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In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.)

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In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 5:28 am

After Ryuuji had paid for their meal he hurried out and hoped that she had not walked off too far from the place, on seeing her basking he smiled, it would seem she had more snake like actions that she does as well besides her s's carrying on. He walked over to her and he put his hand out to her. "I am here friend are you ready to go?" He was not sure if she would take his hand up or if she would stand on her own as she seemed to be a bit of a wild card when it came to what she does and what she might say so he needed to be careful that he doesn't cause any issues for her or make it look like he was causing an issue as his rep wasn't as clean as one might think.

Once they had started walking he thought to ask something. "So what was it like in the void? Did it leave any lasting effects on you?" He wondered outside of the snake noises if she had any lasting effects that the void had placed on her that might need to be handled or controlled some how or help her get use to.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 4:49 am

Since Nui was over all pretty simple and easy to deal with, When he came out and offer his hand, Nui didn't notice right away she was merely basking in the sun. However Eros did notice for the most part. It seemed Eros was more paying attention because it was just how he was. Their dynamic seemed to be more apparent, The void energy snake would look at him then back to Nui.

Then seemingly poked Nui a few times with its nose. She would open her eyes after basking in the sun for a bit."Yesssss."Nui did not think of it too much while she handle his hand. If Nui was asked about it, It was about making sure Nui didn't seem to just run off, Because it was a risk to happen with her.

As he asked this question. Then Eros seemed to look at him while he spoke. After all Eros understood what he said just as much as what she said. But it was a good question, One question Nui could answer with some kind of logic."Dark, Quiet, Ssscary, A place you alwaysss had to watch your back or elsssse sssomething might eat you."Nui answered.

But as for what it changed with her. Some was picked up already. The way she speaks, How she reacted with some things. But Nui did one simple thing raise her arm and showed up to her Elbow."I can not wassssh that red off the red on my sssskin."It was both of her arms.

But would point to various other things the strange symbol on her forehead, the four pointed star on her throat. The void alter a fair amount with her for how long she was there for."I assssume, A lot of things had changed me...Mosssst likely beyond repair."Nui could get by but she assumed she was most likely stuck in this state forever.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 9:22 am

He looked at her and he listened as he walked her toward the guild hall with the woman keeping speaking that the snake seemed to be listening to them showing it was smarter than she was probably. Ryuuji thought for a moment and then he raised his arm and the skin on it turned to carbon with an extra eye appearing in his the middle of his forehead. "Is the void a weird like purplish cloud? Cause I had one touch me and then I could do this..." Ryuuji hadn't had an idea to how he had gotten these powers but her talking about the changes had jarred a memory in his head of what had happened before he had realized he could do it as he had been touched by it and passed out so he had no real memory of the void just him waking up and walking off as he thought he had just been over working him self till a monster attacked him and he found out that his skin would turn to carbon and an eye appeared on the back of his head when he thought hard about it to start with.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 6:59 am

It was a good question to ask Nui but in some manner, the more in depth answer might not be one she knows how to piece together to way, But maybe the answer lied with in slightly with Eros, the snake seemed to nod that the was yes and it was entirely possible."It is...posssssssible."Nui seemingly mentioned after seemingly actually observing. While it did not seemed to cause much reaction, Most likely Nui could know many things if she figured out and know have to phrase it into words.

But alas maybe that was not the entire point it seemed it what Ryuuji dealt with was void related."It is posssssible that in sssome manner it issss, I could not fully comprehend everything of the void." Mind you Eros was looking at Nui while she mentioned she could not fully understand the void, in which Eros also happen to nod in agreement with it.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 9:13 am

He looked at her and he wondered. "Did you get a power or anything from your time in there or just the markings?" He asked that question as like he had just shown that he had gained powers from him being touched by the void not that he felt any pull toward the void in any manner like he would jump to defend it as he was a free soul not one bound to it but the more she talked and how she said she had memory issues he wonders if maybe she was born in the void and it wasn't just that she was taken by it and the memories she has are fake and this "friend" she has is fake and just looking to use her for the void energy that she has and isn't really her friend. As they got closer to the guild he looked at the woman and turned his hand back to normal and the extra eye disappeared from himself.

"Are you ready to go in and meet her, if she is here?" He was not sure even if the guild mother was around or not. He knows that Kaito had been around as of late helping her with tasks in the guild like being a waiter and delivering food and wine to people that ordered it in the guild or other places that requested it.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 9:02 am

Eros nodded yes that Nui did game some powers with being in the void. Nui could some what explain it."I do have magic, If i got it from the Void, Isss a Myssstery."Nui mention. She did not explain what magic she got, but not yet anyway. Her power did not come from the markings at least.

But she would at least show she looked into it."reading from bookssss here, It is called Crassh magic."She managed to control her speaking problems for a moment only because she was trying to be faithful to the name of it.

As for meeting this person and mention."I am ready." The sneak seemed to merely just stare the way Nui was facing but still seemed rather relaxed at the time, So if anything everyone was ready to meet Judith if she was here. Nui seemed at least managed to not get too excited. She was trying to behave.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 1:10 pm

The looked at her when she said that she had crash magic. "Isn't that a very destructive magic?" He was wondering if he was lucky that this woman hadn't destroyed part of the city while she was wondering around it lost and unsure where she was going to. Ryu would need to be very careful not to upset or piss her off as he has no idea how strong she might be. He gently pulled her into the guild hall but he wasn't seeing any signs of the guild master but had seen a few signs that Kaito was around as portals were opening and food and drinks was being placed on tables around the guild hall. He wondered how backed up the kitchen must be if Kaito was having to just place and not greet the customers.

A small woman in a server/maid outfit walked up to them. "Are you two looking to dine in today?" The woman looked a bit uncomfortable in it but still asked them if they would. Ryuuji nodded and the woman took them to a table and handed them menu's. "How about some dessert?" He asked the woman with the snake.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 5:23 pm

It was a good question to ask, if some one who actually knew of magic and how powerful each kind of magic is. Even as such Nui could only really mention that it was used for her to live compared to just how destructive it could be."All I know isssss how to use it to keep Void Creaturessss away from me."Nui mentioned she managed to some how her magic to keep viod monsters away from her. Whatever she witness seems to be at the end of Nui using Crash Magic against it.

But bring asked about things not meat, Eros seemed to try and signal that was not a good idea. But it was too late now."Desssssert? Soundssssssssss like a good time for more meat."Nui said in return about the mention of it. It seemed she wanted more meat, But maybe it was not a bad thing, unless Fairy Tail did not carry a lot of meat.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 10:20 am

Ryuuji rubbed the back of his head as she was not wrong that magic was probably good at keeping things away from her as she could pretty much put a hole in a lot of things with it or her just touching them even if she didn't mean to do it and now Ryuuji realizes just how dangerous him grabbing her hand like that was to his health if she had not wanted him or have touched her. "Usually meat isn't a dessert but if that is what you want then I don't see the harm of you ordering it. " Ryuuji wondered if she ate void creatures while she was in there as she seemed to eat meat like it was going out of style and like it was really all she had a taste for.

It seemed like the mother wasn't in today and it was Kaito running the kitchen and place, maybe he tricked her into taking a day off and to let him handle it as he had been her right hand for a bit in case she needed him to be. Plus as trusted as he is he probably stole some of her recipes and other things that the woman might have made, to work on his own. Ryuuji was still unsure what to do now as he had brought her here to meet with the guild master but if he could get Kaito to come out would that help this woman as well?


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 5:40 am

The beast like nature of how Nui was from being in the void was for the most part showing Nui only seemed to eat meat, she was nothing for the most part nothing but meat. But it was for how many years she most likely lived off of it to keep going, it was a logical thought cycle of it."Nonessssenssss Meat issss alwaysss the anssswer."Nui said sounded excited by the idea of more meat.

But while Nui was going on about meat, Eros seemed to be looking around like they felt something was going on and they could not figure out. After all Eros was an oddity of it's own figured out things it self. Something was making it think or pick up that, Something was about to happen. Would Ryuuji pick up that Eros was trying to piece or pick up what was going on with the void snake.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 11:38 am

Ryuuji laughed a little at the fact that the woman said that and seemed so excited and then he saw the snake looking like something was unsettling it. Ryuuji made a few extra eyes on his head to look around them to see if he could see what it was that the creature was sensing. Ryuuji couldn't see anything going on around them then two portals open and food is on their table with drinks for them. Ryuuji blinked as they hadn't placed their orders yet but it seemed that Kaito in the kitchen was either told by the strange waitress or he was listening in on them. "Seems the cook is taking this seriously for us."

Ryu was still trying to figure out what the snake was being alerted by, but he knows that he doesn't want to be rude and speak of the snake was not asking him for help, but there was something strange in the air and he was not sure what it was.

#37Judith Karlinius 

In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 9:51 am

Judith Karlinius
Almost seemingly like Eros had an knack for sensing things or Judith was just really easily guessed when she was going to show up, while something else set up other things, Judith merely showed up where Eros was looking. With some what of a content smile on her face. Judith was here to check upon Ryujii but Judith would reach out with her right index finger and run it across the snake's head. she knew how to pet a snake.

"Oh?...bring a friend home Ryujii?"
Judith asked because she wanted to be sure. There was not hint of being too bad or rude about it, if anything she seemed happy about it at this time."Or did you bring her here for another reason?"Judith seemed to ask because she wanted to be sure. But she also assume she just really scared the snake even if she found it cute.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 10:05 am

Nui found all of these things happening interesting. But Eros being surprised as it was Nui turned around and looked Judith right in the eyes and she almost seemed confused in some manner. The item and the thought of time magic and maybe even meeting a guild master was something odd to meet Nui.

Nui actually seemed stuck in place, Even if she was safe. She was not running but she seemed to be unsure what to do here. Meeting Judith was have not been expected in such a matter from Nui. But at least knowing Nui well enough she could snap back to reality with the food around her, The meat could help, water was there and no one was actually going to help her. They just needed Nui to Focus again. Since the magic from Judith felt like void energy so that might have been confused Nui here.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 10:33 am

Ryu looked at the woman as she asked him if the woman was a friend or if she was brought here for another reason he looked at her. "I just met her but I guess you could call her a friend... Wait! what do you mean other reason did you think I would bring a woman here for your blessing to marry her or something?" Ryu's face was a bit read as he was not sure what to even do here as she had asked him such a strange question so just calmly like that.

"I figured if anyone could help her it would be you she is a bit flaky? I think is the term and she is also void touched." He was not sure that the guild master would know what that means or not as he felt he had just made up the word himself but he was hoping she might be able to help or send this woman in the right way.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 9:09 am

It seemed Nui was solely focused on looking at and trying to piece together the woman that was in front of her now. Almost like something felt different about her in some manner. While most people were not brave enough too Nui was walked around Judith and getting oddly close. Nui was three steps away from Judith, seemingly trying to piece together something and she was not quite else what it was

Nor that what she was going doing might be odd. But Nui was also an oddity herself. Eros also seemed to be trying to piece whatever it was together. Still both seemed not to be getting anywhere. Nui and her snake where seemingly taking a long time to try and figure it out. While Nui was friendly. She did seem to try and feel odd around void related beings she was most likely sensing something but did not know nail it yet.

#41Judith Karlinius 

In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 9:23 am

Judith Karlinius
Judith did not mean anything too horrible with it. But with how Nui seemed to be inspecting her. Judith at the right time just right away hugged Nui when she seemed in the middle of just merely looking at her."Merely figured she was a friend, nothing more nothing less."Judith said after hugging this person to merely break her from this strange trance but Judith had a feeling what she might be worried about.

But while she looked at Nui after hugging her and listening to current problem Judith seemed to actually be thinking."So..she is most likely confused about a few things, isn't she?"Judith mentioned because she had a feeling that might be one of the things. But she also knew she could be wrong."But she seems fairly harmless despite her problems." Over all it seemed Nui was not going to have any problems with Judith. Unless getting hugged by Judith was going to brother her.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 10:47 am

"Yeah she is pretty confused but she says she saw her family and some friend. She is nice enough just a bit odd but she seems to need a mentor and you are the best person I know that can fit that role. I guess I could have took her to Kaito but I think she needed a softer touch and teaching than Kaito." Ryu had only really heard rumors about Kaito and him being a big space case that was not really in touch with the normal people and he was some crazy mad man and other rumors that he was just a slaver and murder with the team that he has but he couldn't back up any of those things.

The waitress looked at Ryuuji with a death glare and spoke. "Do not speak ill of Master Kaito in front of me or you and I will be having a take outside and you will not like what you get for those terms." The clearly demon or daemon woman clearly did not like the tone in which the man had spoken about her master Kaito. The Kaito's voice rang through a portal telling her no fighting guests in the guild mothers presence. The waitress in the maid outfit make a sighing sound and walked off.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 5:17 am

After the hug seemed to connect Nui almost seemed to struggle at first, but oddly enough the mimicking behaviour of a snake, Nui seemed to be settling down slowly and eventually seemed to just become in a state of being passive. Even Eros seemed no longer worried. There was mutterings of and mention of her feeling warm.

It was easy to piece together that Nui had just given in because she was cold and she enjoyed feeling warm. But Eros was looking around every once and a while. Nui had in reality now tuned out of the conversation because she was enjoying getting the body heat off of Judith to feel more warm.

It might be easy to assume, That Nui was most likely have no idea what they where going on about soon, so maybe they would no linger too long in conversations. But Nui was not a problem.

#44Judith Karlinius 

In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 5:40 am

Judith Karlinius
Judith seemingly continued her motherly ways of acting seemingly while not even looking at Nui just started rubbing her back. While it seemed like the woman was not in distress it just was the normal reaction for Judith."Kaito might be a bit odd...But he does some what know how to deal with people."Judith said. Kaito had worked at a lot of things.

Even going to mention."He, just as much as this woman here and myself are not always...perfect."She chuckled about the situation in front of her now."But we don't need to resort to anything like that."Judith did enjoy having this daemon maid figure around to help her. as always Fairy Tail needed to people keep each other in check. But Judith could not help but ponder just how snuggly this void touched woman was. Because she really seemed almost lost now.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:44 am

"I didn't say anything about being perfect..." Yijun was confused about why the guild mother would say something about people being perfect or something. He looked at the snake woman. "Are you okay Nui?" He wondered if something was wrong with her as she had seemed to be nearly attached to the guild master and that was an odd thing to see as there were a lot of people watching her as guild members were watching the woman pretty much making herself at home against the guild master like that.

The waitress shot those other members a glare and they all started looking away from Nui and that pretty much ended that part of it but Ryu was still worried about the woman and what might be happening right now as there seemed to be something going on was it cause the guild master gave off a safe aura or was the guild master just warm to the touch Ryu wouldn't know as she hadn't hugged him like he had seen her hug people like Kaito.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Sep 05, 2024 8:41 am

Nui was fine, but it seemed being hugged by Judith and feeling the warmth, she seemingly just started to hug Judith in return, By that she was actually starting to wrap her arms and legs around Judith. Muttering something about being warm and happy, wanting more heat, while eros did not seem to move.

Eventually it might hit Nui was a bit odd, but she was seemingly just being happy being warm and the body heat of the fairy mother. She even wiggles slightly in this joy feeling of warmth. Eventually it might draw the eyes of everyone else eventually.

But Eros seemed to at least look between everyone talking like it was process the information still. But Nui was okay Eros was okay, They hadn't gotten to the food part yet. That might be the main bait to get Nui out of this state of comfort, after all she was like a glutton for meat.

#47Judith Karlinius 

In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Sep 05, 2024 9:12 am

Judith Karlinius
Judith seemed to manage this with our problem. Thus Judith seemingly took to being wrapped on to by Nui, like it was a normal day and she was having a talk in the park with other people while out with a casual stroll."No it is a general statement, Keep in mind there are members of some guilds who do think their the most perfect people in the world, This is case this woman believe she is the prettiest woman around, Her crafting of rings and jewel are perfect and if you find something wrong you broke it."Judith was merely applying random advise

But she then patted Nui on the back and simply would just ask."Now I assume, I do have to do some cooking, What does this one like to eat?"She was trying to get Nui's attention it seemed to not be the most effective at this time.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Sep 05, 2024 12:06 pm

"As far as I know she likes meat like nearly raw meat..." Ryuuji was confused by the fact this was all she had eaten this whole time but there was nothing he could do about it. "Also sounds like you are talking about those snotty and snubby people that make up most of Blue Pegasus and their vein and quite uhhhhhh lewd I think the word is of doing things." Ryuuji had to admit he was not really a fan of that guild and the way that they carry themselves as there are a good amount of rumors and stories that surround that guild. Ryuuji wasn't sure if he should say these things or express his lack of interest in the other guild or not as he was still in a good facing guild so he guessed the two guilds were probably allied with the other which might make the guild leader here feels he can't trust in him to help if things were to go bad.


In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Fri Sep 06, 2024 8:42 am

Nui did tune back to reality after all she heard food, food she liked. She went from relaxed and settling hugging Judith to excited at the same time."Meat? Where?"Nui mentioned because she sounded excited. Then she kind of just let go of Judith and started looking around more.

To Eros looking like he was going the snake version of rolling his eyes, but suppose this was just what they were use too. But Nui seemed to get herself free and walk towards the kitchen.

Almost like she was now on a quest, while she would for the most part seem to not know how it all works. She was just walking towards the kitchen she stopped before the entrance, because she was smart enough to at least know, not to enter it because she was not suppose to be in there, entirely missing the serving window Judith had there.

#50Judith Karlinius 

In Need Of The Flesh Of Beasts.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Fri Sep 06, 2024 9:23 am

Judith Karlinius
It seemed Ryuji got a bit of Judith's hinting humor."Suppose you might be right, There are some nice and friendly ones in Blue Pegsus, like a particular shy painter woman, I also hear one of their new arrivals is friendly, cheery and overly friendly as well."Blue Pegsus has just as much as an interesting group of people, Equal to the odd ones they came into her guild.

But seeing Nui just move on over to the kitchen Judith did seem to find it interesting and entertaining. So after Nui stopped. Just started walked into the kitchen, Started digging around and in some manner while seemed to just start cooking up meat."Well, Let me see what i can do then."Judith would open up various storage's she had for meat and just started slapped a few various different kinds of red meat and chicken, No doubt her skills where about to be on display.

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