something else like a pet as it had seemed to be trying to lead her but she wasn't following the snakes orders or path and just blazing her own.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 6:34 pm

As it came down to the eating part, Nui seemed to have decent table manners. But she seemed to request her meat be cooked in a particular manner Almost raw, but safe enough for a person to eat. While it was interesting at first eventually maybe it would all make sense, But given the casual pace of the resturant, Nui took the snake from the top of her head arranged a few things around the table.

Placed Eros close by her just not on her head any more, If anything it was placed to be out of the way to not bother anyone, It would be while waiting for food. She was not ordering anything to drink other then water. So maybe that would off set some costs.

But casually slipping her glass of water. Then she would ask him a question."What'ss Magnolia like?"She seemed to try to some what control her talking to refine it a bit more.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 5:35 am

The looked to her as she asked him what the city was like and he shrugged. "To me it is just a strange big city as I am from a small Joyan village. So I get lost sometimes but it is mostly nice, trouble makers are scared by the name of the guilds strongest mage Kaito, so no one seems to bother the guild or the people in fear Kaito will come for them." Ryuuji just feels kind of small compared to the things that other people have done and the fact that maybe because he was so weak that his wife left him without a word or even a good bye to him. He didn’t feel like he was much of anything around this area just an idiot demi-human that was getting no where fast. He realized the woman was forcing her speech pattern there and he sighed. "You are fine to talk as you normally do as I will not judge you." Their food soon came out to them and was placed in front of them to enjoy, Ryuuji looked to the snake to see what it does.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Aug 06, 2024 2:49 am

When the food was actually there however the while Nui seemed completely as what was seen in front of him, But she ate slightly that of an animal. But given how Nui seemed so far it might not expect she kind of just picked up the meat with her crimson read hands, sunk her teeth into it and tore. Then stopped looked around put down the piece of meat back on her place then took a fork and knife and start cutting normally it normally with a knife.

But what Eros was like as a snake actually showed, while Sentient parts of what that personality was showed, seemingly waking up from its nap it slowly raised it's head then looked at Nui, Nui realizing Eros was looking at her pick up glass of water and placed it in in front of Eros. Who seemed just casually started drinking water.

Then getting some what back to the conversation at hand."I could try to improve from it for it could benefit me."Nui spoke that line with out problem because, Even if she did seem some what worried about it, Then again self awareness is an odd thing to a person.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Aug 06, 2024 10:07 am

Ryuuji just looked at her as he had no idea to why she seemed to be bouncing completely like she was two different people in one body. He needed to figure out her deal as she seemed like she was completely lost here. He saw her start eating like an animal which he couldn't complain about as he was doing the same then she seemed to correct herself like she needed to be prim and proper he wondered if maybe she had a split personality and they were fighting over who was in control he then saw her give the snake some of her water. He wondered if that kind of water was okay for a snake as it was probably just tap water and he knows some animals have problems with water that isn't specially treated as he is not sure where the snake was from to even take a guess at what the proper care for it would be. "I guess if that is what you really wanna do go ahead and knock yourself out." He shrugged and went back to eating his meat with his hands.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 6:17 am

Nui almost seemed almost unsure how else to carry the conversation. So she continued to eat her meal as casual as any odd woman tearing into meat normally would. But suppose she was a mere stranger so was Eros.

But, how Eros' mind worked always continue to show the oddity of its being even if a snake. Nui and Eros would look at one another. Then she cut a piece of the meat off, then offer it from her fork. Eros seemed fairly polite and gentle even considering their snake like nature. While the piece was small Eros seemed to take it all at once and ate it as a snake normally did.

Then while she seemed almost in a state of peacefulness. Eros did eventually move over to Nui and nudged her hand then pointed back to the meat, It was his way of asking for more eat. Most likely not entirely fully yet.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 7:13 am

Ryuuji looked at the woman and he then spoke. "How long have you had that snake? I am pretty sure you aren't suppose to feed them cooked meats." Ryu was just speaking from his slight knowledge on animals as he was sure that they couldn't eat that kind of stuff as it would make them sick. Maybe this snake was special and he was worrying for no reason but he wanted to make sure that it was said just in case so the woman didn't end up killing her snake on accident if it was just a normal snake.

"Where are you from anyways?" He kinda wanted to know where she was from as she seemed to speak a tad strange and she was not seemingly able to tell which way is up as she had been found doing circles like she was completely lost and unable to tell she was lost.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Aug 08, 2024 9:06 am

It was a good question that Nui could answer with out a problem. After she finished chewing what she was eating. Answered casually about it."I am aware, Erossss isssn't exactly a normal ssssnake."Nui mentioned since she was given the okay of not hiding that speaking habit of hers.

Eros then seemed to casually be it's self and not causing many problems moving it's self back to the the part of the table the water was at, a happen stance would be that Ryyuji could actually touch Eros since he close enough to Eros.

But it would lead into Nui explaining the best she could where she was from, it might make sense why she is a bit off but still seemingly friend. The marks on her forehead and neck might showed some thing where a miss but how and why she was odd was there."I wasss born in Caelum, My early yearsss where in Caelum, Then happen ssstance I ended up in the void for many yearssss, It issss where I found Erosss, It wasss not until Talaz Lagaar ssstarted collpassseing while I wasss leaving a portal from the void did I return."Nui did actually seemed to try and explain it as best as she could.

So she would sum up her mind set because for many years she was a child left in the void until recently."Sssssooo, I asssume Erosss is alssso a Void being, While I could have been very well altered from the void for how long I had been in the void."Nui was a child who found themselves in the void and only came back as an adult. It left a lot more question most likely but she tried to explain it the best she could do.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Aug 08, 2024 9:57 am

He was not sure what this meant but he was just going to roll with it as he had no idea what a special snake means. "If you were in the void for a long time how old are you?" He guessed he should ask as he was not sure if she could be far older than he was maybe she was someone's grandma but this void place changed her for the worse. Ryu was staring at her and looking her up and down as he kept eating with his hands as his missing wife wasn't here or around to yell at him for doing it like he was. Ryu really had no worry when the snake accidently brushed against him cause the woman had fully claimed he was safe and the snake had seemed to have a some what noble aura around him that kind of dispelled any worry that he had first had about the snake to start with.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 9:29 am

It was an interesting question. Seemingly back to being settled in place and watching Eros seemed to watch what Nui would say here. Sadly whatever Eros the snake had in mind it could express ever, since it did not talk."When I entered the void, I was a child...about knee height, Could have been 9 to 11 yearssss old...Memory isss a bit hard at timessss."Nui seemed to actually try to think.

Even seemed she stopped eating to think about it. This was considered odd behaviour to Eros as the snake turned its head sideways like it was confused. But Eros did not seemed to know these things even if they were self aware."Asking a few quessssstion after getting out, It has sssssseemed ten plusssss years had passssed ssssince i wassss in the void, It wassss...quite a ssssstruggle there."Nui did leave it at that. She did not mention an exact age, but this put her somewhere with in being twenty years old."I guessss some where in the middle 20'sss by a few people."Nui seemed to be unsure how much time had passed but seemed to actually had tried to piece it together.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 9:54 am

Ryu looked at the woman as she said she had been in there for over ten years and she really doesn't look like she is in her mid twenties so he had to wonder if the void had slowed her appearance from aging while she was in there or if there was something else that was a foot here with her story about the void but he had no reason to discredit her or think she was lying. "You must have been very lonely in there besides the snake of course." He couldn't forget that the woman also had the snake with her while she was in the void to keep her company but he is not sure what other kinds of horrors she had seen in there or what she must have had to eat to survive the void for so long though he guessed he had also not been in the void before just of trouble makers that Kaito had tossed into the void that changed their tunes when they were pulled back out.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 9:33 am

It was something that might not have been a major thought, Nui's way of speaking was a result of needing to not speak for many years, So development of speaking skill was behind, Given also that Fiorian was a second language and she is from Caelum, The fact the Nui seemed to be pretty clear with Fiorian showed she was struggling slightly with it but was improving. She might have had the rolling of anything with the letter S in it, but there was no Caelum accents in her voice."A long time being alone got me by, I learned to value people."Nui said this clearly.

But she seemed happy about it for the most part like being around other people made her happy. She would look at Eros and reach over running one of her crimson fingers along Eros' head like she was gently petting it."Erossss,Wasss the only being I met in the void that didn't try to eat me."Nui was now thinking about how Eros just found her a scared smaller child and some how for many years, It just stayed by her they kept her safe, In some manner Nui had a feeling Eros some how fought them off. But she never explained what all she witness in the void, But it did change her.

Leaving it off with."I am Happy here, My mother and father are alive, My bessst friend issss alive, I just want to live life now and meet new people."Nui never wanted to take her years in the void for granted, She knew she was a bit different, Even as she went back to eating meat with out very little class as a normal person would.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 1:22 pm

He heard what she had to say and then he spoke. "If your best friend and family are alive why are they letting you wander around blind and without money or food?"He sounded like he was very displeased that she has people but they are not watching over her to make sure that she is okay and safe even if she has the snake with her what was to stop her from being kidnapped or killed while she was out here what if he had been a bad guy she had just followed him like nothing. He could have been leading her to a trap and sold her off as she isn't bad looking plus the snake would be worth a pretty penny and would sell well. Ryuuji needed to take her to the guild to get some help that was the end of this story. "Hey after we finish here want to go see the guild i belong to?" He smiled at her as he was finishing eating and drinking.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Aug 12, 2024 5:25 am

While it seemed a bit off at first, Nui was not entirely unable to care for herself she just planned poorly for the most part, She also merely just kind of did things herself with out much note of regard of various different thoughts at that moment."I told them, I wanted to Sssee more thingsss, So I jussst kind of went...Poorly planned I know."Nui was use to just doing so many things herself and being on the move it might just be a bit harder for her to settle in normally.

But at least it seemed Nui did show caution a fair amount even if he was over all helpful and trusted him for the most part."Oh? Ssssomthing of Interesssst there?"Nui asked in wonder, As she then cut a piece of meat again and left it out for Eros. She seemed to give him a fairly large chunk, Eros being an unknown kind of snake seemed to actually take its time with it.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Aug 13, 2024 12:41 pm

He sighed at her saying she had piirly planned again as that was an understatement as she could have been harmed or killed just wandering around like she was. "Well going their you could meet my guild master and maybe she could give you a few ideas, maybe some tips to being able to prepare yourself and not have you running around half dead and poor." He thought that his time mage of a guild master might be able to whip this woman into a bit of shape and help her get her head on straight and not have her end up dead somewhere in a ditch or starving in the forest set up to be food for some animal or creature of the woods. He needed to make sure that he got her there through as he had a feeling this woman was going to be a bit harder to get to move and actually get there as she probably thinks that she doesn't need that kind of help and will just take off on him before he can get her help.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 10:08 am

It almost sounded dull to Nui to hear this, But signs of how Nui would be feeling was easy to pick up because Eros seemed to move its way over to Nui and wait for her to answer because she was about to say something. But something else might make it easier"Oh....Issss there at leasssst ssssomething for me to eat assss well?"Nui seemed to be stuck being simple minded at things, but she did not seem to refuse.

Then Eros just simply nudge Nui with his snout, after they both looked at each other. Then Nui seemingly cut the snake another small piece of meat and fed it to the snake, If some one was in tune to their magic sense much like how Nui mentioned before there was a sense of void energy from the snake and it met feel odd at first, But neither of them where actually harmless.

Then she thought about it."What isssss your guild Massster like?"She seemed to be feeling okay with this suggestion to her.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Fri Aug 16, 2024 8:10 am

Ryuuji waited on the edge of his seat for her answer as he figured that maybe the guild master could get her sorted out and on the right foot and then she asked if there was food there and Ryuuji hit face first on the table in front of him and it cracked the table as his skin turned to carbon to protect him from harm. Ryuuji speaks in a defeated tone. "Yes there is food there and she will probably feed you if you ask her to." He was not sure what he had expected from her as he knew she was touched in the head but this was over the thresh hold that he had expected from this converstion.

She then asked him what his guild master was like. "She is a everyone's mother type, she is kind and caring a bit dense most times and she has a scary side if you push her but getting to that point requires you to have done something completely stupid." He was speaking the truth as that is how he knew her and how she was though he had not seen the mad side of her but he had heard that it would even seen the guilds Ace Kaito to a world of hell if it were to be unleashed.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Aug 17, 2024 11:41 am

Nui listened fairly well, It seemed there was not much worry or thought of it since it seemed she sense in good faith. While it all seemed stupid and hard to understand Nui seemed almost to take it as face value because she had no reason to believe Ryuuji was trying to stir him wrong. Something Judith might have to sort out."Then off to visit Fairy Tail it was.

Nui would make sure at least to finish her food thank everyone and even Ryuji again. As it seemed like if there was a plan she was pretty quick to get ready for it. Nui would be found outside basking in the sun by sitting some where close by and pointing as much as herself at it as she could, even closing her eyes so her face would sit the sun and she seemed to be waiting this way, Eros seemed to be looking for if Ryuuji arrvied

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